Sunday 31 May 2009

Cavaco ganhou €147 mil com SLN.

Cavaco ganhou €147 mil com SLN

Presidente da República vendeu 105.378 acções em 2003 por €2,4 cada, que tinha comprado por €1. Mais uma vez, Cavaco não comenta. (Veja documento PDF no final do texto)

18:30 Sábado, 30 de Mai de 2009 A passagem de Cavaco Silva pela Sociedade Lusa de Negócios (SLN), como accionista, foi lucrativa. O Presidente da República (PR) vendeu em Novembro de 2003 as 105.378 acções que tinha da SLN - empresa que até Novembro controlou o Banco Português de Negócios (BPN) -, por €2,4 cada. Tendo em conta que as tinha comprado em 2001 por €1, Cavaco obteve, com este negócio, ganhos de €147,5 mil. Também a sua filha Patrícia era uma pequena accionista da SLN e vendeu 149.640 acções na mesma altura que o pai, pelos mesmos €2,4. Resultado: mais-valias de €209,4 mil.

Documentos a que o Expresso teve acesso mostram que, a 17 de Novembro de 2003, Cavaco Silva e a filha deram ordem de venda das suas acções, em cartas separadas endereçadas ao então presidente da administração da SLN, José Oliveira Costa. Este determinou que as 255.018 acções detidas por ambos fossem vendidas à SLN Valor, a maior accionista da SLN, na qual participam os maiores accionistas individuais desta empresa, entre os quais o próprio Oliveira Costa. O Expresso voltou esta semana a contactar o PR. Perguntou-lhe outra vez quando se tornou accionista e porquê, qual o valor a que comprou as acções em 2001 e qual o valor a que as vendeu. Fonte oficial da Presidência da República respondeu: "O professor Cavaco Silva - que só tomou posse como Presidente da República em 9 de Março de 2006 - e a sua mulher não têm nada a acrescentar sobre a gestão das suas poupanças, relativamente ao que consta do comunicado emitido pela Presidência da República em 23 de Novembro de 2008".

Nesse comunicado podia ler-se que Cavaco Silva, no exercício da sua vida profissional, "nunca exerceu qualquer tipo de função no BPN ou em qualquer das suas empresas; nunca recebeu qualquer emuneração do BPN ou de qualquer das suas empresas; nunca comprou ou vendeu nada ao BPN ou a qualquer das suas empresas". Além disso, referiu que nem ele nem a sua mulher contraíram qualquer empréstimo junto do BPN nem devem um único euro a qualquer banco, nacional ou estrangeiro, nem a qualquer outra entidade. Mas sobre ter sido accionista da SLN - que controlava o BPN - nada disse. O Expresso foi também consultar as declarações de rendimentos de Cavaco Silva. Nelas foi possível verificar que na mesma conta do BPN onde tinha depositadas as acções da SLN, Cavaco tinha, em 2005, €210.634. Com a venda das acções a €2,4 em Novembro de 2003, o PR obteve um encaixe de €252.907,2. Os €2,4 não andavam, ao que o Expresso apurou, muito longe dos valores praticados noutras transacções de acções da SLN naquela altura. O BPN não estava cotado na Bolsa, pelo que a determinação do preço das acções não era feita pelas regras de mercado. Não havia, por isso, um preço de referência para as acções definido oficialmente. A participação de Cavaco na SLN não terá sido muito diferente da de muitas pessoas que foram atraídas para o projecto de Oliveira Costa pelas perspectivas de valorização do grupo. O banqueiro utilizava os seus conhecimentos para trazer para o grupo accionistas de relevo, quer da área política quer da empresarial. Por isso não é de estranhar que também Cavaco tenha acedido a participar no projecto SLN/BPN, tendo em conta que Oliveira Costa foi secretário de Estado dos Assuntos Fiscais de um dos seus governos. Mas, apesar de tal ser natural - e de ter sido mais um entre os 400 accionistas da SLN em 2003 -, Cavaco nunca quis confirmar a relação que teve com a SLN. Esta semana manteve a mesma postura. O Expresso já tinha revelado, em Fevereiro de 2008, que Cavaco Silva fora accionista da SLN, informação que na altura foi confirmada pela própria SLN. Em Novembro questionou o PR, pedindo-lhe que explicasse essa relação. Cavaco não quis fazer comentários. Em vez disso, fez sair, a 23 de Novembro (um dia após sair a notícia), o comunicado a que allude.

“Earth masculine and the Terra female”.

Actually, I was waiting for some time to reach the position where I find myself now. I can quite clearly see why is this so. It’s like being at the station or airport. Not particularly pleasant places. Any one certainly doesn’t want to remain in one for long length of time. Watch me. How for last fifteen years I with incredible effort do anything to take away. Yet, because they, for example the England, can facilitate the start of likeable journey, we forgive them their shortcomings. Regardless of what they may think, you are standing on a platform. With trunk full of goods called “cinism is assets too”, like Elizabeth the II says… From here, I can get a lot further. Just to “don’t forget” to put my heart and my soul into the task that lies before me. In any way this week business of General Motors was through me with notable racket of “theirs” greedy misanthropy of “Give me your heart”… They have a profs of my blossoming organizational skills. Like that Cвадебный Генерал (attorney) “all in soap” was the HEART of discussions around an engagement, wedding or gathering, whatever you prefer to call this Willy/Platini, Harry/britTiger arrangement. Scrutinize closely country where I live, notable fact how people have been illusive. Now, knowing by the fact (i.e. @DVENT), I kill time to see theirs more effusive. Loosing expectation though, of succeed to win this inglorious fight for NON-MATERIAL side of our co-existence. Yesterday I wrote, “…It’s very simple to don’t forget…” Ignoring the drama kings and queens, which I encounter everyday – every time I fell for theirs antics, I give them encouragement to continue theirs “TOXIC ASSETS” behavior. More mellow I am with them – more “a preto” they with me. Why I need bothering with this? Because others take advantage of my good nature, with which I end up resenting that a good chunk of time are LOST. My dreams: Dream was a very cloudy allude that if I insist to speak about Europort, about EXPO 98, myriapoda (i.e. Cemex) – you’ll get what you look for… The Earth (in russian, Тerra) will treat the female side of your family… Clearly indicating cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s, of “Put in”, and COCAINE bastard and swine ex-president of Portugal Jorge Sampaio. Seeing this dream 24/7, was absolutely positive that this is NO WAY STREET (i.e. тупик) not for me, but for Nation of the shit from camel turned around and English speaking World, because the VERY LONG LINE in “what you do to find the job”, the POLICY-MAKING made by me, and which give them the principal source from which the World economy try to escape the deepest ever economical crisis. Just look at the waiting for me in Diamond District bastards! Like in the fairy-tale, three different races. The white, dark brown and brunette. Looking for my eye – contact. Of course, “a preto”… This, f*** Brussels Strasburg swine, your (i.e. EU) ideological platform don’t have any positive expectations not in my dreams, not in eyes of the World. I assure you. Shame that this strive not allow concerns about money and work to distract you from exploring your (swine’s) inner depths… Even if I follow your “Beef Bang” directive, understandably we’ve two forces: “Earth masculine and the Terra female”. And keep be swine in such degree that have a pleasure to concentrate me only in spiritual self and NEVER in the material world which you enjoy FROM MY POCKET. How I should translate the unlimited assassins send by you (how much times I must write thousands of names from EU pigsty more yet?), to telling me yours Eurocracy Good Morning? Sending the Cristiano Ronaldo like the Polish-Fortis killer, who is the swine of Europort, EXPO 98, and myriapoda, me or Sampaio? More yet, who was responsible by this order to from UN’s clean 5 off-shores lansar him the “bolina serrada”? Sol Verde Hotel? Even before the BNP-Saxo Bank, before the Sociedade Lusa de Negócios (SLN) which was your REAL price (lousy $1 dollar) for which Danzig or Maputo Corridor this goes? For the future winner of European Community Election? The World sees that the winner of Euro lottery will be more obvious combined result than hula-hula of your faces. For whom “Mario mais forte do que tu” now goes the heavy demurrage penalties, for me (i.e. vagaroso) or for swine ex-president of Portugal Jorge Sampaio? (See the article cement carrier Mario M from “a finicios”). Without knowing about this heist was “fancying” the Lancaster’s: -May I call you Willy-Aquitaine?

