Friday 30 April 2010

Catch my drift?

Catch my drift? Seems that “somebody” a make confusion with the meaning of groom. In the site, “we” find four clear definitions: 2. A man recently married, or about to be married; a bridegroom. 1. (n.) A boy or young man; a waiter; a servant; especially, a man or boy who has charge of horses, or the stable. 3. (n.) One of several officers of the English royal household, chiefly in the lord chamberlain's department; as, the groom of the chamber; the groom of the stole. 4. (v. i.) To tend or care for, or to curry or clean, as a, horse. The fifth point I’ll put the man who not carry the ongoing piggy faces, - but the who drive at least one ass-hole. (Nothing to do with the two classes which I dislike. The military and politicians.)Doing this actually for people (see my photos), “using” them to simply improve my (how ignorant of me) winning tactics. Also, to improve my general “working” relationships. Because my friendship, I think, can get back to its best after the present and too turbulent (greeks talking…) times. Times, where it’s just good to strengthen-up the peripherical relationship and ensure myself (and who is interested) with proofs that my network - is solid. Where I see too frequently who’s and how liked to sell me short. “Off course”, out of theme the stink of incese in the english speaking World of (see photo) today. For close accompanied by the young whites harassing my thoughts with a fixed ideas: ‘You speaking with MY home’, ‘Just shut-up and drive’, putting the ebalo of Napoleon Dinamite, which actually all bottom half of his face, - Willy Lancaster. I was of short fuse… This pre-elections – are heavier burden for me (i.e. “Das portas down”) than normally. The “normally”, without to selling mum (i.e. brown’s blunder of my feet!), - is very heavy fuck-over for me. Like today nearby bakery, the two 10-12 years old brits (i.e. nation of the … my 50%) – zipping theirs trousers in “North” direction. I.e. Cuba. Where lying my idea to write this down, with certain crazy plan (however the truly it will be) the design of “se o EU não me paga, - do cabo de voces…” Exactly in conformity with the spirit of Napoleon Dinamite and the rest of the FIFA’s barroso, or the barroso’s FIFA. – I don’t care. The right is in any way mean right. However, the another note, which should be disconnected from WHY I’m putting the photo do alfere, from the fact that Portugal even resolve to call german sucker Suares, and the my dream. Which is guilty! And which I immediately translate like a good omen. In which the possible treat to my health comes from IMF… Maybe the Mister Kahn will be willing to catch me at the some corner… Who knows? So,… I’m (i.e. passo horas no café, de ao saber p’ra anode ir…) at the front of showcase in the Park Line. And I see how one couple (Andrew, you remember the Cobra Oil from Nassau?) heap up (to suck my d***, - off course) at my back. The shop assistant (knowing my face fairly well, because it’s more simplier than to selling the “Sun seekers”), simulate fall. To falling butt first at this showcase window. And scarring this couple to the DEAD… Well. FIFA (see the article) understood this, and, I’m sure about, having a good laugh… You see how nobody ever say “I have caused a problem’ – or, ‘I have started a fight’? We all think that the others are to blame. Catch my drift?

Hayden Smith - 29th April, 2010. Man ploughs through multi-storey car park wall. Squeezing your car into a parking space in the multi-storey is always a tricky affair, but it's fair to say Ralph Hudson made a right pig's ear of this effort. The 67-year-old somehow got his foot stuck between the brake and accelerator and sped backwards, ploughing through the car park wall. His Mercedes shuddered to a halt with its boot and back wheels hanging precariously 21m (70ft) above the ground, sending bricks crashing down, damaging several cars but narrowly missing passers-by. Fortunately, staff were able to drive the car back inside and Mr Hudson was not injured. The accident happened in the garage of the Bank of America building in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Mr Hudson got his second lucky escape of the day when police declined to issue him a ticket.

A, B, C and D.

A, B, C and D. HAMMOND, La. — The long-term damage to BP’s reputation. As Mr. Hayward said to fellow executives in his London office recently, “What the hell did we do to deserve this?” ….And Garfield answer, -“Every work worth is worth working for…”

SUSPECTED LARGE SCALE GERMAN TAX EVASION: Authorities raid Deutsche Bank and 50 other firms. 28.04.2010 - 17:42 UHR, Around 50 German firms have been raided by police investigating suspected large scale tax evasion.The chief public prosecutor’s office searched more than 230 business premises across Germany – including those of international giant Deutsche Bank – as well as the homes of accused individuals. More than 1,000 officials from the tax fraud investigation office, theFederal Criminal Police Office (BKA) and different police authorities took part in the raids.
Searches also took place simultaneously in other EU member states. Around 150 people are under suspicion of VAT evasion over the trading of greenhouse gas emission permits. Wednesday morning at 8.20am in Frankfurt: A large contingent of police and other officials arrived at Deutsche Bank. They pulled out their ID at the entrance and entered the building on Theodor Heuss Allee. Shortly afterwards, a convoy of vehicles with investigators and specialists from the BKA turned up and pulled into the underground car park with blue lights flashing. In response to an enquiry from, a spokesman from the bank said: “We can confirm that we are one of the 230 entities which were searched. We are co-operating with the public prosecutor’s office.” A spokesman for another major institution, Commerzbank, said it had not been involved in the raids. WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT? The trick is called VAT carousel or missing trader fraud, and according to BILD’s information the current suspected cases add up to a lost revenue of around €1 billion for the German government. HOW IT WORKS? Dealers in different EU countries buy and sell permits which allow industrial enterprises to release a certain amount of greenhouse gases. On the sale from dealer A to dealer B across a state border, no VAT is due. Upon the resale of the permits by dealer B to dealer C within the same country (i.e. Germany), VAT does become owed which dealer C can then claim back from the tax office. Dealer B owes the authorities 19 per cent in VAT – it doesn’t pay, but pockets the 19 per cent and disappears off the market. The permit is passed along from dealer to dealer until it arrives back at dealer A, which starts a new chain or carousel.

Five zeros for "Troika". " Troika Dialogue "has decided not to expend energy managers and consultants to clients who are not ready to trust the company more than $ 100 000. They remain content PIFami and online trading 29.04.2010, 77 (2595). Retail - not our target clientele. Of course we want in the future to offer services such as mutual funds and online trading, but retail customers, we have no plans to offer a full range of products and services, " Troika Dialog ", - said in an interview with a corporate magazine The Troiker Jacques Der Megreditchian, Chief Executive Officer . "Troika "has decided to focus on private clients with between $ 100 000, he said. "Why? " We already have a certain customer base, and besides we are working on developing markets, where money can be made and lost faster than the developed ones. That is, the client now has $ 300,000 in a few months can bring the company already millions "- explained Der Megreditchian. There are standard products, which after the sale does not require constant communication - such as mutual funds, financial instruments with capital protection, internet trading, but there are products that require an ongoing relationship between client and manager of the " Troika "- for example, brokerage or transaction account management with professional advice, he explained. These services and will provide clients with $ 100,000 or more. A trust management with a personal manager, for example, is available from $ 3 million
The "Troika" to be debugged triangle: money management, access to markets and commercial banking, he concluded. The benefits Der Megreditchian plans to see until next year, as a model for study of commercial banking services takes time. Services Internet trading " Troika "is available in the amount of investment from 50 000 rub., shares of mutual funds available, having a sum of 30,000 rubles. These thresholds will remain unchanged, said Der Megreditchian. The segment, which is going to work " Troika Dialogue " , the most attractive, says Victoria Denisov, deputy director of " Aton "by working with private clients: " We also intend to focus on it. " According to her, seylzy " Aton "aimed at attracting customers from $ 50 000, from investors with fewer assets the company also does not give up, providing them with standard products. According to Denisova, a client with assets of $ 100,000 brings the company a profit of $ 2000-8000 per year, $ 50,000 - $ 500-1500. If the dollar millionaires in the country 120 000-150 000, the client c The state of the $ 100,000 - five or six times, and this tidbit for all companies. " Renaissance Capital "is not engaged in the retail market in the field of Internet trading, in trust the entry threshold - $ 1 million, said his representative.

Not justified confidence. CC " Troika Dialogue "introduces clients astray, telling them how to manage their assets, decided the Federal Antimonopoly Service ( FAS) 30.04.2010, 78 (2596). FAS Board yesterday acknowledged that the information of the Criminal Code " Troika Dialog " on asset management was an act of unfair competition, as customers were injected into error with regard to consumer characteristics provide services, told "Vedomosti "several participants in the hearings. This award was announced verbally, the text is not ready yet, but the service will send a CC order to eliminate violations. Deputy Head of FAS Andrey Kashevarov confirmed this information, promising to fine the " Troika ". Customers " Troika "Natalia Komarova, Nina Nikitina, Andrei Shuhardin and Anatoly Miroshnichenko accused the company of a deviation from the agreed investment strategies, incomplete and unreliable reporting on the transactions by which they have suffered losses. The courts consider their claims for damages. " If the "Troika" will not achieve the abolition of the decision [FAS] in court, we will use it as evidence - said the lawyer Nikitina Roman Makarov. - But if the "Troika" appealing the decision in court, then the process will be public, but even we have not seen some of the documents that "Troika" presented directly to the FAS. " It is mainly about the affiliation of the Criminal Code " Troika Dialogue "and the fund Troika Russia Fund Inc. - according to Komarova, " Troika "the ban violated the Federal Financial Markets Service to acquire shares and shares of investment funds managed by the CC or its affiliates . At FAS there is direct evidence - and the regulator now see that the " Troika "for trust management transactions through the affiliate , ie, violated the law, I agree Makarov. In FFMS no official information about an affiliation of these companies. " We wrote "Troika" prescription for documents, but we can only receive formal information on the affiliation, FAS may make any inquiries, "- said the head of Federal Financial Markets Service Vladimir Milovidov. Yesterday's decision he called " symbolic ": " Thanks to FAS put an equal sign between the violation of the law on financial market and unfair competition. Anyone who breaks the law on the securities market - and even unfair competitor. Such offenders are lacking: everyone we fining and who will cancel the license - and violators of the law. FAS Board decided to send full information about a group of persons in the Federal Financial Markets Service. " For us, this is the information policy, which requires an adjustment, pursuant to [the actions of the Criminal Code] law on the securities market, we have not considered, we just informed the regulator, "- said the cook. Prior to receiving the documents Milovidov not talk about the consequences that may ensue for " Troika "on the results of their consideration. Pavel Teplukhin, head of the Criminal Code " Troika Dialog ", called the charges baseless customers. Yesterday, he declined to comment, asked to address the " Troika ", which he left in January. Its representative said the decision of FAS " unfounded ". According to him, the Criminal Code does not plead guilty to antitrust and competition law.

