Sunday 29 March 2009

Andy Warhols

Monday, March 30, 2009. 6:10:03 AM. Dream: Sitting at the round table with two very close friends. Very serious we negotiate vital in geo-strategic level subject. Without much ado, together we are arriving to agreeable solution. Funny thing though, the “mano”, are “making finger” to our results, justifying his action with skin of the fat hare Gordon Brown. All this happen in some kind of the parallel time, between my wakes and dream. Actually, the “mano” is some kind of supreme Judge. I don’t see his face, but he is like that double dreams which I had. Representing another side of barricades, another structure, another way of life. Like that “witch hunting” promoted by Brussels and Strasburg in name of “integrity” to hunt down the famous Goal which is EU are in respect of Microsoft generally and USA particularly. Well, it’s Okay if thinking the how is I a double, even worst than Krugman with my writings… It’s like that of Trevor Edwards work place which I imaginary create for myself. This kind of broadcasting (see for example, the picture of Mr. Streiff in International Herald Tribune. How his image shown in media are “similar” to that face of the Andy Warhol – yet another fake from Co of “ongoing piggy faces”), the man which I always call the Mr. Вырыл, could play an unexpected role. Even setting the new directions. This much to my distress, can deviate or make me less focused in my goals. The all steel industry was for many years familiar theme to me. Until the Andy Warhols from Brussels and Strasburg don’t take this goal from me. Partido Socialista Europeo - make total usurpation of this issue. Of course they like always, go to say: Look at your self! What I actually do, and think that this “work place” is extremely demanding and difficult.

1). From: Canadian

Lottery Result ( Sent: 29 March 2009 19:48:40 The Canadian Lottery company happily announce to you that your e-mail address  has won you the sum of US$150,000.000.00(One Million, United States Dollars Only)on the draw (#1659) Ball Set Used: 5 of the Online data International program held on 25th/03/2009 and was officially Announced your e-mail address attached to ticket number: 877633070621 with Serial number:CAL0076 drew the lucky numbers: (2)-(33)-(6)-(7)-(19)(bonus ball no.43)

2). Gunman kills six at nursing home Sunday, March 29 09:55 pm. Six people have been killed and five injured in a shooting at a nursing home in North Carolina. The killings took place at the Pinelake Health and Rehab Center in Carthage, a small town in the southeastern US state. Local media quoted police as saying that a gunman walked into the 90-bed nursing home, which offers care for Alzheimer's sufferers, and shot dead six people. It is the third major shooting to occur in the southeastern United States this month. On March 10, a 28-year-old in Alabama killed ten people, including his own mother, before taking his own life. A few days later in Miami, a Cuban immigrant shot and killed four people, including his estranged wife, before turning the gun on himself.

3). Peugeot Fires Its Chief Executive PARIS — The French automaker PSA Peugeot Citroën fired its chief executive Sunday and replaced him with a veteran of the steel industry. Peugeot, the No. 2 European carmaker behind Volkswagen, said that Philippe Varin, chief executive of the Anglo-Dutch steel company Corus, would replace Christian Streiff, who is stepping down immediately. Mr. Streiff came to Peugeot in 2006 from Airbus, where he lasted just 100 days amid a battle with Airbus’s parent company, the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company, over how much independence he would have to turn around the company after a debacle involving the construction of the A380 superjumbo jet.


3/29/2009 7:32:15 PM After yesterday “A Beautiful Mind” film have a long and good sleep. Like was expecting, thinking about G20 Meeting, dreams where very long and full of action. Nevertheless, two things I remember. In first the Nord was offering me T-shirt. To see or wear a T-shirt in my dream, suggests that I need to take it easy and relax. Alternatively it may represent my honesty especially in my personal relationships. Like the color of this T-shirt which was white. And another detail was scaffolding which I like a chimp flew from “fifth level” without a scratch. Now again, to see that you are in scaffolding, represent something that is temporary in my life, like that of Cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s “Shark Shooter”, (the role attributed to me) aiming at the ongoing… (You know how I call them…) or rune the risk fortnightly being asked “What you do to find the job”. By regular “a preto” in red coat of Royal Guards asking (actually, like a pure representing from nation of the shit from camel turned around, i.e. United Kingdom, my permission to enter in the “1901” building), and at the next day, the trousers and rucksack – directly from MI5 (Military Intelligence) like an offer to participate in G20. Scaffolding also mean that I need support to help me reach my goals or to elevate myself to a new level. One a little detail what’s happen next,  i.e. Willy Lancaster and “1901” – make me be absolutely positive about this. Of course, English speaking World and an others can say something like “You must be joking”. “You are clearly naïve”. “That’s been tried before and it doesn’t work”. Very discouraging statements in did. But, to be honest, this “few surprises” give me more reason yet to believe that I can push on and keep “theirs” positive momentum going. I wonder if I really so foolish to don’t give a clue what they are hell talks about, when at my (morning coffee) break they make me proposal to “Do the fat hare – Gordon Brown”…  That strange, but well knowing Co… Who think that this is are impossible task. I tell you what. It does don’t send me into frenzy to think about. Just having clear picture in respect of Chinalco business in Australia, Brown sore trip to the Santiago, Renault of Bethnal Green with Royal Guards ”a preto” – and You’ll see how time have a chance to work some magic! BARACK OBAMA APOYARÁ LAS PROPUESTAS EUROPEAS SOBRE LOS 'HEDGE FUNDS'

El G-20 fijará medidas en Londres contra los paraísos fiscales

Publicado el 29-03-2009 , por  Los 20 países más ricos del mundo aprobarán, la semana que viene, nuevas reglas para combatir los paraísos fiscales, como parte del amplio plan que revisará la estructura reguladora de la economía mundial, según confirmaron portavoces de la Casa Blanca al periódico 'The Wall Street Journal'. El G-20 aprobará en la esperada cumbre de Londres una serie de medidas para aumentar la supervisión de los paraísos fiscales. Según ha anunciado el consejero estadounidense de seguridad nacional para asuntos económicos internacionales, Michael Froman, al diario 'The Wall Street Journal', las principales economías mundiales fijarán un 'código de circulación' que se incluirá en el comunicado que se emitirá al finalizar la cumbre. La supervisión de los paraísos fiscales se convertirá así en uno de los principales objetivos del G-20 y se sumará al paquete de medidas para el estímulo económico global y para la mejor coordinación de las principales economías del mundo y de los países emergentes, como Brasil, la India o China. Froman ha explicado que los líderes políticos que participarán en la cumbre de Londres ya han mantenido "una serie de conversaciones" sobre los paraísos fiscales, que se verá reflejada en la 'hoja de ruta' que se aprobará para restringir la actividad de todos aquellos que aprovechan los países del Caribe y de otros lugares para no pagar impuestos.

No obstante, Estados Unidos mantiene discrepancias con países como Alemania o Francia, que están decididos a emplear la mano dura y pretenden incluir en la lista negra de paraísos fiscales a todas aquellas naciones que no acaten las decisiones del G-20. "El presidente de EEUU abrazará la llamada europea de combatir los hedge funds", adelantó Froman.

