Sunday 28 February 2010

Syriana or the “Gus to the pig not a comrade”.

Syriana or the “Gus to the pig not a comrade”. Russian oil, gas company's top manager found shot dead in Moscow office. The board chairman of Russian oil and gas company Trans Nafta was found dead in his company office in the Russian capital on Saturday, a source in Moscow police said. "The body of Vladimir Kondrachuk was discovered in his room in the evening with a gunshot wound," the source said. "According to preliminary data, Kondrachuk committed suicide," the source said, adding that an investigation is underway. Police have not made official comments. MOSCOW, February 27 (RIA Novosti). В 2003-2007гг. компания продала 15 млрд 088 млн куб. м газа потребителям из России и стран СНГ, из которых 8 млрд 708 млн куб. м в России, 5 млрд 734 млн куб. м - в Белоруссии, и 646 млн куб. м были экспортированы в Азербайджан.

Trans Nafta director-general shoots himself in Moscow. 27.02.2010, 23.30. MOSCOW, February 27 (Itar-Tass) -- The director-general of the company Trans Nafta, Vladimir Kondratyk, committed suicide by shooting himself at his office in central Moscow on Saturday evening. A police official said the incident occurred in the company’s office in Shchepok Street. “Investigators are working at the scene of the incident. They are determining the circumstances of the incident. The primary examination shows that Kondratyuk committed suicide,” the police official said. Trans Nafta is an oil and gas company that is engaged in a number of activities, including exploration and development of hydrocarbon fields, field infrastructure development, natural gas supplies, electricity supply, progressive technologies, tenders, and social policy. The company was created in 1997. According to the company’s website, since 2001 Trans Nafta has been developing a new business – gas marketing, which is based on a mutually beneficial partnership with Gazprom. The partnership transports natural gas purchased from independent producers and delivers it to end customers on the domestic market. From the beginning Trans Nafta positioned itself as an oil and gas producing company.

COMPANY OVERVIEW: ZAO “Trans Nafta” engages in natural gas trading in Russia. The company was founded in 1997 and is headquartered in Moscow, Russia with additional offices in Kirov and Tumen, Russia. 4 Shchipok street. Moscow, 115093 Russia. Founded in 1997. Phone: 7 4959 56 19 00. Fax: 74959 56 18 99. Transfer Agent. National City Bank (Moscow Branch.) P.O. Box 94915, Moscow Russian Federation. phone: +7-495-173-4426. email:
Gusinsky Avram Genadivich - President. Gusinsky Borris Genadivich - Vice President. 1998 – 2000. Transnafta while establishing its self as a major international Russian oil Company gets oil drilling licenses in Equatorial Guinea, Libya, Angola, Kazakhstan, South Africa and Norway. 2007. Transnafta bids and buys 41% of Yukos Assets which include most of her former refineries.

StimGun™ overcomes formation damage created during perforation. The StimGun™ assembly used in the Mara-Stim SM process employs a cylindrical sleeve of gas-generating propellant that is simply slid in place over the outside of conventional perforating guns. It can be run on wireline or in a tubing conveyed configuration. The propellant sleeve is ignited by the perforating charge and as the propellant sleeve burns, energetic gases are released sending a high pressure shock waves through the casing and into the formation. This method of perforating does not crush the formation rock, therefore reducing formation damage. For more information, please contact us at .
EXcape SM Completion Process provides customized independent stimulation of multiple pay zones resulting in substantial time- and cost-savings. The EXcapeSM Completion Process is a method of independently completing multiple zones by placing external perforating systems and integral isolation valves on the tubular string. All intervals of the well can then be optimally completed and stimulated without internal intervention into the well. For more information, please contact us at .
MaraSplit SM allows multiple-well drilling from one location, saving time, reducing costs, and minimizing environmental footprints. Transnafta has jointly developed innovative technology for multilateral wells that have mechanical and hydraulic integrity at the junction between the main wellbore and the laterals. Four distinct product lines have been developed: Downhole Splitter™, Deepset Splitter™, FORMation Junction™, and Stackable Splitter™. Environmental footprints are significantly reduced when compared to conventional wells that this technology eliminates. All four systems use conventional drilling and cementing techniques in well construction and completion. For more information, please contact us at .
In-Depth™ aims to provide precise depth correlation without the need to run correlation logs on electric line. Transnafta is a part owner of In-Depth, Inc., a venture focused on improving depth correlation and inventory control in the oil and gas industry. The primary focus of this collaboration is the use of radio frequency identification tags (RFID) to give identification codes to downhole devices. Each item has a unique tag number. By cross-referencing the unique number to the open-hole logs, each casing collar has a known open hole depth. Subsequent well operations can be conducted without having to run correlation logs. Many operations can then be conducted with the use of downhole-memory tools on slickline. For more information, please contact us at .
In a clever reversal of the EXcapeSM Completion Process, an outside reader device is actuated by this technology when the specific RFID code passes the downhole device. This method is known as EXcapeSM Express and reduces the amount of equipment used in the EXcapeSM Completion Process.

