Wednesday 5 November 2008


In day of US elections I come to the workshop promoted by the PCS – one consulting firm, who work closely or seems that even are sponsored by BT. Theme of this colloquium was “Maximising your Career Potential”. Do marketing of yours Skills & Talents. I know that what I am doing have a ‘certain’ interest for people. Well, receive day yes, day no blows in my head – must speak something to me. This travel wasn’t exception. At the corner of Children’s Museum, one bum black was delivering in wide gestures a big speech. Nearby to him family of James Bond (face), with spouse and two children peep in my eyes. Than was cash-machine, with Chinese couple, and more later, now during the transaction, one  from Asia behind me (Chinese?), angry make me bodyguard.(3.) Nothing notable in metro. But asking at the beginning of Edgware road for directions one Jew – further steps away I find that Brazilian, which was killed in antiterrorist attack by police. Name Meneses. But now a much more younger in my front, selling me his face. Only after visiting Hilton London Metropole – I knew exactly why this happen. Well, this chain of ‘events’ put me in reflection mood. Why I hear voices of Prague and Bratislava “bus drivers”? For example, how was that broken leg of my mum? Wasn’t her leg connected with that delivery truck with inscription “Eurocrats”, who crash in our bus, (I was travelling from Threadneedle Street to the Marble Arch a 12-13 years ago)? I was in upper deck, and my attention was called by happiness of one old lady, a very similar to the physical appearances to my mum. Than we “escape”. But, roughly in same period was blown one bus in London. All “voices” was telling me that this was Angola… With which I disagree, knowing well that this is only a frenzy feeding of practical period in which the “New members of European Community” pirates, the type of Barroso and Solana, are “pescar nas aguas turvas”. Even so, political platform of the EU have nothing to offer if not “A PRETO” of “Eurocrats”. Which I call ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg.(1.) Arriving at the conference room, I find a very pleasant environment. Full of Knaves. Not Kings only because of they where there to do the same. What you do to find the job? Asking politely by…, well you know who. By black. Very even mixture. No nonsense. Short introduction and than 45 min. “Maximising your Career Potential”. Everything just fine. But, maybe my age. Which stop me enjoying fully this valuable stream of information. It’s not a first time when I went to this, a very pie-in-the-face school assembly. A couple years ago I was present in another colloquium, conducted by ( I was astonished how his face is similar with a face of American comic Dustin Hoffman. But name was different. Charles Cottle. In my contacts – I call him plainly Mister Koтлет. Was good to hear him too. Was long, and I was boring because of two blond arabs, with yanks hear cut, front of me tapping screen with graphs and shart of presentation. Well, classical security measures of cocaine Royal Family of Lancasters, i.e. Charles the II. (2.) In Hilton – was different. Now was two blacks, one from East, another from West of Africa. Corresponding in closes, body shape and behaviour. At the end, they make individual assessment. Good boys! Asking for £5 000, they promised me clean 5 off-shores, 100K per year salary and eternal happiness to be liand-lian (land-line) to the tomb. Good for you!

(1.) Twenty People Killed in Bus Fire on German Freeway

Nov. 5 (Bloomberg) -- Twenty people were killed and at least a dozen injured after a bus caught fire yesterday evening on a freeway near the city of Hanover in northern Germany. The bus was returning from a day trip when fire broke out in the vehicle's toilet, leading to an explosion when a passenger opened the door at about 8:40 p.m. local time, before spreading quickly and trapping victims, Hanover police said today. The driver of the vehicle managed to bring the burning bus to a halt on the freeway's shoulder, allowing 12 passengers to escape with injuries, police said. The stretch of the A2 freeway that connects Berlin with the Ruhr region in the west is one of Germany's busiest. ``We have yet to find out what caused the accident,'' Uwe Schuenemann, the interior minister of Lower Saxony state, said in a press conference in Hanover broadcast live on N24 television. ``It's too early to speculate about the cause.'' Police had previously said the bus had 32 passengers on board, based on what the driver said. This figure needs to be confirmed, said Thomas Rochell from Hanover police. ``The big problem is that we don't know who the passengers were,'' he said. Thirty-nine people had registered for the trip with the company a few days before. Uwe Binias, head of Hanover police, said the driver had ``reacted quickly'' by getting the bus out of the middle lane, and that emergency services took five minutes to get to the scene. The injured passengers are between 45 and 80 years old, Binias said, and come from the Hanover region. The bus was returning from a day trip to a farm near Muenster in western Germany. At

