Sunday 29 March 2009


3/29/2009 7:32:15 PM After yesterday “A Beautiful Mind” film have a long and good sleep. Like was expecting, thinking about G20 Meeting, dreams where very long and full of action. Nevertheless, two things I remember. In first the Nord was offering me T-shirt. To see or wear a T-shirt in my dream, suggests that I need to take it easy and relax. Alternatively it may represent my honesty especially in my personal relationships. Like the color of this T-shirt which was white. And another detail was scaffolding which I like a chimp flew from “fifth level” without a scratch. Now again, to see that you are in scaffolding, represent something that is temporary in my life, like that of Cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s “Shark Shooter”, (the role attributed to me) aiming at the ongoing… (You know how I call them…) or rune the risk fortnightly being asked “What you do to find the job”. By regular “a preto” in red coat of Royal Guards asking (actually, like a pure representing from nation of the shit from camel turned around, i.e. United Kingdom, my permission to enter in the “1901” building), and at the next day, the trousers and rucksack – directly from MI5 (Military Intelligence) like an offer to participate in G20. Scaffolding also mean that I need support to help me reach my goals or to elevate myself to a new level. One a little detail what’s happen next,  i.e. Willy Lancaster and “1901” – make me be absolutely positive about this. Of course, English speaking World and an others can say something like “You must be joking”. “You are clearly naïve”. “That’s been tried before and it doesn’t work”. Very discouraging statements in did. But, to be honest, this “few surprises” give me more reason yet to believe that I can push on and keep “theirs” positive momentum going. I wonder if I really so foolish to don’t give a clue what they are hell talks about, when at my (morning coffee) break they make me proposal to “Do the fat hare – Gordon Brown”…  That strange, but well knowing Co… Who think that this is are impossible task. I tell you what. It does don’t send me into frenzy to think about. Just having clear picture in respect of Chinalco business in Australia, Brown sore trip to the Santiago, Renault of Bethnal Green with Royal Guards ”a preto” – and You’ll see how time have a chance to work some magic! BARACK OBAMA APOYARÁ LAS PROPUESTAS EUROPEAS SOBRE LOS 'HEDGE FUNDS'

El G-20 fijará medidas en Londres contra los paraísos fiscales

Publicado el 29-03-2009 , por  Los 20 países más ricos del mundo aprobarán, la semana que viene, nuevas reglas para combatir los paraísos fiscales, como parte del amplio plan que revisará la estructura reguladora de la economía mundial, según confirmaron portavoces de la Casa Blanca al periódico 'The Wall Street Journal'. El G-20 aprobará en la esperada cumbre de Londres una serie de medidas para aumentar la supervisión de los paraísos fiscales. Según ha anunciado el consejero estadounidense de seguridad nacional para asuntos económicos internacionales, Michael Froman, al diario 'The Wall Street Journal', las principales economías mundiales fijarán un 'código de circulación' que se incluirá en el comunicado que se emitirá al finalizar la cumbre. La supervisión de los paraísos fiscales se convertirá así en uno de los principales objetivos del G-20 y se sumará al paquete de medidas para el estímulo económico global y para la mejor coordinación de las principales economías del mundo y de los países emergentes, como Brasil, la India o China. Froman ha explicado que los líderes políticos que participarán en la cumbre de Londres ya han mantenido "una serie de conversaciones" sobre los paraísos fiscales, que se verá reflejada en la 'hoja de ruta' que se aprobará para restringir la actividad de todos aquellos que aprovechan los países del Caribe y de otros lugares para no pagar impuestos.

No obstante, Estados Unidos mantiene discrepancias con países como Alemania o Francia, que están decididos a emplear la mano dura y pretenden incluir en la lista negra de paraísos fiscales a todas aquellas naciones que no acaten las decisiones del G-20. "El presidente de EEUU abrazará la llamada europea de combatir los hedge funds", adelantó Froman.

28 марта 2009 года 16:57

В Москве покончила с собой профессор института проблем информатики РАН

Москва. 28 марта. INTERFAX.RU - В Москве покончила жизнь самоубийством профессор института проблем информатики Российской академии наук. Как сообщил "Интерфаксу" источник в правоохранительных органах, женщина в 16:00 выбросилась из окна своей квартиры, расположенной на девятом этаже в одном из домов на улице Волгина. В результате падения женщина погибла на месте. В настоящий момент на месте происшествия работают сотрудники милиции, которые выясняют обстоятельства самоубийства и опрашивают свидетелей. По словам источника "Интерфакса", единственным свидетелем произошедшего был муж, сотрудник того же института.

HOME Secretary Jacqui Smith has been forced to issue a humiliating apology for claiming PORN films on her expenses. The £67 Virgin Media bill was submitted last June as part of Ms Smith's expenses.

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