Thursday 29 April 2010

I break your head or not?

I break your head or not? You see how it’s comes? How important is for any soul to control his own personal and “professional” situation? If I call the shot, speak up and spin the ‘wheel’ (de fortuna), - I’ll have a like “present” the dream where the Cavaco (which is obviously judging by the physical appearance is just the “inflated” medvedev. Who had an almohad face, passport from Gabon and the red shirt from Thailand). And who where using my head to kill the Irish O’Bama… To only write this, - smell rubbish. But was the rubbish to write about Illarionov and Melakov’s Sampaio? Then, like always during this nights, nights of big decisions (like the 135 billions dollars), - they (who it will be?), take from me all sleep… For whom is not clear that this is the Eurasia who refuse to pay me outstanding debts, because the sranaia churka ‘medvedev’ and ‘put in’ have this faces. Which like to say about me, like a person: ‘GUD and tomatoes’. Which is financially speaking is true. (See the yesterday наёбка/bluff of козло-вонючие козлы to put in for two hours the article where they advise the “customers” that the minimum sum accepted for betting by the Trika Dialog, is of $100 000…). Why the after writing “profanities” (which, actually are not), - I receiving the telephone call from Hoxton making me appointment for the “Market Research Interviewer” (Reference: HOX/9085) VACANCY, - IF THE COCAINE EX-President of Portuguese Republic, bastard Jorge Sampaio – WASN’T TRUE? Because of Illarionov and Melakov? And the Co can’t do nothing about? Not the: 1.The specific measures to reduce public spending and take more credible plans for reducing the budget deficit; 2.The (for last year) restructuring of financial institutions with “solvency” problems; 3.Real reform of the labor market? Reading how and by whom “ketch up are made”, - I ask you loud and clear: проломаю я вам башку (since 1910) или нет? (I break you head or not?)

Thai government 'in control' amid red protests. Thursday, 29 April 2010 11:30 UK. But there was little sign of additional security from the government side around the red-shirt area, where guards from the red-shirts are well entrenched behind huge barricades. The European Union ambassador, David Lipman, responded to the reds' letter requesting "urgent" observation by saying that the EU remained deeply concerned about the state of affairs in Thailand. He called for respect for the rule of law, constructive dialogue and a negotiated solution to the current political crisis through peaceful and democratic means, an EU statement said.

Smuggled consignments of tomato paste for $ 750 thousand were detained in Novosibirsk. April 29, 2010, 13:43. In Novorossiysk customs "Southeastern" post was detained smuggled consignments of tomato passing game from China worth about 750 thousand dollars, which tried to bring in Russia under a false shipping documents. According to the press service, the staff of the department for combating economic crimes Customs detained more than 2 thousand tons of contraband goods. "In the course of verification activities, it was established that to obtain a certificate of conformity firm provided invalid test, resulting in a certificate was revoked. This offense carries a danger for the citizens of Russia, as in the production, which has no credible certificates of conformity to the rules and regulations may contain substances harmful to health "- said the representative, reports RIA Novosti
With respect to firm-carrier Proceedings of the administrative offense of paragraph 3 of Article 16.2 of the Code of Administrative Offences (Failure to declare or unreliable declaration of goods and (or) transport vehicles). This article provides a fine for legal persons from 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles to the possible confiscation of the goods and transport.

Greece crisis: EU 'nears end' of Greece rescue talks. Thursday, 29 April 2010 13:41 UK
The European Union (EU) is on the verge of agreeing the details of an emergency plan to rescue Greece's economy, a senior official has said. EU Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Olli Rehn said leaders were "about to conclude talks" on the package.

When I write something like: ‘cocaine ex-President of Portuguese Republic,

When I write something like: ‘cocaine ex-President of Portuguese Republic, bastard Jorge Sampaio’ – who is up? The cocaine ex-President of Portuguese Republic Jorge Sampaio.

“… The euro halted its fall against the dollar on Thursday as investors wait for more details on the rescue package for the Greek economy…”

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Spinning my wheels.

Spinning my wheels. The night before, the so-called rest bring to me lots of “friends” and “co-workers” speaking about the Third World War. Very smoothly arguing which economical, political and cultural prerequisites it’s will have. Who start, how and with which “results”. Was quite logic. Language they use – was really scary. Maybe because of this that I resolve to don’t react. Thinking that to retort – will be like to doing the poor compromise to myself. Was just telling them that in a subject, which I’m not at all keen to discuss, and I have nothing to say on this matter. Than was the visit of Yanukovich to Strasburg (who cares?!), but than the Mercedes’s nine in the Odessa-Melitopol’s high way, than was the ‘unexpected’ Norwegian “results” of red dwarf, than the ukrainians parliamentary obvious felony, than the all financials melt down… (GBPUSD). You see, my dear “co-workers”, - the structure of a prisoner’s dilemma in which the dominant strategy of all, (even those who wish to avoid the crisis, like myself), - is to running away from danger. Like I say a day before. Than, sequently, - falling to cooperate in the solution for such unexpected ‘eventuality’. I don’t remember who say that the ‘one kind word can worm three months’, but for sure it wasn’t the anthropological optimism of our rulers. With theirs “what-you-do-to-find-the-job”. Stuff which like the genetic code is impregnated in theirs veins. So, which options my portfolio had? Only the courage to face reality as it is. Just the rat voice to singing about necessary reforms such as: 1.The specific measures to reduce public spending and take more credible plans for reducing the budget deficit; 2.The (for last year) restructuring of financial institutions with “solvency” problems; 3.Real reform of the labor market. Sorry my friends if even today inviting you out for a coffee, I should tell you that “you don’t stand a chance to getting into my gang”. If I don’t do this, I will spin my wheels a couple faces more and wondering “what if”.

PANIK AN BÖRSEN. Sorgen um Portugal lassen den Dax abstürzen. April 2010, 19:50 Uhr. URL: A downgrading of the credit and savings plans new strikes against the government have shaken vigorously Portugal. The rating agency Standard & Poor's lowered the credit rating for the highly indebted country on Tuesday of "A +" to "A-". European shares fell. The plans have not worked: The financial markets have written off final and Greece worse: Now the Greek flu spread to other countries on the edge of the eurozone. On Tuesday afternoon, Standard & Poor's, a leading rating agency, downgraded the credit rating of Greece and Portugal, and thus the panic in financial markets triggered at: Dealer fled from the bonds of the two countries. The interest in Greece by its short-term debt must be paid for, rose to 18 percent - a level that countries reach the verge of bankruptcy. Also for Portugal debt, the cost for the rapidly within hours. At the same time the euro fell to night fell to an annual low of $ 1.32 to the euro and the stock and bond markets fell from Europe. The Dax lost 2.7 percent and the Greek stock market more than six percent. Even the New York Stock Exchange broke down. The markets seem to keep the efforts of the policy to limit the credit crisis in Greece, all along the line failed. A look at the list of unsound state debtors. There are found among the top 15 since yesterday, four countries from the 16-nation euro zone: Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Spain - even ahead of Kazakhstan, the Philippines and Indonesia. The rating agency Standard & Poor's, the Greek credit equal to three stages of before, "BBB +" to "BB +" reduces, and the bonds of the country have only junk level. Normally, only the sovereign debt of emerging markets that level. The move by the rating agency bursts in the middle of negotiations for a rescue package for Greece, discussing the EU, the countries of the European Union and the International Monetary Fund for weeks. Especially in Germany, it would be difficult to convince the public of the vote in favor of aid to Greece - that it relates to up to 8.4 billion euros. In any case, the volume of aid is considered too low, the money would not solve the problems of Greece, said a representative of Standard & Poor's. Given the skyrocketing costs of its public debt may take Greece to their own information on the financial markets out of money. The Greek Finance Minister Giorgos Papakonstantinou said on Tuesday. The country is reliant on the support of the euro-zone countries and the International Monetary Fund. It was the first time that Athens officially declared to be adding any new credit. The Greek government has until 19 May take up new debt to pay old debts. The biggest risk now is that Portugal will be infected by other countries of the euro area, notably Spain and Italy: For the debt of the two countries are too high, as they could be from the IMF or the euro countries have shouldered. Yesterday already increased the interest that both countries have to pay for their short-term debt, have risen sharply. Italy and Spain now have to pay twice as high interest rates, the German finance minister. Problems could get the banks, for the German banks hold government debt of Greece, Portugal and Spain in the amount of 226 billion euros. But in the case of Greece, there are more than 40 billion. Standard & Poor's expects that in the event of a rescheduling of Greece would give creditors up to 70 percent of their investments. The Greek banks could face major problems are, for other agencies should follow the example of S & P, they could get no more fresh money from the European Central Bank - which calls for high-quality bonds as collateral. Euro-dive makes life more expensive.