28 марта 2009 года 16:57

В Москве покончила с собой профессор института проблем информатики РАН

Москва. 28 марта. INTERFAX.RU - В Москве покончила жизнь самоубийством профессор института проблем информатики Российской академии наук. Как сообщил "Интерфаксу" источник в правоохранительных органах, женщина в 16:00 выбросилась из окна своей квартиры, расположенной на девятом этаже в одном из домов на улице Волгина. В результате падения женщина погибла на месте. В настоящий момент на месте происшествия работают сотрудники милиции, которые выясняют обстоятельства самоубийства и опрашивают свидетелей. По словам источника "Интерфакса", единственным свидетелем произошедшего был муж, сотрудник того же института.

HOME Secretary Jacqui Smith has been forced to issue a humiliating apology for claiming PORN films on her expenses. The £67 Virgin Media bill was submitted last June as part of Ms Smith's expenses.

Friday 27 March 2009


Не говорите потом, что я вас не предупреждал

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 More articles in Новости

Господа, 25 марта выступил на 13-й конференции страховщиков в Москве, и меня не услышали. То есть, мое прямое предупреждение о перерастании сомалийского любительского пиратства в криминальный бизнес подобный торговле наркотикам, восприняли как страшилку. В ход пошли совершенно на мой взгляд уводящие от темы рассказы о том, как надо организовывать совместную деятельность кораблей в Аденском заливе (да, смысл тут есть, но это не то о чем я предупреждаю), как надо организовывать защиту судна капитаном… Повторяю – сомалийское пиратство может открыть шлюзы международной преступности. По сравнению с которой сомалийские пираты – любители. Повторяю – серьезная преступность «возьмет» любое судно по предварительным расчетам. По предварительным! То есть – на судне такой-то груз, мы сможем распорядиться им таким-то образом, прибыль будет (с учетом предположим сдачи товара на черном рынке) такой-то, наши расходы на операцию такие-то. А мне говорят – капитан может маневрировать так-то и так-то! Господа, если ОПГ организованная то есть преступная группа все расчитает, ей плевать будет на возможные действия капитана, просто потому, что она в принципе исключит любое противодействие. Как? Да хотя бы устройством в экипаж судна одного-двух своих. Я надеюсь мои прогнозы не сбудутся, но страховщики просто не поняли возможной угрозы уж не говоря про мой вопрос – насколько они готовы встретить эту угрозу и как видят на мой взгляд единственную гарантию от такой преступности – найм профи охранников.
Поясняю – на выходных я побывал в гостях у спецназа, у людей-лягушек. Не у сухопутных, а у фрогманов, которых по всему миру по всем флотам всех стран (достойных упоминания)не более 1000. Интересный факт – подготовка фрогмана стоит столько же, сколько подготовка космонавта. Так вот, фрогманы, уже бывшие «в деле» в Аденском заливе, сказали, что с сомалийцами справятся вручную, а вот когда я спросил, как они справятся с людьми более или менее подготовленными, ну хотя бы на уровне морпеха или полицейского развитой страны – «без оружия никак». Мне известно, что интерес к этому делу, этой новой рыночной нише, активно проявляют британские спецы, бундесвер, естественно американские котики. Вы думаете, просто так? С пустого места? Господа страховщики, не говорите потом, что я вас не предупреждал.

Gaff of Prince.

3/27/2009 10:56:41 AM. It would seem that if I really want to make friends and friends with influence, I need to be confident enough to approach - yet not in an arrogant way. For example, gaff of Prince Philip and theirs recent visits with a Queen to the water and umbrella producers. Who see this, agree that when “people” are to “full of themselves”, they are the poor company. More yet, if the Head of the Quality Control Department are in St. Patrick Holydays. How do I know if I am right and if I’ve the balance right? Through the making allowances, through the acceptance of theirs, ROYAL apologies. Yes, I remember that when one individual (me) become pushy or provocative and act in “insensitive” way, this is often can mask someone else “fragile spirit”. Well, in such a way that even my dreams stop to be issue. Although shows, that I are coming to terms with a situation that’s less pliable than “WE” (me and Royals) might wish it could be, also more rewarding (in RBS way, of course). Besides, positively is currently different in a good and inspiring way. I hope. Seems there are a whole series of options ahead that might sound like a business opportunities. However, only thoroughly to check if this friends/people are honest enough to jump and commit myself with to long term transactions. Don’t want to allow a salesperson (Chico ribatejano/Trevor) or even the high profile expert to prance around more than less attractive details. For example, such things as “water” and “umbrella” in place of G20. Only the raw truth, warts, and carbuncles have a use. But, do not tell lately that I like the lumps. I need to know exactly for what they are signing up to, and how they see MY future. Because I think a lot about all those “Londoners” and others trusting Madoff victims. You to do me assumption that you are my life saving, you are my children security and that “our” relationship isn’t the sack of filthy odiferous merde. (I.e. BNHM). Because, I can’t afford the same, of “Londoners” mistake. Be unique banker (however for one day only) put me speak with you in very strict standards – and then some. Not only because a big bunch is very keen to gain my support as a way to use me for being responsible for theirs actions. (I sure you remember the XXX billion Sea Containers business?) How it’s easier for you to leave it to me to make the choices. They, (see article) can and go celebrate and take huge benefits from our joint successes or (like you like to do), put me culpable when the things go wrong. Let’s be sure that all responsibilities are shared and all decisions made “jointly”. Like that place in consign my humble participation in your overwhelming assimilation. For instance, seeing the Boris like a “key – keeper”  of the Apocalypse horses, may me feel a bit compromised, and under pressure, I sure telling you this, may be because you seems to be able to call of the such big shots (to dart me). But somewhere in this equation, my qualities are still at play.

Spongergate: A Sponger Accuses Another Sponger

A sponger has called another sponger a sponger in a Royal sponger scandal. Phil the Greek-famous for marrying the Queen- branded Simon Foul a sponger. Mr Foul- famous for finding people with talent and then milking them for cash- was unhurt by the accusation. A spokesperson for Mr Foul said "Publicity. Fab. Thanks your Highness." Phil the Greek comes from an entire family of spongers. They regularly soak up the nation's wealth and then wave cheerily to the subjects. The family claim that the nation would be lost without them and that tourists would go elsewhere. Mr Foul believes that ITV would be lost without him and that viewers would go elsewhere. The Palace has denied that Phil made the remark. "Someone asked him what he would like to do to the Queen later. He said 'sponge her'. He loves giving her a sponge" said John Cole, a spokesperson. The public may well react badly to the argument. One is a member of a powerful dynasty, Royalty much loved by the nation. The other is an old Greek chap who married the Queen.

The 23,000-ton Norwegian-owned Bow Asir was captured 250 miles (400 kilometers) off the Somali coast on Thursday morning, and the 9,000-ton Greek-owned Nipayia, with 19 crew members, was seized 450 miles (720 kilometers) off Somalia on Wednesday afternoon, the European Union's military spokesman said.

And how will the plan work? The Geithner plan explained: 18:55 The plan announced this week by the US Treasury secretary Tim Geithner is designed to clear away a large load of so-called “toxic assets” clogging up America’s financial system. But what are these assets? Normal loans go bad every time the economy enters a recession, as companies’ profits fall and mortgage-holders lose their jobs. But on top of that familiar problem, banks and other financial institutions have created complex financial securities, called derivatives, so blindingly complicated that even the people creating them didn’t really understand them. With the financial markets in a state of high anxiety and uncertainty, no-one can be sure what these assets are really worth. They haven’t just gone sour. They have become toxic. The banks and financial institutions that own these assets are caught in a bind. No-one wants to buy the assets from them at anything but extremely low prices. Selling them at those knock-down values could mean realizing huge losses and admitting they are insolvent – meaning they cannot meet their own liabilities. But until they can clear them off their books, the banks don’t want to take any more risks by lending out more money. Play the explainer below to see Mr Geithner’s strategy for unblocking the financial system.