Saturday 27 February 2010

ML = log10A – log10A0 (δ).

ML = log10A – log10A0 (δ). Reading the how russians-speaking-swine try to do theirs life from my pocket put me thinking how the World is connected. How I need to be more outrageous exposing the Kremlin’s suckers in right light to everyone can see it. Start with theirs “truth” and the grim reality lived around me. This Barkov, even in theirs media is too much wide, untouchable and important. How the common person can be graduated in 1992 and be born in 1948? You see the cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s? How he (i.e. Alekperov) make me the electric chair tonight. In sleep, I receive the big electric shock in my head and shoulders. (The ‘rusia petroleum’ for decades “conduct” me in this “my hear is clean or not so” base). Than the Kalmyk face of Smolensky carry on only based in “Head & Shoulders” announcement. To dreaming with the Mel B was actually, in the same day when the Elizabeth the II was “buying the London ship”. Isn’t? And at the next day of Belfast renegades. Isn’t that’s why tonight I was dreaming to driving the Audi 8 which strangely, very good was smelled inside with a washing clothes? I call your attention to whom exactly this sranaia churka Barkov kill. In Citroen was professor of the Centre of Midwifery and Gynecology with her step daughter. I don’t care, but my health and the official, governmental version, - is complete vice-verse. Are me who’s prone to exaggeration? Or just now (you see the 24.02.10?) “big theirself up”, even if it is simply down to what knowledge we have. However, all this can lead to some pointless debates and squabbles, in which I won’t take a part. But, my deer, if I have a new “switch item” – I’ll never “show-off” you about.

LUKoil Vice President Injured in Car Crash. 26 February 2010. The Times. LUKoil vice president Anatoly Barkov was hospitalized after a car slammed into his Mercedes on a snow-clogged street in southwestern Moscow during Thursday morning rush hour. A 35-year-old woman driving a Citroen car slid into the oncoming lane on Leninsky Prospekt, colliding head-on with the Mercedes carrying Barkov, Interfax reported. Barkov was hospitalized in stable condition, while the female driver died at the scene, the report said. A passenger in the Citroen, Vera Sidelnikova, 72, a professor of the Center for Midwifery and Gynecology, died of her injuries later in the hospital. Rossia television called her a well-known specialist in her field. Barkov's driver sustained minor injuries and declined to be hospitalized. Barkov, a 1992 graduate of the Ufa Oil Institute, has served as vice president in charge of LUKoil's Main Division of General Affairs, Corporate Security and Communications since 1993, according to the company's web site. It said he was born in 1948.

