Saturday 29 November 2008

Нe плюнул - 537,442 USD

Полу-свини, Полу-козлы, Полу-собаки:

Нe плюнул - 537,442 USD

На Сахалине ограблен банк, похищено 15 миллионов рублей 

РИА "Новости" | 10:17:24

        Более 15 млн руб. похищено неизвестными в ночь на субботу в филиале банка "Долинск", расположенного в г.Долинске (юг Сахалина). "Филиал банка расположен в жилом доме. Злоумышленники организовали поджог в подвальном помещении здания. В результате дом оказался обесточен и лишен телефонной связи. Несколько помещений, в том числе и филиал банка Долинска, оказались без присмотра вневедомственной охраны", - сообщил сотрудник областной вневедомственной охраны.
        По его словам, жильцы дома были эвакуированы. Пока работали пожарные, злоумышленники, открыв окно, проникли в помещение банка и похитили оттуда, по предварительным подсчетам, 15 млн 200 тыс. рублей.
        "В данный момент в МЧС проводится экспертиза по установлению причин возгорания, сотрудники УВД занимаются поиском и установлением лиц, подозреваемых в краже. Возбуждено уголовное дело по ч.4 ст.158 УК РФ ("кража в особо крупных размерах"). В Долинске ведется работа по восстановлению электроснабжения", - сообщили в пресс-службе УВД Сахалинской области.

Хью Грант поужинал с Горбачевым за 250 тысяч фунтов Известный британский актер Хью Грант заплатил за ужин с экс-президентом СССР Михаилом Горбачевым 250 тысяч фунтов стерлингов.

Friday 28 November 2008

Post-mortum of KIT Finance

Un Eurostar Londres-Paris en panne

28/11/2008 | Mise à jour : 15:42 Un Eurostar Londres-Paris est tombé en panne dans le tunnel sous la Manche aujourd'hui peu après midi et devrait accuser quatre heures de retard, a annoncé la SNCF sur son site internet, soulignant que l'incident entraînait des retards pour l'ensemble du trafic transmanche.
L'Eurostar 9014, parti de Londres à 09H26 et qui devait arriver à Paris à 12H47, "est tombé en panne dans le tunnel sous la Manche. Après le remplacement de sa rame à Calais, il devrait repartir avec quatre heures de retard", a précisé la SNCF dans un message à 15H32.
La rame est sortie du tunnel vers 15H30 côté français, à Calais, où les passagers - dont le nombre n'a pas été précisé - devaient être transbordés dans un autre train, selon une porte-parole d'Eurostar.

При пожаре в московском кафе погибли три человека

17:08 «Интерфакс» Москва. 28 ноября. INTERFAX.RU Тела троих погибших, в том числе одного ребенка обнаружены в ходе тушения пожара в кафе, расположенном по адресу: улица Юных Ленинцев, дом 89, корпус 1, сообщил «Интерфаксу» начальник пресс-службы Главного управления МЧС по Москве Евгений Бобылев. Кроме того, по его данным, в результате пожара пострадали четыре человека. Они выпрыгивали из окон здания, до того, как прибыли пожарные, сказал Бобылев. 

Russian half-pigs, half-dogs, half-goats

They, Russian half-pigs, half-dogs, half-goats during after lunch drowsing, like thieves, furtively approach close to me   and than with knife take my eyes.  

Twice in one week

Russia lets rouble drop twice in one week

By Peter Garnham

Published: November 28 2008 11:09 | Last updated: November 28 2008 11:09

The Central Bank of Russia let the rouble weaken by one per cent against its euro/dollar basket on Friday, the third time its has allowed the currency to depreciate this month.

The rouble is tightly managed against a basket of 55 per cent dollars and 45 per cent euros by the Russian authorities. Fri Nov 28 09:54:40 2008