Almohads. You was saying for many years “a Moda” (Mode). That or Pancho da Vila – or forget. Than be the Atlantic vocation. Than, a Jesus. And now you even not are considering that this is news. Not significant and important? Maybe because are Third man from the North. Jesus! (and now, nothing personal Alexandro Duarte Jesus), try to think about like 7 100 Kilo calories  per kilogramme. Or “ai Jesus”! In Brussels and Strasburg you are plenty. (3.) Is genetically speaking. You third there, vybliadok of Patrushev here. You, ongoing piggy faces, in sum – everywhere. Look, how British Parliament react to the Obama nomination? You remember my departure? I lieve office, and you put in my place whom? Don’t answered. Every one know. A preto. Okey. Now, James Oliver. Sure, to preserve my “what you do to find the job”, Lord Sainsbury put his vybliadok to speak more about his Name (that bum from “Oliver!”), his outstanding debts with me, by you ration is not a secret that his face is the face of Baltic Countries speaking in english language. Which in turn are in debts with me. And, of course to eat the A PRETO… More. My glorious weekly sign! Only to see two policeman (from Brussels and Strasburg pigs Barroso and Solana), one of them out of picture, give us equivalence of how much cost my, and actually by Chinese/cocaine Royal Family of Lancasters criteria. Famous signature. Mean, Mercedes with police car, at the middle of Oxford Circus crashed, leaving three man in hospital. Just.

(2.)Ministro do Interior morre em acidente aéreo na Cidade do México Há 7 horas MÉXICO (AFP) — O ministro mexicano do Interior, Juan Camilo Mouriño, e outras oito pessoas morreram na queda de um avião nesta terça-feira em pleno centro da Cidade do México, informou a secretaria de Segurança Pública. O avião caiu sobre vários carros na região da principal avenida da Cidade do México, ferindo cerca de 40 pessoas. Pelo menos 30 veículos pegaram fogo. Além de Mouriño, morreram no acidente José Luis Santiago Vasconcelos, assessor de segurança e ex-diretor da agência especializada no combate ao crime organizado, dois porta-vozes, outro funcionário do ministério do Interior, os três membros da tripulação e outra pessoa, não identificada. "Na aeronave da secretaria do Interior morreram nove pessoas. Também há 40 feridos, sendo 20 hospitalizados com diferentes tipos de queimaduras. Sete têm queimaduras importantes porque quando o avião caiu houve um incêndio", revelou o prefeito da Cidade do México, Marcelo Ebrard. Camilo Mouriño, de 37 anos, que ocupava a Secretaria do Interior desde janeiro passado, fazia parte do gabinete de Segurança, encarregado de elaborar as estratégias para combater a crescente violência dos cartéis da droga. O acidente provocou um grande incêndio e as chamas atingiram cabos de alta tensão, deixando sem luz uma ampla zona em torno do local da queda. O avião, um Learjet da Secretaria do Interior com capacidade para 10 pessoas, caiu às 18H40 local (22H40 Brasília) em um calçadão entre dois prédios próximos ao Paseo de la Reforma, a avenida mais importante da capital mexicana. O aparelho procedia do estado de San Luis Potosí, onde Mouriño presidiu a assinatura do Acordo Estatal pela Segurança, Justiça e Legalidade. O governo "realizará todas as investigações necessárias para averiguar profundamente as causas desta tragédia", disse à imprensa o presidente mexicano, Felipe Calderón. Ao que parece, o piloto informou uma avaria à torre de controle do aeroporto da Cidade do México momentos antes de perder contato.

(3.) Hooligans beat up 3rd secretary of Turkmenistan embassy in Moscow November 5 (Itar-Tass) - Four hooligans beat up the third secretary of Turkmenistan’s Embassy to Russia, a source in the Moscow law enforcement agencies told Itar-Tass on Wednesday. Four hooligans attacked the diplomat in Maly Afanasyevsky By-Street on Tuesday afternoon. The Turkmen diplomat was hospitalized with bruises and injuries. The search operation for the attackers is underway. A criminal case was instituted for battery.

Три атомных элемента вывели из списка госсобственности

РИА "Новости" | 13:30:41 Из списка ядерных материалов, которые на территории РФ могут находиться исключительно в госсобственности, выведены химические элементы америций-241, америций-243 и изотоп калифорний-252. Как отмечается в указе, их исключение из списка преследует цель "совершенствования системы обращения ядерных материалов, направленной на сохранение и развитие научно-производственного потенциала, укрепления позиций РФ на мировом рынке товаров и услуг, связанных с использованием атомной энергии в мирных целях".

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