Авария цементовоза вблизи Бреста, Атлантика Saturday, May 30, 2009 More articles in 29 мая около 06.00 местного времени цементовоз Mario M запросил помощи, находясь в 50 милях к западу от Бреста, Франция, Атлантика. В носовй части судна в помещении трастера открылась течь, требовалась помощь, так как своими силами экипаж с водой не справлялся. В спасательных работах приняли участие ВМФ и спасатльная служба. В 07.30 к аварийному судну вылетел вертолет с командой спасателей и дополнительной помпой. Спасатель Abeille Bourbon вышел на помощь в 08.30. Поступление воды удалось взять под контроль и позже цементовоз в сопровождении Abeille Bourbon проследовал в Брест, где будет произведен ремонт. ементовоз Mario M – дедвейт 4555 тонн, постройки 1998 года, флаг Того, оператор New Hope Ships SA Co. Ливан. Экипаж 12 человек, в прошлом году был смешанный Индонезия Литва Польша. На фотографиях спасатели в вертолете выгружают дополнительную помпу на Mario M; цементовоз в сопровождении Abeille Bourbon следует в Брест.

Partido Socialista de Europa “prepara-se” para os eleccoes…

Música anti-Sócrates dos Xutos varrida da radio

Directores de programas alegam estratégia da editora para passarem outros temas do álbum, mas assumem querer demarcar-se de questões políticas. Alexandra Carita 9:30 Domingo, 31 de Mai de 2009

O tema chama-se 'Sem Eira nem Beira', mas não há ninguém que não o conheça por 'Sr. Engenheiro'. É uma das faixas mais comentadas e cantadas na rua do último disco dos Xutos & Pontapés, lançado a 6 de Abril. Mas, nas rádios nacionais só passou uma vez, uma única vez. Foi na Antena 3. Os dados são avançados pela editora da banda, a Universal Music, que pagou a uma empresa para monitorizar três músicas do novo álbum, para saber exactamente quantas vezes foram tocadas. 'Quem É Quem', o primeiro single do disco, passou mais de uma centena de vezes. E 'Perfeito Vazio', o segundo single a ser lançado, foi o único tema a conseguir um lugar numa Lista A das playlists das rádios nacionais (a lista que obriga a que a música tenha em média quatro passagens diárias), com 136 passagens, só na Mega FM. Zé Pedro, guitarrista dos Xutos, avança com surpresa: "Parece um complô contra o tema, ou uma espécie de exclusão por poder ferir susceptibilidades. Acho estranho. Parece-me que a música podia ter sido aproveitada como notícia e transformar-se num hipe de rádio", afirma. O músico diz manifestar-se contra o sistema de playlists, mas não critica nenhuma rádio por optar ou não por passar um tema dos Xutos. "Compreendo que, estando esta música a ferver, na boca de toda a gente, as direcções das rádios possam ter preferido não a passar por estar em cima da mesa como uma canção de contestação", adianta Zé Pedro, frisando que para os Xutos o sucesso da música é claro. Durante os concertos da banda, o tema é o que tem provocado maior vibração junto do público, aquele com que as pessoas mais se identificam, e a sua procura na Internet tem ultrapassado todas as expectativas. "Sentimo-nos compensados, portanto", afirma o guitarrista. A humorista Maria Rueff, que no seu programa "O Exame de Dona Rosete", na TSF, fez uma rábula com o tema, afiança que "é muito estranho a música não passar nas rádios", e considera pertinente que se investigue porquê. Contactados pelo Expresso, os directores das maiores rádios nacionais refutam a ideia de qualquer tipo de censura, quer vinda do exterior quer criada internamente. António Mendes, director de programas da RFM, afirma que aquela é uma rádio musical que tem por objectivo tocar e fazer sucessos e que o boom do 'Sr. Engenheiro' nos jornais e televisões (recorde-se que o primeiro vídeo do tema passado pelo 'Jornal Nacional' da TVI foi para o ar a 15 de Abril) chegou a meio da fase de lançamento de "Perfeito Vazio". António Mendes adianta, no entanto, que a canção "se trata de um fenómeno político e não de um fenómeno popular". Nelson Cunha, director de programas da Mega FM, vai mais longe, explicando que a rádio "não está vocacionada para questões políticas, nem quer disso fazer bandeira. Os nossos princípios são de isenção musical e política". José Marinho fala em nome da Antena 3, a única rádio que passou a canção portuguesa mais polémica da última década. "Não fazia sentido sermos a única rádio a tocar o tema. Fazê-lo isoladamente podia não ter bons resultados para nós, ainda por cima quando o tema ainda nem tem suporte vídeo", afirma. "Mas isso não significa que a canção esteja proscrita e que não venha a ser tocada num futuro próximo. Há três eleições a caminho e o tema é quente", conclui. Também Pedro Abrunhosa, que em 1995 fez furor com 'Talvez F...", música que se transformou num hino anti-Cavaco (era então primeiro-ministro em final de mandato, tal como Sócrates agora), não quis comentar o assunto. Recorde-se que as improvisações do músico à letra da canção, substituindo o "e eu e tu o que é que vamos fazer", por "e eu e a Maria o que é que vamos fazer", não fizeram com que o tema fosse excluído das radios.

Matérias-primas: Prata e ouro “brilham” no mês de Maio. 29/05/09 20:45. A corrida pelas matérias-primas parece ter regressado. As duas ‘commoddities’ estão hoje a negociar em forte alta nos mercados internacionais e encaminham-se para o maior ‘rally’ mensal em 34 anos, animadas pelo enfraquecimento do dólar. Em Maio, o índice Reuters/Jefferies CRB de matérias-primas acumula ganhos de 14%, a maior valorização desde Julho de 1974. Vistas como activos de refúgio, as ‘commodities' estão a beneficiar da maior queda mensal do dólar desde Agosto passado. Para além disso, os sinais de recuperação económico mundial que começam a surgir estão igualmente a animar o apetite dos investidores e, sobretudo, o aumento da procura por combustível, metais industriais e agrícolas. Para além do petróleo estar a caminho do seu melhor mês numa década, a prata está por seu turno cada vez mais perto de ter em Maio o seu melhor mês em 22 anos. Hoje esta matéria-prima chegou a disparar 2% para os 15,46 dólares a onça, e acumula ganhos de 27% este mês. Já o ouro atingiu hoje o valor mais alto em três meses, depois de ter escalado 1,6% para os 978,5 dólares a onça ‘troy', e acumula uma valorização de 9,8% em Maio.

Well-dressed thief steals €6 million worth of Chopard jewels in Paris A lone robber armed with a handgun got away with a brazen daylight jewellery heist on Saturday, stealing over €6 million (£5.2 million) worth of jewels from one of the most exclusive stores in Paris. The man, dressed smartly in a suit and wearing a fedora, entered the prestigious Chopard boutique in the Place Vendome, pulled out a gun and ordered staff to give him jewels from the window display. "According to the first set of information we received, it was a man in his fifties, dressed in a chic costume and wearing a Borsalino (fedora) hat," said Olivier Lebon, a police union representative. "He came in like any other customer, pointed his gun at employees and asked for about fifteen pieces." They did as they were told and just two minutes later the robber, carrying about 12 of the precious pieces of jewellery, fled on foot into the street, which was packed with shoppers and tourists. The loot is estimated to be worth between €6 to 10 million (£5 to 9million). “It happened very quickly," said a witness, who added that the thief did not take the whole contents of the shop window. Staff in nearby stores in the Place Vendome – a chic area which hosts some of the world’s most prestigious jewellery shops and is also home to France’s Justice Ministry - told reporters they had noticed nothing out of the ordinary at the time. The theft happened around 1pm (1100 GMT) at the premises, which are near the Ritz Hotel. Later that day, only a few leather handbags could be seen in the Chopard store window. Based in Switzerland, Chopard is known for adorning movie stars strutting on red carpets at high-profile events such as last weekend’s Cannes film festival or Hollywood's Academy Awards. European police have noted a marked increase in jewel heists in recent years. Saturday’s daylight robbery came after a gang of armed men stole gems worth €85 million (£74 million) from jewellers Harry Winston in Paris in December, a heist described by the media as one of the biggest in recent history. The Harry Winston raid came almost a year to the day after the same store was attacked by robbers who forced staff to empty its safes, taking at least $16 million (£10 million) worth of jewels. Earlier this month, two key members of the “Pink Panthers” international gang of jewels thieves were arrested in Paris, Interpol said. The “Pink Panthers” have accumulated loot worth up to $200 million (£123 million) in an estimated 120 attacks on luxury stores in some 20 countries since their first robbery in London's chic Mayfair district in 2003. On May 13 two Serbian alleged members of the gang of jewel thieves were arrested in Paris on suspicion of carrying out armed smash-and-grab raids on stores in Monaco, Switzerland and Germany. On Thursday, a Montenegrin former soldier, believed to be a member of the Pink Panther gang was sentenced to 15 years in jail for a Saint-Tropez heist. Dusko Martinovic was also fined €150,000 (£130,000) for the robbery in which he and accomplices stole €2 million (£1.7 million) worth of goods from a jewellers in the chic French Riviera resort. French police have described the group’s crimes as “lightning fast hold-ups: daring, but carefully planned down to smallest detail”.