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TNK/BP and whale of finance

Friday, 28 November 2008 07:39:54 Just my mania of persecution? Beginning with Lukoil and Spain. Telling to my self that this business are strange like a mixture of motorbike with elephant, and that this is almost impossible to conclude, don’t make me feel better. (1.) It’s the that kind of Co. were only very restrict couple of people/faces can do this arrangement. And when they do this, like a norm, nothing durable. Just give crazy volume of money to satisfy greed of, well let’s say “a little recommended people”… Was the same with “ground-breaking” TNK/BP the ten billion pounds “durable” business. And when like in everything, I got at the my door steps body-guard/assassin waiting for me – I know that “medvedev” of Putin, mean two of them, mean bi-lateral Agreements of the World – just AGAIN lost theirs wallets. Of course I can say ‘Look for yourself’ and than read at the next day how was “that” щелчёк по носу from CBI’s Mr. Lambert.(2.) Or ventilation at the Udel’naia metro station in St. Petersburg(article) and than read at the next day how was blown up that train from Lima to Moscow.(3.) No miracles. One whale, like of a KIT Finance can eat everything, including the proper mother. On this, they give us the well knowing methods of how they operate and in which questions, i.e. diamonds, infrastructure, African Question, etc. Enough to see who is participant (faces) of quick and big money for yourself and than forget the rest technique.(4.) Not strange at all when they are smoooothly trapped in theirs hush-hush activities (4.) And when ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg, in continuation of hush-hush activities between Lukoil and Repsol, going to Mumbai to make a huge EU – India summit, what we expect? Miracles from Holly Mother of Calcutta?  What hell is wrong with you?! Wednesday at the exit from house, one green colour car with one Indus inside, was waiting for me. Call attention that all front cowling was damaged by some kind of acid. But I was sure that this car is not casual at my porch. I knew, something is terribly wrong with this car. Now I know, it was just my mania of persecution. Yet possible it’s my thirty-third diploma in Naval Architecture.(5.) In any way, some body can ask me, why you don’t stop call them ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg? And I solemnly go to answer with question, ‘You remember the helicopter MI-24 in Liberia with rusia petroleum markings?’ And than ask him or her ‘You remember for Socialist Party of Portugal Georgian Portland 450 cement?’ And how about La Caixa and Caixa Catalunya of enormous suckers from Baltic Countries with big chieftain General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer (6.) who was chosen for this post (Nato) only because of his face? Face of the old Minister of Industry of Portugal who liked, maybe still do, very much Ferraris, more yet if they are from MY POCKET? If be asked, this approximately how I go to answer.  

1). Los bancos discrepan en cómo resolver la crisis de Sacyr y la venta de Repsol  

Publicado el 28-11-08 , por M. Á. Patiño La venta al grupo ruso Lukoil del paquete del 20% que tiene Sacyr, ha puesto en evidencia la delicada situación financiera de la constructora y las diferencias entre las entidades protagonistas de la operación. No todas tienen la misma prisa. Ni todas se juegan lo mismo. El punto más caliente, al margen de los recelos políticos, es la financiación. Lukoil, que tiene la peor calificación financiera entre los grandes grupos de su sector, pretende comprar repsoles a crédito. Quiere alcanzar un 29,9% (un 20% de Sacyr y otro 9,9% procedente de La Caixa y Caixa Catalunya). Para financiar el 20%, se negocia que Lukoil se subrogue en los préstamos que en su día recibió Sacyr para entrar en Repsol (5.200 millones). Además, el grupo ruso necesitaría entre 3.000 y 4.000 millones adicionales para adquirir el otro 9,9%.

2). Mayor of North Ossetian Capital Killed Moscow, Nov 26 (Prensa Latina) Vitali Karaev, mayor of the capital of the autonomous republic of North Ossetia, inside Russia, died Wednesday as a result of wounds received in an attack, official sources said in this capital. Karaev was shot in the chest when leaving home on Kalinin Street, the Interior Ministry spokesman said Wednesday. He was transferred to a hospital, but all efforts were useless, because the projectile broke his heart, doctors said later at the hospital. The author of the second attack with firearms that has occurred in two days, against representatives of public powers in Russia, is still unknown. Russian central Samara region's provincial Court President Liubov Drozova was injured by a shot in her abdomen Tuesday, when she was going to get out of her home, said Rossia, a Russian television station. A sniper, probably using a weapon with a silencer, took Drozova down when she was walking towards an official vehicle of the court that was waiting for her, said judicial sources. After a surgery, in which she lost a lot of blood, Drozova is still unconscious and reports on her improvement remain reserved, due to her critical condition. Recently, Magomed Barajoev, head of the municipal government of Nazran, Ingushetia, was killed, amid violence in this northern Caucasus autonomous republic, when the car in which he and his wife were travelling was shot. Moscow is trying to stop the violence wave in other autonomous republics, such as Chechnya, Dagestan and others. That is why combined forces are developing military operations under supervision of the Federal Security Service in North Caucasus.

