Friday 7 November 2008

The SWOT analysis.

Friday, 07 November 2008


The SWOT analysis.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats.

This involves looking at the strengths and weaknesses of your business' capabilities, and any opportunities and threats to your business. Once you've identified all of these, you can assess how to capitalise on your strengths, minimise the effects of your weaknesses, make the most of any opportunities and reduce the impact of any threats.

Writing a lot yesterday was fine. Feel realised putting thoughts in order, I knew that this is profitable and right. Although headache was terrible and very long. Was thinking, which is the reason. Maybe that entire family “de bolina serrada” (1.), maybe that banker (3.), who every time I take the aspirin he insists that this is Astra Zeneca (£52 bl.) of Baltic countries. Pain faint away only when the oil drop below $60 per barrel. Sleep well, but at the end have a dream. I am taking shower. Very good, gushing shower in rich decorated bath room. My wives (sic?), are passing me a white towel. She’s all very smiley and cosy. Wakeup in good spirits and rested. At morning coffee “blame sturm” was all about abundance, which are or will be originated by bankers (number). People with financial power. Which I’m calmly put in serious reservations. Like always, was right. This cheap talk ends with known me piracy(4.). Obliging me think about who (physical appearance) (2.) was proposing me the “theme” of the day (7.) and who (physical appearance) was proposing me a powder (6.) during my short walk. Whom I immediately call the-below-windows Indian “порошковая металургия”… Actually, was this a principal reason to make an interval, and go to visit a library. Just to try clear my head. Where I find an operating method of the piggy faces in one clarifying article. Story about that “five” of Osborn/Oppenheimer and Deripaska. Well, by the reaction to theirs observations, seems that my humble charisma can make them “quantum solace” (5.). Or one goal. Depending how lifeless I am, or how goal they are… (6.).

6 de Novembro CRG: Prepare-se para algumas coincidências, pois a Conjunção da Lua com Neptuno vai sublinhar a sua intuição, a sua sensibilidade, o seu lado fantasista. 


(1.) Acidente em Espanha 15:44 Quinta-feira, 6 de Nov de 2008

Seis mortos e um ferido, todos portugueses

Fonte da sub-delegação do Governo em Palência confirma que a informação disponível "indica que todas as vítimas são de nacionalidade portuguesa".

O Governo português confirmou a nacionalidade portuguesa dos seis mortos e do ferido resultantes de um acidente de viação ocorrido hoje na zona de Torquemada, Espanha. "Todas as vítimas do acidente são de nacionalidade portuguesa", confirmou fonte do gabinete do secretário de Estado das Comunidades. O ferido, de 51 anos, "está consciente e não corre perigo de vida", segundo a mesma fonte. Um informador do hospital de Palência acrescentou que o cidadão português, que teve de ser desencarcerado, está estável", tendo sido submetido a "exames radiológicos". Fontes da Polícia espanhola adiantaram que o ferido tem residência em Lisboa e que três das vítimas mortais são da região centro. As mesmas fontes informaram que as vítimas mortais, trabalhadores numa 
empresa de construção civil com sede em Lisboa, tinham idades compreendidas entre os 32 e os 55 anos. O ferido é o condutor do camião articulado envolvido no acidente com uma carrinha, ambos de matrícula portuguesa. Os seis portugueses que seguiam na carrinha morreram no acidente. O desastre ocorreu cerca das 15h locais (menos uma hora em Lisboa), ao quilómetro 69 da A62, que liga Burgos a Portugal, no sentido de Burgos, or causas ainda desconhecidas. O caso está a ser acompanhado pelo cônsul honorário em Leon e Valladolid e pela Secção Consular da Embaixada de Portugal em Madrid, que estão a tratar os procedimentos legais. Um juiz de instrução de Palência deslocou-se ao local do acidente para confirmar os óbitos e formalizar a transferência dos corpos para ao Depósito Municipal de Palência. "Enviámos para o terreno unidas móveis de emergência e bombeiros, bem como equipas de investigação. Não sabemos mais das causas para já", disse fonte da Guarda Civil.

(2.) Blast kills 11 in Russia's N.Ossetia region

Thu Nov 6, 2008 8:55pm GMT  VLADIKAVKAZ, Russia (Reuters) - A suspected suicide bomber killed 11 people outside a Russian market on Thursday, prosecutors said, in one of the worst attacks in months to hit Russia's turbulent North Caucasus region. The explosion detonated as a minibus taxi pulled up outside the main market in the southern Russian city of Vladikavkaz, killing passengers and ripping the doors off one side of the vehicle. Prosecutors said they suspected a terrorist attack. "According to preliminary information, the explosive device was detonated by a female suicide bomber," the press service of North Ossetian leader Taimuraz Mamsurov said in a statement posted on his official Web site Mamsurov, who held an emergency meeting with his security chiefs, told Russian news agencies the head of a woman, believed to be the suicide bomber, had been found at the scene.

The attack was fresh evidence that despite largely quelling a separatist rebellion in nearby Chechnya, Russia is struggling to contain violence in its southern regions that has fuelled instability and killed thousands of people. "Today in the centre of Vladikavkaz an explosion occurred as a result of which 11 people were killed," the investigative unit of the Prosecutor General's Office said in a statement. "A criminal case has been opened ... (for) murder and terrorism." Mamsurov said nine people were killed and about 40 injured.