Forest fear as tyre blaze rages on Sunday, 31 May 2009, 00:21 GMT. Firefighters are continuing to contain a huge fire at a tyre factory in Nottinghamshire to stop it spreading to a nearby forest. It is estimated that between 400,000 and 800,000 tyres were alight at Warsop Rubber Company at the height of the blaze as more than 20 firefighters fought the flames.

Village Shut Down As Up To 800,000 Tyres Burn 11:02am UK, Saturday May 30, 2009 Fire crews are tackling a huge blaze at a tyre factory which has effectively closed down a whole village. A giant pipe has been laid across roads and driveways in Warsop, Nottinghamshire, to draw water from the River Maun. It is 12 inches in diameter, solid when in operation and cannot be driven over so police have cordoned off the village to stop traffic. An estimated 400,000 to 800,000 tyres were alight at the Warsop Rubber Company. More than 20 firefighters are involved in the operation to put out the fire. Residents in Warsop and surrounding villages have been warned not to open their windows or doors as smoke billowed over the area. A Notts Police spokesman said: "It's a considerable fire. It's not one that's caused any injuries but, because of its nature, it's going to take Notts Fire and Rescue Service some time to tackle it and it's leading to major disruption today and possibly tomorrow. "Unfortunately those pipes cannot be driven over when in use so Warsop village centre is going to be effectively closed." The pressure of the pipe will be relaxed every hour on the hour, for 15 minutes, to allow people to travel to and from their homes, he said. A Notts Fire and Rescue Service spokeswoman said it was not yet known how the fire started.

Yesterday in the Lujkov’s office was asking for direction. I tell them, they like one BADLO where “grateful” Before was ebalo of Abramovich brothe from Evraz Tuleeva at the Parliament tube Station: В московском ночном клубе на посетителей упала люстра, трое госпитализированы (See clear connection between Yakutsk SHIZO and “put in”) 31 мая 2009 года 04:54 Москва. 31 мая. ИНТЕРФАКС - В центре Москвы на Болотной улице в развлекательно-танцевальном клубе "Рай" на посетителей упала декоративная люстра, пострадали 7 человек. Как сообщил "Интерфаксу" источник в правоохранительных органах столицы, в результате падения люстры двое пострадавших были госпитализированы и еще один прибыл в больницу самостоятельно. Четверо пострадавших от госпитализации отказались, им была оказана медицинская помощь на месте.

Более 40 заключенных бежали из перуанской тюрьмы в джунгли Амазонки 31 мая 2009 года 11:24 Лондон. 31 мая. INTERFAX.RU - Не менее 44 заключенных перуанской тюрьмы "Багуа Гранде" напали на охрану и, завладев оружием, совершили побег в амазонскую сельву, сообщает в воскресенье британская телерадиокорпорация Би-би-си со ссылкой на заявление руководства тюрьмы. Заключенные на рассвете напали на двоих охранников из засады и, угрожая ножами, отобрали у них автоматы Калашникова. Перуанские власти начали переговоры с представителями местных племен о совместных действиях по поимке беглецов. Как отмечается в сообщении испанского информагентства ЭФЭ, большинство бежавших заключенных были осуждены за разбойные действия с отягчающими обстоятельствами. Тюрьма "Багуа Гранде" находится в перуанской части бассейна реки Амазонка, в 900 км севернее столицы страны Лимы.

Saturday 30 May 2009

Willy/Platini, Harry/britTiger

Willy/Platini, Harry/britTiger 5/30/2009 4:19:51 PM. Dream was that I’m receiving the official letter from International Atomic Agency, envelope A4 address written by hand of my brother, telling me that kozly Martynenko are dead. Open my eyes, voice of Timoshenko start explain me that this mean faces is of the “tcalami”, and the proper business are murky too much. The bankrupted are the American (General Motors), the money is russian (Deripaska’s GAS), the Europe is Germans (i.e. Opel/Ponte de Sor), and the dead mother is british (Vauxhall). To don’t contradict her, was remembering that the Harry – is in ground “Zero” (i.e. “give me your heart”, or Basel II Interbank Agreement in the lights of who is the his brother Willy – the GM), Italians congressmen’s – in automotive Co artificial prison (like me) because the russia are legless (i.e. how they are saying: “A vragi” and put all plane full of macaroni’s down to Earth). The tender was from the shit of camel turned around were participation took the: Canadians from Austria, Belgium’s and chinocas. Using this terms to frizar the seriousness of this “stupid” dream. Because the Mercury, the planes in my horoscopes charts which is god of commerce and entrepreneurial zest – walk too much “high” and “hot” around me for last couple weeks. See the TNK-BP and now this, very logic shit from camel turned around. If for some, give the impression that I’m dependable of what my horoscopes tell me, HE/SHE is not your friend: We all need a push sometimes although you are being forced to make a move before you are ready. Mercury is about to get back on track, which means life will pick up speed. Protect what is yours and build from there. You're about to get support. And the: Just because you've been close to someone for years doesn't mean you know them inside and out. These still waters run deep, and there are new depths you'll catch a glimpse of today. They'll impress you and serve as an inspiration with an unexpected act. You might never fully understand who they are -- but instead of being sad, this realization is somewhat exciting. Why not cultivate your own skills in a new endeavor? It's the perfect day to pick up a new hobby that will surprise people. Today, a couple scenes from a “Day of Ivan Denisovich” (ugly ones), oblige people say me that what previsions are telling you – is true. Was arguing, that this is nothing, that I see this before and more frequently than they notice. That the contrary of what people are saying, I know the land where I live – and get, like the last resort, very simple thing to do: To ever forget... How, based in my dreams (with every night hitting) and surprise for you, not for me behavior, - brits not allow me the Jaguar car. Clearly stating that I am “NOT WHITE ENOUGH”. Many, many, many, many centuries ago before the Willy Aquitaine. And now, my friend goes Ala Magna:

1). Profile: Car parts maker Magna. Opel, the main European unit of ailing US car firm General Motors, is to be acquired by Canadian-Austrian car parts maker Magna. The Canadian firm fought off rival bids from Italian car maker Fiat and Brussels-based investment firm RHJ International, as well as interest from Beijing Automotive Industry Corp (BAIC). GM, which has its own deadline of 1 June to restructure or face bankruptcy in the US, took the decision on who could buy Opel and its UK brand Vauxhall. But the German government also had a key role as it is likely to pay billions of euros to support the firm. Opel has its headquarters in Germany, where it employs more than half of its 50,000 workers. Based in Ontario, Magna is a Canadian car parts and assembly group that employs 74,350 people worldwide. It was founded by Austrian emigre Frank Stronach, who arrived in Canada in 1954 with only the dollars in his pocket. Three years later, he started a small business in a Toronto garage that over the succeeding decades grew into Magna International, one of the world's largest car parts manufacturers. Outlining its plans for Opel, Magna said that 10% of the new firm would end up in the hands of Opel employees. Magna plans to inject between 500m and 700m euros into Opel - none of which would go to GM. However, GM would keep a 35% stake in the company. Magna's bid was backed by Russia's state-run Sberbank and Oleg Deripaska's truck firm Gaz, and it has said it wants Opel and GM to gain 20% of the Russian market in the short term. Magna currently builds vehicles under contract for major carmakers, including Chrysler, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW. Agreeing the deal with Magna, the German authorities said they would provide a bridging loan worth 1.5bn euros ($2.1bn, £1.3bn). Some German politicians indicated early that Magna would be their preferred buyer for Opel, because it had pledged to keep open all the firm's four German plants. Observers say that pledges to protect all the German plants mean that Opel's factory in Antwerp, Belgium, and the Vauxhall sites at Luton and Ellesmere Port in the UK, look more vulnerable. At the end of 2008, Magna had operations in 25 countries. In the quarter to the end of March, the firm made a loss of $200m (£126m), hit by the global slowdown in demand for vehicles.

2). The plane with the Speaker of the Senate of Italy quickly sat in Vnukovo.