3). Three Killed In Car Blast As police continue to investigate a car explosion that killed three people including a three-year-old child on Tuesday morning, new details are emerging, giving rise to a range of new and intriguing plausible scenarios. A bomb went off in a Lada-Priora car at around 8.45 on Tuesday morning outside 15, Yeletskaya Ulitsa near Udelnaya metro station in the north of the city, killing a couple and their child, and leaving the driver in critical condition. The family was identified as Maria Sandalova, 27, Yevgeny Simonov, also 27, and their young daughter Yeva. During the course of the investigation, it has emerged that Sandalova worked as head of a department within the financial monitoring service of Kit Finance Bank, part of Kit Finance holding — a fact that has prompted some to suspect that she may have been killed because of her professional activities.

4). Новые хозяева «КИТа» Ведомости 13:54 27.11.2008

Сегодня «КИТ Финанс» раскрыл новую структуру акционеров. Консорциум инвесторов приобретает 100% долей в холдинговой компании «КИТ Финанс», которая приобретет более 96% акций инвестбанка «КИТ Финанс», а затем и другие бизнесы группы. 45% акций группы получит «ИГ «Алроса»(diamonds), столько же -100%-ная «дочка» РЖД ОАО «КРП-Инвест» (Russian railways), а еще 10% достанутся ЗАО «Национальный капитал», которым владеют «дочки» НПФ «Благосостояние» ООО «Трансфин-М» и УК «Трансфингрупп». Учредителями НПФ «Благосостояние» являются Транскредитбанк, Торговый дом РЖД и др. Таким образом, РЖД фактически сможет контролировать «КИТ Финанс». Федеральная антимонопольная служба уже согласовала РЖД приобретение доли участия в холдинговой компании, ИГ «Алроса» еще ждет согласования. Ожидается, что сделка будет завершена в конце января 2009 г. 26 декабря акционеры на внеочередном собрании рассмотрят кандидатуры в члены совета директоров. Это замначальника департамента корпоративных финансов РЖД Юрий Новожилов, старший партнер по развитию бизнеса Deloitte Ольга Высоцкая, старший партнер Ward Howell Георгий Абдушелишвили, замгендиректора «Русгидро» Сергей Юшин, и.о. гендиректора инвестбанка «КИТ Финанс» Татьяна Пучкова и управляющий директор холдинговой компании «КИТ Финанс» Николай Мыльников. Под контролем РЖД окажутся коммерческий банк, розничный брокер, инвестбанк, страховая и управляющая компании, пенсионный бизнес, банк на Украине, а также непрофильные инвестиции «КИТа», в том числе пакет акций «Ростелекома». Гендиректором холдинговой компании «КИТ Финанс» с 1 ноября работает бывший замначальника департамента управления финансами РЖД Юрий Новожилов. Леонид Бершидский, ранее занимавший эту должность, с 1 декабря покидает компанию, сообщил «КИТ».

5). US convoy rams Russian diplomats off road in Baghdad (VAG for rings of Saturn: И правильно сделали.) November 26, 2008, 16:44  A row is brewing between Moscow and Washington after a US military vehicle almost ran a Russian diplomatic car off the road in Baghdad. Russia has accused the American soldiers of deliberately swerving into the car as it headed towards the airport. Foreign Ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko said three diplomats and some of their guards suffered bruises. The incident happened when a group of US armoured personnel carriers overtook a three-strong convoy of Russian diplomatic vehicles on the main highway from Baghdad to the airport.  A spokesman for US forces in Baghdad said they were looking into the incident. The American vehicles were reported to be driving at more than 100kmh when they overtook the Russian convoy. Russian news agency Itar-Tass reports that three bullet-proof vehicles from the Russian embassy with three Russian diplomats and their seven bodyguards were making their way along a highway from the so-called "green zone" to the international airport of Baghdad when the incident happened. The Russian column was advancing at a speed of 80-90kmh in the middle of the highway, leaving the left-hand lane free for passing vehicles. It’s reported that the American military motorcade advanced from behind without any warning signals.  Moscow says the Russian vehicles bore even more to the right to let the military vehicles pass. According to Russian accounts, the lead US APC swerved sharply, making contact with the first Russian car, forcing it off the road. The Russian car was forced to stop on the hard shoulder. Those inside suffered bruises and other minor injuries.