 06.11 2008, 21:52 «Комсомольская правда»

(3.) Ющенко брал у Саакашвили «откаты» джипами

За поставки оружия Грузии президент Украины получал бронированные авто по $100.000 каждый В истории с поставками Грузии украинского оружия со скидкой в 20% появились новые детали. Депутат Верховной Рады Валерий Коновалюк на днях заявил, что Ющенко при вооружении грузинской армии получал от своего друга и кума Саакашвили ценные подарки. Например, два джипа «Лэнд Ровер» стоимостью $100 с лишним тысяч каждый.  Авто, по данным Коновалюка, появились у президента как предоплата за оружие еще два года назад. Причем, утверждает оппозиционер, до недавнего времени джипы не стояли на балансе государства и на машинах разъезжали близкие к украинскому президенту персоны. А якобы сейчас, когда разгорелся скандал с незаконными поставками оружия, джипы быстренько узаконили. Они, по бумагам, принадлежат Госуправлению делами (то есть ющенковской администрации).   Сейчас наша депутатская следственная комиссия изучает все имеющиеся документы, — рассказал «КП» Валерий Коновалюк. — Результаты расследования мы планируем огласить 12 ноября. Там же представим все доказательства.


¡ Yesterday have been pressed, but talking about Ireland they very abruptly stop to singing. Chinoca today at half (dream) and chinoca yesterday (debts). James Oliver in. With red FIAT and Chodorovsky start singing... :

(4.) Irish police seize £400m of cocaine 'headed for Britain'

Cocaine worth around £407 million has been seized off the coast of Ireland, in one of the world's biggest ever drugs hauls.

Last Updated: 7:09AM GMT 07 Nov 2008 Irish police seized more than one-and-a-half tonnes of the drug from a yacht in an operation involving Britain's Serious Organised Crime Agency. Three UK nationals aged between the ages of 44 and 52 have been arrested and were being questioned last night. The drugs were believed to have been intended for the British market. The find came as an EU report revealed that Britain is now the drugs capital of Europe, with nearly 13 per cent of young adults admitting to using cocaine. The 60-foot yacht, named Dances with Wolves, was stopped 160 miles off Cork on Ireland's southwest coast. The boarding party included officers from the Irish navy. With an estimated street value of €500m, the haul passes the €440 million of cocaine seized in nearby Dunlough Bay in 2007. The yacht's journey across the Atlantic had been tracked for weeks by the Operations Centre Against Narcotics, a Europe-wide anti-smuggling operation based in Portugal. Although the origin of the drugs has not been disclosed, the Irish Times reported that the vessel had set off from the Caribbean. Traffickers are known to ship their cargos across the Atlantic in foreign vessels before transferring them to local boats off the Irish or UK coast.
Brian Cowen, the Irish Taoiseach, praised the "Operation Seabright" team which intercepted the yacht. "I want to congratulate and compliment all those involved for their professionalism and dedication to duty, a massive drugs haul like this should not be seen just in terms of the hundreds of millions of euro of drugs seized, but also in terms of the lives saved and the misery avoided as a result," he said. "Today is a success but we must not become complacent, constant vigilance must be maintained."


(7.) Your winning amount is eight hundred and seventeen thousand, seven hundred and ten EUROS (817,710,00 Euros)in cash, to be paid through one of the following payment options:
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡
(A) PICK-UP(in Spain)


(5.) Company insolvencies jump 26%

November 7 2008 10:24

The number of companies becoming insolvent jumped by 26 per cent during the third quarter of 2008 against the same period last year in a further warning sign that the turmoil in the financial markets is starting to spill over into the real economy.

Figures from the Insolvency Service show there were 4,001 insolvencies of companies in total in England and Wales in the third quarter of 2008. The International Monetary Fund warned on Thursday that the UK would suffer most as the financial crisis caused the world’s rich economies to shrink for the first time since the second world war. However there were also 1,444 other corporate insolvencies in the third quarter of 2008 made up of 270 receiverships, 1,007 administrations and 167 company voluntary arrangements. In total, these other insolvencies represented an increase of 64.7 per cent on the same period a year ago. The figures show a sharp rise in companies deciding to wind up their own operations and opting for creditors voluntary liquidations. These occur when company executives pass a resolution – subject to a creditors’ meeting – that the company should be wound up. In the third quarter there were 2,518 creditors voluntary liquidations – up 33 per cent on the third quarter of 2007. The latest figures come amid concerns from insolvency practitioners that business insolvencies could reach the same level as during the peak of the last recession. Nick O’Reilly, president of R3, the insolvency trade body, warned this week that for the last three of four years, a number of companies that were not performing well had been kept afloat by the easy availability of credit from banks. The latest figures also show that the number of individuals declaring themselves insolvent rose to 27,087 – up 5 per cent against the third quarter of 2007. This is made up of 17,341 bankruptcies – up 10 per cent from the same period in 2007. The arrangement is seen as an alternative procedure to bankruptcy. There is evidence that people are declaring themselves bankrupt of their own accord, rather than being petitioned to do so by their creditors – usually banks and credit card companies. In the third quarter of 2008, 83 per cent of bankruptcy orders were made on the petition of the debtor.

(6.) Don't rely on prince

For all David Beckham's allure as a vice-president of the 2018 World Cup bid company, the ace in the pack is Prince William, the president of the bid company and of the Football Association. But at a meeting of the princes' charity forum at Clarence House last month FA delegates were told not to expect him to become a 2018 globe-trotter. Next year the prince will be in training as a search-and-rescue pilot and is unlikely to be able to commit to any events.

Sorry, prince of EU – yours outstanding Debts, not mine.

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