The plane, on board which was the Speaker of the Senate of Italy, Renato Skifani, (i.e. Cкифа ні) made an emergency landing at the capitals Vnukovo airport, reports Corriere della Sera. Airbus A319 flying from Moscow to Rome around 16:30 Moscow time, saturday, may 30, 2009 but was forced to return due to technical reasons. A few minutes after take-off was found leaking fuel and the crew commander decided to land at Vnukovo. Some time later, after landing Skifani appeared before reporters to talk about the incident. Now you have news that you can not share with readers- Italian politician joked. The Speaker said that he is pleased with the actions of the pilots, who have behaved calmly and did everything that passengers are not too worried. The aircraft was towed into the hangar and the flight is canceled. Now Skifani awaiting the arrival of another aircraft on which he could return to Rome. Press-service of Vnukovo airport refused to comment on the incident, reports RIA Novosti. Skifani returned to Italy after an official visit to Russia. In particular, he met with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and his Russian counterpart Sergei Mironov. (i.e. Приключение итальянцев в России)

3). GM and Magna reach deal on Opel May 30 2009 10:34. The European arm of General Motors will be shielded from the expected insolvency of the US group after an 11th hour deal reached on Saturday morning that will see Magna International, the Canadian parts supplier, take over the business with financial backing from the German government. After a day of drama following Fiat’s withdrawal from talks with Berlin, GM and the US treasury to acquire the operations, which include the Opel and Vauxhall brands, exhausted negotiators announced the breakthrough at shortly after 2 am, after six hours of talks at the office of chancellor Angela Merkel. Under the signed memorandum of understanding between GM and Magna, shares in GME will be transferred to a trust to protect it from a GM insolvency, expected on to be announced on Monday. GME will also receive €1.5bn in credit guarantees from the German government to keep it afloat while GM and Magna negotiate a final deal. Magna is offering €700m ($990m) alongside Russia’s Sberbank for 55 per cent of Opel and has agreed to come up with €300m of emergency funding the Detroit carmaker says it needs immediately. With 55,000 jobs in the balance, GM Europe will run low on cash next week, it emerged on Friday. Payments to suppliers and others are due on June 2, two people familiar with GM Europe’s finances told the Financial Times. However, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, German economics minister, sounded a sombre note, saying the agreement was fraught with risk and hinting that he had only signed up to it under political pressure. “The balance of risk was such that I would have come to a different conclusion. But looking at the big picture, it is a decision we can all endorse.” Mr Guttenberg had long insisted he would rather see GME and Opel become insolvent than grant the company's future owner €4.5bn in credit guarantees, a condition for Magna to take the business over, without the necessary collateral. Yet the approaching election had put Berlin under pressure to save Opel, a weakness Berlin officials said GM and Magna had exploited to coax better conditions from Berlin. Carl-Peter Forster, head of GME, said: “Opel is saved. This is a new beginning for the future of Opel, its workers and its marque.” Sigfried Wolf, co-chief executive of Magna, said all four Opel plants in Germany would be maintained and that the company would seek to retain as many jobs in Germany as possible. There was no mention of non-Opel plants and GME operations outside Germany. Magna, a parts supplier that also builds entire vehicles for Mercedes-Benz and other carmakers in Austria, now must complete due diligence and negotiate a final deal with GM. Mr Wolf said the acquisition of GME could be signed within four to five weeks. The four premiers of German states where Opel has plants will vote on the deal on Sunday. The regions will provide half of the bridge financing and had insisted on strict job guarantees for the plants, which officials said had been fulfilled. Jürgen Rüttgers, premier of North Rhine-Westphalia, said Magna had, contrary to earlier expectations, agreed to maintain Opel's Bochum plant, where it will produce the Zafira and electric Ampera model. Saturday's agreement came came as GM’s board members were expected to approve a Chapter 11 filing on Monday. The United Auto Workers union, meanwhile, ratified a cost-cutting labour agreement with GM. Magna’s move marks a setback for Sergio Marchionne, Fiat’s chief executive, who this month launched a plan to combine Opel/Vauxhall with Fiat and Chrysler, thus forging the world’s second-largest carmaker. Fiat – which pledged its own assets but no cash for a stake in Opel – pulled out of talks after balking at GM’s last-minute funding request, which it said would expose it to “extravagant risks”. Meanwhile, a local Swedish court on Friday granted GM’s other lossmaking unit Saab a further extension to its protection from creditors, giving it more time to restructure. The Swedish carmaker, which first sought protection from creditors in February, was granted an extension until August 20 allowing it to line up a new owner and restructure its business. ● A US bankruptcy judge is expected to rule Monday on the sale of a slimmed down Chrysler to a group including Italy’s Fiat after three days of questioning and legal arguments this week, reports Nicole Bullock from New York. Chrysler’s dealers and a group of secured lenders oppose the transaction. The sale is the centerpiece of the fast-track bankruptcy of Chrysler which many believe is the model for its larger rival GM. Chrysler filed on April 30.

4). Alexandra: Diplomacia russa alvo de fortes críticas na imprensa

30 de Maio de 2009, 10:04 Moscovo, 30 Mai (Lusa) - A diplomacia russa está a ser alvo de fortes críticas na imprensa devido à sua participação no processo de entrega de Alexandra à mãe biológica. "O Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros da Rússia, que colaborou na devolução de Alexandra à mãe biológica, optou pela posição de patriotismo informativo. O tom das declarações dos seus funcionários é clara: não é preciso fazer da mosca um elefante. Embora fosse mais correcto dizer: fazer de um elefante uma mosca, em que se transformou a transferência da menina para a Rússia", escreve o diário Moskovski Komsomolets. Na quinta-feira, o Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros da Rússia acusou órgãos de informação russos e portugueses de publicarem "artigos claramente provocatórios" sobre este caso.

Friday 29 May 2009


5/29/2009 3:54:21 PM. There is no shame in being a little selfish if it mean that I can get some personal affairs put up to date. Paying no attention to the people who say that my plans are dull and uninteresting; they can always look for something else to do without me… But maintaining my low profile, I go to set aside the next points. First, how I was shocked by the news that Queen wouldn’t attend the “D-Day” commemorations. For me, this is like the Christmas or Pascua, this day and 8 of May where almost like canonized dates. Too much important to put them aside. Second, is the French hunting for Kinga, Zinga, or Inga (whatever) Leggs killed in Paris Hotel. Here the all interest starts. All causa beli, all no canted story initiates. To don’t explain and share all details to who isn’t directly involved. Go to act to my own interests in the way of calling attention to the such minutiae like the where were she worked, with whom this was, which hotel where in use, etc. Because, the previous experience tell me that Hotel Bristol, like the Hotel Alfa (Lisbon’s paper tiger) – should be like the direct bullet to the pirate Barroso and others untouchables (you know about whom, the ongoing… I talk about). Who likes the meetings in Sol Verde, that swine flu’s Head Quarters of PSD for the arriving European Elections of all the same “African Question”. To be more concise, I have not the first time proves that reaction of the Smart Money, Financial Times and Vedomosti news papers are grazing my tale. Not only because they are like that “Corsican Brothers” connected between them in financial interests, but because they jock the “kill” in this way. Example: I put my blog at 17:05 pm, the Vedomosti, put Vekselberg and Fridman (not just because of TNK-BP “arrangement”) one small picture with text, for to fifteen minutes later, in position of professional assassins at the window of my (footballers) Bentley sheepishly staring at me. I repeat again, it’s my thoughts written by me and for me. Now, I need remember to my self the “Madeira so a vista” the Western, which no sloop in the World go to understand, KNOW-HOW. Where the my photo-gallery, for example from yesterday, lie like a base for “crucial industries”, such as food production and distribution, oil, gas and petrochemicals, steel and unferrous metals, and lots and lots (thousands cubic meters) of good hard wood. Which in this case, go to limiting ourselves only with one louse in St. Petersburg’s noses. And than, go to call this operation “GUD and Tomatoes”… Because, tonight was all the same hitting in my head. Than the dream with red Audi Quattro from old 80-s serial. Than all day speak about another side of barricades in huge, almost catastrophic PSD of Europe situation. That side of “rusia petroleum” with the bastard ex-President of Portugal – Sampaio. Were talks around the Vitor Moreira. The guy who wants steal money in stirred up confusion from (i.e. PSD) “adversary party”. Was all day conversation about the son of some f*** Rogozine, who don’t work at all and “zuum-zuum” with Audi Quattro the red color. Was now thinking, what is the best to do? The expose my knowledge of many years ago “investment”, through the divorce between Potapov and Prochorov. Where again, the Highlands, the gold, the France and “African Question” co-relate perfectly in Curshavel of “put – in” politics. Theirs divorce was the Baltic Countries guy couple separation with the name of “TOP CHIY” from European cattle-yard (cкотобаза) directives. More yet, after Eurosong/European Gas Interconnection Study I and II, the TNK-BP “arrangement”.   Or dedicate a little bit more to the International Consulting speaking in Portuguese? Like the spam with intriguing, for I opened, name “DETAILS” today received. Something better than sex with @DVENT. Better than Sociedade Lusa de Negócios (SLN) WHICH WAS SOLD BY PRICE OF ONE, BETTER STILL, ARGENTUM MADE, AMERICAN DOLLAR.