6). A320 cai no Mar Mediterrâneo com cinco pessoas a bordo 27 de Novembro de 2008, 17:33 Airbus com 7 pessoas cai no mar Mediterrâneo TOULOSE/WELLINGTON (Reuters) - An Air New Zealand Airbus A320 on a test flight crashed into the sea off France's southwest coast on Thursday, killing at least two people with five still missing.

France's BEA civil aviation safety authority said the crash took place at 4:46 p.m. (3:46 p.m. British time) when the aircraft, made by the Airbus unit of European aerospace group EADS, was approaching the airport at Perpignan, in south-western France, after a flight that had lasted about an hour.

A witness told French radio he saw the plane dive abruptly and plunge into the Mediterranean sea.

"I could see it was an airliner because I saw two large engines. There was no fire, nothing," the witness, a local policeman, told France Info radio. "It was flying straight, then it turned brutally towards the ground. I said to myself it will never pull out and there was a big spray of water," he said.

Five New Zealanders and two Germans were aboard the aircraft, which had been leased to German carrier XL Airways and was being tested after a refit before returning to New Zealand next month.

A search team of five French Navy ships would continue to scour the area through the night, although the weather conditions remained poor, Air New Zealand chief executive Rob Fyfe told a media conference in Auckland. Two bodies have been recovered but the chances of finding survivors were slim, given the length of time since the crash and bad weather in the area. "We won't give up hope, but the search and rescue authorities are not optimistic, given the conditions, of finding any survivors," Fyfe said. Specialist divers were to swim down to the wreck of the plane at first light to try and retrieve the flight recorder and any bodies that may be trapped in the wreckage. The aircraft was sitting in shallow water, with the tail of the plane visible from the surface.

Thursday 27 November 2008

Board of Trustees:

Have a wonderful, abundant, happy and healthy Thanksgiving Holiday. Look for your December Monthly Forecast and Weekly Meters during the next couple days, as well as fresh Birthday messages! Happy Holidays!

More later - will be continued...


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Tuesday 25 November 2008

CBI’s Lambert


WHO’D have predicted actual fisticuffs between two of the country’s top figureheads over the biggest timetable clash of the year – namely, yesterday’s pre-Budget report and the CBI’s annual conference?

But over at the CBI’s bash at the Park Lane Hilton, director-general Richard Lambert was looking decidedly worse for wear with a nasty looking gash over the bridge of his nose – and the Opposition, as usual, wasted no time stoking the rumour mill.

“I heard that the Prime Minister shook the director-general’s hand earlier, but maybe he gave him a Glaswegian kiss instead,” quipped Tory leader David Cameron as he took to the stage.

But though the good-natured Lambert stood to smile and give a quick nod of acknowledgement to the audience, the nervous titter that ran around the assembly was proof they weren’t entirely unconvinced by the gag.

“Lambert fell, and that’s all there is to it,” the CBI assures me. Which, I think you’ll agree, puts us squarely in a quandary. Did he fall, or was he pushed?


It’s good to know that in these times of blind and terrified obedience, some firms are still defiantly ignoring the authorities’ pleas for everyone to keep things clear and jargon-free.

Case in point: “leading provider of ‘glass box’ risk management and portfolio construction analytics” FinAnalytica, which recently released a press release with the following spectacularly obscure header: “Asserting superior performance of its ‘standard’ fat-tailed risk measures and postmodern methodology during the continuing credit and liquidity crisis, FinAnalytica today released complimentary access to daily fat-tailed VaR and Expected Tail Loss (ETL) estimates for major broad equity markets.”

Confused, moi? 


If you’re hurrying to work at Canary Wharf this morning and spot people offering you free money – it’s not a scam.

While everyone else is suffering from the crunch, social networking site has decided to hand out £50,000 – £50,000! – to passing business people in every financial capital of the world, of which £10,000 will be given out in pound coins in the Wharf between 6am and 9am this morning.

“Motivational support” is what the company calls it – although The Capitalist notes they’ve taken the precaution of only having a maximum of £2,000 on them at any one time, with the rest secured in a safe box.

