Thursday 14 May 2009


Foz (COM VÍDEO). Yesterday morning, I see the new red Vauxhall (Corsavan) at my porch, with 40-45 years old white male, in good clothes, and very suspicious (mean, shady, fishy). Wasn’t too much to my attention until Portuguese language said: “Vermelho como um bombeiro…” (Now I see how this was referring to the outstanding liabilities from Real Federación Española de Fútbol’s of EU commissaries to me). During my travel to the Diamond District, half of dozens of kozlov Martynenko (i.e. Kremlins body-guards) where constantly jumping to my nose.  

Condomínio assaltado a tiro na Foz (COM VÍDEO) Faltavam poucos minutos para as 22h00 quando dois encapuzados entraram pela porta traseira do prédio situado na Foz do Porto e levaram todo o dinheiro do pagamento de condomínio, cerca de 1500 euros. Durante o assalto dispararam contra o responsável do condomínio, Jaime Coelho, que conseguiu escapar ileso. O responsável estava na cave do prédio com mais um elemento do condomínio a receber o último pagamento de um morador do prédio quando um dos assaltantes entrou na cave e lhe apontou uma arma. Inicialmente, Jaime pensou tratar-se de uma brincadeira e só quando o assaltante agarrou a caixa que continha o dinheiro é que se apercebeu do que se estava a passar. "De repente agarrou-a e eu aí apercebi-me de que ele estava a falar a sério. Mas também não ia ficar sem o dinheiro por isso comecei a tentar tirar-lhe a caixa", contou o responsável ao CM. Enquanto que Jaime tentava tirar a caixa das mãos do assaltante, um outro indivíduo armado surgiu e efectuou um disparo na direcção do homem. "Quando ele disparou baixei-me e o tiro acertou na parede. Acho que não me queriam matar, mas não ganhei para o susto", contou. Jaime tentou ainda perseguir os assaltantes, mas estes acabaram por conseguir fugir num carro vermelho, que segundo a PSP terá sido roubado. A data, hora e o local da reunião estavam há muito tempo afixadas na entrada do prédio, o que leva Jaime a acreditar que os assaltantes possam ser mesmo moradores do prédio.

ArcelorMittal workers attack HQ – 1 day ago. LUXEMBOURG (AP) — Steel workers attacked ArcelorMittal's Luxembourg headquarters Tuesday during the company's annual shareholders meeting, setting off smoke bombs and breaking through the front door to protest temporary layoffs during the economic slump. Some of the 1,000 workers from Belgium and France hurled cobblestones and steel fencing at the building, smashing windows and tearing off a steel molding from the ornate 1920s exterior. Riot police lined up to protect the head office of the world's biggest steel maker. One protester broke into the building and was immediately captured by police. Between 20 and 30 others fought police at the entrance, waiting several hours for him to be released. Journalists were told to leave the ground floor and leave from a back entrance as smoke filled the halls. But the protest did not affect the shareholder meeting and lunch, which continued on an upper floor. Buses had brought the workers from plants in northern France and from Charleroi and Liege in southern Belgium. ArcelorMittal has cut production by half as the steel industry rapidly went from boom to bust late last year. The company has so far avoided major permanent layoffs but is offering voluntary redundancy to 9,000 of its 315,000 staff around the world. Salaries are frozen and board members have volunteered a 15-percent pay cut. Some senior staff are also taking a 10-percent pay cut. It expects global steel demand to sink by 15 to 20 percent this year with growth in India and China failing to compensate for a major U.S. and European recession. It has shuttered plants across the world, laid off temporary workers and put full-time workers on reduced pay during the output freeze. ArcelorMittal chief executive Lakshmi Mittal said the cutbacks were a "temporary suspension of production in view of the market conditions" and that he expected sales to recover in the second half of this year. "Customers have stopped buying steel and are using up their current inventory," he told shareholders. "There is absolutely no point continuing to produce what we know we cannot sell." Deciding which plants would reopen first would depend on how cost-competitive they are, he said. European trade unions warned Monday that tensions among workers were high because the company won't give firm details on when shuttered plants would restart. It said ArcelorMittal management walked out of talks this month on restarting a blast furnace in Liege. Germany's largest steelmaker ThyssenKrupp AG said Friday it plans to cut up to 2,000 jobs at its seven plants in Germany by 2011. It employs nearly 200,000 people worldwide. The European steel federation says that one in six steel workers in the region have lost their jobs or are working shorter hours since the start of the economic crisis. It claims some 72,000 jobs or 17 percent of the European Union's 440,000-strong steel work force have been hit by the downturn.

“… British motor industry is more about service than manufacturing nowadays. The myth is that carmakers are major manufacturers. That was why ministers battled last week to rescue jobs at LDV, Jaguar, Land Rover and Vauxhall. But that fact is the motor sector is a service industry: far more people sell and service cars than make them.Ford employs 13,000 people making engines and vehicles – but 22,000 in its dealerships. Vauxhall, the UK subsidiary of the troubled General Motors, employs 5,500 people producing Astras at Ellesmere Port and vans at Luton; it supports another 7,000 people at supplier companies, but there are 23,000 jobs at dealers. The industry's trade body, the Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders, claims the sector employs more than 800,000 people but only 180,000 in manufacturing, with another 106,000 making components. That leaves more than half a million people in showrooms, service bays and elsewhere…”

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