Saturday 25 April 2009

A three-week high.

Авария автомобилевоза, Китай Saturday, April 25, 2009 More articles in Аварийность и ЧП Автомобилевоз DYVI PACIFIC на 6700 автомобилей (длина судна 200 метров,ширина 32, высота 35) перевернулся и лег левым бортом на грунт у причала верфи Weihai Samjin, Китай. Новенькое судно недавно крестили, получатель известная норвежская семейная компания DYVI, специализирующаяся на автомобилевозах. На фотографиях крещение автомобилевозов Dyvi Pacific и Dyvi Atlantic, ну и далее Dyvi Pacific на грунте. Автомобилевозы – суда капризные, требующие особого внимания к балластировке. Tradwinds сообщает, что судно скорее всего будет признано полной потерей, но судя по фотографиям, вряд ли. Разве что владелец сам не захочет, в настоящее время один из секторов, сильнее всего пострадавших от кризиса, это именно автомобилевозы.

China reveals big rise in gold reserves April 24 2009 19:06

Holdings soar above 1,000 tons. Gold rose to a three-week high of more than $910 an ounce after Hu Xiaolian, head of the secretive State Administration of Foreign Exchange, which manages the country’s $1,954bn in foreign exchange reserves, revealed China had 1,054 tonnes of gold, up from 600 tonnes in 2003.

Oxford Circus/Sibir.

4/25/2009 1:41:48 PM. If, eventually I was satisfied with my current “job” – my “new” friends may want to introduce me to an engrossing hobby like baking or gardening. To get some fun and my hands dirty. However, who don’t see my networking? The new neighbors arrived from the East? (One more reshuffles at the monumental hard-ware – i.e. my building). Maybe, this move is because I think to change the career? Seems that teaming up with a financially savvy persons (Oxford Circus/Sibir) can gain me entry (hell, how I dream of it!) to an exclusive company. Must to look for OPPORTUNITY to introduce myself to the head honcho. (Note: Honcho - somebody who dominates a project, situation, or other people, or who behaves in a self-important way). Breaks like this are few and far between, mean, and should have for Monday CV and business card on hand.


This is from website of YAHOO! UK and IRELAND: Footballer's brother dies after attack. 2 hours 34 mins ago. The brother of England footballer Jermaine Defoe has died after a street attack, it has emerged.

Friday 24 April 2009

Board of Trustees.

 4/24/2009 10:42:14 PM You know that I start to not certain behavior on the people in respect of my writing. Essentially in the Financial World. In the past week. Where the Quimonda was be big triumph. Which Cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s, Nation of the shit from camel turned around and English speaking World take FULL COMPREHENTION. Start with IMF Global Financial Stability Report, the “unexpected” dead of Freddie Mac’s David Kellermann, the “Quimonda’s” T – Mobile phone net crash, the closed metro of Victoria Line, the Oxford Street in black-out because of “loosing gas” – all this exactly when Cocaine Royal Family of Lancasters, Nation of the shit from camel turned around and English speaking World UNDERSTOOD HOW IT’S WORK. I make a little experience today. For various reasons. One of them is the almost satisfaction not with the CONTINUOUS fact to don’t stop receiving blows in my head, but with knowledge that governmental business around the “Who don’t pay me fees for Portland 450 – has been went around”, mean PSD of cocaine EU and ebalas of heroin Communist Party from Brussels and Strasburg, speaking here in russian with cocaine Andrew Lancaster/with that, who want be double ebalo of “medvedev”, the future sucker in communist Club in Davos. The two bastards like a Russia and Portugal are given to us, this situation. Directly from that film where the old monk, with Willy Lancaster makes the investigation of murder occurred in the monastery. One cold morning they discovered a body “a preto” in the barrel full of shit. This exactly what’s happen with this three motherfuckers Portugal, Russia and Germany. When the EU, geographically, politically and ECONOMICALY speaking are ended head first in barrel full of shit which give a lot of ink run for months to come. Never mine. It’s the business where if one ebalo, mean the private face, take on shoulders this subject he will be, like russians singing ‘убит на следующий день’. Because of the direct survival of the named countries. The Cement Portland 450 for London Olympics – was exactly this business. Where, at least, four continents where a participating. Well, like I said, I make a little experiment. Checking my PC at the morning normally put to side where the Co “want” my “Royalties and Concessions”, and go to library. A little stop at the “what participation” nation of the shit from camel turned around, cocaine Royal Family of Lancasters and English speaking World want. Want money from my pocket. The limbs for the meeting between Putin and Timoshenko. The red brows from Darling’s economics. The “Ola moto” of well burned fascists’ Brussels and Strasburg’s T- Mobile. The China’s grow in gold reserves. READ CAREFULY: Nation of the shit from camel turned around, cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s and English speaking World; I never enter in gold shop in my street since the arrive in Nation of the shit from camel turned around, cocaine Royal Family of Lancasters and English speaking World London. You know that Andrew Lancaster was telling me thousands times – RELAX, CHANGE ATTITUDE, THIS KIND OF BUSINESS – EVERY WEEK, ETC. And I, man of certain maturity, agree with him. Although knowing well too, that he, cocaine bastard, from his highs, can tell me this. And than go super marital and fuck fucking chuhonka and do this Quimonda business one per week. But, when the his cronies mean, Nation of the shit from camel turned around – steal from me money and then this cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s and English speaking World London – don’t even think to do the British justice. And, completely coincidently same Nation of the shit from camel turned around, cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s who are for fifteen years defending HIS gold from Kazmunai with his “… RELAX, CHANGE ATTITUDE, THIS KIND OF BUSINESS – EVERY WEEK, ETC”, put this chinoca “yaa-ley”, (in London brawl mean “Yale” lockets) the Gok, that (older?) brother of cocaine Andrew Lancaster, who make BBC’s Fashion Show, but now in European Community variant, very proud of the jump in the Financial Markets, painted in blond, defiling like that android of Nation of the shit from camel turned around, cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s and English speaking World. Making hand to that “medvedev”, which all day was whining that he, because of internet - lost his boots. In place to point out the dirty, shitty, filthy NATO bobicks (mean, Scotland Yard which I expect go to find who don’ pay for my Portland 450 cement – Freeport case) behavior before the gop-stop of cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s in Heat Road (making me the Friday evening ‘re-invigorated’ walk). At the end of this, you find The Home Location Register (HLR) how much cost the next Monday Question: Who fuck was supplier to the Ramzay kitchen? Неужели Гайдар?

