Tuesday 4 November 2008

Firstly, secondly and thirdly...

Monday, 03 November 2008


Yesterday I was telling about my “Magic Aladdin Lamp”. How expensive and how noisy this lamp was. Was calling to attention too, how “Wild division” speak loud in Arabic and than at the end, I pass 15-20 meters I hear they say “Last minute”. Without details, just must to register that this muchachos know me not first year. Clear the fact that before, not during, and not after they know how was my humble participation in “Bubble Bum”. Was, by several reasons upset with them. Remembering them that more down I go – more tritium you find. Which they carry on to do in my every step. For whom was that Bentley? For my uncle “El Fresco”? And when I see in MACD, how you just need one groom in the middle of “Burj Dubai” – you know me to well to ask for 50. Every one know how “I don’t use”. With Kaddafi in Moscow, “victims of abortion” in Congo, and brown European Gas Interconnection Study in El Riyadh. 16 Cy-30, lots of T-90, AAA TopM2Э – make our cooperation impossible. Even if I give a preference to one group to another. Next day you in same quantity but with Iranian overtone  almost hit the lady on the bicycle… In a such way was determination to break your way in, maybe “capitalists Imperialism”?, that she must stop to pass you through. Previously Gordon brown say that is imperative to create “global institutions (regulation) for global economy. China support EU in creation of one “global regulator” at the beginning of last month. Chinese PM ask to reformulate  World Financial System. Of course, from my pocket. Americans are sceptical. They, and I agree, know that in half of present crisis –are guilty the greedy pirates from Brussels and Strasburg of the type Barroso and Solana.

  In any way:

Firstly, Planet needed to lift up effectiveness of institutions, i.e. a legal base in which world financial structures operates. For this is imperative to signs several completely new international agreements.

Secondly, multitude and diversity where we are must be much wider. Multipolarisation is the key for new economical and financial centres, which very clumsy fat cats try to put in one bag.

Thirdly. And this is serious, must be created universal rules in respect of financial accounts, seriously liable to the independency of national standards.

If not, and I am gravely agree with this, Planet go to produce one more global regulated Authority the type of WB, like was the League of Nations in the thirties. This at the end not only disintegrates but was in such deep incapacity to treat anything that at the end put us on shitty pans.

Week ago: ”On Monday, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's cabinet in Baghdad approved the draft of the new Iraqi oil law. The government regards it as "a major national project". The key point of the law is that Iraq's immense oil wealth (115 billion barrels of proven reserves, third in the world after Saudi Arabia and Iran) will be under the iron rule of a fuzzy "Federal Oil and Gas Council" boasting "a panel of oil experts from inside and outside Iraq". That is, nothing less than predominantly US Big Oil executives.

Monday 03 November. Wake up at 5:20 am. My right eye is in tears and terrible pain. Don’t stop dripping for a hour and half. I know that this was that three witches at the “station”. Like that says: Три девицы под окном – плели поздно вечерком… Mean: “Заместитель министра Ирака по нефти Шахеб Салман в понедельник утром в центральном районе Каррада получил ранение от взрыва, прогремевшего у его дома. Об этом сообщило агентство France Press. Утром боевики также подорвали два взрывных устройства около здания полиции в Багдаде, погибли 6 человек, еще 21 получил ранения. По данным американского командования, в этом году в Ираке удалось снизить уровень насилия, однако, несмотря на усилия американских военных и иракских полицейских взрывы в Багдаде гремят регулярно, отмечает агентство, передает РИА «Новости». 

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