Wednesday 25 March 2009


French workers hold 3M boss hostage [Economic, social, trade union, etc., Human rights] — Administrator @ 10:24 pm
From British daily The Morning Star:
French workers hold another boss hostage
Wednesday 25 March 2009
FRENCH workers at a factory owned by US corporation 3M have held a boss hostage overnight after he announced that half of the workforce faced the chop.
The factory at Pithiviers, which produces pharmaceutical products, currently employs 235 people. When 3M French operations director Luc Rousselet revealed on Tuesday evening that 110 of these jobs were to be shed this year due to falling orders and another 40 were to be shifted to another plant, about 20 staff barricaded him in an office.
They were demanding better severance packages for those being laid off and better working conditions for those who keep their jobs.
The workforce has been on strike since Friday.
Force Ouvriere union representative Jean-Francois Caparros said: “Until we have a commitment from 3M that they will increase pay packets and are ready to discuss our conditions for negotiations, then Mr Rousselet will have to remain here.
“If he wants to involve the police, then he will have to send for them, but it is out of the question that he leaves without discussing our conditions,” Mr Caparros declared.
“We will go to the end to get what we deserve.”
Locking up bosses is becoming a tradition in French industrial disputes, with police often unwilling to intervene in order to avoid violence.
Earlier this month, employees at a Sony factory in south-west France held the chief executive and human resources director of the Japanese group’s French arm overnight and eventually secured improved terms for workers facing the sack.

You are more human than android.

Even if I don’t rule with English speaking World, the Elizabeth the II meeting with the Governor mean one thing only: it’s me and the timing is perfect. 25/03/2009 12:22:46. Not only because of weird dream where I should to kill all the Scots, no, I am bloody serious! Arriving orders from the very top (I am like my agent, i.e. Mr. Trevor Edwards, Senior Consultant, PCS Personal Career Solution, Mutual House, 5th Floor, 70 Conduit Street, London, W1S 2GF, Tel.: 0207 837 5881, Mobil: 0778 031 934 in indicated by him position) clearly point towards that disqualified four executives from RBS, (“my a couple years ago, personal arrangements with the Royals”), plus the fuss about City/NSE bonuses told me to kill the all Scots. Only can say that nobody before this dream hit on my head. True too that first dream was about the 16.8 billion dollars loan to the Ukraine... Maybe because this old whore thinking that my mother’s tong is Ukrainian – Pashtu? Don’t know. But clearly visible the ways of her “what you do to find the job” in light of G20 meeting. Where SHE make a false choice, however from my pocket, between a chaotic and unforgiving capitalism and oppressive state-run economy. The type of ‘Comeback to innocence’, to be exact, is where the chicks of Stalin are full of load cry’s (kolkhoz). From where I know what is right and what is just wrong, so let’s try to carve something ornate and beautiful out of a two-headed demon. (i.e. Casa de Hanover) By the same token, old whore, don’t try to castigate a good concept as a killer storm (coup-de-Etat, disturbances, revolutions, etc.) brewing just over the hill. I am completely honest about what can work (my £112 K salary), and what is worth doing. Witch hunts are 1). Expensive - (my struggle with English speaking World generally and “your” money particularly), and 2). Barbaric - (Read the article). Rewriting with “MY HAND” history to turn someone’s salmonella-laced devilled eggs into a delicious luncheon accompaniment is self-destructive.(Austrian Empire). The easiest, smartest, most farsighted thing to do right now (specifically my +/- £16 million of O’Bama), is to be straight-up honest, if that means admitting mistakes. (i.e. Assets). Mistakes are part of learning, interacting and living, which is got nothing to do with “OUR” case. Since, (you know how I call you) it’s will be okay for me to you admit them. It’ll prove that you are more human than android.
King and Queen meet for a chat 1 day ago. The Queen has held an audience with the governor of the Bank of England for the first time in her reign, Buckingham Palace has said. Mervyn King held private talks with the Queen at her London residence as the annual rate of inflation showed a shock rise in February. The Consumer Prices Index rose unexpectedly, increasing from 3% in January to 3.2%, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics. It is not known what was discussed during the audience but it is likely that the state of the British economy formed the key part of the talks. The Queen holds audiences with a range of high-ranking officials, from weekly meetings with the Prime Minister to chiefs of armed forces and others from national organisations. After an official photograph to record the audience, the Queen and Mr King held their talks in private with no officials or advisers present.
Vandals attack ex-bank chief's home Wednesday, March 25 12:27 pm Windows at the ex-Royal Bank of Scotland chief executive's Edinburgh villa were smashed during the attack and a Mercedes s600 car was damaged. A statement was issued to Scottish media organisations shortly after the attack. It said: "We are angry that rich people, like him, are paying themselves a huge amount of money, and living in luxury, while ordinary people are made unemployed, destitute and homeless.
"This is a crime. Bank bosses should be jailed. This is just the beginning." It is not known if anyone was in the house at the time of the attack or who reported the vandalism. A Lothian and Borders Police spokeswoman said: "We can confirm we attended at an address in Morningside around 4.35am today.

Monday 23 March 2009

Acпирин уполномочен сообщить:

Acпирин уполномочен сообщить: Why some body need to clean the face of the Nemtcov, or how we (i.e. “medvedev”) treat Portland cement 450 body disorder. After reading immediately should be prescribed by authorised medical personnel. I.e. the type of the comrade Kozlov.
Медведев посетил центр спортивной подготовки в Сочи 23 марта 2009, 15:40
Президент России Дмитрий Медведев в понедельник посетил Южный федеральный центр спортивной подготовки, где тренируются сборные и клубные команды России.
В состав комплекса входят стадион, парусный центр, гостиница. В центре готовятся к Олимпийским играм и крупным международным соревнованиям сборные команды РФ по легкой атлетике, парусному спорту, шорт-треку, конькобежному спорту, сноуборду и другим видам спорта. Встретившие Медведева министр по спорту, туризму и молодежной политике Виталий Мутко и директор спортивного центра Михаил Дремов рассказали главе государства о том, как тренируются спортсмены. Медведев выразил желание лично понаблюдать за ходом тренировок, в частности, его внимание привлекли спортсмены, тренировавшиеся в прыжках в длину. На стадионе президент сфотографировался со всеми тренировавшимся на спортивной арене.
В июле этого года в центре должна завершиться реконструкция и будет введен в эксплуатацию медико-восстановительный центр для спортсменов с гостиничным комплексом, рассказал президенту Мутко. По его словам, это первый в системе министерства комплекс, позволяющий осуществлять полный цикл подготовки спортсменов различных видов спорта.
Стадион, на котором побывал глава государства, также реконструируется. Он рассчитан на 10200 мест. Планируется, что в ходе реконструкции будут перестроены подтрибунные помещения, переделаны табло, газон и устроены навесы над трибунами. Кроме того, должны появиться специальные помещения для проведения учебно-тренировочных сборов для спортсменов-тяжелоатлетов. Осмотрев стадион, президент отправился на встречу со спортсменами и тренерским составом сборной команды России по легкой атлетике, сообщает
РИА «Новости».
Heмцова облили нашатырным спиртом