FTSE 100    4155.99     137.76

Dax               4674.32     136.11

Cac 40          3102.85     94.23

Dow Jones   8110.3        153.24

Nasdaq        1698.61      46.4

Body parts pair still questioned Police have until the end of the day to continue questioning two people about the death of a man whose body parts were found dumped across two counties. On Thursday the man was named by police as 49-year-old kitchen salesman Jeffrey Howe from Southgate in north London. A man, 37, and a woman, 20, were under arrest in connection with the finds in Leicestershire and Hertfordshire. The pair appeared at Hatfield Remand Court and a magistrate granted an extra 36 hours to the police for questioning. Mr Howe's head was found in a field in Leicestershire, while his torso, left forearm and legs were found in separate locations in Hertfordshire.


   1: 22 March: left leg found at Cottered

   2: 29 March: forearm found at Wheathampstead

   3: 31 March: head found at Asfordby

   4: 7 April: right leg found at Puckeridge

   5: 11 April: torso found at Gore Lane, Standon

   5: 17 April: police release picture of a replica of the bag the torso was found in

Police believe he was killed by a stab wound to the back. In a statement, Mr Howe's brother, who was not named, said: "Jeffrey was an extremely caring son. "He was a jovial, charming character who had a heart of gold and would get on with anyone." His family said Mr Howe had been working as a salesman for a kitchen firm, and prior to that had lived in various locations across the country. He also lived in Italy for a time where he had worked as a cook. Jeffrey's brother added: "Although we didn't have a great deal of contact and we hadn't seen each other for a few months, as you can imagine our family has been left extremely traumatised by what has happened. "We are finding it extremely hard to come to terms with what has happened." Police launched the inquiry last month after Mr Howe's left leg with the foot attached was found in a lay-by on the A507 in Cottered, Hertfordshire. A week later, on 29 March, a left forearm was found beside a village lane near St Albans, Hertfordshire. Two days later, Mr Howe's head was found in a field near a cemetery in Ashfordby, Leicestershire. His right leg was found off the A10 at Puckeridge in Hertfordshire on 7 April, and on 11 April his torso was found by woods in Standon, Hertfordshire.

Иностранцы продали Sibir  «Газпром нефть» перебила предложение ТНК-BP на выкуп акций Sibir Energy. «Дочке» «Газпрома» хватило несколько часов, чтобы объявить оферту и собрать по ней 16% акций Sibir Energy. Нефтяная компания Sibir Energy уже не первый год вызывает интерес более крупных конкурентов: она практически контролирует московский рынок нефтепродуктов, поскольку владеет Московским НПЗ и сбытовой сетью и ведет добычу нефти на месторождениях в Сибири. Несколько лет назад еще принадлежащая Роману Абрамовичу «Сибнефть» воевала с Sibir Energy за ее активы, а теперь эта же компания, переименованная в «Газпром нефть», скупила значительный пакет акций британской компании. Вчера днем Renaissance Securities объявил оферту на выкуп акций Sibir Energy в интересах «Газпром нефти» по 5 фунтов стерлингов. Меньше чем через три часа банк отчитался, что сделка «успешно» закрыта: к выкупу предъявлено около 16% акций. Значит, «Газпром нефть» потратит 309 млн фунтов ($451 млн). Сравнить цену оферты с рыночной невозможно: торги акциями Sibir на LSE прекращены 18 февраля, а последняя сделка заключалась по 1,75 фунта. (£ 1.75)

Thursday 23 April 2009

21 Horses.


Лошади на чемпионате по поло погибли из-за ошибкиAP  Polo Player Links Vitamin Supplement to Deaths of 21 Horses in Florida.

Thursday , April 23, 2009 WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. —  A member of a Venezuelan-owned polo team says a vitamin supplement likely killed 21 horses before a match last weekend in Florida. Juan Martin Nero, of Lechuza Polo, tells the Argentine newspaper La Nacion the horses were given a commonly used supplement known as Biodyl that contains a combination of vitamins and minerals. Nero says the drug is often given to horses, but was likely tainted at a lab. The horses began collapsing Sunday as they were unloaded from trailers before one of the sport's top championships at the International Polo Club Palm Beach. Nero says five horses that did not get the supplement were OK. Florida authorities have started a criminal investigation to see if the deaths were intentional or an accident. Meanwhile, championship polo matches were scheduled to resume in Florida on Thursday, four days after the 21 prized horses mysteriously died. The International Polo Club Palm Beach plans a memorial ceremony for the dead horses after Thursday's last match at the U.S. Open Polo Championship. "There are no words to describe the sadness shared by everyone — particularly the devastated owners of those magnificent horses," the United States Polo Association said in a statement issued Wednesday. Investigators are still stymied as they continue both a criminal and a medical probe. Initial tests revealed internal bleeding but no definitive cause. Authorities hope lab tests will reveal new details.


