Wednesday 22 July 2009

912,2% and growing.

912,2% growing. 7/21/2009 3:14:12 PM. After provoking result from the re-reading O’Henry “Tale of Two Cities” – feel stressed enough to stop writing for couples of days. Maybe it’s because of UK’s Ministry of Defense. Maybe it’s because of legs of the Virgin Mobile, who without my authorization wipe-out all telephone messages from Mister Parker – who is representing one between many suckers the type of cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s. Maybe because, fourth generation of English speaking World – break theirs legs (i.e. during J.W. Marriot and Ritz-Carlton local Betsy – lost her pony). Maybe, because the Nation of the Shit from Camel Turned Around absorbing my personality with pin-point accuracy (i.e. son F2 “Willy-mai-dela”, well “a preto” and father of F1). Maybe, just because the of “we are united”, mean United Airlines – are full of cheating smock. CBoT and Iceland with pirates of EU poverty, however this reason will be – “I don’t know”… Independently if young body-guards of Markets, and I mean youngsters of 50-60 years old, have only one unconditional supporter in USA – the Brat Pitt in one side, and Mister Parker – just the Beckham here. You read me long enough to understood of whom CV I talk about. Well, receiving regular calls from Brotherhood of City, give me the impression that “Os Parkeres” (guy who make me calls called Parker. It’s obvious, who don’t want 912% profit in six months time?) – don’t fully understand the message. When I do excursion into the Centre of the Financial World, I try to instead of lending you some of my tools, the the products with a very attractive conditions for leasing – I give you the possibility to use yours own. Since my goal is not about buying or bribing your allegiance (let’s Madoffs do this) to me – it’s about doing whatever you can to be engaged with me. More yet, if a degree of how you dislike my face – jump out. During the my queue to the “We are paying you” at the Labor, and than a Tory Party of the World. Concretely, twice in two days – the Andrew was taking pictures of his dog. In the resemblance to the Darling and Brown and theirs vaudevilles’ in BBC, Andrew was taking picture of his dog. Trying to catch only one important recourse: at the EXIT… I was waiting for 12 minutes. And he was taking unnumbered pictures during the same length of time. And, just his dog. Next day, today, Andrew with different face, but with same “norvegian” dog walking in my direction, but now in English Speaking World mob variant. Obvious that all this was for the sick of the “Club Davos”. For the sick of the “Yellow Syndicate”… The another side of this, same medal, is that maybe I should conquer theirs attention, and then they will be putty for me? I.e. a thin paste of lime water, and sand or plaster of Paris, used as a finishing coat on plaster. To be Club de Paris with me feels better. Personally, I see, and maybe they see this too, the attractiveness is ultimately not a quality of physical appearance but of psychological attitude. To exemplify, tell you what: In one hand with all this outburst – someone maybe taken aback. In another hand, it’s like ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind’, which PSI, IBEX and Bovespa make my day today. From me to them, note is “superb”. No more, no less. However, should say too, that for my nose – I smell ‘French connection’. Was really charming moment how they try to conclude something which went from many years ago. Not sure at all if I must forget. But which sincerely try to allow me feel bigger unity between reason and emotion. Between the incredible pirate Barroso and the Calais “highway robberies”. Between MY face and YOU. Between PSD of Sweden and the “City of Moldovans”, etc. Knowing well from where this come and my level of “team spirit” – can do handcuffed bond for all English speaking world together with theirs King David. And keeping my, not too much “nation….” You know the rest. Just remember: this, together with “golden parkers” – unwanted burdens for me. Even, if like all day today, I have one image in my head; of the Mittal’s cheek at the front of my nose. Maybe because somebody don’t believe in world steel production, mordashov, arcelor, brother-in-law Tony Blair, Pocahontas of Andrew Lancaster, Canadian “middleton” and ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg who keep “Mumbai dreaming” through my pocket… Writing this down I see how Putin and Medvedev, that famous G7 of “Derivatives of the Futures” – aren’t enjoyable anymore. No problem if I feel trapped or held back in the past (mostly by the past). In any account I a many years ago say this: What you wanted – but don’t get it, what I have – but don’t give you. Such clear statement that even admiral Zini with his brother Kofi Annan salary will understand. Not speaking about old twat Zara Britain.

Russian Helicopter Crash Kills Five Managers From Lukoil Unit MOSCOW -(Dow Jones)- Five managers from a subsidiary of OAO Lukoil (LKOH.RS), Russia's second biggest oil producer, died in a helicopter crash in southern Russia on Wednesday, the company said in a press release. The helicopter, which belonged to OAO Gazprom's (GAZP.RS) airline company GazpromAvia, was flying from Volgograd to Kotovo. The five people killed were employed at Lukoil-Volgogradneftegaz, a Lukoil subsidiary in Volgograd. U.S. oil major ConocoPhillips (COP) holds a 20% stake in Lukoil. Company Web site: -By Jacob Gronholt-Pedersen, Dow Jones Newswires; +7 495 937 8445; (END) Dow Jones Newswires. 07-22-090517ET. Copyright (c) 2009 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Крушение на высшем уровне. 22 июля 2009, 12::15 В аварии вертолета Ми-8 погибли представители руководства ОАО «ЛУКОЙЛ-Волгограднефтегаз», данные о числе жертв разнятся Различные ведомства до сих пор расходятся в подсчете людей, находившихся на борту вертолета Ми-8, который упал в Волгоградской области, и числе жертв. Точно известно, что крушение унесло жизни пяти топ-менеджеров волгоградского представительства компании «ЛУКОЙЛ». Выжили командир и второй пилот.

Lucro do BPI deve disparar mais de 900% no semester. UBS 21/07/09 11:34 Os analistas do UBS esperam que o lucro do BPI ascenda a 92,1 milhões de euros nos primeiros seis meses do ano, o que corresponde a um aumento de 912,2% face ao mesmo período do ano passado."Não esperamos que os resultados [do BPI] no segundo trimestre do ano tragam grandes surpresas", escrevem os peritos do UBS em nota de análise hoje divulgada, na qual prevêem que a margem financeira do banco liderado por Fernando Ulrich cresça 11,6% para 359,8 milhões de euros e que as receitas totais desçam 1,7% para 599,2 milhões de euros. No mesmo documento, o UBS estima que o lucro líquido do BPI ascenda a 92,1 milhões de euros no primeiro semestre, mais 912% do que no mesmo período do ano passado, devido à ausência de itens extraordinários, já que no primeiro semestre o banco registou perdas de 186 milhões de euros devido às imparidades relacionadas com a posição que detinha no BCP na altura. O banco vendeu entretanto a sua participação no banco liderado por Carlos Santos Ferreira. Os analistas do banco suíço consideram que o BPI continua com uma "forte posição" contabilística, sendo esperado que o capital próprio (denominado por 'Tier 1') se situe nos 8,2% e que as necessidades de financiamento da instituição para este ano já estejam concluídas. Os títulos do BPIsubiam 0,94% para 1,93 euros. O banco revela as contas do primeiro semestre já esta quinta-feira, dia 27 de Julho, após o fecho do mercado.

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