Бориса Немцова облили нашатырным спиртом
23.03.09 15:21 Кандидата в мэры Сочи Бориса Немцова облили нашатырным спиртом. Он направлялся к своему штабу в одном из центральных районов Сочи, где собирался обнародовать перед прессой свое письмо к президенту с предложениями по поводу Олимпиады, сообщает «Газета.ру». Неожиданно к нему подбежали трое молодых людей и облили его жидкостью, по запаху напоминающей нашатырный спирт. Задержать их не удалось. Немцову пришлось отложить свое выступление, чтобы промыть глаза. Как рассказал И.Яшин, смесь воды с нашатырным спиртом попала Б.Немцову в лицо, «у него очень красные глаза, и еще неизвестно, насколько большой ущерб его здоровью причинен». При этом, по словам И.Яшина, Б.Немцов «все видит и проводит пресс-конференцию» в своем сочинском избирательном штабе. И.Яшин рассказал, что «при входе» в штаб, где должна была начаться пресс-конференция, «посвященная идее децентрализации Олимпиады» 2014 года, его и Б. Немцова «встретил провокатор, известный еще по московским провокациям». «Нам удалось пройти мимо него, в этот момент из-за угла нашего штаба выскочили трое молодчиков, которые начали обливать нас из бутылок нашатырным спиртом», - рассказал И.Яшин. По его мнению, «это откровенно силовая провокация, которая может нанести ущерб здоровью людей». «Кремлевские провокаторы перешли грань дозволенного», - заключил И.Яшин. По его мнению, ответственность за провокацию «лично несет» замглавы администрации президента РФ Владислав Сурков, передает «Эхо Москвы».
Fisherman's Friend are strong menthol
lozenges produced in Fleetwood, Lancashire, England. Fisherman's Friend were originally developed by a young pharmacist named James Lofthouse in 1865 to relieve various respiratory problems suffered by fishermen working in the extreme conditions of the Icelandic deep-sea fishing grounds. Originally developed as an extremely strong liquid remedy containing menthol and eucalyptus oil, Lofthouse made this liquid into small lozenges which were easier to transport and to administer. According to the manufacturer, the fishermen soon began to refer to the lozenges as their "friends", hence the name. The lozenges exist in their current form relatively unchanged since their creation. The lozenges still come in their famous paper packets, although these are now foil-lined and sometimes packaged inside a cardboard carton.

Cost to put James Murdoch to administrate.

Millionaires held captive in mansion raid, or how much cost to put Warner Brothers Jews (i.e. James Murdoch) to administrate Pharmacy Giant.
One of Britain's richest couples was subjected to a terrifying ordeal when armed robbers held them captive while they raided their mansion. By David Harrison Last Updated: 10:54PM GMT 21 Mar 2009
Doreen Lofthouse with Prince of Wales Photo: PA Tony and Doreen Lofthouse, who made their fortune from the throat lozenges Fishermen's Friends, were at home when two men wearing balaclavas forced their way in on Friday evening. The robbers, who spoke with East European accents, threatened the couple, both in their seventies, before locking them in a room on the ground floor of the eight bedroom house in Lancashire. The raiders then helped themselves to jewellery and other valuables and a "small quantity of cash" and fled from the mansion. Police were called to the house in Bay Court, in Thornton-Cleveleys, just north of Blackpool, just before 8am yesterday after the couple were found by a gardener. A spokesman said the couple, whose family business is worth an estimated £165 million, were both "in shock". Mr Lofthouse was taken to Blackpool Hospital for checks. He was later released. The house has electronic gates, CCTV cameras and fences up to 15ft high, some topped with barbed wire. The couple also have two Alsatians. Police are investigating why they did not seem to react to the intruders. Officers are currently looking through CCTV footage and conducting house-to-house enquires in the area, known locally as "Millionaire's Row". Det Insp Glen Oldham from Lancashire police appealed for witnesses to contact police. "This is clearly a premeditated and carefully planned robbery so I would also appeal to anyone that saw anything suspicious in the days or weeks leading up to the robbery to call police with any information they think could be significant," he said. Police described one of the raiders as stocky and about 5ft 5ins tall. He was wearing a balaclava with a red diamond pattern on the front. The second robber, also wearing a balaclava, was said to be 5ft 10-11ins and slim. Neighbours were shocked by the raid. Maurice Osman, a retired schoolmaster, who lives 150 yards from the house, said: "Everybody is stunned. Mr and Mrs Lofthouse are really well-liked in the area. This is a quiet area which is popular with wealthy people because it is virtually unknown to outsiders. Somebody must have tipped off the thieves because it is such a difficult area to find." Nicki Waggett, a newsagent whose shop is 200 yards from the house, said: "One of Mrs Lofthouse's gardeners was buying a newspaper in the shop at about 8 o'clock in the morning when his phone went off. "It was the senior gardener. He'd found the couple and told the other gardener to come quickly. He just dropped his paper and ran out of the shop."
Mrs Lofthouse, 78, is the managing director, assisted by her husband, of the hugely successful family firm Lofthouse of Fleetwood which makes Fishermen's Friends. She has been listed as Britain's 17th richest woman. She married into the Lofthouse family and is credited with revolutionising the company to make the lozenges a global brand with more than four billion consumed every year at least 120 countries. The firm is based in the fishing port of Fleetwood, where James Lofthouse, a pharmacist, first brewed up the menthol and eucalyptus recipe in 1865 to help fishermen fight chest colds. The sweets are favoured by divers because their strength helps clear nasal and sinus passages, crucial when they submerge. The family set up a charitable trust, The Lofthouse Foundation and Mrs Lofthouse has donated millions of pounds to charities, including a £1.6 million donation to her local hospital. Last year, Mrs Lofthouse was awarded the OBE for her charity work and service to the business community.

Don't try to know what's think camel about his driver.

