
Spinning my wheels. The night before, the so-called rest bring to me lots of “friends” and “co-workers” speaking about the Third World War. Very smoothly arguing which economical, political and cultural prerequisites it’s will have. Who start, how and with which “results”. Was quite logic. Language they use – was really scary. Maybe because of this that I resolve to don’t react. Thinking that to retort – will be like to doing the poor compromise to myself. Was just telling them that in a subject, which I’m not at all keen to discuss, and I have nothing to say on this matter. Than was the visit of Yanukovich to Strasburg (who cares?!), but than the Mercedes’s nine in the Odessa-Melitopol’s high way, than was the ‘unexpected’ Norwegian “results” of red dwarf, than the ukrainians parliamentary obvious felony, than the all financials melt down… (GBPUSD). You see, my dear “co-workers”, - the structure of a prisoner’s dilemma in which the dominant strategy of all, (even those who wish to avoid the crisis, like myself), - is to running away from danger. Like I say a day before. Than, sequently, - falling to cooperate in the solution for such unexpected ‘eventuality’. I don’t remember who say that the ‘one kind word can worm three months’, but for sure it wasn’t the anthropological optimism of our rulers. With theirs “what-you-do-to-find-the-job”. Stuff which like the genetic code is impregnated in theirs veins. So, which options my portfolio had? Only the courage to face reality as it is. Just the rat voice to singing about necessary reforms such as: 1.The specific measures to reduce public spending and take more credible plans for reducing the budget deficit; 2.The (for last year) restructuring of financial institutions with “solvency” problems; 3.Real reform of the labor market. Sorry my friends if even today inviting you out for a coffee, I should tell you that “you don’t stand a chance to getting into my gang”. If I don’t do this, I will spin my wheels a couple faces more and wondering “what if”.
PANIK AN BÖRSEN. Sorgen um Portugal lassen den Dax abstürzen. April 2010, 19:50 Uhr. URL: http://www.welt.de/finanzen/article7366363/Sorgen-um-Portugal-lassen-den-Dax-abstuerzen.html A downgrading of the credit and savings plans new strikes against the government have shaken vigorously Portugal. The rating agency Standard & Poor's lowered the credit rating for the highly indebted country on Tuesday of "A +" to "A-". European shares fell. The plans have not worked: The financial markets have written off final and Greece worse: Now the Greek flu spread to other countries on the edge of the eurozone. On Tuesday afternoon, Standard & Poor's, a leading rating agency, downgraded the credit rating of Greece and Portugal, and thus the panic in financial markets triggered at: Dealer fled from the bonds of the two countries. The interest in Greece by its short-term debt must be paid for, rose to 18 percent - a level that countries reach the verge of bankruptcy. Also for Portugal debt, the cost for the rapidly within hours. At the same time the euro fell to night fell to an annual low of $ 1.32 to the euro and the stock and bond markets fell from Europe. The Dax lost 2.7 percent and the Greek stock market more than six percent. Even the New York Stock Exchange broke down. The markets seem to keep the efforts of the policy to limit the credit crisis in Greece, all along the line failed. A look at the list of unsound state debtors. There are found among the top 15 since yesterday, four countries from the 16-nation euro zone: Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Spain - even ahead of Kazakhstan, the Philippines and Indonesia. The rating agency Standard & Poor's, the Greek credit equal to three stages of before, "BBB +" to "BB +" reduces, and the bonds of the country have only junk level. Normally, only the sovereign debt of emerging markets that level. The move by the rating agency bursts in the middle of negotiations for a rescue package for Greece, discussing the EU, the countries of the European Union and the International Monetary Fund for weeks. Especially in Germany, it would be difficult to convince the public of the vote in favor of aid to Greece - that it relates to up to 8.4 billion euros. In any case, the volume of aid is considered too low, the money would not solve the problems of Greece, said a representative of Standard & Poor's. Given the skyrocketing costs of its public debt may take Greece to their own information on the financial markets out of money. The Greek Finance Minister Giorgos Papakonstantinou said on Tuesday. The country is reliant on the support of the euro-zone countries and the International Monetary Fund. It was the first time that Athens officially declared to be adding any new credit. The Greek government has until 19 May take up new debt to pay old debts. The biggest risk now is that Portugal will be infected by other countries of the euro area, notably Spain and Italy: For the debt of the two countries are too high, as they could be from the IMF or the euro countries have shouldered. Yesterday already increased the interest that both countries have to pay for their short-term debt, have risen sharply. Italy and Spain now have to pay twice as high interest rates, the German finance minister. Problems could get the banks, for the German banks hold government debt of Greece, Portugal and Spain in the amount of 226 billion euros. But in the case of Greece, there are more than 40 billion. Standard & Poor's expects that in the event of a rescheduling of Greece would give creditors up to 70 percent of their investments. The Greek banks could face major problems are, for other agencies should follow the example of S & P, they could get no more fresh money from the European Central Bank - which calls for high-quality bonds as collateral. Euro-dive makes life more expensive.
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