A). No royals at D-Day commemorations Thursday, 28 May 2009, 15:35 GMT Buckingham Palace has ruled out the Queen attending next week's official D-Day commemorations in France. Neither she nor any other member of the Royal family will join the events to mark the 65th anniversary of the Normandy landings because they have not been invited, said a Palace spokeswoman. Instead Prime Minister Gordon Brown will represent the UK alongside British veterans who took part in the 1944 invasion which helped defeat Hitler's Germany. The absence of the Queen from the guest list for this year's D-Day commemorations was perceived by some as a deliberate snub by the French authorities.

1). Russian navy shells farm by mistake A Russian naval ship has accidentally fired on a village near the city of St Petersburg during military exercises, officials have confirmed. No one was killed or injured in the incident, which occurred in the Vyborg region on Thursday evening, but some damage was reported. Locals at a farm where the shots were fired said people took cover in basements to shield themselves from the shelling, Russia's RIA Novosti news agency reported. "This is, of course, a disgrace, people could have died. This is the height of the planting season and there are a lot of people at the farm," Tatyana Kostaryova, a spokeswoman for the local administration, told the agency. 'Metal hail' Yury Mikhailov, the head of the farm, said most of the shrapnel fell on rooftops and greenhouses. "Was it frightening? That's not the word for it. It was a metal hail. People took cover in basements," he said. Russian naval forces said a small anti-submarine vessel from the Baltic Fleet made the mistake during exercises in the Gulf of Finland. Igor Lebedev, a regional military prosecutor, said the ship was conducting target practice and that some shells or rounds fell on houses near the village. Russia's Interfax news agency said up to 14 shells from the ship may have landed off-target. The country's navy has been plagued by a series of mishaps since the collapse of the Soviet Union, including the Kursk submarine disaster in 2000, in which 118 sailors died.

2). Авария в Босфоре – видео Friday, May 29, 2009 More articles in Аварийность и ЧП 28 мая около 18.30 местного времени ро-ро Ella J при следовании Босфором потерял управление и выскочил на набережную Еникале, чуть не дотянув до жилого дома. Судно следовало из Бургас Болгария на Деринсе Турция, Мраморное море. СМИ сообщают, что Ella J гружен лесом. Несколько часов потребовалось буксирам и спасательным ботам Стамбула, чтобы выдернуть судно из набережной и вернуть так сказать, в родную стихию. В настоящее время судно обследуют, заодно и разбираются, почему оно так погорячилось. ро-ро Ella J – дедвейт 7316 тонн, постройки 1977 года, флаг С.Винсент, оператор греческая Socomar Management S.A., но болгарские СМИ почему-то считают, вместе с Морской администрацией Бургас, что судно – болгарское.

British man missing after multi-millionaire girlfriend found dead in Paris hotel A British man is being hunted by French police after his multi-millionaire girlfriend was found battered to death in her suite at a chic Paris hotel. 9:31AM BST 29 May 2009. The body of the 36-year-old Polish woman was found slumped in a bath in a luxury suite at the Hotel Bristol in Paris Ian Griffin, 39, allegedly fled the French capital in a Porsche 911 and headed to the French Riviera, before his girlfriend was found dead at the Hotel Le Bristol, a favourite of President Nicolas Sarkozy. Kinga Legg, a Polish born international businesswoman, suffered multiple injuries and was found naked in the bathtub in her £1,000-a-night room. The victim, 36, who headed a company that supplied tomatoes to fast food chain McDonalds and several British supermarkets, owns a yacht moored on the French Mediterranean coast. Police suspected Mr Griffin might be heading for the vessel but had not been see last night. The couple had been renting a home on Oxshott's Crown Estate in Surrey, home to several Chelsea footballers and where properties cost up to £4 million. They had spent a long weekend in Paris, arriving on Saturday, and drank "large amounts of alcohol" during their stay, police said. Staff at the hotel said that on Tuesday afternoon Mr Griffin had calmly asked that his girlfriend should not be disturbed in her room as he left in a grey Porsche with a British number plate. A maid found Mrs Legg's body in the evening. She had been severely beaten with "furniture and fists", a source said. The hotel room was destroyed, with radiators ripped from the walls, blood staining the walls and 18th century furniture and vases smashed. "She had been severely battered, on the head and all over the body, and died of internal haemorrhages," a source close to the investigation told the Daily Telegraph. Mrs Legg was the owner and director of Vegex, a large Polish company that exports tomatoes and has a base in Oxshott, Surrey. She paid for an entire year's rent up front for a flat there last September and moved in with Mr Griffin and a pet dog. Neighbours said that the boyfriend, who also used the name Griffin-Bond, was often seen driving his "boys' toys" – a quad bike and the Porsche. One neighbour said it was rumoured he had invented a mobile telephone ringtone but a police source said that Mr Griffin "did not do much in the way of earning a living". He was declared bankrupt at Warrington County Court in 2006 and his occupation was listed as "unknown". "The couple clearly had a lot of money and it is possible that he lived off her," the source said. Investigators said they had split up and got back together on previous occasions over several years. Mrs Legg was described as a "very intelligent, pretty and nice" woman. She was born Kinga Wolf in Poland, and married Peter Legg in Blackpool in September 1996. It is believed they lived together for two years before she moved away. She is listed as having become the company director of two firms in the past two months, Koncept Home Decor and Mediapocket Europe. Mr Griffin was born in Warrington, Cheshire and has lived recently in nearby Knutsford and Twickenham, south west London. He has a brother and his parents live in Warrington. They were unavailable for comment last night. Companies House documents show that Bernard, who has run several sun tanning businesses, bought shares in one of Mrs Legg's firms, Mediapocket Europe, two months ago. Le Bristol, a four-star hotel – the top rating in France – was opened in 1925 and its furnishings include 18th century paintings and Gobelin tapestries. During the Second World War it was the official residence for American citizens. Famous guests have included Harry Truman, Charlie Chaplin and Marilyn Monroe. President Sarkozy is a regular diner as the hotel is situated a few hundred yards from the British Embassy and the Elysée Palace. He often walks the short distance from the palace with foreign dignitaries, and had dinner there with his wife, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, and Tony Blair last year. A Brigade Criminelle spokesman said a nationwide search was under way and police were checking "ports and airports and the roads". An arrest warrant will follow once an investigating magistrate is assigned to the case.

Details From: Mrs. Johanne brunet ( Sent: 29 May 2009 08:34:34. To: (Unknown) Your e-mail address have just won($950.000.00) only contact this office for more details:Dr.VA OS SENDER   Tel.+34 634-104-352. Email:  ( OR ( Mrs. Johanne brunet. (Lottery coordinator)

I). Até agora só o Montepio Geral se mostrou interessado na compra do banco. "Temos interesse na operação" de compra do BPN se o Governo decidir vender, disse Tomás Correia, presidente do banco.

II). BPN: BE quer confirmar se José Briosa e Gala recebeu avenças da SLN Económico com Lusa 28/05/09 17:35 O Bloco de Esquerda (BE) escreveu a Maria de Belém Roseira, presidente da comissão de inquérito ao caso BPN, pretendendo confirmar se José Briosa e Gala, antigo secretário de Estado do Governo de Durão Barroso, recebeu avenças da SLN. Oliveira e Costa, ex-presidente e fundador do grupo SLN/BPN revelou na sua audição no Parlamento que houve um secretário de Estado que o pressionou durante seis meses para receber avanças do grupo SLN, tendo-se escusado a revelar o nome, por conselho do seu advogado."O Bloco de Esquerda vem por este meio requerer um pedido de esclarecimento complementar ao Dr. Oliveira Costa, no sentido de confirmar se o Secretário de Estado por ele mencionado na audição como tendo pressionado o Dr. Oliveira Costa 'para que lhe desse uma avença com o Grupo SLN' era o Dr. Briosa e Gala". Em causa está um pagamento próximo dos 200 mil euros que Oliveira e Costa assegurou aos deputados ter pago do seu próprio bolso. "Um ex-ministro? Não, mas se disser secretário de Estado...", afirmou Oliveira Costa na terça-feira sobre alguém que forçou a SLN a pagar avenças. O Bloco pretende apurar se o ex-presidente da SLN/BPN se referia a José Briosa e Gala, actual Representante de Durão Barroso para a África na Comissão Europeia, cargo que exerce desde 2006.

