The competitive pool. The visit of “social worker” shortly after I send my today’s note, - was to the point that thing which make me completely fed up… Okay then…, to be fed up in such degree with the nation of the shit from camel turned around, - let’s than jump into “a little known by me” the competitive pool of buyers and sellers. Shouldn’t we? And start to tell you what, “my co workers”: - Now, I’ll do from this my obsession. You’ll see. To say wretched by this visit is nothing for cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s and THEIRS City of London Corporation culture. This “social worker” was “friendly” in such degree that even begin to ask me: - “Why you don’t want to live (go away) this country? O honey (I thought), - you don’t know how to wheel and deal with the best of ‘em (i.e. the cocaine swindlers the type of cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s), - and outlast the most of the stubborn bidders (the cocaine ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg) in an auction situation… But, to “simple” putted question to me, and to answering, - I was perplexed. Not knowing well what to say. Telling her what every rat with ebalo of cocaine Prince Andrew Lancaster make me ‘company’ to cross the street? Or, how with every cocaine Zara Phillips taking expresso by my side in day-to-day basis – is the way of CoL Corporation satisfy theirs greed in one side, and marginalize me for a couples decades more – in the another? Explain to this ‘marry’ how to sniff out the BEST quality, for the BEST price and get it while I can? Elucidate this cuckoo that the Royalties and Concessions are working exactly in this, the ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg way? Telling that even the Tower Hamlets to ‘pay-me-visit’ – don’t have a clue, none whatsoever why THEY do this? And why they don’t stop rub my nose with theirs constant proposal to clean cocaine nation of the shit from camel turned around like a hospital warden?” Because there, they even don’t ask passport. The every fucking whore the type of cocaine TWAT the Queen Elizabeth the II can do it. Why this cocaine TWAT with all her Namibian cactus tree run to Norway when I arrive to England? Because for this elections, this euro-of-my-dick cock suckers of some merry Andrew (elected official) start to speak about property prices… - from my pocket!? Dam it! I knew that I should anticipate that a certain amount of sweat equity may be required to bring a building (structure), business (trust) or partnership (joint venture) up to my natural speed. For sure THESE knowing “better than I” that preferable to put all TWAT’s navy in South direction to contre-balance the little surprise called ‘Manas spring board’, - than doing another “D-day” by the Viktor Glugovsky scenario! Question: Which, nation of the shit from camel turned around, was the political requirements for this (i.e. 150 points of portuguese governmental bonds)”next orange revolution”? That Smolensk’s visualization by the cocaine Barroso and Solana the 350 million euros in my pocket? Was the oysters? No, my dear piggy faces. Was LAND. However, coming to Spain (now I’m talking about “it’s coming home, it’s coming home…”), essentially because to run away from Island’s smock screen. It’s simple, after Geilenkirchen, they were stopped in Santander. Good “wrap” then! Same is with this Tower Hamlets visit. Which make my emotions all over the place – shaken, stirred, and overcooked… Now, to save the citizens from nation of the shit from camel turned around – you bring them from the “rico” South. Congratulations!
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