Monday 26 April 2010

+ 45% JUMP.

+ 45% JUMP. When I put the Board of Directors of the “system” which are enjoying to harass me, - was just trying to explain how this egomaniacs of “you don’t have nothing” work. In 24/7 plan, and to whom I call Seriojas. Those very smooth talkers who, never less, - keep arousing many of my suspicions. The козло-вонючие козлы who with endless cruelty using theirs principal asset – брата. Who, as a matter of fact, believe that the World around them always spin their way…, or the highway. Of course privately they for me represent the that unique solution, - to stir far away possible from them. The “sleeping” with ‘Ali на’ or not. Also the fun people (i.e. the козло-вонючие козлы from Board of Directors of the AFC system) seem and japes that where I’m getting into, are a just the buzz. Well, maybe they like when I piss in theirs mouths, whatever it will be, I with “you” keep yet to consider the overall impact of my “lifestyle” all over the situations. With the Corsican brothers’ Board of Directors or not.

The Bhopal disaster was an industrial catastrophe that took place at a pesticide plant owned and operated by Union Carbide (UCIL) in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. Around midnight on the intervening night of December 2–3, 1984, the plant released methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas and other toxins, resulting in the exposure of over 500,000 people. The government agencies estimate 15,000 deaths.

British Ambassador escapes with his life as suicide bomber blows himself up in Yemen. Published 20 mins ago by Mail Online UK. Last updated at 9:19 AM on 26th April 2010. The British Ambassador to Yemen escaped with his life today after a suicide bomber blew himself up near the convoy taking him to work. Tim Torlot was reported safe but one person, believed to be the bomber, was dead following the blast in the Yemeni capital, Sana'a, according to a reported security source. A Foreign Office spokesman was unable to currently confirm the report. He said: 'The Foreign Office is urgently looking into it.' The British embassy in Yemen has been closed this morning. No embassy staff are believed to have been injured in the blast. According to reports, the explosion was triggered as Mr Torlot made his way to work at the embassy in Sana'a. The Yemeni officials said the vehicle was passing through a poor neighborhood in the eastern part of San'a Monday when an explosion went off nearby. They said they believed the attacker was wearing an explosives belt and that he was killed in the explosion. Mr Torlot, 52, became UK Ambassador to Yemen in 2007. His previous postings include deputy head of mission at the British Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq. Mr Torlot's private life has been the subject of press coverage after he reportedly moved his pregnant mistress, U.S. journalist Jennifer Steil, into his official residence after his wife of 23 years returned home. The couple now have a baby daughter. He was reported to be 'unharmed', according to a security source. The Foreign Office website warns travellers that there is a 'high threat' of terrorism in Yemen. 'We believe that terrorists continue to plan attacks,' it said.
'Attacks could be indiscriminate, including against Western and British interests, such as residential compounds, military and oil facilities, and transport and aviation interests.' Yemen has been the focus of international concern about al Qaeda activity after the man suspected of attempting to blow up a U.S.-bound airliner on Christmas Day, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, was reported to have told FBI investigators that he was supplied with his bomb by al Qaeda members in Yemen. Nigerian-born Abdulmutallab's family have also suggested that he became radicalised during a visit to Yemen last year, where he was supposedly studying Arabic but is believed to have made contact with some of the estimated 300 al Qaeda militants based in the country. The British Embassy in Yemen closed for two days in January for security reasons, one of a number of Western embassies - including the U.S. and France - which shut their doors in the country amid concerns over a possible threat from al Qaeda militants. Yemen's government has recently vowed to work with the U.S. in taking on hundreds of al Qaeda fighters who have built up strongholds in the country's remote regions.

Risco de Portugal aumenta e está em máximos de 1997. 26/04/10 09:25. Os mercados dão novos sinais de nervosismo para com Atenas. O 'spread' da dívida portuguesa já ultrapassou os 200 pontos base. O preço dos ‘credit default swaps' (CDS) sobre obrigações helénicas a cinco anos é o que mais sobe em todo o mundo, aumentando em 26 pontos base para 625 pontos, segundo dados da Bloomberg. O agravamento do risco da dívida grega está a contagiar outros países da zona euro com debilidades orçamentais, tais como Portugal e Espanha. O preço dos CDS sobre títulos da dívida pública espanhola subia para 170 pontos base (mais 7 pontos), enquanto o mesmo indicador para as obrigações do Tesouro português avançava para 277 pontos base (mais dois pontos). O mesmo acontece na evolução do ‘spread', o prémio exigido pelos investidores para comprarem dívida grega e/ou portuguesa em vez das ‘bunds' alemãs, a referência no mercado europeu. O ‘spread' grego agravou-se hoje para 584 pontos face aos 559 verificados sexta-feira. Para o caso português, o prémio situa-se agora em 202 pontos contra os 190 observados na última sessão. Segundo dados da Bloomberg, trata-se do valor mais elevado desde pelo menos 1997, altura em que ainda se usada o escudo.

Chloride shares surge on Emerson bid. April 26 2010 09:23. Shares in Chloride surged more than 40 per cent on Monday after US group Emerson Electric returned with a bid for its UK rival, pitching its 270p all-cash indicative offer at the same price as its failed bid two years ago. Emerson made its approach to Norman Broadhurst, chairman of Chloride, on Friday and values the equity of the maker of uninterruptible power systems at £723m. Emerson went public after saying Chloride did not respond before an imposed Sunday deadline. Shares in Chloride rose 43 per cent to 299p at the open as investors bet on the possibility of a higher bid emerging. Chloride Group PLC (Chloride) is engaged in supply of power solutions, including the manufacture and sale of power supply systems and power conditioners, and after-sale technical support. The Company’s market sectors include service (34%), energy, and oil and gas (16%), information technology services (5%), manufacturing (9%), telecoms (7%), financial services (8%), retail (5%), government (4%), transport (3%), healthcare (3%) and other (6%). The Company's subsidiaries include AST Services Electronique SARL, CHLD Singapore Pte Limited, Chloride Electronics Limited and Chloride Masterguard Power Systems Limited. On October 10, 2008 the Company acquired Power & Electronic Services Limited. On December 17, 2008 the Company acquired Protech Technical Services. On January 6, 2009 the Company acquired Siemens UK UPS Systems business. In December 2009, the Company acquired Automatismes Energie Electroniques Systemes SAS.

Sunday 25 April 2010

Small things, - but widely…

Small things, - but widely… When I see for a couple of minutes the picture of some junky in the Yahoo UK and Ireland site to winning the “american lottery” on Saturday, and than magically this picture and the article – disappeared, I start to think if not a bad idea to spend more time taking care of my and nobody else business. The next day I come back browsing to see if could find the article and the picture of this very lucky toothless man. And couldn’t find it… But the butt from Goldman Sach - had a face (however too much diluted by the racists issue of the Western Media) of … MY DENTIST! Which coincidently had a name Andrew, well he told me that his name actually is Andy. Well, what ever. O boy, telling you this personal ‘non-sense’, seems that I again, are turning the someone’s uncertainty into Lancaster’s source of income. It’s obvious how this moment economic climate are presenting the endless opportunities. Your Majesty, how the exactly the Mother Teresa said?: - ‘In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love…’

Result of my “touches” to medvedev: Media: The closest ally of Saddam Hussein captured in Iraq. April 25, 2010, 15:: 46. During the raid, Iraqi and American troops on Saturday captured one of the closest associates of Saddam Hussein - Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, said on Sunday newspaper Al-Sabah al-Jadid. Over my head al-Douri was scheduled to pay $ 10 million. They searched and could not find seven years. Sensational news of his capture or death appeared repeatedly, but then always denied. Al-Douri was attributed to the Force, put up armed resistance to American forces that invaded Iraq in March 2003, ITAR-TASS. According to the Iraqi publication, the former vice-president of Iraq was found in a cave in the Hamrin Mountains (75 km north-east of the city Ba'qubah). In this mountainous region of militants entrenched factions "Qaida al-Jihad in Iraq", against which was sent to a joint operation. Last week, Iraqi authorities announced the elimination of the leaders of two main extremist groups - "Qaida al-Jihad in Iraq" and "Islamic State of Iraq". The New York Post: Alina Kabaeva gave birth to a son from Putin. The American press has drawn in yellow scandal, Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin and the famous athlete and politician Alina Kabaeva. In The New York Post there is information in which it was reported that 26-year-old Alina Kabaeva gave birth to a son of Mr. Putin. This article includes information from "sources" claiming that the boy was named after the current President of Russia Dmitry. Israeli media embraced the duck seriously and connected to its discussion. Kabaeva itself on its official website attempted to refute the rumors, saying that will keep fans abreast of the changes in her life. However, this statement she made before the birth. The child was born, and this fact does not hide, but no comments on this subject myself Alina has not given up yet. Runaway train crash in Norway. BBC 15:52 GMT, Wednesday, 24 March 2010. A train has crashed in Norway, killing three people and seriously injuring another three, according to reports. Several railway cars broke loose and sped out of control towards the port in Oslo, the capital. Witnesses said they travelled at 100km/h (62mph). They derailed and smashed into a building, bringing part of it crashing down, killing and injuring some of those working nearby, police said. Some of the 16 wagons, with no locomotive, then fell into a fjord. Vegar Halveg, who works at the port in the Sjursoeya district, said he heard a loud screech and saw several empty cargo wagons speeding past. "They were going much faster than they usually do, so we realized something was wrong," he told the Associated Press news agency. "The last car was practically airborne." Police and emergency workers are at the scene, along with coast guard helicopters and divers. The Norwegian National Rail Administration said the wagons had come loose at the Alnabru cargo terminal, several miles away, and rolled to the port.