3/21/2009 10:55:25 AM. At City Library, yesterday one full of piercing almohad (Iberian race) appearance of early thirties man making lot of nose, call not only my but another people attention. Voices were unanimous that this is a friend. However, the friend from Strasburg and Brussels. Those friends which I call them ongoing piggy faces. He was proud to be in piercing and tattoo business apparently because this made him not a camel, but European, very citizen and in strong connection with some normal, classical cocaine banker-almohad from Porto. Whose idea of normality concerted in the pre-condition that if you don’t have a Lambreta (the scooter) - you can’t be normal in European Community. Like a camel without heart, like a City without sand, something likes this. Another interpretation for him and his behaviour is that piercing-piercing velocity-weapon-kill, and than like a Fauquier focus: mother, Patria and then Europe. And amazingly, before the huge cache with drugs was apprehended. Than to any one surprise I need to write that no one but swine and bastards Barroso and Solana louder declaring their cooperation in this way with Financial Service Authority (see my Blog), which not before of the FSA announcement, not during – but after this banker-almohad provocateur circus, media took knowledge. Him with four-class education and “carte blanche” from patricians who command 450 million consumers through Royal Federacion Espanola de Futbol – maybe right. How can I “ITER de nao e ter” contradict? Only because at me was throwing empty can of Red Bull at the “spy-Stazione” (spy-station) from Opel Safira, roughly at the same time when vertical connection of Europe start this operation. To think which infrastructure was involved to produce, transport and to catch – give correct difference between what I insist, what nation of the shit from camel turned around wants, and why I still be in this misery. Not the cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster? Do nothing and keep be embarrassing to this nation of greedy reptiles? Than why the girl the age type of Zara Phillips slip to my hands at the Royalties and Concession State agents? Or the very bon vivant couple from Zara Phillips race, in open Mazda, very inquiringly was starring at me front of Police Station? I dislike theirs stair at once. Was something grease and to much sticky to don’t remember them after ABBA of UK-Spain connection fall. Was something from that crowds who look at the Bonhomie (Red Bull racer) waiting for a moment when he make “not a sausage”... How can I be surprised, when passing through Brick Lane, VW Passat and sport bicycle have an accident? Just because we are nation of philosophy the “a Lambreta”? Keep reading until the half past two. Going to sleep, only once take a blow from “a long distance”. Than was a dream. I am offered brown clear colour of Rolls-Roys, with open top. Not a brand new, but seems it is mine. At the back sit three big boxes full of fruits. Very colourful like that stamp from Correios de Portugal, with Vendedora das Frutas, which that Quinn –frog like to call herself. Than was a heavy thump from falling body. Some, like that son of Barroso, “medvedev” from Partido Socialista, or Kruchkov, or Obama, or son of Blair who was tossed like potato of Bragança from Sheraton Towers window. The thing is, that the my car (brown clear colour of Rolls-Roys) are in the park of Sol Verde Hotel. That “casa de pass” which cocaine bastards, (and bankers from Porto particularly and Iberian, generally) and whom I call the bastards from Brussels and Strasburg like such much. Woke in good spirits. Morning coffee break was dedicated to the “next” man which should be putted out of circulation. Normal procedure of Barroso and Solana. They call this “Imperio de Mao”, some times “Quatro Raich”. Today was Putin. Which wasn’t of big resistance from my part. Knowing how he is in respect of many areas, how he like a white elephant “offered me” 5 clean off-shores. How he at the next day to be elected was “offering” me Citroen 5, how this half-dogs, half-pigs almost kill the pianist Kissine because of his resemblance to the “medvedev”, and how perfectly well connected cocaine of Royal Family of Lancasters, Partido Socialista, UK-Spain and Barroso with Zara Phillips. With unpredictable results (see the “mechanics” of Waterford Wedgwood acquisition) for “what you do to find the job”. Where it might seems that they (ongoing...) are completely obsessed with theirs work to using me only for kill and steal purpose. To with no goal molest my mind. Like that obvious truth of impossibility to go more further to the East than Kerzon Line which in best of possibilities pass between of Zara Phillips eyes. With that famous “train” of false commitments and tricky worries about some –body money, they try hard to earn a bit more yet to suit theirs unlimited greediness. Isn’t first time I’m in difficulty to content choosing of the words. But to at least impress “no-body-full” bosses and ongoing... VIP’s I’ll try to be honest. Brussels and Strasburg aren’t use to like my directness and thoroughness. They think: “Listen me –Europe is dead”. My writing is like the “- Don’t try do this at home” of Jews Warners Brothers. They prefer all manner of mendacity. This let’s set a positive tone, put they intrigued, eccentric, outrageous, leaders of our Planet, engines (the Mercedes seventeen cylinders) of homosapience progress where you don’t have Lambreta – you not EU. See the face of black (a preto) Solana with his brother Barroso in White Chapel Road on Sunday and then a “big news” of 13TH days old, of the how Charles the II from BBC 1 report, dance with eco-warming Zara’s in Brazil. In parallel, in “twightlight zone”, what you want?, “…Tony and Doreen Lofthouse, who made millions from the throat lozenges Fishermen's Friend, were confronted by burglars at their home near Blackpool, Lancashire, on Friday night…” If following theirs (ongoing…) instructions and orders I am not more that that goat at the from of “theirs” Lambreta. Why than to don’t try to do some scientific, almost anecdotic experiment. Attaching sensors to theirs heads (that, for fifteen years electrical shocks which I was receiving every night, last night was openly brits, mean nation of the shit from camel turned around), and asking them to wear a virtual reality gaming helmet. In which is writing in big red letters “Partido Socialista”. Than, by monitoring the output from sensors, we will see exactly, which of several possible environments this bastards are “in”. Where the exactly lie hope for us. Mean, be us quiet long enough and eventually they come up with a magic machine (Lambreta) that lets others, mean us, know what exactly they are thinking without having (for example like Darling) having to say a word.
Want put two facts clear. First, is who is the sponsor of FCP, and second is eco-shouting, eco-warming from cocaine Royal Family of Lancasters. In first, when I see the three fucking british goats putting in rucksack borders of many centuries ago printed sheets (printers of years 80TH where using) at the place of “mom” I know how this is MY HARD-EARNED MONEY which are AGAIN putted by this nation on the another faux ponzi scheme. In second, there's a good reason why many people don't even try to make their dreams come true. Dreams for an others are comforting. Charles the II can escape into them at the end of a long hard day or even, if that day is too long and too hard, during it! Dreams never let COCAINE Royal Family of Lancasters down. They like for “Rings of the Saturn” instruction. Bring my dream into this harsh realm and they, i.e. ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg, cocaine Royal Family of Lancasters may end up in tatters. I can write the script for this stressed poppy make a little rumba, and than paint their backdrops in light blue, how my Giro indicate. However, the reality, though, is a far less pliable place. Bringing my dream into this, you’ll see how simple to handed some Porto bankers with his Lambreta and Magdaleta.
Avião militar atinge prédios em Quito; ao menos 7 morrem
QUITO (Reuters) - Um pequeno avião militar equatoriano chocou-se na quinta-feira contra dois edifícios em meio à neblina da capital Quito, deixando ao menos sete pessoas mortas, disseram autoridades. O ministro da Defesa, Javier Ponce, disse que três militares e dois civis a bordo do bimotor Beechcraft 200 morreram na queda e que outras duas pessoas morreram em terra.
Funcionários de serviços de emergência no local disseram que o avião atingiu dois prédios de um bairro nobre da região norte da cidade, antes de cair em um jardim. "Senti uma explosão quando abri a porta da frente, então escutei um barulho muito alto antes de sairmos correndo", disse Elena Morocho, empregada de uma casa que fica perto do local do acidente. Os bombeiros disseram que as partes do avião se dispersaram pelos apartamentos e que houve uma explosão seguida de incêndio nos pisos superiores dos edifícios afetados. O avião caiu perto de um hotel e da casa da embaixadora dos Estados Unidos no país. Uma porta-voz da embaixada norte-americana disse que a diplomata não se feriu. A neblina frequentemente causa dificuldades para a aviação em Quito. Nas últimas duas décadas vários aviões caíram no bairro de Gonzalez Suarez, região montanhosa que fica no caminho de aviões que pousam na capital equatoriana. As autoridades encontraram a caixa preta da aeronave e formaram uma comissão para investigar o acidente.
Eight people have been injured in a shooting at a French nursery school.

No children were hurt in the incident outside the nursery school in Lyon. Police said a man began firing an air gun at mothers picking up their children from Harmony nursery school in Lyon. It is understood there are no serious injuries.