III). BPN: Pinto Monteiro já recebeu a carta de Dias Loureiro Económico com Lusa 28/05/09 21:12 Pinto Monteiro vai analisar uma carta de Dias Loureiro que deu esta tarde entrada na Procuradoria-Geral da República. "Hoje, dia 28 de Maio, cerca das 17:00, foi recebida na Procuradoria-Geral da República uma carta de Dias Loureiro que o PGR [Pinto Monteiro] vai analisar", informa o gabinete de imprensa da PGR , em resposta a uma questão colocada pela "Lusa". Ao final da manhã de hoje, em Lisboa, ao ser questionado a propósito de um pedido de audiência que o ex-conselheiro de Estado Dias Loureiro disse ter dirigido ao PGR, Pinto Monteiro disse não ter ainda recebido qualquer informação, garantindo que, contudo, caso viesse a receber qualquer pedido, responderia prontamente. Na altura, o procurador-geral da República disse também que "até ao momento não se justificou" a audição de Dias Loureiro no âmbito do processo BPN. "Só seria pedido o levantamento da imunidade para ser ouvido. Como até agora não se justificou ser ouvido [pelos investigadores] não houve qualquer pedido", afirmou hoje de manhã Pinto Monteiro aos jornalistas à entrada do XXI Congresso Internacional de Medicina Legal. Relativamente aos envolvidos na investigação do processo BPN, a cargo do departamento central de investigação e acção penal (DCIAP), Pinto Monteiro escudou-se no segredo de justiça para não adiantar pormenores, mas lembrou que "nunca deu instruções no âmbito de nenhum processo e que nem vai dar". O antigo administrador da SLN Dias Loureiro disse ontem, em entrevista à SIC, ter comunicado ao Presidente da República que pediria para ser ouvido pelo Ministério Público.

IV). BPN: Buscas a escritório de advogados apanham rasto de Loureiro. Económico. 28/05/09 08:40. As buscas realizadas há um mês a um escritório de advogados trouxeram novos factos ao inquérito do BPN e abriram pistas sobre a intervenção do ex-ministro do PSD Dias Loureiro nos negócios em investigação. A notícia é avançada pelo Correio da Manhã que explica que a equipa do Ministério Público e da PJ, dirigida pessoalmente por Rosário Teixeira, esteve no escritório Baião, Castro & Associados, de onde levou documentação em suporte digital. As informações reunidas, articuladas com as declarações de Oliveira Costa, mostraram indícios sobre Dias Loureiro, avança o jornal, em especial sobre o negócio de Porto Rico. Pistas que obrigaram a reequacionar os termos em que estava a ser pensada a sua audição no inquérito. Contudo, com a demissão de ontem do cargo de conselheiro de Estado, tudo mudou e, em princípio, Dias Loureiro estará dispensado o envio do levantamento da imunidade, nota a mesma fonte. Dias Loureiro reuniu ontem com Cavaco Silva e transmitiu-lhe que decidiu abandonar o cargo que ocupava no Conselho de Estado. Dias Loureiro terá ainda dito ao Presidente da República que vai pedir ao Ministério Público para ser ouvido no âmbito do caso BPN.

V). ACTUALIDADE: Dias Loureiro renuncia ao Conselho de Estado  Dias Loureiro renuncia ao Conselho de Estado Dias Loureiro comunicou hoje a Cavaco Silva a sua renúncia enquanto conselheiro de Estado e escreveu ao procurador-geral da República para ser ouvido caso BPN As reacções não se fizeram esperar. (Veja vídeo SIC com entrevista de Dias Loureiro no "Jornal da Noite") 20:49 Quarta-feira, 27 de Mai de 2009. Em entrevista ao "Jornal da Noite" da SIC, o ex-dirigente do PSD Manuel Dias Loureiro disse que apresentou hoje a sua demissão do cargo de conselheiro de Estado ao Presidente da República e que escreveu ao procurador-geral da República para ser ouvido no caso BPN. Cavaco Silva disse hoje que Dias Loureiro pediu a demissão do Conselho de Estado para ser ouvido "tão rapidamente quanto possível" pela Procuradoria Geral da República. "Recebi hoje ao início da tarde o dr. Dias Loureiro que me disse que, não existindo um pedido de levantamento de imunidade e desejando ser ouvido tão rapidamente quanto possível pela Procuradoria-Geral da República, apesar de considerar que não cometeu qualquer ilegalidade, tinha decidido renunciar ao cargo de conselheiro de Estado", afirmou o chefe de Estado, em declarações aos jornalistas, à margem da entrega do prémio SECIL de arquitectura em Lisboa. Questionado sobre a sua influência na decisão de Dias Loureito, Cavaco Silva negou ter tido qualquer participação: "Não, foi ele que apresentou a sua renúncia".

VI). «Não quis que se dissesse que o Conselho de Estado me protegia» Dias Loureiro demitiu-se para que «não passasse a ideia» de que usava o Conselho de Estado «como uma protecção», justificou em entrevista à SIC. O ex-conselheiro de Estado quer que o caso BPN se esclareça «o mais depressa possível», por isso comunicou ao Presidente da República que tinha «direito a ser ouvido». O ex-administrador da Sociedade Lusa de Negócios (SLN) afirmou em entrevista à SIC que nunca lhe passou pela cabeça que «pensassem que o Conselho de Estado era um resguardo». Foi para contrariar esta convicção que se estava a instalar na opinião pública que decidiu renunciar ao cargo. «Sei aquilo que fiz e não fiz nada de ilegal», declarou. A questão do levantamento da imunidade dura há cerca de três semanas na comunicação social, mas Dias Loureiro afirma que perguntou em Belém se tinha havido algum pedido nesse sentido e que a resposta foi negativa. «As notícias dos jornais de hoje que dizem que estou a ser investigado são falsas», declarou. Dias Loureiro renunciou hoje ao cargo de conselheiro de Estado e vai pedir ao procurador-geral da República (PGR) para ser ouvido no processo do Banco Português de Negócios (BPN). A notícia foi hoje avançada, ao início da tarde, pelo SOL online, após a audiência de Dias Loureiro com o Presidente da República.  Na ausência de pedido de autorização junto do Conselho de Estado para o ex-administrador do BPN depor no processo, o próprio Dias Loureiro confirmou ao SOL que vai pedir ao PGR para ser imediatamente ouvido. A renúncia ocorre no dia seguinte à audição de Oliveira e Costa na comissão parlamentar de inquérito ao BPN. No seu depoimento aos deputados, Oliveira e Costa acusou Dias Loureiro de ter mentido quando passou pelo Parlamento.

Thursday 28 May 2009

TNK-BP: Bacalhão de Noruega.

5/28/2009 1:43:04 PM.Before starting anything else, go to put photo of Platini and Willy. The rich uncle and his @dvent. The “put in” with his son-in-law. Go to put TNK with his BP. Go to put General Motors with his Vauxhall. Because, if this begins to happen at the expense of my own sense of ease and wellbeing, I do wonder whether I are making too great sacrifice… When it’s clear that turn up the time to receive, rather than give. And this of course, involves money. Not only because I’ve been through so much stress and worry that this almost become a default reaction to ANYTHING that happens – I am suspicious. Thoughts like, if this doesn’t work? Or even worst, what if it does work exceedingly well for people that had cojones to jump on my boat? I go to put photos of VYBLIADKI of Vekselberg and Fridman, with British Petroleum inscription Maше рoв?” or yet “Mepтвые не потеют?” and then here make you 1 hectare or 200 nautical miles, just in case to don’t break your legs in did. Don’t forget who was choosing the your son Putin. And who will be choosing him again after Godunov’s teddy bear. For the reason that, although I have this (see the Inca Ca top A, and another’s Polyus post-stations) a very good possibility to rake in some serious money and SOCIAL not half-pigs, half-swine, half-dogs STATUS by use the advantage of my viktorg7 opportunity. However the time and money its takes. Listen russian speaking TNK-BP camel, if you don’t bet in Cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s family acres of “unknown quantity”, do like father of Abramovich do, - dip your toe into the water, and get your feet wet! In my scenario – You don’t got anywhere without me onboard. It’s all in MACD’s mixed signals, and with “rusia petroleum” – better know where we (the otmorozki of Vekselberga and Fridmana) stand, instead wasting my time with someone who’s not into me. But suck like rusia Zoloto do – NO BODY WANT.   