NOW WE ARE TALKING: Over 49% of Russneft "System" will pay $ 100 million, told "Vedomosti" businessman close to Gutseriev. The transaction is closed, and the manager confirmed the AFC. According to a source close to the leadership of Russneft, under the terms of the transaction is 2% of the oil company gets Sberbank, these shares will be pledged Russneft, which will be able to buy them at market price three years later. This was confirmed by a source close to the leadership of Sberbank. He added that the operational control of Russneft remain for Gutseriev. Chairman of the Board of Directors of AFC “Sistema” Vladimir Yevtushenkov owns 62.13% of shares.Another 19% of the shares are traded on the London Stock Exchange in the form of GDR.Capitalization on July 10, 2007 - $ 14.8 billion [1]. The remaining shares are dispersed among individuals, including top managers of the System "(her ex-president Alexander Goncharuk owns 2% of the shares, vice president of strategy Levan Vasadze - 0,3%, senior vice president of finance Alexey Buyanov - 0 2%) and members of the board of directors (Alexander Leyvimanu owns 3.6%, Evgeny Novitsky - 3,2%, Alexander Gorbatovsky - 2,4%, Dmitry Zubov - 1,4%, Vyacheslav Kop'ev, Nikolai Mikhailov and Sergei Drozdov - by 0,2%). In 2005, the "System" held an IPO on the London Stock Exchange and engaged in a $ 1.3 billion CEO - Leonid Melamed. Emirates flight suffers air pocket fall, 20 injured. Kochi: A Kochi-bound Emirates aircraft from Dubai, which experienced a major air turbulence prior to descent leading to injuries to 20 people, has been grounded and the Directorate General of Civil Aviation has launched a probe into the incident. An inquiry has been ordered into the incident, DGCA Nazim Zaidi told PTI. "DGCA is carrying out air safety investigation. The aircraft will leave the country only after it is certified," he said. There were 350 passengers on board the flight besides 14 crew. Zaidi said officials have started recording the statements of injured, cabin crew and pilots as part of investigations into the incident. The Boeing aircraft encountered 'heavy turbulence' this morning injuring about 20 people. In a statement here, the airlines said the flight EK530 'encountered a short period of Heavy Turbulence prior to descent into India', causing minor injuries to about 20 persons.

Or, FREE NOOOORWAY…: La geo-politic sur le net: Barents Sea deal could come soon (07-04-10). Écrit par The Barents Observer. Mercredi, 07 Avril 2010 00:00. Norway and Russia might soon solve the 40 year old boundary conflict in the Barents Sea, says Rune Rafaelsen, head of the Norwegian Barents Secretariat. (So what? And since when this is a news?) It has long been a question of Svalbard is the difficult part of the Russian-Norwegian relations.Svalbard - the possession of Norway, occupying an archipelago in the Arctic Ocean (1 km from the North Pole). It consists of many islands, the largest of which is Svalbard. Native populations in the archipelago not live 1,2 thousands of Norwegians and about 1,500 Russian and Ukrainian nationals employed coal mining - the main mineral riches of Svalbard. In 1920 he was signed in Paris an international treaty, under which over Spitsbergen in Norway's sovereignty was established, and all other parties to the treaty have an equal right to economic activity in the archipelago. At present, the Treaty of Paris are more than 40 countries, but mainly on Svalbard are Norwegian and Russian companies. Since 1932, the archipelago running Russia's state trust "Arktikugol", which has a total land area of 251 square kilometers and 23 mining lease rights-term use. On mine Barentsburg "Russia annually produces about 300-350 thousand tons of coal. Under this treaty, Russia among other countries has access to fish resources in the Barents Sea around the archipelago. But in 1977 the decree of the King of Norway introduced a 200-mile protection zone around Svalbard. Russia does not recognize this area as well as the right to its mark does not arise from the agreement in 1920. In 1978 a protocol was signed on the provisional rules of fishing in the adjacent area of the Barents Sea. In 2009, Russia and Norway have extended a temporary agreement for one year - until July 1, 2010.

Insider passed Buffett. Independent Director, Goldman Sachs and Savings Rajat Gupta gave a friend of the hedge fund Galleon information concerning the purchase by Warren Buffett's shares of investment bank at $ 5 billion before the official announcement on the deal, says WSJ. 26.04.2010, 74 (2592) Member of the Board of Directors of Goldman Sachs Rajat Gupta in 2008 gave information about the transaction to acquire shares of the bank Warren Buffett chapter hedge fund Galleon Group Raj Radzharatnamu, writes WSJ citing sources familiar with the investigation. Buffett at the peak of the crisis paid $ 5 billion inpreferred shares of the bank. Radzharatnam received from Gupta and data on the bank's financial results prior to publication, the newspaper said, with reference to information disclosed by the U.S. government in court. The name of the Guptas in the documents is not called. But, according to the source WSJ, investigators intercepted his telephone conversations with Radzharatnamom. Shortly before the deal with Buffett's company Berkshire Hathaway Goldman Sachs securities have fallen in price by 40% to $ 86 apiece, and 23 September, when investment was officially announced, shares of Goldman jumped 45% to $ 125 per share. April 16, when the SEC accused the bank of fraud and misinformation investors harmed in the $ 1 billion, the bank's shares collapsed by 12%. On Thursday, they completed the bidding at around $ 159.05, ie, the profit from Buffett's investment in Goldman, according to the calculations WSJ, reached $ 750 million On Friday quotes Goldman Sachs cheaper at 1.04% to $ 157,4. The capitalization of the investment bank was $ 85.52 billion. The fact that Gupta was in the center major investigation of insider trading last decades ( since October arrested 21 people), it became known last week. Sam Gupta did not run for re-election in theBoard of Directors of Goldman. He is also an independent director of Procter & Gamble, AMR and Savings. Sberbank has not published lists of candidates to the Supervisory Board for election at the annual meeting of shareholders on June 4. Gupta is included in the list, said one bank employee. And his likely re-elected. The situation can change only if the evidence of his guilt in the illegal use of insider information. If they are officially promulgated, the central bank ( controls 60,3% of the voting shares of Sberbank), probably will not vote for him at a meeting of shareholders on June 4, said the source "Vedomosti ". Send comments to the Central Bank on Friday failed.

Saturday 24 April 2010


CONGRATULATIONS! I GET MY BEANIE! Image: "At dawn, a gentle blue mist over the ocean": Be strong-willed is good thing but when does it tick over into stubbornness? What we can or should to do? Look by yourselves. To dreaming with red dwarf medvedev (he was with big blue balloon in some regular Parade) who carelessly get slip this balloon, who blow in my face… Than, we had a lost sleep, than was a long, smooth pass of football ball from BP (today celebration), than strange and good dream from fap, and very early wake-up… You know my boy, it’s usually happens when you see things could have been misunderstood and instead admitting to it (i.e. you’ll never will get the Co’s North, singing or not in the Norwegian media), - you forever stick regardless to your “original” plan. And when you see the balloons (i.e. film Dictator), indicates declining hopes in your search for love. (It’s the present situation in your life will take a turn downward). To see a balloon pop, symbolizes an unrealized goal or dream. It may also represent the stress in your life. The pressure may be starting to be too great for you to bear… It’s true my boy, that any carefully laid plans (25+1%, for example) could have a habit of going awry. Yet my dear, if you find yourself doing something different you can even spare your head…

Oil rig sinks after explosion. BP workers still missing from Transocean platform. Published: 23/04/2010. A TRANSOCEAN oil platform which was rocked by a massive explosion has sunk in the Gulf of Mexico, the US Coast Guard said. Petty Officer Katherine McNamara confirmed the Deepwater Horizon rig had sunk and said the US Coast Guard was still searching for 11 workers missing since Tuesday’s oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. The oil rig had been burning since the explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. Supply vessels had been shooting water at the Transocean rig to try to control the fire and prevent the platform from sinking. The oil rig, which is owned by Transocean, is under contract to oil giant BP and was doing exploratory drilling about 50 miles (80km) off the coast of Louisiana. Rescue crews searched all night for the missing workers after the blast on the oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. Carolyn Kemp said her grandson, Roy Wyatt Kemp, 27, was among the missing. “They’re assuming all those men who were on the platform are dead,” she said. A Transocean spokesman Guy Cantwell said 111 oil workers who made it off the Deepwater Horizon rig safely had been taken ashore after the explosion. Seventeen casualties from the oil rig explosion were also taken to shore suffering from burns, broken legs and smoke inhalation. Four oil workers were critically injured after the Gulf of Mexico incident. Adrian Rose, vice president of Transocean, said it appeared natural gas or oil had forced its way up a well pipe and smashed the equipment. An investigation into the explosion at the oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico is now under way.

The following table lists pipelines in Spain and Portugal, including cross-border, international pipelines which originate or end in these countries, as shown on the map. It is followed by a map, which you can click to see an enlarged version. The pipeline routes on the map are labeled with the codes that are explained in the table. Pipeline label codes are colored green for oil, red for gas and blue for products, such as gasolene and ethylene. The diameter, length and capacity of the pipeline, if known, are shown on the table. Follow these links for current Spain economic data, which include oil and natural gas production, consumption, imports and exports and Portugal economic data with the same information. For historical data follow this link and on that page click on a year and then a country name.