Not taking any chances with these bonus-ridden banking types, then…

Monday 24 November 2008

Mucky broom

Mucky broom

Monday, 24 November 2008


Without the will to come back to the Malevo Ferryra suicide, I’d like to call attention to the one small detail. At the back-ground of veranda where the interview took place, I saw the gates for Roller hockey. Mean, the APEC ministerial meeting which was being held at the National Museum (my CV) in Lima was more connected with Trading Floor in City, with a humble participation of “medvedev” through Lomonosovsky pr-t, than with support to the WTO Doha round. Another thing, which I think is important, is the first page of Expresso website at the next days which are dedicated to the Plastical operations executed in Brazil to the unemployed people. It’s have a story. When I wrote about EU, I am not of a cheap talk. The ebala (faces) know that this article is the duck (yтка) from International media (CME), Grupo de Pinto Balsemão in, who like a mucky broom like to play with a people, mean votes. For example, which is connection between my tooth and Citigroup? I answer you – Mr. Pandit (бандит) and “yours” humble broom that kick ass of International Banking System to the 7 – 10% high… When? Today morning at Job Centre. Where the elected President of United States at the next desk where I was signing, noisily start to ask for money. Of course he was from Karachi. Of course he was twenty plus years old. And of course this was my previous writing which guided him to the same place, at the same time, and in the same theme. Yet I see another explanation. The Kellogg’s cereal advertising. Ones I arrive at the, here in London. For English speaking World – I always have a lot to say in respect of this “what you do to find the job”. But not now. Where I see how “Asia” are filming commercial advertising in respect of this (контора) office. At that time I was very upset. Completely full with all. With the system, with the disrespect to what I do, with unlimited arrogance of seriously bastard people. With all the same chit-chat of dirty brooms. Seeing today on television this Kellogg’s publicity stable boy, together with elected President of US – I see how in real way CBOT Wheat December Deliveries are going today… It is a second, a Pandit’s way explanation. After saying this, it’s not to be mesmerised to see at the lights of Great Eastern street one clumsy training exercise of Canadian Police force? Of course, after 15% of Darling’s IVA and $20 billion of direct “injection” to the Pandit (or to my tooth?).

Peor calificación crediticia del sector

Забастовка гильдии киноактеров США грозит сорвать сезон кинопремий 

Радио "Маяк" | 17:18:19  Гильдия киноактеров США начинает процедуру подготовки забастовки вслед за провалом первой. Этому предшествовали четыре месяца переговоров с голливудскими студиями. Как сообщили представители гильдии, даже участие в переговорах посредника федеральных властей Хуана Карлоса Гонзалеса не позволило сторонам преодолеть противоречия, мешающие заключению нового трехлетнего контракта. Теперь Гильдия киноактеров намерена обратиться к своим 120 тысяч членов с просьбой разрешить проведение стачки. Совет директоров Гильдии заранее разрешил управляющему комитету назначить голосование по вопросу забастовки, если провалятся нынешние переговоры. Голосование займет не менее месяца, а для получения разрешения на забастовку необходимо, чтобы 75% зарегистрированных членов Гильдии высказались в ее поддержку. Стороны не могут договориться по основным "горячим" вопросам о разделе комиссионных от проката фильмов на новых высокотехнологичных носителях и в сети Интернет. Стачка актеров может сорвать весь сезон кинопремий.

11:30 | Domingo, 23 de Nov de 2008

Rio de Janeiro

Tratamentos estéticos para pobres no Brasil

A Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Estética abre as portas aos mais necessitados, uma semana por ano, e oferece tratamentos a quem prove ganhar menos de 165 euros mensais. Uma vez por ano, a Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Estética, no Rio de Janeiro, oferece tratamentos estéticos aos mais necessitados. Quem ganhar menos de 165 euros por mês não paga nada.

Four policemen killed in crash

Sunday, November 23 11:14 am Four police officers have been killed in a road accident in Northern Ireland. The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) officers were on duty at the time of the accident on the Moygannon Road, the main route linking Warrenpoint and Kilkeel, County Down. The four male officers were in a 4x4 police vehicle which is understood to have left the road in the crash which happened shortly before 4am. There is no evidence of a terrorist link to the tragedy at this stage. Police have sealed-off the scene of the crash which occurred on a road that runs along the shoreline of south County Down. No other vehicle was involved in the accident. The Ulster Unionist Party's Basil McCrea said he was shocked to hear of the tragedy and he extended his condolences to the deceased officers' families, friends and colleagues. He said: "This is a dreadful tragedy and it is a stark reminder of the debt we owe the PSNI for the work they do for the community. "The Ulster Unionist Party passes on its sincere condolences today."

