Take a carrot! (For whom understand). A credit default swap (CDS) is a swap contract in which the protection buyer of the CDS makes a series of payments to the protection seller and, in exchange, receives a payoff if a credit instrument (typically a bond or loan) goes into default. In its simplest form, a credit default swap is a bilateral contract between the buyer and seller of protection. The CDS will refer to a specified bond obligation of a “reference entity”, usually a corporation or government. The reference entity is not a party to the contract. The protection buyer makes quarterly premium payments -- the “spread” -- to the protection seller. If the reference entity defaults, the protection seller pays the buyer the par value of the bond in exchange for physical delivery of the bond, although settlement may also be by cash or auction. A default is referred to as a 'Credit Event' and include such events as failure to pay, restructuring and bankruptcy. Most CDS’s are in the $10 million–$20 million range with maturities between one and 10 years. A holder of a bond may “buy protection” to hedge its risk of default. In this way, a CDS is similar to credit insurance, although CDS are not similar to or subject to regulations governing casualty or life insurance. Also, investors can buy and sell protection without owning any debt of the reference entity. These “naked credit default swaps” allow traders to speculate on debt issues and the creditworthiness of reference entities. Credit default swaps can be used to create synthetic long and short positions in the reference entity. Naked CDS constitute most of the market in CDS. In addition, credit default swaps can also be used in capital structure arbitrage.
This must be why some people say, ‘The road to hell is paved with good intentions’. For sure I won’t make things better by setting out with bad ones. Do I? It’s maybe comes from that I perhaps just mean that an intention is no good unless I act on it. The billions the ukarainians received from IMF can turn out to be my mistaken calculations. If I don’t watch more carefully on it, it can to cause in “my” “business” “project” some brief delays. Well, this is on one side. In the other, should I commit my extra time and energy upon such vague instructions and unclear directions, if the nothing clear until the second week of May? Because a such big miscalculations in the governmental reports and/or ‘investment information’s’ as such – may soon become too obvious. Right. It’s common knowledge of what I “do”. But to speaking clearly my mind I don’t wanted too that the ‘others’ self-serving agenda slow me down.
Risk. 'Spread' Portuguese debt exceeds 150 points. Peter Tinker. 19/04/10 10:25. The premium demanded by investors to buy bonds Portugal to 10 years instead of 'bunds' German rose today to 150 basis points, up to February. All because the meeting in Athens, scheduled for today, with the IMF, ECB and European Commission was postponed because of the Icelandic volcano, raising fears of investors in relation to Greece. Thus, the scenario repeats itself: the falling stock and the risk of the debt of euro zone countries had as problem to worsen. Portugal is part of the range, so that 20 PSI is now falling more than 1% and the "spread" of Treasury bonds mature in 10 years is increasing. Data from Reuters show that the "spread" the Portuguese reached 151 today basis points (plus 13 points), up to February. The same indicator for s Greek bonds widened to the highest value ever since the creation of the euro, 469 basis points more than 26 points Friday.
PIMCO sees falling U.S. growth. Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:08am BST. SINGAPORE (Reuters) - The United States faces a period of slower growth and high unemployment in the next five years or so as the housing market will not give it a boost anytime soon, a senior PIMCO official said on Monday. "We at PIMCO believe that nominal U.S. GDP growth will trend lower to 3-4 pct from 6-7 percent," said Neel Kashkari, who ran the $700 billion (460 billion pounds) Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) under former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. "Unemployment at around 10 percent is going to remain high in the foreseeable future and then come down only slowly as the global economy recovers," Kashkari, who is now head of new investment initiatives at Pacific Investment Management Co (PIMCO), said at a conference in Singapore. PIMCO, the world's biggest bond fund manager, expects U.S. home ownership levels to trend back to the 62-63 percent levels of a decade ago as housing starts slow and banks refrain from lending as aggressively as they did in the past. U.S. home ownership currently stands around 69 percent, he said. Turning to PIMCO, Kashkari said the bond fund manager will diversify into equities by hiring fund managers and stock analysts and ruled out any "blockbuster" acquisitions. The firm will focus initially on global equity funds by hiring equity managers and relying on its in-house macroeconomic research, but may look at investing in areas such as Indian infrastructure in future. PIMCO, a unit of Munich-based insurer Allianz (ALVG.DE), has diversified into equities and recently launched a stock market mutual fund run by two former Franklin Templeton managers.
Goldman Sachs collapse of the ruble and shares. 19.04.2010, 12:43. Investors around the world trying to assess the damage from the lawsuit againstGoldman Sachs and the tightening of monetary policy in China. In the first 40 minutes of trading index MICEX fell by 2,5% - to 1457.77 points. Under pressure from the highest among liquid securities shares of banks - Sberbank andVTB are becoming cheaper by 2,83% and 3,97%. Shares " Lukoil " , " Rosneft "and " Gazprom " lose in the price of 2,13%, 2,7% and 2,87%. The ruble has fallen in price sharply in early trading, but then played some decline. By the ruble against the currency basket prices have fallen by 11.36 cent - up to 33.7205 rubles. ( maximum of the day - 34.2659 rub.). The dollar rose in price to 29.2499 rubles., Then falling to 29.1847 rubles.