Qimonda admite que deve mais de 139 milhões ao Estado português

O Estado português apresenta-se como o maior credor da Qimonda Portugal. É a própria administração da empresa instalada em Vila do Conde que, no processo de insolvência, reconhece que é devedora de, pelo menos, 139 milhões de euros de incentivos financeiros estatais. O Estado português apresenta-se como o maior credor da Qimonda Portugal. É a própria administração da empresa instalada em Vila do Conde que, no processo de insolvência, reconhece que é devedora de, pelo menos, 139 milhões de euros de incentivos financeiros estatais. A empresa presidida por Armando Tavares considera como "muito provável" o surgimento do "direito de crédito do Estado sobre a Qimonda Portugal relativamente ao montante global de cerca de 139 milhões de euros, correspondente a financiamentos não convertidos, a que acrescem os respectivos juros contratuais", adianta a mesma fonte em sede de processo de insolvência. Primeiro pelo ICEP e o Iapmei, depois pela API, e mais recentemente através da AICEP, o Estado português apoiou fortemente a instalação e sucessivas expansões da fábrica de Vila do Conde, por via dos chamados contratos de investimento. "Na verdade, a incerteza quanto à possibilidade de retoma do fluxo de fornecimento de matérias-primas, nomeadamente de 'wafers' [material semi-condutor], não permite antever um cenário de recuperação da actividade da apresentante nos termos em que esta vinha sendo desenvolvida, determinando assim a impossibilidade prática de serem alcançados os objectivos fixados nos contratos de investimento", explica a empresa. Para um investimento inicial de 221 milhões de euros, a então Siemens Semicondutores recebeu a título de incentivo financeiro do então PEDIP cerca de 69 milhões de euros. A conclusão do chamado primeiro módulo fabril, no início do novo século, ascendeu a cerca de 372 milhões de euros, elevando o incentivo estatal a mais de 127 milhões de euros. Seguiu-se, em 2004, a construção do segundo módulo, num investimento aproximado de 230 milhões de euros, com as ajudas estatais directas a rondar os 60 milhões de euros. Já como Qimonda Portugal, o Estado português viria a atribuir, em 2006, mais 17 milhões para um investimento superior a 70 milhões de euros na mesma unidade. Acrescem os incentivos de menor dimensão, em termos financeiros, realizados na área da investigação e desenvolvimento e na ligação ao sistema universitário e tecnológico nacional. Pelas contas do Negócios, para um investimento global da ordem dos 700 milhões de euros, a empresa instalada em Vila do Conde terá embolsado, no âmbito do PEDIP, POE e Prime, cerca de 220 milhões de euros. Acrescem os incentivos de carácter fiscal que foram atribuídos ao longo destes anos.



Mutual co-operation.

4/23/2009 4:20:52 PM.Mutual co-operation is something I GRAB readily and sincerely appreciate. If you feel in your back bonking groom leadership qualities – put them to full use.

Оксфорд-стрит в центре Лондона перекрыта из-за утечки газа

23 апреля 2009, 18:11 Центральная торговая улица Лондона - Оксфорд-стрит, перекрыта из-за утечки бытового газа, сообщил днем в четверг представитель лондонской пожарной службы. «Была обнаружена утечка газа. Мы оцепили 100-метровый участок улицы - магазины, офисы и дороги были закрыты», - сказал он. В настоящее время на месте события дежурят полицейские и пожарные расчеты, а газовые службы выясняют причину утечки и устраняют ее, сообщает РИА «Новости».

Your registration confirmation for Platts Power and Gas Forum‏

From: Platts, Ellie Weir (

Sent: 23 April 2009 14:37:33


FORUM  Platts Power and Gas Forum   Add to your Outlook Calendar

19 May 2009  

Dear Viktor,

This is your registration confirmation for the Platts Power and Gas Forum 19 May, 2009

Please read carefully the message below and do not hesitate to contact me, should you have any questions. Forum Date and Venue: Tuesday 19 May 2009. Hilton Düsseldorf in Düsseldorf, Germany .Time: 9am-12pm. Click here to view map Please arrive at the forum on Tuesday 19 May at 8:15am to ensure enough time for registration. Please also bring a business card to speed-up this process.

Platts editors and business managers will be present at the forum and available for questions and personal meetings. There will also be many opportunities to ask questions and engage in discussion throughout the sessions. This Forum is strictly for power and gas industry professionals. If you would like to bring your colleague they must present a business card on that day. ·         If you can no longer attend the forum, please click here to cancel your registration. ·         Please note: visa, accommodation and travel arrangements are the responsibility of the delegate. If you have any further questions regarding the Power and Gas Forum, please email .

Kind regards, Ellie Weir

Marketing Manager 

Gazprom arm takes lead in Sibir bidding April 23 2009 14:47 Gazprom Neft, the state-controlled oil major, was left in the driving seat on Thursday for a stake in Sibir Energy, the Aim-listed Russian energy group, after TNK-BP, BP’s Russian oil venture, said it was pulling out of a bidding war. TNK-BP bowed out on Thursday just one hour after it was announced that Gazprom Neft, the oil arm of Gazprom, the state-controlled monopoly, was bidding 70p a share more for minority shares in Sibir than the 430p bid that TNK-BP announced on Wednesday. Credit Suisse said on Thursday that it had cancelled its bookbuild for TNK-BP for a significant minority stake in Sibir and had not purchased any shares. The announcement came little more than an hour after Renaissance Capital, the Moscow investment bank, said it was offering to buy minority shares in Sibir for 500p a share on behalf of Gazprom Neft. The latest twist leaves Gazprom Neft strongly positioned for a stake in the embattled mid-sized producer, which has been racked by corporate governance concerns involving its main owner and founder, Shalva Tchigirinsky. Sibir said on Thursday that it had not been approached by Gazprom Neft. It said a preliminary approach it had received from a third party had now been withdrawn as a result of the announcement by Renaissance. But Rosneft, the state-controlled oil major that has previously battled with Gazprom for ascendancy, had also been tipped as a potential bidder. It has declined to comment on the reports. Several analysts have said that a state-controlled energy major could gain the edge over privately-owned TNK-BP. The 47 per cent stake in Sibir held by its main owners is pledged to a Russian state bank. Any deal to sell this stake could lead to the first instance of consolidation in the Russian oil industry as a result of the economic crisis. Mr Tchigirinsky, who owns a 23.5 per cent stake in Sibir, was hit hard by margin calls last autumn as stock markets plummeted, leaving both his and the 23 per cent stake in Sibir belonging to his business parter Igor Kesayev, pledged to Sberbank, the Russian state bank, for loans. Sibir’s shares were suspended in February after the company revealed it had lent $325m to Mr Tchigirinsky, who has been battling to save his property empire. The sum was $210m more than Sibir had previously acknowledged and has led to high court action by the company against Mr Tchigirinsky and Henry Cameron, its former chief executive . Sibir already has ties to Gazprom Neft via a joint venture with the state-controlled company for the Moscow oil refinery. Sibir also owns a 50 per cent stake in a joint venture with Royal Dutch Shell to develop one of Russia’s most promising green fields, Salym, where production hit 80,000 barrels per day in January. The Moscow city government owns an 18 per cent stake in Sibir.