Euro countries, IMF to lend billions to Greece. Saturday, April 24, 2010. (04-24) 04:00 PDT. Hobbled by exorbitant borrowing costs, Greece triggered an emergency aid plan Friday to draw cash from the International Monetary Fund and countries that use the euro - the first test of whether the EU is prepared to bail out one of its members. The package has enough money to keep Greece from defaulting on its massive debts anytime soon. But Athens still faces years of painful cutbacks and questions about its long-term finances, raising worries that its troubles will affect other indebted members of the European Union and further harm the euro currency. The three-year plan adopted in Brussels recently and hailed as a sign that Europe can cope with the crisis will provide Greece with loans: Euro-zone members will contribute $40 billion at interest rates of about 5 percent, while the IMF will chip in about $13.4 billion this year. Exact figures for the following years have not been made public. Greece is under no illusions that the plan will resolve all the problems of a country that has a debt of $400 billion and other serious fiscal issues. The nation needs to borrow about $72 billion this year alone. It's already covered about half that amount with bond and treasury bill issues, but has $11.3 billion worth of 10-year bonds maturing May 19.

VOLUME: As part of a three-year program, all euro countries in the first year of bilateral support will provide a total of up to 30 billion euros. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) would provide additional resources and take of the whole program about one third, or another 15 billion euros. INTEREST LEVEL: The interest on loans from the euro countries slightly exceed those of the IMF loan, the calculation follows the rules of the fund largely. For a three-year loan would be paid Greece about five per cent interest. Bonds with variable interest rates would have a base rate of the three-month Euribor. For fixed-rate bonds längerlaufende the Euribor would extrapolated to the corresponding period. In addition, a surcharge of 300 basis points and another 50 basis points to cover administrative costs. Loans with maturities over three years would cost an additional 100 basis points. In this way, the interest rate contained no element of subsidy, and the euro countries will not violate the prohibition on the mutual assumption of debt in the EU Treaty. AUXILIARY REQUEST: Under what circumstances Greece requesting the assistance, first remains of the local government to decide. The EU Commission and the European Central Bank will then check whether the use of the safety net is justified. The final decision rests with the finance ministers of the euro zone, would have to unanimously decide on the disbursement of aid. According to a decision does not prejudge the plan, if Greece can no longer sufficient to finance the capital market. Open is whether the first case of a failed bond auction or at a certain rate of interest would be the case. CONDITIONS: Greece would have to request the aid or meet stringent requirements than now with his savings and drastic reform program. What are the conditions that would be is open.


CONGRATULATIONS! I GET MY BEANIE! Image: "At dawn, a gentle blue mist over the ocean": Be strong-willed is good thing but when does it tick over into stubbornness? What we can or should to do? Look by yourselves. To dreaming with red dwarf medvedev (he was with big blue balloon in some regular Parade) who carelessly get slip this balloon, who blow in my face… Than, we had a lost sleep, than was a long, smooth pass of football ball from BP (today celebration), than strange and good dream from fap, and very early wake-up… You know my boy, it’s usually happens when you see things could have been misunderstood and instead admitting to it (i.e. you’ll never will get the Co’s North, singing or not in the Norwegian media), - you forever stick regardless to your “original” plan. And when you see the balloons (i.e. film Dictator), indicates declining hopes in your search for love. (It’s the present situation in your life will take a turn downward). To see a balloon pop, symbolizes an unrealized goal or dream. It may also represent the stress in your life. The pressure may be starting to be too great for you to bear… It’s true my boy, that any carefully laid plans (25+1%, for example) could have a habit of going awry. Yet my dear, if you find yourself doing something different you can even spare your head…

Oil rig sinks after explosion. BP workers still missing from Transocean platform. Published: 23/04/2010. A TRANSOCEAN oil platform which was rocked by a massive explosion has sunk in the Gulf of Mexico, the US Coast Guard said. Petty Officer Katherine McNamara confirmed the Deepwater Horizon rig had sunk and said the US Coast Guard was still searching for 11 workers missing since Tuesday’s oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. The oil rig had been burning since the explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. Supply vessels had been shooting water at the Transocean rig to try to control the fire and prevent the platform from sinking. The oil rig, which is owned by Transocean, is under contract to oil giant BP and was doing exploratory drilling about 50 miles (80km) off the coast of Louisiana. Rescue crews searched all night for the missing workers after the blast on the oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. Carolyn Kemp said her grandson, Roy Wyatt Kemp, 27, was among the missing. “They’re assuming all those men who were on the platform are dead,” she said. A Transocean spokesman Guy Cantwell said 111 oil workers who made it off the Deepwater Horizon rig safely had been taken ashore after the explosion. Seventeen casualties from the oil rig explosion were also taken to shore suffering from burns, broken legs and smoke inhalation. Four oil workers were critically injured after the Gulf of Mexico incident. Adrian Rose, vice president of Transocean, said it appeared natural gas or oil had forced its way up a well pipe and smashed the equipment. An investigation into the explosion at the oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico is now under way.

The following table lists pipelines in Spain and Portugal, including cross-border, international pipelines which originate or end in these countries, as shown on the map. It is followed by a map, which you can click to see an enlarged version. The pipeline routes on the map are labeled with the codes that are explained in the table. Pipeline label codes are colored green for oil, red for gas and blue for products, such as gasolene and ethylene. The diameter, length and capacity of the pipeline, if known, are shown on the table. Follow these links for current Spain economic data, which include oil and natural gas production, consumption, imports and exports and Portugal economic data with the same information. For historical data follow this link and on that page click on a year and then a country name.

Euro countries, IMF to lend billions to Greece. Saturday, April 24, 2010. (04-24) 04:00 PDT. Hobbled by exorbitant borrowing costs, Greece triggered an emergency aid plan Friday to draw cash from the International Monetary Fund and countries that use the euro - the first test of whether the EU is prepared to bail out one of its members. The package has enough money to keep Greece from defaulting on its massive debts anytime soon. But Athens still faces years of painful cutbacks and questions about its long-term finances, raising worries that its troubles will affect other indebted members of the European Union and further harm the euro currency. The three-year plan adopted in Brussels recently and hailed as a sign that Europe can cope with the crisis will provide Greece with loans: Euro-zone members will contribute $40 billion at interest rates of about 5 percent, while the IMF will chip in about $13.4 billion this year. Exact figures for the following years have not been made public. Greece is under no illusions that the plan will resolve all the problems of a country that has a debt of $400 billion and other serious fiscal issues. The nation needs to borrow about $72 billion this year alone. It's already covered about half that amount with bond and treasury bill issues, but has $11.3 billion worth of 10-year bonds maturing May 19.

VOLUME: As part of a three-year program, all euro countries in the first year of bilateral support will provide a total of up to 30 billion euros. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) would provide additional resources and take of the whole program about one third, or another 15 billion euros. INTEREST LEVEL: The interest on loans from the euro countries slightly exceed those of the IMF loan, the calculation follows the rules of the fund largely. For a three-year loan would be paid Greece about five per cent interest. Bonds with variable interest rates would have a base rate of the three-month Euribor. For fixed-rate bonds längerlaufende the Euribor would extrapolated to the corresponding period. In addition, a surcharge of 300 basis points and another 50 basis points to cover administrative costs. Loans with maturities over three years would cost an additional 100 basis points. In this way, the interest rate contained no element of subsidy, and the euro countries will not violate the prohibition on the mutual assumption of debt in the EU Treaty. AUXILIARY REQUEST: Under what circumstances Greece requesting the assistance, first remains of the local government to decide. The EU Commission and the European Central Bank will then check whether the use of the safety net is justified. The final decision rests with the finance ministers of the euro zone, would have to unanimously decide on the disbursement of aid. According to a decision does not prejudge the plan, if Greece can no longer sufficient to finance the capital market. Open is whether the first case of a failed bond auction or at a certain rate of interest would be the case. CONDITIONS: Greece would have to request the aid or meet stringent requirements than now with his savings and drastic reform program. What are the conditions that would be is open.

Friday 23 April 2010

Image: "Sherlock Holmes finding a smoking gun".

Image: "Sherlock Holmes finding a smoking gun".

Risk Portuguese debt is already at levels above the euro. Markets under pressure.: 23/04/10 00:05. Portugal is still in the euro, but the debt does not. The Greek contagion increased the financing costs to 1997 levels. Portugal is in the spotlight of the markets. The Government and tries to prove that "Portugal is not Greece, but investors returned yesterday to paste the two countries and national funding costs hit the highest since 1997. The bomb came yesterday from Eurostat, which fixed the 2009 budget deficit estimated by Athens. The Greek deficit is ultimately 13.6% of GDP, almost one point above the 12.7% accepted by the Government of Papandreou. The markets' response was immediate and did not focus on debt of Greece. The 'yield' of Portuguese debt soared to 4.854% and the "spread" in the face of Germany - the premium investors demand to buy Portuguese debt instead of German - rose to 179 basis points, the highest since 1997, before the creation euro zone.

Ifo: Stimmung in Chefetagen hellt sich im April kräftig auf. Reuters Deutschland - ‎Vor 27 Minuten‎.

Car bomb blast outside police station on Irish border. Police face rise in threat of activity by dissident republicans. A car bomb exploded last night at about 2325 BST. outside a police station in a Northern Ireland village close to the border with the Irish Republic. The explosion in Newtownhamilton in South Armagh came half an hour before midnight and damaged the building and nearby houses.