Bodegas Torres retira un vino blanco tras un sabotaje en Noruega. Bodegas Miguel Torres ha retirado del mercado, como medida de precaución, las botellas de vino blanco San Valentín de la añada 2005 después de un supuesto caso de envenenamiento de un hombre en Noruega, según informó hoy la compañía en un comunicado. La compañía se ha puesto a disposición de las autoridades sanitarias ante este caso de sabotaje, externo a Torres. La empresa indicó que se comercializaron 135 cajas en Noruega y 915 en España de este producto, que fue expedido entre los meses de agosto y diciembre de 2006. Durante los casi tres años transcurridos desde entonces, no se produjo ninguna reclamación al respecto.

Photo ”Put-in” Михаил Прохоров пообещал лично "набить морду" обидчикам сестры Российский бизнесмен, президент группы "ОНЭКСИМ" 27th-May-2009 07:05 pm Михаил Прохоровпообещал, "как любой нормальный мужик", разобраться с двумя джентльменами, которые оскорбили его сестру Ирину. Об этом говорится в блоге бизнесмена.

Wednesday 27 May 2009

"Friend" who hit me in my head.

"Friend" who hit me in my head, firstly design tatoo in dead celebrity  from cancer mother leg. Concretely, big swine Putin, want clean 5 off-shores of United Nations.

Cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster:

Cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster, this is exactly what I wrote at 5:15:04 PM. “… Resolving this, I can spend more time to dedicate WHO are hitting in my head, and why I feel such big anger. Because, in this frame of mind, it’s almost impossible to get my message across.  It’s also unpleasant (at best) and self-destructive (at worst) in both professional (mean, I don’t get it) and personal (mean, I don’t have it) relationships. However it is clear that priority which should be in place between my private life (i.e. Facebook’ industry story) and my business choices…” Look at the time and tell me who Trevor Edwards, Senior Consultant, Mutual House, 5th floor, 70 Conduit Street, London, W1S 2GF, cell:07778 031 934, Tel.:0207 837 5881,, A BNB Recruitment Solutions Plc Company really are.

В Москве задержан житель Саратова, пытавшийся похитить детей британского бизнесмена Москва. 27 мая 2009 года 19:22. INTERFX.RU - На западе Москвы предотвращено похищение 1,5-годовалого мальчика Ричарда Бенната, сына предпринимателя из Великобритании Ричарда Бенната-старшего, сообщил "Интерфаксу" источник в правоохранительных органах. В среду мальчик прогуливался вместе со своей мамой, гражданкой РФ Надеждой Котовой, в парке в районе улицы Дружбы. В этот момент его схватил неожиданно выбежавший из кустов мужчина и попытался скрыться. Мама мальчика стала звать на помощь и преследовать мужчину. Проезжавший мимо наряд отдела вневедомственной охраны задержал похитителя. Им оказался ранее судимый житель Саратова. В отделении милиции выяснилось, что этот мужчина накануне также пытался похитить ребенка из семьи Бенната. Тогда он напал в подъезде дома на улице Дружбы, где проживала семья Бенната, на старшего брата Ричарда. Однако нападавшего спугнул консьерж и няня мальчика.

Fridman Takes the Reins at TNK-BP 28 May 2009By The Moscow Times 2 hours ago Billionaire shareholder Mikhail Fridman unexpectedly emerged Wednesday as the man who will temporarily run TNK-BP while BP and its Russian partners consider the candidacies of two independent CEOs until the end of the year. In announcing the deal, BP and the Russian partners, collectively known as AAR, also said they had agreed to appoint the prospective CEOs, Pavel Skitovich and Maxim Barsky, to senior positions at TNK-BP. "Each has the credentials to become the new CEO," BP and AAR said in a joint statement. BP nominated Skitovich on Monday. BP and the Russian partners agreed to nominate Barsky jointly at a board meeting Wednesday, said BP spokesman Vladimir Buyanov. The move appears to reflect a desire by the 50/50 partners to avoid another standoff after a high-profile dispute last year led to the resignation of the previous CEO, Robert Dudley, and raised doubts about the protection of the rights of foreign investors in Russia. Fridman's appointment as an interim chief came as a surprise because industry sources had said over the past few days that the position would go to Viktor Vekselberg, another Russian shareholder, unless a permanent CEO took over. "I am happy to help in the interim and comfortable that day-to-day operations will remain in the capable hands of the current management team," Fridman said in the statement. BP said it had asked Fridman to take the job. It declined to say why. Vekselberg said in a separate statement released by TNK-BP that he was pleased with the board's decision. He serves as the company's executive -director for the natural gas business. Fridman will be replacing current interim chief Tim Summers, who will resume his role as chief operating officer responsible for the day-to-day business of the company. The changeover will take place June 1, when Summers' mandate as the interim CEO will run out, Buyanov said. Stan Polovets, AAR's chief executive officer, said the TNK-BP board would be looking at how Skitovich, formerly a senior executive at Vladimir Potanin's investment vehicle Interros, and Barsky, a former managing director at London-listed oil producer West Siberian Resources, will cope in their new jobs as TNK-BP executive vice presidents. "As in any board, the directors of TNK-BP will be looking at the leadership qualities of Mr. Skitovich and Mr. Barsky, their ... professional skills, industry knowledge and how well and quickly they are able to integrate into the existing management team," he said by e-mail. There was a consensus at the board meeting that Barsky and Skitovich require more time to become familiar with TNK-BP's complex business before assuming the role of CEO, Polovets said. Independence from either side of shareholders will also be vital. "We want to make sure that both focus on performance rather than politics," Polovets said. AAR accused Dudley, a former BP executive, of siding with BP in the shareholder dispute last year. Barsky and Skitovich are front-runners for TNK-BP's top job, but other candidates may also emerge, a source close to the TNK-BP board told The Moscow Times. While Polovets didn't dispute this assertion, he said, "Such an outcome is unlikely given that the search process has already taken half a year and the shareholders felt that they had two superb candidates in Skitovich and Barsky." BP chief Tony Hayward said in the joint statement that he was pleased that all the shareholders had agreed on the CEO succession plan and TNK-BP's existing management team would remain in place.

"Não ganhei nem perdi, ou melhor, o que podia perder eles repuseram".

"Não ganhei nem perdi, ou melhor, o que podia perder eles repuseram". 5/27/2009 1:05:04 PM. Begin with good news or bad news? Maybe better yet, start with a new contract of Jose Marinho? Mean face of PSD-Inter knowing to the all world? It’s a good or bad? Or with new rally for European Elections, where is notable the “false start” with big embarrassment for this party to be in huge trial about the price of the “camel”? The price of PSD (Banco Portuguese de Negocio) and his Grupo SLN (my wild guess, says that the coincidently this enterprise is from Costa Rica…) was NO MORE, NO LESS than $1 (one United States dollar) with which all fuss of Christian Democrats of Europe (for example, our leader Barroso) starts. Or with bed news, where is the EU – burn again… Whatever the weather… Mean, even when the gold price is down. (See the chart), the Barroso’s troy burn, burn and burn again. And we can’t do anything. Because of faces. Faces, faces, and faces again. With Facebook or without. Call attention the pluming in validation of this “interface” with russian proposal. Before the +/-2% in equity he was valued 10 billion. During the same “arrangement”  of the ongoing… (You know how I call them) – the proposal from Microsoft was the same; only pay a little more because at that time validation was 12 billion. In any way the real price, at least the price which proprietors of Facebook show to the shareholders is $6bn-$8bn. The proper name of the deal speaks for himself. And made by of the Usmanov’s and pro-American $200 million, like cocaine Andrew Lancaster says – “These businesses you get two per every week”. Maybe he’s right. Can only say that, like the Trancoso’s plane, which coincidently and independently to the English speaking World and to the TNK-BP “measures” indicated by me yesterday, was in at the same time of big and serious shooting at the Uzbek – Tadjik frontier. With which, like “brother” Andrew Lancaster – I have nothing to see. First time reading the news about Usmanov’s deal – was to react emotionally and interpret personally. Than thinking a little, was seeing that be hot in this subject – only will be to my disadvantage. Especially if I overreact or assuming the worst. Men, after Eurosong, after @DVENT (That “arrangement” to f*** me off) – its better have bird at hand (i.e. focusing at the issue at hand), than crane in the sky… Okay, which exactly this issue are? Shorty, that Trevor Edwards patriotism in which the boots of £1250 pounds play important role, (before the Princess Eugene appeared in the pages of Metro) and which the Andrew Lancaster understood. Than, the Brazil-China “English speaking World”. Than, the $80-$150 dollars per barrel before switching on the Princess Fergy. Than, the PSD elections in light of Uzbek’s Facebook. This, between others issues require sober thoughts and good energy for the rest of my best thinking. Resolving this, I can spend more time to dedicate WHO are hitting in my head, and why I feel such big anger. Because, in this frame of mind, it’s almost impossible to get my message across.  It’s also unpleasant (at best) and self-destructive (at worst) in both professional (mean, I don’t get it) and personal (mean, I don’t have it) relationships. However it is clear that priority which should be in place between my private life (i.e. Facebook’ industry story) and my business choices.   

