Thursday 9 July 2009

Zara Phillips.

I want trade ideas with you, dear Zara Phillips. To carry on doing a great concept even better. Tonight I was dreaming with closing my Zip and watching the rain. (If you are zipping up, then it suggests that you are closing yourself off emotionally. You can lose money. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun that you need to keep your mouth "zipped" You are talking too much. To dream that you are watching the rain from a window, indicates that spiritual ideas and insights are being brought to you awareness). Also it’s excellent phase for communicate and repair my old wounds. Remember my dear, that the USA is ruled by Cancer too. What’s happen in recent hours is turning out something that I can copy with very well. This does not change the reality of the situation but it will change our attitude looking at the facts in this way: - It’s clear now how the G7 make meeting in Rome and Prince the Charles the II make his “Save Planet” speech in BBC. To be ‘inside’, to be in the same level, to be more safe at his World-wide travels. Even maybe to don’t lost his job? And to indicate and teach the Solana how to go outside representing the EU. Ricardo Nadal goes to the American Open for example, and this pirate - to the Africa sell Iberian shoes. Gringo call this “brain hunting” (i.e. Michael Jackson's family may await return of brain before burial: “…As soon as we are done with the brain, we will return it,” Ed Winter, the assistant chief coroner, said. “The last I heard, they are not burying the body yet…”

Charles issues environment warning Last Updated: Thursday, 09 July 2009, 04:33 GMT. The Prince of Wales has issued a stark warning to the world as he delivered the Richard Dimbleby lecture, saying: "If we fail the Earth, we fail humanity." In the major speech, Charles set out his vision for tackling the pressing problems of the "environmental crisis" and the added concern of an economic system with "enormous shortcomings". A new system was needed to combat these issues which moved away from a "mechanistic" approach to one that was more "balanced and integrated with nature's complexity", the Prince said. He also stated that preserving and maintaining the world's eco-systems was inextricably linked to the economic well-being of nations.

China climbs down, accepts 33-per cent iron ore price cut from miners. 08 July 2009. In the prolonged battle with global iron ore miners for setting this year's benchmark iron ore annual contract prices, China, the biggest importer of iron ore, has finally blinked by reportedly agreeing to a 33-per cent price cut, as agreed by Japanese, Korean and Taiwanese steelmakers last month. (See: Chinese steelmakers upset with Nippon Steel's ore price-cut deal with Rio) The Shanghai-based Chinese Business News, citing unnamed "informed sources" said yesterday that Chinese steelmakers have agreed to a 33-per cent price cut, falling short of their demand for a higher 40-per cent price cut. The paper also reported that Chinese steelmakers and global miners led by Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton have also come to an agreement that the contract would be for a period of six months rather than the standard year-long arrangement and the price cuts will come into effect from April 2009 through to October. The 33-per cent cut applies to Pilbara Blend iron ore fines, where China has agreed to pay $0.97 per dry metric tonne unit, while the price cut for the Pilbara Blend lumps is $1.12 per dry metric tonne or 44 per cent amounting. The tense and tough negotiations, which went on for nearly nine months and even passed the 30 June deadline for finalising the contract, (See: Global iron ore miners locked in pricing battle with China) was fraught with danger of the negotiations breaking down, but the miners refused to budge since the global economic scenario was in a better footing compared to last year. In the wake of the plunging demand for steel, Chinese steelmakers and its trade body, China Iron and Steel Association (CISA), were seeking price cuts of over 40 per cent on the annual contracts while miners had been unwilling to budge beyond 20 per cent. Китай уступил. 09.07.2009, №125 (2395). Китайские сталевары согласились на снижение цен на железную руду на 33% от уровня прошлого года вместо 40-50%, на которых раньше настаивали металлурги, сообщила вчера государственная газета Chinese Business News. То же передает Reuters со ссылкой на неназванные источники. Китай — крупнейший в мире производитель стали и импортер половины добываемой в мире железной руды. В себестоимости стали около 35% приходится на руду. Прошлогодние контракты Китай заключил по рекордным ценам — примерно $94 за 1 т руды (65%-ное содержание железа), новая цена составит около $63 за 1 т. Из-за того что китайцы так и не смогли договориться о новых ценах к 1 апреля (начало финансового года), три месяца они покупали сырье по $94 за 1 т. Теперь цены за этот период должны быть пересчитаны. Из-за высоких цен на руду Китай стал главным импортером дешевых российских полуфабрикатов — слябов, биллетов и заготовки. Их китайские сталевары начали использовать в качестве сырья для производства металлургической продукции. Это помогло российским компаниям загрузить мощности: половина российского экспорта стали сейчас приходится на Китай. Если бы китайцы договорились о большей скидке на руду, россиянам тяжелее было бы конкурировать на азиатском рынке, говорит аналитик Deutsche Bank Ольга Окунева. Она уверена, что из-за дорогого сырья российские компании будут продолжать поставки в Китай. На прошлой неделе НЛМК сообщил, что планирует поднять экспортные цены на сталь в августе почти на 20% в сравнении с июнем. Причина — дорожающее сырье, говорит сотрудник, близкий к компании. Спотовые цены на железную руду выросли за два последних месяца на 25% до $82 за 1 т (данные Bloomberg). В июне производство стали в Китае достигло пика за этот год — 45,4 млн т, на 7% выше, чем в мае (данные института Umetal). С апреля цены на сталь в стране выросли на 15% — вырос спрос из-за правительственной программы стимулирования экономики на $568 млрд. Но в ближайшее время цены стабилизируются, так как программа практически реализована, уверена Окунева. Китай уже устал от затяжных переговоров по годовым контрактам. Текущие цены будут действовать только до октября, пишет Chinese Business News.

Our Man in Susanna. A BRITISH diplomat in Russia has quit after being filmed having sex with two blonde hookers. High-flier James Hudson, 37, resigned from his posting to the Urals in disgrace over the sordid video. The film - thought to have been secretly shot in a classic Russian spy sting - could have left him open to blackmail. It shows podgy, bespectacled Hudson romping with both girls in various positions after kissing them and guzzling champagne. In one scene, as music plays in the background, a hooker asks in heavily-accented English: "Would you like it?" In another, one of the girls is seen naked and straddling his tubby body on a bed. The film is believed to have been shot in a brothel in the city of Ekaterinberg, where Hudson was Deputy Consul General. It opens with him strolling into a room wearing just an open dressing gown and clutching a wine glass. He kisses one hooker before a second appears and drapes herself on his lap. The girls strip down to their undies before the film cuts to all three of them naked on the bed together. The four-minute, 18-second video was posted on a local news website. It also accused the diplomat of indulging in drugs and gambling during office hours under the heading: "Adventures of Mr Hudson in Russia." A security source said Russia's FSB intelligence service, the modern KGB, may have carried out the sting to embarrass Britain. The source warned: "Russian intelligence has a long history of making sex films and taking compromising photos to control people or further its aims. "It is also virtually unthinkable that this could have been widely published online without some sort of tacit official approval." However organised crime gangs hoping to extort cash from Hudson could also have been responsible for making the video. Last night British officials were "livid" at the scandal. The Foreign Office confirmed Hudson had resigned, saying staff were expected to "demonstrate high levels of personal and professional integrity". Dad-of-one Hudson joined the FO in 1994 and his postings have included Sarajevo, Havana and Budapest. He married wife Sally in London in 1996, but they divorced the following year. The Ural Mountains area, 1,000 miles east of Moscow, covers Russia's industrial heartland and is a key outpost for British trade.

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