11:35 | Domingo, 23 de Nov de 2008

Tentativa de golpe de Estado na Guiné-Bissau

Fuzileiro da Marinha terá dirigido ataque

A tentativa de golpe de Estado, que hoje teve lugar na Guiné-Bissau, terá sido comandada pelo sargento da marinha N'Tcham Ialá. O militar encontra-se a monte.

O ataque desta madrugada à residência do Presidente da Guiné-Bissau, Nino Vieira, terá sido dirigido pelo sargento N'Tcham Ialá, um fuzileiro da Marinha de Guerra Nacional, disseram à Lusa fontes militares. O sargento estava actualmente colocado no batalhão de Canchungo, no norte da Guiné-Bissau. As mesmas fontes informaram que Ialá, que chegou a prestar serviço de guarda presidencial na residência de Nino Vieira, se encontra a monte.

Três militares detidos  Entretanto, o comandante da zona militar norte, António Injai, disse aos jornalistas que três militares foram detidos por suspeita de envolvimento no ataque. Os militares foram conduzidos para o Estado-Maior General das Forças Armadas para serem interrogados.

Um grupo de militares atacou hoje de madrugada a casa do presidente "Nino" Vieira, provocando um morto e um ferido. Segundo o ministro da Administração Interna da Guiné-Bissau, Cipriano Cassamá, disse hoje que o seu ministério descobriu que ia haver um ataque contra o presidente, considerando-o "uma tentativa de golpe de Estado". "O Ministério da Administração Interna descobriu e se não tivéssemos tomado as medidas necessárias ninguém falaria hoje do senhor presidente", afirmou Cipriano Cassamá aos jornalistas em frente da residência do chefe de Estado guineense, considerando "inaceitável" a "tentativa de golpe de Estado". O ministro guineense referiu igualmente que o "Ministério da Administração Interna e o Estado-Maior das Forças Armadas têm a situação controlada".

12:42 | Domingo, 23 de Nov de 2008

Guiné-Bissau: Líder do PAIGC qualifica ataque contra Presidente "Nino" Vieira como "acontecimento infeliz"

Bissau, 23 Nov (Lusa) - O líder do Partido Africano da Independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde (PAIGC), Carlos Gomes Júnior, e vencedor das legislativas de domingo na Guiné-Bissau, qualificou hoje como um "acontecimento infeliz" o ataque contra o Presidente guineense, "Nino" Vieira.

Bissau, 23 Nov (Lusa) - O líder do Partido Africano da Independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde (PAIGC), Carlos Gomes Júnior, e vencedor das legislativas de domingo na Guiné-Bissau, qualificou hoje como um "acontecimento infeliz" o ataque contra o Presidente guineense, "Nino" Vieira. "Viemos em nome do PAIGC apresentar a nossa solidariedade ao Presidente, porque o que aconteceu hoje é um acontecimento infeliz", afirmou Carlos Gomes Júnior aos jornalistas após ter saído da residência de "Nino" Vieira. "Pensamos que em pleno século XXI os problemas da Guiné-Bissau não podem continuar a ser resolvidos com violência", acrescentou o futuro primeiro-ministro Guiné-Bissau. Um grupo de militares atacou hoje de madrugada a casa do Presidente guineense situado no centro de Bissau, na Rua Angola, perto do estádio Lino Correia, provocando um morto e um ferido.

O Presidente e a primeira-dama, Isabel Vieira, que estiveram sempre em casa durante o ataque, saíram ilesos. Além do líder do PAIGC, vários embaixadores residentes em Bissau visitaram hoje o Presidente "Nino" Vieira, nomeadamente o de Portugal, que recusou prestar declarações à imprensa. MB/MSE. Lusa/Fim

24 Novembro 2008 - 01h29 

Guiné-Bissau: Esteve iminente um novo golpe de Estado

Militares queriam assassinar ‘Nino’

Um grupo de militares atacou ontem de madrugada com armas pesadas a residência privada do presidente ‘Nino’ Vieira, provocando um morto e três feridos graves, num ataque que o ministro da Administração Interna, Cipriano Cassamá, considerou "uma tentativa de golpe de Estado".
De acordo com fontes contactadas em Bissau pelo Correio da Manhã, 'esteve iminente um novo golpe de Estado contra ‘Nino’'. O ataque, segundo a mesma fonte, visava assassinar ‘Nino’ Vieira e o próprio chefe de Estado-Maior General das Forças Armadas, general Tagmé Na Waié. Vários factores, entre os quais as eternas disputas étnicas, estiveram uma vez mais por detrás do golpe abortado.