  EU headquarters evacuated after fire alarm 2009-05-27 11:51:02 - BRUSSELS (AP) - A fire alarm at the European Union's executive headquarters in Brussels has triggered an evacuation days after the building reopened following a fire. The alarm sounded at the start of a news conference by European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso on Wednesday. Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann was also in the building and was seen leaving. It was not clear whether a fire had broken out in the building that houses the EU executive and 2,000 officials and staff. It is the second alarm in two weeks. A fire broke out in the basement of the building 10 days ago leading to its closure all last week for reasons of safety. In addition to smoke and water damage, the fire seriously damaged wiring. 

Facebook gets $200m from Russian group May 27 2009 02:20. Facebook said on Tuesday it had accepted a $200m investment from Digital Sky Technologies, a private Russian internet investment group, valuing the fast growing social network’s preferred stock at $10bn. The investment, which represents a 1.96 per cent equity stake, gives Facebook an additional cash cushion but the $10bn valuation is a come-down. A year and a half ago, Microsoft invested $240m on similar terms but valued Facebook’s preferred stock at $15bn. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive, acknowledged on Tuesday that this investment came at the “absolute peak of the market”. Facebook has been fielding offers from investors, though reports have put valuations at $6bn-$8bn. While DST’s preferred shares will grant it additional privileges, the $10bn valuation is higher than others seemed willing to grant. DST indicated it planned to buy at least $100m of Facebook common stock from existing shareholders, allowing current and former employees to receive a payout. Details are expected in the coming months, and the valuation DST gives Facebook’s common stock could put a more accurate valuation on the company. DST will not receive a seat on Facebook’s board as part of either investment. “They’ve had to go far afield for this capital,” Ray Valdes, an analyst at Gartner, said. “I’m sure there are investors closer to home that would be happy to invest in Facebook, but not at that valuation.” DST, set up in 2005, has about 30 investments in Russia and eastern Europe. They include, Russia’s largest web portal. DST sites account for 70 per cent of page views on the Russian language internet. Among its backers is Alisher Usmanov, the Russian metals magnate and billionaire. Facebook has 200m users, but much of its growth is coming internationally where the group is harder-pressed to monetise traffic. Capital costs are growing as it pays to accommodate increased activity on the site. “Facebook has been successful in gaining users, but that has had the unfortunate result that it increases costs,” Mr Valdes said. “As long as they grow, they will need additional capital to build out capacity.” Facebook is projecting substantial revenue growth this year. Mr Zuckerberg said on Tuesday that Facebook had been profitable before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation for five quarters and was expecting revenue growth of 70 per cent this year. He said Facebook would be cash flow profitable sometime next year. Outside estimates put 2009 income at about $500m. “Our revenue numbers are up and our growth continues to scale very rapidly,” Mr Zuckerberg said. “This investment is purely buffer for us, and not something we need to get cashflow positive.”

Saudi minister sees oil demand rising May 27 2009 11:33. Global oil demand is picking up, supported by higher consumption in China, driving oil prices higher, Ali Naimi, Saudi Arabia’s oil minister, said on Wednesday ahead of Thursday’s Opec meeting in Vienna. Mr Naimi added that Opec did not need to cut its production, arguing that the cartel would “stay its course”. Opec, which produces about 40 per cent of the world’s oil, has reduced sharply its production since September to combat the decline in oil prices. The oil market is likely to keep its options open before Thursday’s meeting, despite the comments by the cartel’s de facto leader and other ministers. Opec has surprised traders in the past, sometimes reversing its course at the last minute. The cartel’s campaign to curb output has so far borne fruit, with prices jumping above $60 a barrel from a four-year low of $32.70 hit in mid-February. In early trading on Wednesday, West Texas Intermediate, the US oil benchmark, jumped to a fresh seven-month high at $63.05 a barrel, up 60 cents. Brent rose 32 cents to $61.43. Mr Naimi said the global economy had now recovered enough to cope with even higher prices, around $75-$80, and added that level – a tacit target for the kingdom – might be reached later this year as oil demand continues to improve. “The price rise is a function of optimism that better things are coming in the future,” Mr Naimi told reporters accompanying him on his morning jog, adding that some customers were now asking Riyadh for more oil. “Demand is picking up, especially in Asia,” he said. Asked to describe how large the increase was, he said: “It is a good pick up.” Mr Naimi’s comments come as many traders in the physical oil market are far less optimistic, pointing to still weak demand outside Asia and record high inventories. TheInternational Energy Agency, the western countries’ oil watchdog, has forecast that oil consumption will contract this year by 2.6m barrels a day, the steepest drop since 1981. Mr Naimi conceded, nonetheless, that all the increase in oil prices was “not purely fundamental”, suggesting that speculative money was also a factor driving prices. Opec has announced three major production cuts since September, totalling 4.2m b/d – about 5 per cent of global oil demand – in an effort to shore up prices. The cartel has delivered about 80 per cent of the promised cut. For Opec and Saudi Arabia, however, this success does not mean that the war is over. The cartel’s economists in Vienna see the price recovery as shaky, “due more to market sentiment than fundamentals”, and are urging ministers to be cautious. ”Considerable risks remain as oil market fundamentals are far from balanced due to the persistent contraction in demand and growing supply overhang,” Opec said in a report published ahead of the meeting. Energy Source Opec: $75 - $80 oil is okay, says Naimi. At their meeting on Thursday, Opec ministers are likely to call for strict adherence to the 4.2m b/d cut. Compliance has been impressive – at almost 85 per cent in March – but overproduction rose last month as prices surged, bringing compliance back to about 80 per cent, and traders anticipate another surge in non-compliance this month. Opec estimates its core members’ production – excluding Iraq, which does not participate in the system – averaged 25.8m b/d last month, up 220,000 b/d from March. But production is still well below the 29.5m b/d of March 2008.

BPN: Cadilhe rejeita acusações de Oliveira Costa. Económico com Lusa. 26/05/09 22:12. O ex-presidente do BNP e da SLN, Miguel Cadilhe, garantiu hoje que nunca teve nenhuma proposta efectiva ou credível para compra do grupo e rejeitou as acusações que lhe fez Oliveira Costa. "De modo nenhum, em consciência, me sinto Pilates", disse Cadilhe, aludindo à personagem com quem o antigo presidente do Grupo o comparou, para rematar que "Oliveira Costa não é Jesus Cristo". "Houve algumas tentativas de aproximação fantasiosas, que surgiam sempre em momentos críticos", como véspera de reunião de accionistas, da apresentação do plano de salvamento ou conferencias de imprensa, mas "nunca tive nenhuma proposta efectiva ou credível", afirmou Miguel Cadilhe em declarações à agência "Lusa". As declarações de Cadilhe seguem-se em resposta a acusações feitas hoje no Parlamento por Oliveira Costa de que teria sido o indutor do boicote à negociação da venda ao Grupo Carlyle. "Nem do Grupo Carlyle, nem de árabes", reafirmou, advogando que "se tivesse tido alguma proposta tê-la-ia levado aos accionistas". Miguel Cadilhe, que presidiu à SLN e ao BPN depois do afastamento de Oliveira e Costa e até à nacionalização do banco, reagiu ainda ao comentário de Oliveira e Costa de que o seu sucessor "ganhou mais com a ida para o Grupo" do que ele "em dez anos de gestão" do mesmo. "Não sei o que ele [Oliveira e Costa] ganhou nem o que fez perder ao Grupo", disse, frisando que na negociação com os accionistas que o convidaram, o que ocorreu "repetidamente, durante meses" antes de aceitar, o que ficou acordado foi que lhe fosse pago o que perdia por deixar de estar ligado a uma outra instituição financeira. "Não ganhei nem perdi, ou melhor, o que podia perder eles repuseram", afirmou Miguel Cadilhe.