Market participants expected a negative start trading in connection with news about the problems of Goldman Sachs. On Friday evening it became aware of allegations the U.S. regulator to address the global investment bank. SEC filed a civil lawsuit against Goldman Sachs with accusations of fraud in securities. This led to the exodus of investors from risk, stock markets around the world reacted to the fall of quotations. " Goldman keeps investors away from risky investments - in shares, currencies and commodities, "- says a senior strategist at Mizuho Securities Tomochika Kitaoka. On the world market the dollar as a security asset that has appreciated against the euro to $ 1,344. Oil prices dropped to a minimum of three weeks, its price went below $ 82 per barrel WTI. " Today, investors are feverishly trying to assess the damage, just in case, many of them pre-cut positions on the entire financial sector: 5% cheaper on Friday Bank of America , JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley , 7% lost in the stock price Deutsche Bank », - says the head of the analytical research of the Criminal Code " Uralsib " Alexander Golovtsov. " The situation with Goldman Sachs - not the cause but the reason for the correction, the market was looking for such opportunity. Much of this psychological moment - 1,5-2% on this news have lost markets in the U.S. on Friday and Asia today ", - says the executive director of UBS Maxim Gulevich. Today futures for U.S. indices decreased by 0,5%. " And until the new negative information can be said that corrective mood in Russian securities in end of the week began to dominate. Sectors with the highest growth of quotations from the beginning of the year - energy and metals - have experienced a record profit ", - analysts say the Bank of Moscow in the morning survey. negative background also shape the news of tightening monetary policy in China, said Maxim Gulevich from UBS. In case of delays in approval of the IMF aid package to Greece and the likely negative market reaction. Trading volume today is not bad, but the sellers while more aggressive, said Gulevich. Trading in Europe opened weak decrease, in tenths of a percent. This supported the index in London depositary receipts on Russian shares, prosevshemu in early trading on 2,7%. Now the index traded above the minimum of the day, but in the second half of the session may continue to decline, believes Maxim Gulevich.
TAKE A CARROT!: Dancer requested that charges be brought against the granddaughter Primakov. April 19 2010, 11:45. An application for a criminal case under the intentional infliction of bodily harm from hooliganism "(Part 2 of Article 115 I of the Criminal Code) against the granddaughter of Yevgeny Primakov Alexandra Chernikova sent the prosecutor of the Tver district of Moscow, 35-year-old businesswoman Anna Pestryakova. According to the complainant's lawyer BFM.ru Eugene Chernousov, in his address Pestryakova (she heads a small business in sewing children's clothing - BFM.ru) asked the prosecutor to request the body of inquiry ATS "Tver" to test it set forth the facts and draw the relative ex-prime minister for criminal responsibility. The incident involving his granddaughter Primakov took place March 11 on the street Karetnyi series at home 5 / 10, where Chernikov. The girl went out to pay for the internet and take a walk with the dogs. At this point, close to the sidewalk, which has set the payment terminal, park "Infinity" is running Pestryakova. According to the granddaughter of former prime minister, voditelnitsa nearly crushed one of her dachshunds. In response to her remark came out of the car the woman badly hit her on the head. Subsequently Chernikov hospitalized in the Central Clinical Hospital, where diagnosed with a concussion. According to the ATS Chernikova Tverskaya initiated proceedings under Part 2 of Article 116 of the Criminal Code (beatings - up to 2 years imprisonment or the mandatory and remedial work).
Grübel therapy for depression. Friday 16 April, 02:05 clock. Bochum (apn) is often grueling brooding symptom of depression and promotes relapse, if the depression seemed to overcome. The Center for Psychotherapy, Ruhr-University Bochum tests therefore a new treatment against the brooding. With success, as the university reported: 80 percent of previously treated patients, therefore, six months mused after the therapy less and stated to be very satisfied. The main objective of group is to stop the process of brooding. Thoughts like "Why me?" Or "Why do not succeed me get my life under control?" Led to no solution, say the experts. The longer concerned pondered, the worse will be their self-esteem, and the more somber appeared past, present and future. The new treatment to help patients overcome the brooding conflict with itself. The idea is to identify opportunities to draw attention to themselves and to decide what we want to focus on. In addition, positive assessments of brooding were questioned: for example the assumption that the brood would help to solve problems. "We put ourselves in contrast to other therapies more with the process of brooding itself apart than with the content of rumination," says the physician Tobias Teismann. About 80 percent of the patients feel better. So far, 40 patients were included in the treatment study. Initial analysis show, according to the researchers, that has around 80 percent of the treated patients, the depressive symptoms improved significantly. The first patients were examined three and six months after completion of treatment on depressive symptoms. The improvement in mood, self-esteem and the drive turned out to be about the end of treatment also stable. In addition, 78 percent of respondents to the end of treatment and the follow-up to that there had been a significant reduction in ruminative thinking, and they would have gained control over their thoughts.
The university is still looking for more participants for their investigation. Interested, experienced the depressive phases have and still suffer from residual symptoms can obtain information by calling 0234/32-22323 and make an appointment for a first interview. Group therapy takes place weekly total of eleven times.
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