The Home Location Register (HLR)

1). T-MOBILE PHONE NETWORK CRASH Millions affected as Germany suffers a total T-saster! Millions of Germans were left mute after the country's biggest phone network crashed - a total T-saster! It was a monumental telecommunications cock-up as T-Mobile's 39 million customers were left unable to use their mobile phones to send calls or SMS text messages. The crash happened at 4.09pm local time, and left half of Germany panicking as they bashed away at their keys only to see the dreaded message: "Network unavailable." Friends, relatives and colleagues who attempted to call T-Mobile customers were confronted with an engaged tone and then "call failed". “T-Mobile had a national network failure,” said spokesman Dirk Wende. In the Bonn headquarters all hell broke lose. Technicians frantically searched for the cause of the crash. At 5.55 pm, two hours after the start of the network collapse, the first signs of an explanation appeared. Spokeswoman Marion Kessing told BILD: “The calls and texts service has been affected, but not land lines. The internet is still working. We can exclude sabotage, a hacker attack or computer virus.” Customer help lines were jammed as millions tried to call in to complain about the crash, and T-Mobile’s website was overloaded. When customers tried to click on the 'report a problem' button, they were confronted with an ironic message informing them that the site was experiencing technical difficulties! At 7.58 pm, Marion Kessing gave the all clear. “The cause of the problem was a mistake in our own software. The Home Location Register (HLR) collapsed”, she told BILD. The HLR is a data bank which has every mobile number stored and assigned to a certain region. Without this data, the network doesn’t know how to reach mobile phones. Two of these servers collapsed and almost the whole network was disabled. By 7 pm, T-Mobile had already begun to re-boot the servers. It was hours later before all the connections were back to normal. The firm's technology manager Günther Ottendorfer said: “We regret the incident and would like to apologise to our customers for the inconvenience.”

2). Die Qimonda-Krise 1999 gliedert Siemens sein Halbleitergeschäft aus, Infineon wird gegründet. Die trennen sich 2005 vom riskanten Chip-Geschäft: Qimonda wird gegründet (2006). Seit April ist die Produktion eingestellt. Ein Jahr später fallen die Chip-Preise massiv. BILD berichtet als erste Zeitung über die Krise. Das Rathaus dementiert – noch! Qimonda macht 274 Mio. Euro Verluste. 2008 sind es bereits 1,08 Milliarden. Im Januar 2009 Insolvenz. Im April wird die Produktion eingestellt. 2200 Mitarbeiter landen in einer Auffanggesellschaft. Ein Investor ist bis heute nicht in Sicht.

3). Freddie Mac CFO in apparent suicide: police source Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:58pm EDT RESTON, Virginia (Reuters) - The finance chief of troubled U.S. mortgage giant Freddie Mac, David Kellermann, was found dead on Wednesday after apparently committing suicide, a police source said. Kellermann, promoted to acting chief financial officer last September after the government took control of the company, was found hanging in the basement of his home in an affluent Washington suburb at around 5 a.m. (0900 GMT). There was no immediate indication what would have driven 41-year-old Kellermann, who was married and had a young daughter, to kill himself. Kellermann, a 16-year veteran of Freddie Mac. BOW TIES, CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS - He was known as a cheerful personality around the office with a light-hearted manner. Former colleagues said he sometimes wore a bow tie. He volunteered in the community with a charity for the homeless. He and his wife had a daughter who neighbors said is aged about 5 or 6. "They were the last people in the world you'd think this would happen to," said Susan Unger, who lives across the street from the Kellermanns in the Hunter Mills Estates of million-dollar homes. Unger and her husband said the Kellermanns were known on the street for having the fanciest Christmas decorations. They even decorated their brick house for Halloween and with hearts for Valentine's Day. Freddie Mac's interim chief executive, John Koskinen, visited the Kellermann home on Wednesday morning and later addressed employees, encouraging them to take time off if they needed to grieve. Freddie Mac delayed for at least one day the routine sale of new notes. The executive's death was the latest of several recent blows to Freddie Mac, including David Moffett's resignation as chief executive in March after just seven months on the job.


Wednesday 22 April 2009

Vídeo SIC: Incêndio deflagra em prédio de habitação.

Vídeo SIC: Incêndio deflagra em prédio de habitação.

Um incêndio deflagrou hoje, pelas 18h29, num prédio de habitação na Portela de Sacavém, Loures. Quatro moradores, incluindo duas crianças, foram transportadas para o hospital devido a inalação de fumo. Lusa  20:46 Quarta-feira, 22 de Abr de 2009 Um incêndio deflagrou hoje, pelas 18h29, num prédio de habitação na Portela de Sacavém, Loures. Quatro moradores, incluindo duas crianças, foram transportadas para o hospital devido a inalação de fumo, informaram os bombeiros. As chamas, cujo alerta foi dado às 18h29, deflagraram no número 9 da Rua Diogo Cão, tendo ficado circunscritas a um apartamento do nono andar do edifício com 12 pisos. O fogo, cujas causas são ainda desconhecidas, entrou em rescaldo às 19h51, referiu à agência Lusa o Centro Distrital de Operações de Socorro de Lisboa. Duas crianças e dois adultos foram transportados, respectivamente, para o Hospital Dona Estefânia e Curry Cabral, em Lisboa, por inalação de fumo, adiantou a mesma fonte. De acordo com o comandante dos Bombeiros Voluntários de Sacavém, Rui Máximo Santos, ninguém se encontrava no interior do apartamento, cujo proprietário estava em viagem, tendo ardido dois quartos e uma sala. O responsável acrescentou que decorrem operações para retirar o fumo das escadas do prédio. A Protecção Civil Municipal de Loures está avaliar quando é que os moradores, que tiveram de abandonar temporariamente as suas habitações, podem regressar ao prédio. No combate às chamas estiveram envolvidos 40 bombeiros de quatro corporações, apoiados por 14 veículos. No combate às chamas estiveram envolvidos 40 bombeiros de quatro corporações, apoiados por 14 veículos. Nem que preguntarem, nao digo porque...