Failed job hunt ends in overdose at 21. Steve Bird. A young woman who had left school with ten GCSEs and three A levels apparently killed herself because she felt “humiliated” when she could not get a job. Vicky Harrison, 21, spent two years looking for work but with no success. The day after receiving yet another letter saying that she had failed in her application and interview for a job, this time at a nursery, she took an overdose of pills, her family said. She left a note to them which read: “I don’t want to be me any more. Please don’t be sad. It is not your fault. I want everybody in my life to be happy.” The case comes the day after unemployment rose to a 16-year high of 2.5 million.

Thursday 22 April 2010

Deepwater Horizon IMO 8764597 Flag Marshall Islands build 2001 GT 32588.

Deepwater Horizon IMO 8764597 Flag Marshall Islands build 2001 GT 32588. An young lady, come to me during a some big get-together and initiate to proposing me a working place in some design/architecture laboratory. The old, vintage desk turned to the window – are ready. But true too, that the desk is a very ‘atmospheric’… From that, very Japanese (mean yakuza) style corporation, which don’t put the old “burned” man to the street. But, give him a ‘window place where work is done’… How sweet! That little heart doesn’t know that the real World (my world) spin around the Group A, - and not the Group B services… Than she introduce me the proper boss, who is gladly receiving me and telling that unique the Contract condition is: -‘What I expect from you is just a good relationship… I hope…’ Well, - the rare ‘spirit of cooperation’ in my dreams. Seems that “her” “problems” – is my hands ability for problem-solving of elementary Engineering Management. Which like always, was interrupted by the heavy smell of railway wagon. Even brushing my teeth, - I knew that this was me be a bit irritated when O Globo a couples minutes after the Rovos Rail disaster put the names and countries who were traveling in. “Stupid” of me to read this before bed. Why? Because, exactly there, are the moments when I feel as if I’m living a dream (i.e. the 25+1% of British Steel in the Norwegian Railway, if you remember). Where my life is is unreal. Where I’m aware of what’s going on (its was Queen idea), - yet I “feel” detached from it. Again why? Because who it will be to talking (and than running around me in City) in Spanish/Portuguese about shameful Vogue from Kiev? The Petrobras? Why is this happen to me? Here’s comes the explanation why: BP plc-Mike O’Berry-Transocean Incorporated-International Association of Drilling Contractors-US Department of Interior-Scott Lloyd-Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd-and the McDonald’s hamburger chewing by this sweet heart. Get it!

Deepwater Horizon IMO 8764597 Flag Marshall Islands build 2001 GT 32588. BP: Started Work To Cut Oil Flow Feeding Transocean Rig Fire. LONDON -(Dow Jones)- Work has started to shut off the oil flow that is feeding a fire aboard the Transocean Ltd. (RIG) drilling rig that suffered an explosion late Tuesday injuring 17 workers and leaving 11 missing, a spokesman for BP PLC (BP) said Thursday. The rig in the Gulf of Mexico, called the Deepwater Horizon, remains ablaze following the unexplained explosion Tuesday night. "We are trying to get kit down to the seabed to stop the oil flowing," up the riser connection and on to the platform where it is feeding the blaze, said the spokesman for BP, which had contracted the Transocean rig to drill a well. Remotely operated underwater vehicles have already been deployed to perform this task, he said. He couldn't say how long the operation would take. There have been reports of a sheen of oil on the surface of the water near the burning rig, but no evidence of a significant oil spill, he said. The U.S. coastguard suspended the search for the 11 missing crew members late Wednesday and will resume operations at first light Thursday, according to local TV reports. Seventeen crew members were medevaced from the scene, three of whom are in critical condition.

Deutsche Bahn buys Arriva for £1.5bn. April 22 2010 08:58. “We are placing our hopes in Sunderland,” declared Deutsche Bahn’s chief executive Rüdiger Grube on Thursday, after the German state-owned transport group sealed its takeover bid for Tyne-and-Wear-based Arriva. The 775p per share cash offer, approved by the supervisory board of Deutsche Bahn on Wednesday evening and unanimously recommended by Arriva, values the group at about £1.5bn and comes as local European transport markets prepare for greater deregulation. Deutsche Bahn is 100 per cent owned by the German state, and has 255,000 employees in 130 countries, with 60,000 employees outside Germany. In 2009, the group had revenues of €29.3bn.

Alrosa confirms case of diamond switch. 4/21/2010 1:38 PM. Alrosa has referred an investigation of a case of substitution of low value synthetic stones in a batch of Alrosa rough that was sold to a foreign client to the criminal prosecutors and the Russian courts. Andrei Polyakov, the company spokesman, told PolishedPrices that a case of substitution had been discovered "recently". He declined to say who is suspected, and how exactly the substitution was pulled off. The evidence will appear in court, Polyakov said. "It's up to the law enforcement services to find who is guilty,” he said. According to Russian press reports, Alrosa has acknowledged that the switch occurred in a small batch of stones of up to 3 carats in size, and that though the discovery was recent, the switch is believed to have happened between late 2008 and early 2009 during cutting and polishing of the rough. Reference in the reports to the fact that the stones were consigned for manufacturing in a tolling agreement with Alrosa suggests the substitution may have occurred in an Armenian factory. However, the origin of the synthetic stones is likely to have been Russian. Such switches were known to have occurred during the 1990s in the diamond pipeline between Russia and the Armenian cutting plants. The Alrosa rough had been replaced by stones treated by the high pressure, high heat ( HPHT) synthesizing technology at a location outside the direct control of the main company or its diamond polishing affiliate, Alrosa said. The process involves large presses that can weigh hundreds of tonnes to produce a pressure of 5 GPa at 1500 °C. Such technology was in use in the mid 1990s at plants near Moscow, and also in western Siberia. "Such manipulation of its products may damage the reputation of the company and the diamond as such," Alrosa has said in a statement, "so any attempt to mislead the consumers of precious stones, made of our diamonds, will be stopped in the strongest fashion."

ROVOS RAIL, A VERY TRAGIC DAY INDEED. Posted on 21 April 2010 by Railways Africa Editor
A very tragic day indeed, Rovos Rail the pride of Africa, today experienced a major derailment, which regretfully included fatalities. The incident took place during the locomotive switch to the famous steam train, which brings passengers into the Rovos Rail station in Pretoria; the 19 carriages were unhooked from the locomotive and for reasons still be explained the carriages freewheeled out of control. This accident has affected all commuter rail services on the Pretoria main line a portion of which portion has been closed until further notice. Railway Safety Inspectors are at the scene of the accident conducting an investigation into the cause of the accident.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

The Chariot.

The Chariot. Now I remember exactly what I was dreaming off this night. Not just with the punch on my teeth, - it’s simple, it’s like always, the “not-ready-yet-to-talking-with-me” are trying the European window through my mouth. But another, the South American dream. Where I’m in a very gorgeous valley village with enormous Ferris Wheel in my head. Good laugh! This medvedev rats keep looking for my Georgian Mexican saddle! (Bovespa/KOSPI). Problem is though, is that this kind of stuff only makes me feel with a deeper sense of responsibility. Me who will die to be my mum body-guard… (I’m jocking) Carry on that supreme meaning of medvedev’s rats the long decades by now, - “A мы тебя перепиздим!” Only through the extraordinary seriousness and “self-control” I may try to don’t be misleading with theirs “artificial” cosmic vacuum… Even if apparent delays or setbacks will arise. I’ll be keeping (like right now) awareness for details on what worries me. Off course is better not to hurry; however seems the good day to start negotiations (i.e. the today letter from NHS Dental Services. Fabrice Tourre), signing some documents or some definite/final decision. My horoscope for today are showing me The Chariot card. Calling my attention to beware of the snap judgments [sic]. Well, it’s true, more yet because we/I never had the all information. Is the great duty of any man to be discerning enough to separate the wheat from the chaff. In any aspects of his life.

Deepwater Horizon oil rig fire leaves 11 missing. Rig listing after explosion in Gulf of Mexico, but most workers escape unhurt. Workers are missing after an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, which operated in the Gulf of Mexico. Photograph: AP. Designed originally for R&B Falcon, she was completed in 2001 by Hyundai Heavy Industries in Ulsan, South Korea, after their merger with Transocean. She is the second of two in her class, although her sister ship, the Deepwater Nautilus is not dynamic positioned 8,000 feet (2,400 m), according to Transocean’s Web site. The rig is 396 feet (121 m) long and 256 feet (78 m) wide and according to Billy Nungesser, the president of Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, "is one of the largest, deep water, off-shore drilling rigs.” Since arriving in the Gulf of Mexico, Deepwater Horizon has been under contract to BP Exploration. Her work includes wells in theAtlantis and Thunder Horse fields, a 2006 discovery in the Kaskida field and the 2009 Tiber oilfield. Helicopters, ships and an aeroplane searched the waters off Louisiana's coast today for at least 11 workers missing after an explosion and fire that left an offshore drilling platform tilting in the Gulf of Mexico. Most of the 126 people on the rig, Deepwater Horizon, were believed to have escaped safely after the explosion last night, a coast guard officer, Mike O'Berry, said. The rig, about 52 miles south-east of Venice on Louisiana's tip, was still burning this morning. It was listing about 70 degrees and threatening to topple into the water. "It's burning pretty good and there's no estimate on when the fire will be put out," O'Berry said. Seven workers were reported critically injured and two taken to a trauma centre in Alabama, another coastguard officer, Sue Kerver said. O'Berry said many workers who escaped the rig were being brought to land on a workboat while the Gulf of Mexico was searched for signs of lifeboats. "We're hoping everyone's in a life raft," he said. Greg Panagos, a spokesman for the rig's owner, Transocean Ltd, said it was drilling but not in production. The rig was under contract to BP Plc, whose spokesman, Darren Beaubo, said all BP personnel were safe, though he did not know how many BP workers had been on the rig. Panagos said it was still too early to tell the cause. "Our focus right now is on taking care of the people." O'Berry said coastguard environmental teams were on standby to assess any environmental damage once the fire was out. The Deepwater Horizon rig, built in 2001, is 120 metres long and 78 metres wide. The site known as the Macondo prospect, is in 1,500 metres of water. The rig is designed to operate in water depths up to 2,500 metres and has a maximum drill depth of about 5.5 miles. It can accommodate a crew of up to 130.