Thursday 19 March 2009

My lathe with a Turner review.

For months, the best banks could hope for was to survive on life support until they woke up in a nightmarish world of intrusive regulation. And here it is. The Turner review, an attempt by the UK’s Financial Services Authority to explain how it intends to make banking safe for society after the worst financial crisis in a century, is a call to co-ordinated action to regulators round the world. Much of it is unarguable. The banking system must operate with more and higher quality capital, with the amount set against casino-like trading bets raised as much as threefold. The future world of banking will be one of lower average return on equity, but significantly lower risk to shareholders and depositors.
Equally sensible is a proposal for a new capital adequacy framework that offsets the pro-cyclicality of Basel II with counter-cyclical provisions parked in a new “economic cycle reserve”. Introducing capital buffers that expand in economic upswings and shrink in recessions should allow the system to absorb economic shocks rather than amplify them. As a backstop, the FSA also proposes to subject bank capital adequacy to a common sense test in the form of a maximum gross leverage ratio, similar to a scheme Switzerland recently introduced to encourage rapid downsizing of the large trading books of its universal banks. The FSA has done well to warn hotheads against the superficial appeal of barring “utility” banks from “investment banking” activities: large, complex banks spanning a wide range of activities must remain a feature of a globalised trading and financial system. Given the political hysteria over pay, its statement that poorly structured bonuses were “considerably less important” in provoking the crisis than inadequate approaches to capital, accounting and liquidity is commendably honest. Targeting pay excesses indirectly is also sensible. The stiff increase in capital required for trading activity will do more to moderate pay than micromanaging remuneration ever will.

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Ship of who-you-know knows.

17/03/2009 16:22:44. Because the day drowsing, sleep so-so at night. Where I was dreaming with lot of dead bodies in some Yugoslavian’s Partido Socialista shallow row (See article). Waking up, recognize that was something serious connected with me (I.e. Antonio) and Cleopatra (I.e. Elizabeth the II) happen. Of course later, reading about the “BA clost” bouncing heavily in Canada, put her in my Blog. Knowing from yesterday yet, that my computer catch the “flue”, obviously, because of the madrasta Elizabeth the II read my varices, come to PS World, pay 50 quits and now get almost the two weeks of St. Patrick holidays. Was okay, if not the son of Charles the II, in 600cc bike, wasn’t waiting for me at the exit of store. Son of a bitch, which father was damaging me at the Salvation Army with a sum of $75 million US dollars. People say “After big storm goes bonanza”. Where after G20 meeting I find at the exit of my hole the Viktor Vekselberg (That Russian tycoon from Westminster Abbey) in Rio Tinto (I.e. English speaking World) – China (I.e. Andrew Lancaster from PCS Executive) variant. In very insecurely, let’s say, in Irish manor, crossing my pat. I was on the bicycle carrying clumsy and heavy bag with my PC column inside. He was alone, with “his” (Westminster Abbey 17% of IVA’s nation). Lately, at the Lloyd’s Building, that which have the ship bell, I find the very tall Putin through his body language passing to me (that, from many years experience) pile of documents. After yesterday rally, seems, the two or three pallets with money. Seems crazy huh? Maybe. If not the telephone call later today. From Property Development Agency, the “friendly”, short handed lady was asking me again and again; if I don’t want invest in Cyprus. The long nonsense talks, although very friendly. But again, she was very pigheaded to know what exactly I am doing right now. What exactly is my business? For three or four times she come back to this question, in between of which, “affably” calling me “a spy”, trying to sharkening the answer from me. Another side of the “interrogation” was, from where exactly I’m come from. I wanted to say directly. Something like: “I come from mummy and daddy”. But speak something like that: You say that what counts is not what you know but whom you know. That’s only partial true. Much depends on what who-you-know knows. Much too, is influenced by what who-you-know think what you know. (I.e. Anta-ne-narevu…) And, of course, by who who-you-know, knows that I know. And, of course, if who-you-know, knows you-know-who, then Anta-ne-narevu… Look, all I’m trying to say is this. Ongoing… (You know to whom I call this) try the present situation get unnecessary complicated. And not least because it is begin given far too much through. Do like myself. Worry less, and relax more. The world is full of people, like the $75 millions debt to me from Salvation Army, who think they know all the answers. Few and far between are the folks (nation of the…, and English speaking world) who think they know all questions. But then, as the old song goes, there are in did more questions than answers. You’ve get a questions now. And you’ve answers too. What is worst, you got this per week, plus who wants to offer you advice by free. No matter how emphatically these solution are suggested, you keep feel that none of them are entirely thrust worthy. Than try like me, (for last fifty years); one step at a time. One day at the time. One, (Nation of the shit from camel turned around), dream at a time. We all want to feel we are playing a part in some great grand plan. We all want to know that we are making the right move, for the right reason, at the right moment. When, though, we stop to weigh up every factor in our situation, we become confused. There are too many maybes to contemplate. So, don’t waste precious time wrestling with a question about WHAT I CAN DO tomorrow. That’s can’t be answered till tomorrow comes. Just enjoy today my life in full. Where each moment comes, proves more rewarding than you expected.
Czechs delay action on missile treaties Reuters The Czech government said Tuesday that it was temporarily pulling back treaties on the installation of a U.S. missile defense radar system because of a threat by the opposition to vote them down in Parliament.
Medvedev announces plan to rearm Russia By CLIFFORD J. LEVY President Dmitri A. Medvedev said Tuesday that Russia would begin a "large-scale rearming" in 2011 in response to what he described as threats to the country's security.
Espanha: Mais de 70 camiões portugueses com madeira retidos na fronteira para controlo da doença do pinheiro. Fuentes de Oñoro, Espanha, 17 Mar (Lusa) - Um total de 72 camiões procedentes de Portugal e carregados com madeira foram momentaneamente retidos pelas autoridades espanholas, desde o início do ano, na fronteira entre Portugal e Espanha, para controlo da doença do pinheiro. Lusa ontem às 23:25. Fuentes de Oñoro, Espanha, 17 Mar (Lusa) - Um total de 72 camiões procedentes de Portugal e carregados com madeira foram momentaneamente retidos pelas autoridades espanholas, desde o início do ano, na fronteira entre Portugal e Espanha, para controlo da doença do pinheiro. Os dados foram revelados hoje pela Junta de Castela e Leão que impôs o controlo fronteiriço e que explicou ter analisado, desde o início do ano, quase 200 camiões. Segundo o governo desta região espanhola, numa das mostras analisadas, foi confirmada a doença. O camião em questão dirigia-se, segundo as autoridades, para a Bélgica, desconhecendo-se no entanto a sua origem em Portugal. Inspecções encontraram uma outra amostra com problemas numa fábrica de paletes em Sancti-Spiritus, localidade próximo da fronteira entre Vilar Formoso e Fuentes de Oñoro, que utilizava madeira importada de Portugal. Mais de 12 inspectores apoiados por agentes ambientais e vários agentes da Guarda Civil estão envolvidos nas operações de inspecção que se prolongarão por tempo indefinido.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

That’s it my dear Cleopatra...