Governo russo com "interesse sério" na Qimonda

O Governo russo poderá entrar no plano de salvamento da Qimonda , avançou o governador do Estado da Saxónia.

11:10 Quarta-feira, 22 de Abr de 2009 A Qimonda poderá encontrar um investidor na Rússia, sob a forma de uma empresa de capitais públicos  A imprensa alemã dá hoje conta do eventual interesse da Rússia naQimonda, após uma reunião em Moscovo, na terça-feira, do governador da Saxónia, Stanislav Tilloich, com o primeiro ministro russo Vladimir Putin.  Á saída do encontro, Tillich falou da possibilidade de se encontrar "um investidor estratégico" na Rússia.  O governo da Saxónia considera que o interesse dos investidores russos em investir na Qimonda é "sério", e que o nível das conversações entre o governador do Estado alemão e responsáveis russos demonstra essa seriedade.  "O facto de o ministro russo da Indústria Viktor Christenko ter participado  nas conversações mostram quanto é sério o interesse demonstrado", refere  o governo da Saxónia num comunicado divulgado na sua página na Internet. O comunicado seguiu-se ao encontro, na terça-feira em Moscovo entre o governador da Saxónia, Stanislaw Tillich e o primeiro-ministro russo Vladimir  Putin.   A nota na página do governo da Saxónia refere que a Qimonda poderá encontrar um investidor na Rússia, sob a forma de uma empresa de capitais públicos russos, tema que Tillich e Putin discutiram.  A Qimonda entrou em processo de insolvência na casa-mãe alemã, que põe em causa a sobrevivência da unidade que mantém em Portugal, onde empregava  antes do processo de insolvência cerca de 1300 trabalhadores.

IMF Global Financial Stability Report, April 2009.

 4/22/2009 11:57:19 AMDream: I am walking nearby Lea River. See the aged man with a rucksack made from green tarpaulins, the very old type, which nobody use by now. He’s old beggar. And from the distance a hundredth meters or so I see that this is me. Than I hear voices from the bunch of young in theirs twenties boys who are teasing with him.  I feel constantly a double, because it is me in one side and me again are in the same time struggling to creep put from very deep ravine. I use long grass like support to go up. One of young voices at the end their long mockery are saying to him: I need you dad… Than I wake up.  Well, for me clear every bit of this “message”. Lea River represents 2012 Olympics. The lot of cement Porland 450, (that outstanding debts of Co to me), where the yesterday “meeting” of russian building workers at my entrance to the City, play an important role. And which was made “at my back”, (the idea of “medvedev” – ‘a ты переварачивай’ meaning to do disturbances) the profound understanding of Anglo-American model mechanics. Where the local interpretation, give us idea of how visually and tactically can be the deep crisis of regular economic cycles. Where should be assented the amplitude of regeneration project of this piece-work (i.e. London Olympics) would accomplish. The green tarpaulin of my/his rucksack – mean NATO. Mean that young, perturbed GI, which frequently appeared in this area. Who too represent Anglo-American economic model. In this case,(my dream), its mean political (not existent) platform of EU, my apparent duplicity and of course, my age. Like the faces of Job centre which for a couple years now, are persistently grazing my tale. Principally on public places. Such as supermarkets etc. I call this negative inflation in a way of “ a comer” (to eat, to consume, etc.) over an extended period of time make theirs, the Co idea – catastrophic decline. Where the “voices” (in my place, in my head, etc.) where talking to much in a such degree, that theirs famous, International Consulting speaking in portuguese arrive at “this” deflation point. The part, where I was struggling creep out of the ravine – represent who are in the “eight” situation. Which exactly is the “illustrious” family are trying to creep-out. It’s a pity to spend to much ink writing down which. I told you before, to don’t be too much jealous to start questioning my “authority”. At the end, the “darlings” will carry out my orders because there is really no choice. Far away the BNB’s will be grateful that I took the initiative although silencing unsuccessfully (i.e. Damian McBride) my critics. Even if I feel that the around “authorities” do resistance to me, in a way it’s clear how “my pocket” bring riches to this country. But at the same, even when my input is not exactly welcome – it’s valuable input and I want apologize for voicing my discontent.

1). Трудности Британии утроились Екатерина 13:42 22.04.2009 МВФ в три раза преувеличил расходы Великобритании на кризис накануне представления в парламенте бюджета-2010. Международный валютный фонд отозвал на пересмотр оценку размера вливаний в банковскую систему Великобритании ($256 млрд), которые необходимы для стабилизации банковской системы страны, сославшись на ошибку в данных. Оценка была представлена в опубликованном вчера обзоре фонда «Глобальная финансовая стабильность». В докладе Британия выглядит одной из самых проблемных стран: ей предстоят одни из самых высоких затрат на стабилизацию финансового рынка — 13,4% от ВВП%), даже у США они ниже — 12,1%. Выше расходы лишь у Ирландии — 13,9%. В бюджете Великобритании затраты на стабилизацию в три раза ниже оценок МВФ — около $88 млрд, по данным FT. Такой конфуз у МВФ с пересмотром оценки вышел впервые. Хотя пересмотр оценок МВФ осуществляет регулярно, раньше расхождение мнений МВФ и местных правительств не было ни для кого принципиальным. В условиях кризиса статус МВФ возрос   (соответствующий мандат фонд получил от стран «двадцатки» в апреле), но пока никто не предпринимал попытки оспаривать его цифры. В этот раз прогноз МВФ был опубликован накануне одного из главных экономических событий года в Великобритании — выступления министра финансов Алистера Дарлинга в парламенте как раз с проектом антикризисного бюджета на будущий год. И главный вопрос бюджетного послания — цена мер борьбы с кризисом. Таким образом, расхождения цифр были критическими для тона дискуссии. В московском представительстве МВФ ситуация не комментируют, ссылаясь на то, что это в компетенции головного офиса.