Goldman's Legal Defense Amounts to `Buyer Beware'. Apr 21, 2010. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. has signaled it will fight a U.S. lawsuit over subprime mortgage instruments the same way Bank of America Corp.’s Merrill Lynch unit and UBS AG have challenged similar claims -- by invoking the concept of caveat emptor: Latin for buyer beware. The strategy may work. By insisting that purchasers of collateralized debt obligations knew what they were getting into, Goldman Sachs is following a well-traveled path. Both Merrill and UBS won dismissal of similar claims that they misrepresented the risks of such assets by saying the buyers were sophisticated enough to know better. The Securities and Exchange Commission accused Goldman Sachs of creating and selling the CDOs without disclosing that hedge fund Paulson & Co. helped pick the underlying securities and bet against the instrument. Goldman Sachs denied any wrongdoing, saying that it provided “extensive disclosure” to customers about the risks. Goldman Sachs, whose mantra is clients’ interests always come first, has said “these are sophisticated investors who knew what they were buying,” said David Irwin, a former federal prosecutor in private practice in Towson, Maryland. The bank is arguing that the average buyer of this product isn’t some “credit union that didn’t know what it was doing,” he said.

Love for $ 40 billion. For the first two years of work for the highest public office, Dmitry Medvedev went on a visit to Ukraine. The last time the Russian president (at that time Vladimir Putin) was visiting the neighbors as much in 2005. The visit was historic - the Ukrainians still managed to achieve solid discounts on gas. Small change was the extension of the Black Sea Fleet on Ukrainian territory. According to unofficial information, Yanukovych in such a hurry to Medvedev, that even got into an accident. Or rather, one of the cars rushing his high-speed motorcade (ironically ? - the ambulance) was faced with a car. As a result, the driver, reportedly died on the spot. But then the local Interior Ministry refuted the information that the ambulance was traveling in a motorcade of the president. In any case, flight was delayed Yanukovich. Ambulance to escort Yanukovych killed taxi driver (video & continuation of “tcalami”). On Wednesday morning was something that should be expected, given the culture of mobility motorcade of President Yanukovych. Car ambulance that went to support Yanukovych convoy, collided with a taxi driver who was killed by the accident. The accident occurred at the Kharkov area. Cortege moved at high speed on Prospect preferred to Boryspil, where Yanukovych had to fly to Kharkov to meet with Russian President Medvedev. "Emergency", which was in convoy, has seen a taxi car VAZ 2110, which went to the range of the Kharkiv highway. Scheme of the accident. Google Graphics. The blow was of such force that ambulance twenty meters "protyahnula" on the asphalt taxi. Arrived at the scene Ministry team, which freed by special means in the back seat passenger, whose legs were locked. Naytsynichnishe began then. Authorities lips Ministry spokesman said that the ambulance is not associated with Yanukovych. "The car that got in an accident, not related to the presidential motorcade," - said the Head of Police Dmitry Andreev. - "The law clearly defined vehicle motorcade that is the person protected. Motorcade Machines persons protected in accidents do not fall." "Ukrainian Pravda counted at least seven proof that representative government is lying. First. The video clearly shows that the accident remained in place Milicejskaja Toyota CIDA "in support of Yanukovych.
Second. In place of accident remained a visiting head of Yanukovych.
The photo in the center - the employee of the State Guard, the head of a visiting President Yanukovych
Third. In place of accident remained armed anti-terrorist unit officer SBU Alpha, who accompanied Yanukovich. The photo on the left - anti-terrorist center employee Alfa SBU, which is in support of Yanukovich. The photo on the left - anti-terrorist center employee Alfa SBU, which is in support of Yanukovich. Fourth. No ambulance, which got into accidents, AA 0549 AA, GA is listed in the database for the State Hospital Administration. As you know, government affairs - a body of presidential administration, competence is also included and special medical facilities serving the first of the state.
Number instantly publishes its affiliation with the Presidential Administration. Fifth. This is the "emergency" was photographed "Ukrainian Truth" as part of convoy Yanukovych few weeks ago, when he traveled with Kruglouniversitetskaya street in Kiev. Tuple opens Toyota CIDA. Such an accident remained in place. Tuple Yanukovych in all its beauty. "Emergency" goes to the tuples. The same "fast-killer"
External siren signals identical. Sixth. Ensure that the ambulance is part of the convoy Yanukovych can see it on video, shot last month. "Express" convoy with Yanukovych. Stop-frame video for March 2010. Seventh. Even if you follow the logic of the police that the ambulance came in to the convoy, the emergence of such machines at once by Yanukovych blocked on all sides Avenue Preferred simply impossible. This "fast" - no upiznavalnyh character logo without first aid, on all sides obvishana flashing beacons and sirens. Behavior of power in this situation not only absurd, but foul against its own citizens.
... Last year in accidents hit motorcade of then Prime Minister Tymoshenko. Fortunately, while all remaining live and Party of Regions stated that it intends to control the process of establishing guilt.
"Investigations into the accident involving motorcade of Prime Minister should take place in public. Attempts to cover investigation nonclassified unacceptable" - pathos if affirmed Regions Mykola jig.
Today, events are repeated with the mirror up. Responsibility for the death lies with the authorities. Obviously, this tragic event happened, if acted the Constitution that all citizens of Ukraine are equal in their rights, and state leaders are not satisfied on the roads.

Pigs Fly to 14-Year High as Meat Demand Rises. Apr 21, 2010. Hog futures surged to the highest price since 1996 as a rally in wholesale pork signaled improved demand for U.S. meat. Cattle also rose. Wholesale pork has climbed 20 percent to the highest level since August 2008, U.S. Department of Agriculture data show. Demand is increasing as warmer weather in the U.S. encourages consumers to grill outside. Supplies of hogs available to slaughterhouses has tightened after two years of losses forced farmers to slash breeding herds to the smallest size ever. Pork’s gains are “primarily a function of demand,” said Doug Harper, a Richard A. Brock & Associates analyst in Milwaukee. If consumers hold true to seasonal increases in meat purchasing, prices “have further to go,” Harper said. Hog futures for June settlement rose 1.725 cents, or 2 percent, to 87.225 cents a pound at 11:26 a.m. on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the highest price for a most-active contract since May 1996. Wholesale pork reached 87.04 cents a pound yesterday and has risen every day this month, USDA data show. “To be this high in April, we’re really in uncharted territory,” Harper said. Before today, futures gained 30 percent this year on increased demand as the economy improves and because of smaller U.S. pork supplies. Meatpackers processed 32.3 million hogs this year through April 17, or 4.5 percent fewer than the same time last year.

“Lava actually…”

“Lava actually…” It’s the day when I suspect that someone isn’t quite ready to listen me yet. Some ‘structure’ which actually make me to be correct. The hunches of this morning are telling me that preceded moments of deep doubt, and intense anxiety is actually of somebody’s medvedev rats who want the narrator pay a lip service (like this night for example) and then, to loose (i.e. by me) the very fortunate “coincidences”. This heavy (but incognito) beating of nobody’s poodle, or any other lapdog for that matter, make me “describe” the acts of courage much easier than to carry out? (What you think). You know what? With this large business project, which still involve all my attention, I see a lot of unexpected and generous sources pop-upping all around me. Which can be a waste (Such a shame! If was without your Mir cut), - if I don’t use it wisely. Well man, it’s one of risks isn’t it? In other side, if I’m a well trained enough (to sit where I’m before ask for permission), - not the time and judicious mood to make a major move? You see the CoL culture, - the every aspects in my life in your eyes is should (mean fare) to be vice-verse. Isn’t it?

The Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe was an institution aimed at strengthening peace, democracy, human rights and economy in the countries of South Eastern Europe from 1999-2008. It was replaced by the Regional Co-operation Council in February 2008. The RCC replaced the Stability Pact because it is more "regionally owned" than the SP, which was driven more by outside partners such as the EU. The RCC includes states like Turkey and Ukraine that are outside any reasonable definition of south-eastern Europe (being Asia or Eastern Europe respectively). The states encompassed by the Stability Pact are those in the Balkan group (with all of Serbia and Croatia), plus Bulgaria, Moldova and Romania, but excluding Greece (which would have been a natural member had it not been a member of the EU), and Kosova (another natural member which was not independent at the time). The countries included were: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, and Serbia.