That’s it my dear Cleopatra – “our” future with my varices...
Actress 'critically ill' after ski fall
Tuesday, March 17 10:54 am British actress Natasha Richardson is in a critical condition after being badly injured in a skiing accident in Canada. The actress, wife of Irish film star Liam Neeson, reportedly suffered a "traumatic head injury" on the slopes at the luxury Mont Tremblant ski resort in Quebec. She was initially taken to a hospital nearby but later transferred to a medical centre in Montreal. Richrdson, 45, is the daughter of actress Vanessa Redgrave and the late director Tony Richardson. She married Neeson in 1994 after they both appeared in the film Nell. They have two sons. She won a Tony award for best actress in a musical in 1998 for her role in Cabaret. Her film credits include The Parent Trap and The Handmaid's Tale.

Sunday 15 March 2009

My varices.

15/03/2009 14:12:26 A “friend” from Uranverein, who is always negative and anxious because “I don’t work” starting to get me down. No matter how hard I try to keep him cheerful through my writings, it seems impossible. It is likely he enjoys having something to moan about and my senility and kindness feeds their need for const attention. I go giving him less of my time and changing the subject whenever they start to grumble, which also maybe gives them a new message. Seems time where he should sort this issue themselves - arrive. And stop to relay on “Captain, my Captain” with always a sympathetic ear. Because I can’t get too close to the centre of the action (I.e. G20) right now. The pull of my power is great, but I can’t, simply because of my varices, help him inside of his Focus. It does can also complicate my life too much. In any way, it’s good to know when to step back. If him have a lot of intensity and even some emotional upheaval, not he but I could get the brunt of someone’s anger. He know I can’t find a place where I can go and be myself for a while! He must see at least, that the people with whom I can relax and be myself is:

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The Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) is a UK-based company formed from global industries and the UK government. Current Industry Members are BP, Caterpillar, EDF. E.ON, Rolls-Royce and Shell; we are also supported by DECC, DfT, DIUS, EPSRC and the TSB. Leveraging the skills, capabilities and market access of the ETI Members, the ETI brings together the best, worldwide, to accelerate the development of a focused portfolio of energy projects. 

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Saturday 14 March 2009


First thing today morning after reading this receiving yesterday, rare by the quality e-mail, was to send you all more fare away possible, for the reason that we mutually don’t like each other. It’s better say something like “go to speak with my agent”. (explicitly, the Mr. Trevor Edwards, Senior Consultant, PCS Personal Career Solution, Mutual House, 5th Floor, 70 Conduit Street, London, W1S 2GF, Tel.: 0207 837 5881, Mobil: 0778 031 934 or Prince Phillip, which is by all mean the same. More yet, is when at the beginning of my night sleep, appeared white teenage krautz showing me the NO”2” and next the Putin’s BP gas station after which immediately begin bleeding my nose. Those two yesterday pictures of “35 hours per week” Democracy at the hands of pirates with four years education. An awfully known faces which are ruling the Real Federacion Española de Fútbol with very knowing righteous results. Who is the goal, only because never remember what they should to me. In structure of “medvedev” or without. Every pantomime, like the G20 Forum must have a villain. Each nation must have an enemy. Like the every religion must have something to rail against. Of course, the G20 Forum designated to bring us (me) the peace and harmony. Bar not so. They’ll bickering, bemoaning, gossiping and groaning, picking fights and find the faults. Indeed, they don’t just like it; they love it. The World divides into those who are with us, (Governor og Central European Bank South Germany’s Mr. Trichet) and those, somehow who against us (see photo). Which is all and good till we find ourselves (like the oral sex of Salgado from Banco Espirito Santo) on the wrong side of some artificial dividing line. Writing this I’ll get the right and maybe heal an entirely unnecessary pirate’s wound. This won’t after allbe easy to pin these suckers down.

From: Hemscott (

Sent: 13 March 2009 20:55:57

To: Viktor Glugovsky (

A Morningstar company. With Rodney Hobson Author, Shares Made Simple and Small Companies, Big Profits

Pundit Pandit

Citigroup has suddenly gone from zero to hero. One of the architects of the credit crunch has been profitable for the past two months according to chief executive Vikram Pandit, who professes to be encouraged by the strength of the business. Now we have heard optimistic pronouncements by many banks over the past couple of years, only to be disappointed, but I doubt if Pandit would really be so stupid as to make such a positive statement if he was not satisfied that it was justified. After all, a fairly modest claim of improvement would have sounded quite heroic in the circumstances. Now, just as one swallow does not make a summer, one bank does not make a recovery. Even so, there has been so little to cheer about in the banking sector that we must be thankful for small mercies. We can start to believe that a floor has been put under the cause of the financial crisis, though not yet under the crisis itself. There is a much wider reason to hope that Pandit has signalled the bottom of the banking debacle. If banks are turning round then the British taxpayer will reap considerable benefits. Much has been made of the potential cost of bailing out UK banks but the worst may never happen. Avoiding pouring more billions into the black hole is a welcome thought. And the sooner banks get back to normal, the sooner the Government can start cashing in its chips. The profits from the bail-out could be considerable, which is only right and proper given the enormous risks that the Government has taken, and would help to fill the other black hole, the one in government finances. Citigroup’s timely words of encouragement helped to rescue global stock markets after a particularly bad week. I cannot feel equally hopeful of the other development, a rule to stop short selling in the US. Short sellers do not cause stock markets to fall, however much they are used as bogey men. They simply take advantage of weak markets. If investors are not confident of the performance of quoted companies then they will not buy shares. That is what causes market weakness. It is true that speculative selling drives down the market more heavily than it might otherwise have fallen but that simply leaves scope for bulls to step in and buy cheaply when the short sellers cash in to cover their positions. If you can borrow money to buy shares because you believe that the market will go up, I do not see why you cannot borrow shares to sell if you think the market will go down. All in all, we got off lightly this week. I feared that once we dropped below 3,750 points we would go all the way to 3,200, and that could still happen. Much will depend on how well the financial sector holds up next week. Quantitative explaining I have been asked by a reader for further clarification of quantitative easing. It is hard to spell, a devil to pronounce and almost impossible to comprehend. Although this has been referred to by myself among others as printing money it is more accurately a case of crediting bank accounts. Financial institutions and wealthy individuals will buy gilts and sell them to the Bank of England, with the proceeds credited to bank accounts. The hope is that this money will be lent or spent, thus getting the economy going. Unfortunately the impact on money supply depends on how quickly the money is moved on. Having twice as much money going round at half the speed simply takes you back to square one. However, I must say my faith in the financial systems has been partly restored by news that some funds are already busy buying gilts from the government and selling them on quickly to the Bank of England at a profit. Nice work if you can get it. Mad, mad, mad Lord Jacobs, the former Liberal Party chairman, complains that he has lost millions in the Bernard Madoff mad investors’ scheme. Rather than ask himself why he put so much money into one investment, he blames the regulators. Forgive me for being a little blasé, as I didn’t have any money with Madoff, but I hope he ran his party’s finances better than his own. We didn’t have anything like as much regulation when we had a Liberal Party but we have always had crooks willing to part the gullible from their money and always will have. The lesson is to spread your investments and to be suspicious of anything that looks too good to be true. You should be able to look after your own

financial affairs better than any regulator. Rodney Hobson's signatureRodney Hobson
Russian tourist bus crash in Vietnam

Posted : Sat, 14 Mar 2009 07:11:57 GMT Hanoi - A bus bus carrying 24 Russian tourists plunged into a ravine in southern Vietnam, killing at least 12, local media reported Saturday. The accident occurred Friday evening as the bus with the Russians and three Vietnamese aboard was descending the Dai Ninh pass on its way from the hill resort of Dalat to the coastal town of Mui Ne, the news website Vietnamnet reported. Rescuers were still trying to free at least nine passengers from the bus Saturday morning. Eight of the casualties died at the scene 150 kilometres south of Dalat while another four died after being admitted to a nearby hospital. Nguyen Ba Hy, director of Lam Dong General Hospital, said the more serious cases were being transferred to the French-Vietnamese Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City for treatment. Workers from the Dai Ninh hydroelectric plant, 3 kilometres from the accident site, rushed to the scene, but rescue work was hampered by the depth of the ravine and the lack of light. Vietnam's beaches have become increasingly popular with Russian tourists in recent years. According to Vietnam's National Committee for Traffic Safety, traffic accidents kill 30 people and injure 60 others every day, and the rate of fatalities continues to rise. 