2). IMF Global Financial Stability Report, April 2009

Published April 2009 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released its semi-annual Global Financial Stability Report on April 21, 2009. The executive summary states, "The refinancing needs of emerging markets are large, estimated at some $1.8 trillion in 2009, with the bulk coming from corporates, including financial institutions. Though notoriously difficult to forecast, current estimates are that net private capital flows to emerging markets will be negative in 2009, and that inflows are not likely to return to their pre-crisis levels in the future. Already, emerging market economies that have relied on such flows are weakening, increasing the importance of compensatory official support." Chapter 1 adds, "As a result of continued pressures in credit markets, global financial institutions and other holders could face larger potential writedowns, according to our estimates. Looking at the range of assets originated in the United States over the same cumulative period (2007–10) as in prior GFSRs, expected writedowns have risen to some $2.7 trillion, up from the $2.2 trillion estimated at our interim update in January 2009, and from the $1.4 trillion estimated in October 2008. The rise represents the credit deterioration that the worsening economic cycle is creating. Considering a much wider set of outstanding loans and securities to include European-originated loans and related securities as well as Japanese-originated assets (totaling some $58 trillion compared to earlier estimates based on $27 trillion of U.S. originated loans and securities) provides a broader, albeit more uncertain, assessment of potential writedowns of some $4.1 trillion. While banks are expected to bear about two-thirds of the writedowns, other financial institutions including pension funds and insurance companies also have significant credit exposures. Among other market participants, hedge funds have suffered losses related to both mark-to-market declines and forced asset liquidations due to redemptions."

3). IMF sees further $200bn UK bank losses April 21 2009 19:34 Britain’s banks have written off only a third of the losses they ultimately face, the International Monetary Fund said on Tuesday as it suggested lenders would have to raise at least $125bn in additional capital to rebuild their balance sheets. Britain’s banks have already written off around $110bn on complex debt securities and other assets on their balance sheets, but the IMF estimates they face another $200bn in losses over the coming two years as loans to companies and consumers go sour. In addition, the IMF calculates that British banks need a further $125bn in capital to restore their balance sheets to the state they were in before the crisis. To return them to the stronger capital ratios common in the mid-1990s, that capital infusion would have to be doubled to $250bn. However, analysts pointed out that the IMF’s capital calculations are based on a ratio of tangible common equity to total assets. This measure ignores preference shares and other hybrid instruments, and makes no allowance for the relative riskiness of different assets. When carrying out stress-tests of British banks’ balance sheets, the Financial Services Authority has used a risk-based measure of capital strength known as core Tier One. On this basis, the FSA recently concluded that Barclays does not need further capital.

4). Bailed-out firms spend millions on lobbying  

GM, banks find cash to fund bids to sway lawmakers, Obama administration

5:07 a.m. ET April 22, 2009 Top recipients of federal bailout money spent more than $10 million on political lobbying in the first three months of this year, including aggressive efforts aimed at blocking executive pay limits and tougher financial regulations, according to newly filed disclosure records. The biggest spenders among major firms in the group included General Motors, which spent nearly $1 million a month on lobbying, and Citigroup and J.P. Morgan Chase, which together spent more than $2.5 million in their efforts to sway lawmakers and Obama administration officials on a wide range of financial issues. In all, major bailout recipients have spent more than $22 million on lobbying in the six months since the government began doling out rescue funds, Senate disclosure records show.


To don’t speak about how I live in UK, who is the “real” Jew and of whom is the EU’s “Diamantes de Angola”, just for sick to save your time and coordinates of Trevor Edwards (BNB Recruitment Solution Plc Company), I make you a simple question from Which is the common dominator between fraction numbers in USA, Mexico and Italy?

Answer: Beretta Cheetha…

Daddy the “a curtiça” – know what I singing.

LVMH eyes sale of Moët to Diageo April 22 2009 02:14

LVMH has indicated it may be willing to sell some or all of its two-thirds stake in Moët Hennessy, its wine and spirits business, to partnerDiageo, say people close to the matter. LVMH, part of the French luxury empire controlled by Bernard Arnault, approached Diageo this year to gauge whether Diageo was interested in buying the rest of Moët Hennessy, said one person familiar with the matter. The companies held informal discussions, but LVMH stayed hypothetical about a sale rather than pressing ahead. It has not yet decided whether it definitely wants to part with the asset. Diageo has not made an unsolicited offer for Moët Hennessy, but it may be willing to buy if LVMH and Mr Arnault opt to sell it and the parties can agree on its value. Revenue within the wines and spirits operation slipped 3 per cent to €3.13bn (£2.76bn) in 2008, as the economic downturn hit its luxury brands. Moët Hennessy could be worth up to nearly three times that amount, though people close to the matter said the recent softening in the luxury market put its value to Diageo up for debate. A sale of some or all of Moët Hennessy would free up cash for LVMH, the world’s biggest luxury goods group, to spend on purchases in the fashion side of its business. Industry watchers have said luxury goods makers Hermès or Gucci could fit well within LVMH’s portfolio, which includes Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Donna Karan and Marc Jacobs. Some insiders believe LVMH’s wine and spirits arm is a good hedge against its fashion exposure, however. Moët Hennessy has either created or acquired a handful of well-known brands in recent years including Glenmorangie whisky, Belevedere and Chopin vodka, and 10 Cane Rum. The company also owns some of the world’s best-known champagne brands. Moët & Chandon and Veuve Clicquot account for 34 per cent of its sales. LVMH and Diageo, which owns 34 per cent of Moët Hennessy, have established a number of joint distribution arrangements over the past two decades that primarily cover Diageo’s whisky and gin brands and Moët Hennessy’s champagnes and cognacs. LVMH is scheduled to report its first-quarter results on Wednesday.