'O resultado das recentes eleições legislativas, ganhas por maioria absoluta pelo PAICGC e contestadas pelo líder do Partido de Renovação Social, Kumba Ialá, que dizia que ia vencer; o impedimento de Kumba Ialá em sair do país após uma recente queixa apresentada à PGR por ‘Nino’ Vieira, acusado por Kumba de estar envolvido no tráfico de droga; e ainda o caso do contra-almirante José Américo Bubo Na Tchuto, ex-chefe de Estado-Maior da Marinha, refugiado na Gâmbia após ter sido acusado de tentativa de golpe de Estado no passado mês de Agosto' são factos que poderão estar por detrás deste golpe, afirma a fonte. 'São vinganças, são ajustes de contas' adiantou a mesma fonte, que ainda precisou: 'O líder do grupo rebelde que tentou o golpe, o sargento N’Tchami Ialá, um fuzileiro da Marinha de Guerra, é balanta, pertenceu à Guarda Presidencial, é tido como uma pessoa próxima de Kumba Ialá e de Bubo Na Tchuto, também balantas. Ele foi afastado da Guarda Presidencial aquando da tentativa de golpe de Bubo Na Tchuto.'

Segundo fonte próxima das autoridades, 'os rebeldes foram buscar o armamento usado no ataque ao paiol da Presidência. Como a cidade de Bissau não tem luz, conseguiram movimentar-se, mas não fizeram a operação sozinhos', afirma. Foram detidos cinco militares rebeldes, mas o alegado líder do grupo, o sargento N’Tchami Ialá, está a monte. SAIBA MAIS. BALANTAS: Os balantas são a principal etnia do país (30%) e constituem a maioria do Exército, estando igualmente bem representados na classe política . 1980 foi o ano em que ‘Nino’ Vieira chegou ao poder na Guiné--Bissau, após ter derrubado, num golpe de Estado, o primeiro presidente do país, Luís Cabral, que chegou ao cargo após a independência de Portugal, em 1974.

 Carlos Menezes

Lukoil se lanza a por Repsol con la peor calificación crediticia del sector

Lukoil, el grupo ruso que planea hacerse con un 29,9% de Repsol, la primera petrolera española, tiene la peor calificación de riesgo de crédito entre los grandes grupos petroquímicos del mundo, según los datos que se desprende de las agencias de ráting Moody's, Standard & Poor's y Fitch. A pesar de ser uno de los grandes grupos petroleros internacionales por volumen de reservas, está en la cola en términos de calificación financiera. Lukoil, el grupo ruso que planea hacerse con un 29,9% de Repsol, la primera petrolera española, tiene la peor calificación de riesgo de crédito entre los grandes grupos petroquímicos del mundo, según los datos que se desprende de las agencias de ráting Moodys, Standard & Poors y Fitch. A pesar de ser uno de los grandes grupos petroleros internacionales por volumen de reservas, está en la cola en términos de calificación financiera. Otros gigantes rusos, como Gazprom y Rosneft (de los que también se ha hablado por su posible interés en Repsol), tampoco son los más destacados de la clase, pero consiguen superar a Lukoil. Otros tienen matrícula 
Esta compañía está a gran distancia de las notas (sobresalientes e incluso matrícula de honor, en algunos casos), que sacan gigantes como Total, Exxon o Shell (ver cuadro). En una escala de mejor a peor (que va a de A a B) mientras que Lukoil siempre tiene alguna B a sus espaldas, las mayores petroleras estadounidenses (Exxon y Chevron, por ejemplo), y los gigantes de Europa occidental (Total, ENI, Shell y BP) sólo conocen la letra A. Repsol tampoco se sitúa entre los mejores, pero está a un paso de los puestos altos.