Friday 13 March 2009

Starlings arrive?

 13/03/2009 21:00:21 Was confused with quantity of man with Pandit’s race around me yesterday. In Whitechapel, in Algate, in City – everywhere. All with friendly body language, flirting with me alone, with friends, nearby pubs, etc. Except, when I met, (another side of the street) at the front of London Metal Exchange, that, everybody knows shark called Robson Green, the xx from BBC’s Extreme fishing Programme, who by body-guards of macaroons resolved, that “now is the time to do my brother”, – all day was present in my thoughts with strange detail: he constantly was loosing his small finger. Maybe, I was wandering, thought, is that Mercedes 500 with TV crew inside? If yes, it’s Okay more yet after spoiled Anglo-Saxon blood in South of Germany, this Andrew of Cocaine Royal Family of Lancasters, was the proper bandit, or just looking for bandits (or Pandits). In any way, never try to understand what he seeks to tell me. (See article about Pandit’s). If not the old story about ongoing… - you know how I call them (Brussels and Strasburg), who even when passing less than twelve hours from shooting at the cricket team in Lahore, don’t stop the old song that “a preto”.  Who cares if I wrote about $47 billion. I can’t be the farm, manufacturing the fortune and go along with them. It’s not that easy. Fortune cannot be mass-produced, nor can be artificially engineered. Fortune comes when heart is clear, a mind is open, a spirit is willing and a need is real. Nevertheless, it’s not all story. At Brick Lane (how I hate live here, only one God knows!) I stumble on one guy early fifties, with gadget photo camera taking picture of me. With two or three thirty years old mal’chiki (meninos/boys). And telling them, to I hear, that this is not a happy spot. Mean, not Belmoral. Well, I come back to this chinocas mal’chiki more lately, when know-how of “Mountain and Mohamed” fairly well works. Where the “medvedev” at any rate, oblige me to wear sunglasses, put moisturizer on MY FACE, like that drunkard Huron, because of my some times (every day) proximity to Her Majesty the Sun (bloody pharaohs!) that could at times almost seriously hurt me … (See article about Ursa Bank) So what if I can see the perfect wormhole to noodle (See article about meeting between Obama and chinoca) – it’s not my manipulation and it’s don’t pay my bills. Even when ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg impregnate me with an idea that “today, my boy let’s do the body-guard of “a preto”. I still think that the Marketing which I made in this week, given the circumstances, it’s actually brilliant and essential. And you, – ongoing… (You know how I call you) instead of spending tons on revanche make a beeline for the future and for all goodies that you have overlooked. In my turn, this kind of new direction I’ll try to see through Heisenbergs’s Uranverein (Uranium Club) alternative to the future of yours universe. In course of which I’ll attempt to get you message, products, influences and services (skipping tedious, slo-mo bureaucracy) with minimal expense from your greedy bastards pockets. Guerrilla Marketing is certainly goes to do strong comeback from such pirates like you, Solana, Barroso and Co, but I’ll continue blaze a new trail the remainder of the Month. Making all competition take a notice and experience pangs of envy. It also give you wander  with strong urge ask yourself why you are failed to give me that pittance of a rise. Like Banco Espirito Santo’s Salgado dis, “Este gajo vai fazer ate broch at quinentos paus… I.e. - For favour (£5) – going to suck my dick. At the Danzig Corridor, in the exact time of 7 100 Kcal/kg, (See article from Leninsk-Kuznetsky) I see the Putin with heavy breathing (maybe silicosis from Swiss clean 5 off-shores), for which I wait yet to be paid, without shaking my hand, ‘de bolina serrada’  run like a crazy to the West. A meeting between “a preto” and a “Black Russia. Ah, Karma, it's truly a beautiful thing.

Russian police free bank hostages, kill gunman. 3/13/2009, 2:05 p.m. EDT The Associated Press  MOSCOW (AP) — Russian security forces killed a masked gunman who seized five hostages at a Siberian bank Friday and the captives escaped unharmed, officials said. A man entered a branch of Ursa Bank in the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky and took five employees hostage, according to police in central Siberia's Kemerovo province. Investigators said he was armed with a handgun and a grenade. About four hours later, Kemerovo Gov. Aman Tuleyev said special police had killed the hostage-taker during an operation set in motion while he and the regional police chief held on-and-off negotiations with the assailant.

FM lists guidelines for Sino-US ties in new era.

WASHINGTON -- Visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on Thursday proposed some major guidelines for China and the United States to promote sound and steady growth of bilateral relations in the new era.

Citi guarantees bonuses for London hires

Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:55pm GMT.  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Citigroup, a U.S. bank that has received $45 billion (32 billion pounds) from taxpayers since October, is paying multimillion-dollar guaranteed bonuses for salesmen and traders it has hired in London, people familiar with the matter said.

The bonuses in London will be largely in cash, some as high as $2 million to $3 million, and a senior Citigroup trader in New York told a recruiter he was willing to hire with cash bonuses in the United States, the recruiter said, asking not to be identified because of a client confidentiality agreement.

Banks have long handed out guaranteed bonuses to attract talented traders and salesmen, but the practice may draw scrutiny at Citigroup which, like Bank of America, has received the largest capital injection from the government of any U.S. bank. "A guaranteed bonus is an oxymoron -- a bonus should only be given for superior performance," said Richard Ferlauto, director of corporate governance and pension investment for the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. "At this time, it is essential that Citi be able to recruit and retain personnel critical to revenue generation in our businesses that will help return the company to profitability," Michael Hanretta, Citi spokesman said. "There is still intense competition for the best talent around the globe and we offer competitive compensation in line with industry best practices," he added. Late last month, the government said it would boost its equity stake in Citi to as much as 36 percent, after the bank received $45 billion in taxpayer money and a backstop to cap losses on a $300.8 billion of toxic assets last year. The capital Citi has received through the government's Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) is not used for compensation or bonuses, the bank said in a February report: "Paying guaranteed bonuses in this environment is more of a minority practice .... I think it will attract some scrutiny," said Joe Sorrentino, managing director at compensation consultant Steven Hall & Partners, noting that he does not know the particulars of Citigroup's compensation practices. TARP CONTROVERSY. The government approved pay curbs for top executives and the top 20 employees at banks that have received more than $500 million under the TARP. Chief Executive Vikram Pandit told Congress last month that he will receive a salary of $1 with no bonus until the bank returns to profitability.