Tuesday 21 April 2009

...frieza o que espera...

Não estranhe, neste período, caso se sinta mais calculista e se analisar com mais frieza o que espera dos outros e o que os outros esperam de si.

1982 headline in The New York Times.

 4/21/2009 2:12:40 PM. “Deflation refers to the persistent tendency, over an extended period of time, for prices and incomes to decline. I f deflation persist, businesses may shut down or reduce their production. As a result, unemployment may increase and wage rates may fall. The spiraling effect of deflation on prices and wages may create pessimism, and the economy could fall into a recession." Or as a 1982 headline in The New York Times put it, as prices rolled back briefly as a steep recession ended an era of inflation: "INFLATION HURTS, BUT DEFLATION COULD BE WORSE." (See below article from Independent Television News Limited) During the Great Depression, prices fell by as much as 20 to 30 percent in many countries, in a process that was both caused by and contributed to the downward economic spiral. Since then prices almost everywhere have marched almost invariably upward, with the main danger being cases where it rose too fast. The great exception was Japan, during what came to be known as its "lost decade.'' A gigantic real-estate boom in the 1980's came crashing down in 1991, bringing many other prices with it. Efforts to restart the economy foundered time and again, as businesses were not able to generate the kind of profits that would reignite prosperity's cycle of hiring and spending. Not until 2005 was the deflationary era finally declared to be over… ИНФОРМАЦИЯ К РАЗМЫШЛЕНИЮ: Euribor plays an important role in the European banking policy. This is the benchmark rate that prime banks charge to lend money to other prime banks. There are two points you must remember about the Euribor. First, the EBF (European Banking Federation) and ACI (Financial Markets Association) sponsor this rate. EBF represents approximately 5,000 European banks. These banks have headquarters in several European countries, including Germany, Austria, France, Italy, and many others. Second, these banks must meet stiff market criteria in order to be part of this consortium. Euribor stands for Euro Interbank Offered Rate. This daily rate, which varies, consists of average interest rates where banks let other banks borrow money. These transactions take place in the interbank market. Every day, the major banks in Europe calculate the interest rates by averaging them. As a result, the Euribor rate varies on a daily basis. Reuters then sorts out the Euribor calculation and publishes this information. 

Calculation of Euribor® Euribor® is calculated, on a daily basis, for periods of one week to one-year, however, the three month rate is considered the overall benchmark. The actual calculation of the rate is done by submission, from a panel of leading European banks, of the rate at which they believe a prime bank will quote to another prime bank for inter-bank term deposits within the euro zone. The highest and lowest 15% of all quotes are then eliminated and an unweighted average is calculated by Reuters from the remaining quotes to three decimal places.


INDICE            Ultimo             Var.%              Var. pts    Volumen   Anterior       H

EURIBOR         1,7680         +0,00%          +0,0000         --         1,7680        00:00

RPI falls below zero Tuesday, April 21 10:00 am The headline rate of inflation, which includes mortgage payments, has fallen below zero for the first time in 50 years. RPI stood at 0.4 per cent last month - down from zero in February - showing the cost of living is actually getting cheaper. But negative RPI should not necessarily be welcomed. The figure is often used as a benchmark to set wage, state pension and other benefit increases. Last month's fall reflects February's cut in the cost of borrowing to 1 per cent, but as the Bank of England has slashed rates again since then, RPI could have further to tumble. The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) - the official measure of inflation - also fell. It was down to 2.9 per cent in March from 3.2 per cent in February. Still well above the Government's 2 per cent target, it is not affected by falling house prices and the recent cuts in interest rates. Food and non-alcoholic beverage costs were also lower, as fruit, vegetables and bread prices all fell compared with a year ago. Transport costs also played a part in pulling inflation down, mainly because of lower air fares on European routes compared with last March. Fuel also rose more slowly than a year ago, when it had just begun to climb to the peaks experienced last summer.

Monday 20 April 2009

Daddy the “a curtiça”.

4/20/2009 11:09:05 PM. Essentially I want to speak about my yesterday’s Angolan anecdote and the banking sector. Let’s call this like a binaries situation. Was observing today an interesting urban scene, during my fortnightly, regular and importantbedclothes washing”. Open roof Audi with attention-grabbing company pull-out at the café where I was sipping my coffee. Two, almost my age man with two very girly girls. Twenty and little. Loose my head speculating on theirs connections. Unique idea was: Daddy with his daughter, which bring her girl-friend and the daddy’s “associate” like a company. My imagination goes off. … And opening one bottle of good wine, smelling previously to taking a sip, the cork with which this bottle was capped. Like Latin people say - “a curtiça”. With a good sense bearing in mind that the hangover is not less important than the all process of nursing, testing and sniffing… Stop! I’m just implying that the fine wine and good chatter with sympathetic people can help. Even possibly heal an old wound. Again, let’s call this a second binaries state of affairs which I going to expose more lately. Without delay, should say it’s not realistic to think we’ll ever solve this problem, but at least we can mitigate the soreness it causes. Being too nice to say anything may be good manners, but it won’t get anywhere. It’s preferable to combine logic with an instinct, the tool which enables to do something that’s both very human and neat.

1). Pte Wilson had been manning a machine gun during a fierce battle with the Taliban in Helmand Province on April 10 when he was hit by the 7.62mm AK47 bullet. and Davis Polk is among the world's leading (in vasilham?) law firms across our entire practice. This excellence and breadth has made us the firm of choice for many of the world’s leading companies and financial institutions as they address the diverse legal and business challenges they face. Our practice is organized into four departments—Corporate, Litigation, Tax, and Trusts and Estates. The Corporate Department is further divided into three major practice groups—Capital Markets, Mergers and Acquisitions, and Credit—as well as a number of specialist groups. While not formally divided into subgroups, our Litigation Department is preeminent in such areas as securities litigation and compliance, white collar criminal defense, products liability and mass torts, antitrust, insolvency and restructuring, professional liability, banking, consumer actions, and directors' and officers' liability. Davis Polk lawyers work in highly collaborative teams, which span across our practice and, if necessary, around the world.