Father Stabbed To Death On Council Estate. Wednesday, April 21 10:51 am. © Sky News 2010
A young father-of-one has been stabbed to death in a fight on a "rough" council estate after a gang apparently tormented a householder and urinated through his front door. Anthony Kershaw, 25, was killed after arguing with a 52-year-old man in Great Howarth, Rochdale, Greater Manchester. The householder had apparently called police because of nuisance behaviour outside his ground-floor flat.
Police were first alerted just after midnight and paramedics took Mr Kershaw to hospital but he died at 10.50am on Tuesday. "The whole estate is rough - just look at it. The council need to sort it out but they don't bother." Anyone with information should call police on 0161 856 5860 or call the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously on 0800 555 111.

State must sell 10% of EDP in the next 12 months. Analysis. 21/04/10 10:45. JPMorgan analysts believe that the state will sell nearly half its position in the EDP, because of the SGP. "The Portuguese State holds 20.5% of EDP by PARPUBLICA and 5% by Caixa Geral de Depósitos and we would not be surprised if the government ceded 10% of EDP in the next 12 months," reads a note from the bank's analysis U.S., noting that the SGP (i.e. Stability and Growing Pact) provides raise revenue privatizations totaling 6 billion euros. At current market prices, 10% of EDP are valued at one billion euros, about 18% of the 'cake' of six billion. Said to be less likely in view of JPMorgan, is the sale of the 6.8% who still holds the power Iberdola led by Antonio Mexia. Analysts Laitung Javier Garrido and Sarah have a recommendation to 'overweight' for EDP. The shares of EDP today reported losses of 1.11% to 2.93 million (see graph).

George Irvin*
Balanced budgets: David v Goliath? Monsieur Mer’s announcement that France would remain in breach of the 3 percent budget deficit ceiling in 2004 followed by Herr Eichel’s admission that Germany would do the same drives one more nail into the coffin of the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP). The debate in Brussels has taken on curious a David-and-Goliath hue. Much of the financial press seems to have cast the rule-breakers---France and Germany---as the villains while the smaller countries wanting to stick to the rules---Austria and the Netherlands---are portrayed as the good guys. In truth, it’s the other way ‘round! The European Commission, which this week forecast EU-15 unemployment in 2004 to rise above the July 2003 level of 8.1 percent, appears to have lost the plot! Quite rightly, France and Germany refuse the SGP cap on fiscal spending and risk prolonging Europe’s recession. In the 1990s, proponents of the ‘new economy’ claimed that recessions were a thing of the past. Then the bubble burst! The US headline budget deficit is current approaching 5% and the economy is showing renewed signs of life with no threat of inflation; for that matter, so too is Japan where the deficit is 9 percent! There is nothing sacrosanct about 3%. All market economies are prone to recurrent business cycles. Advanced economies have built in stabilisers; when national income grows quickly, progressive taxes take a fatter bite from rising income and budget surplus results. When National Income is falling, Government spending on things like unemployment benefit rises while tax receipts fall: a budget deficit results. A budget deficit boosts aggregate demand, thus facilitating renewed economic growth. France’s forecast 2004 GDP is barely growing while Germany’s will not grow at all. In truth, both countries should be increasing, not decreasing, their budget deficits. The 1997 SGP, passed to give teeth to the Maastricht Treaty rules and convince financial markets that countries like Italy and Spain would be financially responsible, set the deficit limit to 3 percent of GDP. There is nothing scientific or sacrosanct about this number. Three percent was merely though to be a number financial markets could live with irrespective of whether it referred to the headline or the core budget deficit, or of the depth of recession or even the imminent threat of inflation. Market fundamentalism. In reality, the real debate over the SGP is between those who believe in active government and Keynesian counter-cyclical fiscal policy, and those who believe in minimal government and market fundamentalism. The David-and-Goliath metaphor simply does not fit the Dutch and Austrian cases. Both the Dutch and Austrian Finance Ministers are from centre-right parties. Gerrit Zalm was in 2002 the Chairman of the Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie (VVD) and Karl-Heinz Grasser is an ex-General Secretary of the Freiheitlichen Partei Österreichs (FPO). Mhr Zalm, as Finance Minister in the second Balkenende Government (and in the earlier ‘purple coalition’), has recently presided over a drastic dismantling of once-proud Dutch welfare system while his Austrian counterpart’s Party has broadly similar aims. The Washington Consensus and the EU. Conservative economists like balanced budgets as much as they dislike Keynes. Keynesianism became the dominant paradigm in the US and Europe after the Great Depression and remained so until the Reagan-Thatcher years. It was only in the 1980s that monetarism gained ascendancy, both in Anglo-Saxon circles and also in the main international financial agencies: the IMF and (to a lesser degree) the World Bank. It was the American economist John Williamson who in 1990 coined the phrase ‘the Washington consensus’ to summarise the economic prescriptions of market fundamentalism, or what is sometimes called neo-liberalism. Cuts in social spending, budgetary austerity, privatisation of public services; supply side reform of labour markets: all are well-known menu items of the ‘Wahington consensus’. In the past decade, the IMF imposed a combination of liberalisation and extreme fiscal austerity on a variety of Third World countries including Mexico, Thailand, South Korea, Indonesia, Brazil and most recently Argentina. The main aim of such programmes has been to restore countries’ ‘credibility’ with international financial markets enabling them to repay overseas debt. The results of fiscal austerity have been to foster disastrous recessions and cause unemployment in the name of ‘sound public finance.’ Arguments over reform of the SGP must be placed in the context of a globalisation debate in which economic ideologies and the policies they beget are fiercely contested. The simplistic David-and-Goliath metaphor applied to EU member states serves more to obscure than to enlighten. If there is a Goliath to be tamed, it is today’s huge and highly volatile capital markets and the conservative economic doctrine that serves them. In reality, the underlying issue is whether Europe’s unique model of the ‘social market’ economy can be preserved, albeit with some modifications, or whether it is to be replaced by a US model of free-market capitalism, promoted on a world basis by IMF-style othodoxy.

Russian elite pining for volcano-halted oysters. Wed Apr 21, 2010 10:23am BST. MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia's super rich are lamenting a shortage of oysters and peaches, whose deliveries have been cut by the Icelandic volcano which caused air traffic chaos in Europe, a popular daily reported on Wednesday. Exorbitantly priced seafood and fruits from Spain, France and Italy, regularly lapped up by the Moscow elite, are missing from the Russian capital's most glistening stores, Komsomolskaya Pravda said on its front page. One worker in a luxury shop on the outskirts of Moscow said oysters, which stay fresh for 10 days, will be missing from parties this Saturday. "If will be dreadful if they don't make it," he told the paper. Imported Spanish peaches that fetch 1,250 roubles ($43) a kilo have been replaced by much cheaper apricots from ex-Soviet Azerbaijan, but the moneyed Russians have been turning their noses up at them.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

The competitive pool.

The competitive pool. The visit of “social worker” shortly after I send my today’s note, - was to the point that thing which make me completely fed up… Okay then…, to be fed up in such degree with the nation of the shit from camel turned around, - let’s than jump into “a little known by me” the competitive pool of buyers and sellers. Shouldn’t we? And start to tell you what, “my co workers”: - Now, I’ll do from this my obsession. You’ll see. To say wretched by this visit is nothing for cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s and THEIRS City of London Corporation culture. This “social worker” was “friendly” in such degree that even begin to ask me: - “Why you don’t want to live (go away) this country? O honey (I thought), - you don’t know how to wheel and deal with the best of ‘em (i.e. the cocaine swindlers the type of cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s), - and outlast the most of the stubborn bidders (the cocaine ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg) in an auction situation… But, to “simple” putted question to me, and to answering, - I was perplexed. Not knowing well what to say. Telling her what every rat with ebalo of cocaine Prince Andrew Lancaster make me ‘company’ to cross the street? Or, how with every cocaine Zara Phillips taking expresso by my side in day-to-day basis – is the way of CoL Corporation satisfy theirs greed in one side, and marginalize me for a couples decades more – in the another? Explain to this ‘marry’ how to sniff out the BEST quality, for the BEST price and get it while I can? Elucidate this cuckoo that the Royalties and Concessions are working exactly in this, the ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg way? Telling that even the Tower Hamlets to ‘pay-me-visit’ – don’t have a clue, none whatsoever why THEY do this? And why they don’t stop rub my nose with theirs constant proposal to clean cocaine nation of the shit from camel turned around like a hospital warden?” Because there, they even don’t ask passport. The every fucking whore the type of cocaine TWAT the Queen Elizabeth the II can do it. Why this cocaine TWAT with all her Namibian cactus tree run to Norway when I arrive to England? Because for this elections, this euro-of-my-dick cock suckers of some merry Andrew (elected official) start to speak about property prices… - from my pocket!? Dam it! I knew that I should anticipate that a certain amount of sweat equity may be required to bring a building (structure), business (trust) or partnership (joint venture) up to my natural speed. For sure THESE knowing “better than I” that preferable to put all TWAT’s navy in South direction to contre-balance the little surprise called ‘Manas spring board’, - than doing another “D-day” by the Viktor Glugovsky scenario! Question: Which, nation of the shit from camel turned around, was the political requirements for this (i.e. 150 points of portuguese governmental bonds)”next orange revolution”? That Smolensk’s visualization by the cocaine Barroso and Solana the 350 million euros in my pocket? Was the oysters? No, my dear piggy faces. Was LAND. However, coming to Spain (now I’m talking about “it’s coming home, it’s coming home…”), essentially because to run away from Island’s smock screen. It’s simple, after Geilenkirchen, they were stopped in Santander. Good “wrap” then! Same is with this Tower Hamlets visit. Which make my emotions all over the place – shaken, stirred, and overcooked… Now, to save the citizens from nation of the shit from camel turned around – you bring them from the “rico” South. Congratulations!