1’). THURSDAY, 9 Barclays sells iShares to CVC for $4.2bn Banking Editor: April 9 2009 15:07. Bob Diamond, Barclays’ president, is set to pocket a $6.9m cash windfall after the banking group on Thursday agreed to sell its iShares subsidiary to CVC Capital, the private equity group, for $4.2bn (£2.8bn). The long-awaited sale of the fast-growing fund management business will boost Barclays’ capital reserves as the bank seeks to strengthen its balance sheet to help it weather further losses that arise from the global economic downturn. Mr Diamond, who oversees Barclays Global Investors, the bank’s fund management division, is one of the beneficiaries of a compensation scheme that has given BGI employees shares and options over up to 10.3 per cent of the division’s equity. Following the sale, BGI is expected to distribute the cash to shareholders in the form of a dividend. The news is likely to be controversial because Barclays executives – including Mr Diamond – waived their rights to any bonuses in 2008 after the bank was last autumn forced to raise £7bn in capital from investors in the Middle East. Barclays stressed that Mr Diamond was not involved in the negotiations over the iShares sale. All of Barclays’ directors have been put up for re-election at the bank’s annual general meeting later this month, and some shareholders are expected to use the opportunity to express their frustration with the board. The sale of iShares, the world’s leading provider of exchange-traded funds, underscores Barclays’ determination to shore up its balance sheet and avoid turning to the UK government for capital. The Financial Services Authority last month concluded that Barclays had enough capital to weather a severe economic downturn, but investors have made it clear they would like the bank to strengthen its buffers. Barclays will book a $2.2bn (£1.5bn) profit on the deal and said the sale would boost its Tier One ratio – a key measure of balance sheet strength – by 54 basis points. Including the benefits of the sale, the bank’s Tier One ratio at the end of 2008 would have been 10.3 per cent, while its Equity Tier One ratio – which excludes preference capital – would have been 7.2 per cent. However, CVC Capital is putting up just $1.05bn of the purchase price by providing the equity for the deal. Barclays itself is providing $3.1bn of debt financing for the deal and has agreed to keep the majority of the debt on its books for five years. If CVC doubles the value of its investment in the next two years, Barclays will also receive a cash windfall worth 20 per cent of the increased value on the equity of the buyout. Investors welcomed the deal, sending shares in Barclays 9.5 per cent higher to 172.8p in afternoon London trading. The sale also reveals the attractions of the iShares business, which has grown rapidly in recent years. The deal values iShares at around 10 times the division’s pre-tax profits, which were £288m in 2008. Barclays also revealed that iShares generated almost half the pre-tax profit of BGI. Excluding iShares, the division last year made a pre-tax profit of £307m on total income of £1.19bn. The deal includes a provision that would allow any other bidder to make a higher offer for iShares in the next 45 days, though any bidder would have to pay a $175m break fee to CVC. John Varley, chief executive of Barclays, said in a statement : “This transaction realises significant value for Barclays. iShares has experienced rapid growth over the past several years and has reached a point where it can develop further on a standalone basis. Barclays shareholders will benefit from a reinforcement of our capital base and an ongoing commercial relationship with iShares.” 

2). French businessman killed along with family in Moscow fire 15:23 April 20 A French businessman died along with his wife and their two-year-old daughter in a suspected arson attack at their central Moscow apartment early on Monday, investigators said. A French businessman and his family were discovered dead in their burned-out apartment Monday in central Moscow in an apparent case of murder and arson, investigators said. Firefighters found the body of winemaker Thierry Spinelli and his wife in their third-story apartment on 3rd Tverskaya-Yamskaya Ulitsa, near Mayakovskaya metro station, after responding to a report of a fire at about 6:30 a.m. Monday, law enforcement officials said.  Anatoly Bagmet, head of the Investigative Committee's Moscow branch, told RIA Novosti that the woman, named Olga, appears to have been suffocated, while the body of the man, Thierry, was severely burned. A criminal investigation has been launched. The blaze broke out in two different parts of the apartment at 3 Tverskaya Yamskaya street, covering a total area of 20 square meters. A police source told RIA Novosti that the businessman was a wine trader.

2’). PepsiCo Inc. launched a $6 billion takeover bid for its two largest independent bottlers late Sunday, a major strategy shift that signals the company's intention to overhaul how it makes and distributes its products to consumers. The simultaneous offers for Pepsi Bottling Group Inc. and PepsiAmericas Inc. value each company's shares at about 17% above their trading price Friday. PepsiCo is offering $29.50 in cash and stock for each share of Pepsi Bottling, valuing the company at about $6.4 billion. It is making a separate offer for PepsiAmericas, at $23.27 per share, that values that bottler at about $2.9 billion. FRIENDS and colleagues of Belonging star Stephanie Parker have spoken of their shock after the 22-year-old was found dead. The young actress was found hanged on a patch of open ground near Pontypridd by a passer-by at around 6am on Saturday morning. It is understood she left a note for friends and relatives before going to the lonely spot where her body was found. The actress, said to have had a “fantastic career” ahead of her, played young, single mother Stacey Weaver in the popular Welsh soap. Miss Parker, a former pupil at Hawthorn High School in Pontypridd, had been with Belonging since the age of 15 when she won a small part in the show. She lived in Treforest and grew up in the Rhydyfelin area after moving to Wales from England with her parents as a teenager.  “She came in at 15 in series four, I think, and had a small part, but the writers really loved her and she eventually became a core part of the series. “Stacey who she played was a lively character... as was Stephanie too and she was later very much at the heart of the series. The actress also had parts in BBC hospital drama Casualty and had recently been involved in BBC radio drama. Clare Hudson, BBC Wales’ head of English language programmes, added: “Everyone at BBC Wales – especially all those who worked on Belonging – is extremely saddened at the news of Stephanie’s tragic death. “Stephanie was an immensely talented actor who, as Stacey, played a central role in Belonging since she was 15 as well as appearing in other BBC productions such as Casualty. “Stephanie also worked with BBC Wales radio drama department on productions for Radio Four.