Семьи жертв ДТП с «Мерседесом» «Лукойла» написали открытое письмо. Ведомости. 27.02.2010, 13:06. Родственники погибших в четверг в аварии с участием вице-президента «Лукойла» Анатолия Баркова обратились с открытым письмом к общественности. В нем они изложили свое видение произошедшего, коренным образом отличное от официальной версии, и призвали «остановить автодорожных убийц со спецномерами и спецсигналами». По версии авторов письма, события выглядели так. 25 февраля в 8 утра произошла авария на Ленинском проспекте в районе площади Гагарина — «Мерседес» S-класса с регистрационным номером с 398 сс 77 вице-президента, главы службы безопасности «Лукойла» Анатолия Баркова выехал на встречную полосу и столкнулся с красным Ситроеном C3. В последнем находились две женщины-гинеколога — водитель Ольга Александрина, которая погибла на месте, и её свекровь Вера Сидельникова, которая от полученных травм скончалась в реанимации через несколько часов. Водитель «Мерседеса» не пострадал, сам Барков был госпитализирован с ушибом ноги. По данным авторов обращения, первые новостные сообщения об аварии подтверждали вину водителя «Мерседеса»; о его выезде на встречную полосу говорили и очевидцы в эфире радиостанций. Однако буквально через час появились официальные сообщения другого содержания. Представитель управления ГИБДД по горячим следам заявил, что автомобиль«Ситроен» под управлением 37-летней жительницы Подмосковья выехал на полосу встречного движения и столкнулся с «Мерседес» S-500, принадлежащим нефтяной компании. По его словам, об этом свидетельствовали первые очевидцы и расположение автомобилей.«Мерседес» стоит в своей полосе, лишь одним колесом заехав на разделительную. Это незначительное смещение могло произойти в результате удара«, — рассказал представитель ГИБДД. Пресс-служба «Лукойла» сообщила, что компания согласна с этой версией и не намерена выплачивать компенсации родным погибших. Представители семьи погибших считают, что версия ГИБДД и «Лукойла» является бездоказательной и «фальсифицированной», приводя в доказательство следующие факты: фото, на которых видно, что удар произошел на резервной полосе; многочисленные звонки очевидцев аварии в эфире радиостанций, говоривших о «Мерседесе», вылетевшем на встречную полосу; то, что после аварии с «Мерседеса» были сняты оба номера. По их словам, следователь, ведущий дело, не только не выдал родственникам ни одного документа на месте ДТП, но и весь последующий день «отсутствовал на месте» и не выходил на связь с родными погибших сам. По стечению обстоятельств видеокамер на этом участке Ленинского проспекта не было установлено. В ГУВД Москвы утверждают, что уголовного дела по факту аварии не заводилось и что сотрудники ГИБДД проводят проверку для установления всех обстоятельств произошедшего. Решение о возбуждении уголовного дела или об отказе будет принято по результатам этой проверки, сказал вчера в интервью ИТАР-ТACC сотрудник управления информации и общественных связей ГУВД Москвы Максим Колосветов. Однако до этого в управлении внутренних дел юго-западного округа заявляли, что дело уже заведено. Собственное расследование ДТП на Ленинском проспекте начала Федерация автовладельцев — руководитель ее столичного отделения Сергей Канаев сказал в эфире «Эха Москвы», что «заявления официальных источников вызывают сомнения». Прокуратура Москвы взяла под контроль расследование уголовного дела по факту ДТП с участием машины «Лукойла». «Прокурор Юго-Западного административного округа Москвы согласился с законностью возбуждения уголовного дела по факту нарушения правил дорожного движения и эксплуатации транспортных средств, повлекшее по неосторожности смерть двух и более лиц. Ситуация находится на контроле прокурора Москвы», — говорится в сообщении прокуратуры.

Arctic Sea продан за $2,3 млн. 27.02.2010 10:53. Сухогруз Arctic Sea на этой неделе был продан новому владельцу за $2,3 млн, сообщает издание«Морской бюллетень». Покупатель сухогруза неизвестен. Предыдущим владельцем Arctic Sea была финская компания Solchart. Сухогруз Arctic Sea в августе 2009 года был захвачен группой вооруженных людей, а затем освобожден российскими военными моряками. «Газета.Ru»

507 crt Cullinan diamond fetches $35.3 mn. Petra Diamonds said today it sold the 507 carat 'Cullinan Heritage' for $35.3 million, the highest sale price on record ever achieved for a rough diamond, according to the AIM-listed diamond mining company. The diamond was sold on tender in South Africa and was purchased by Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Company Limited, Hong Kong. The purchaser has not at this stage advised Petra of their plans for the diamond, it said. "The price achieved for The Cullinan Heritage reflects the incredible rarity of the diamond, which combines its remarkable size with exceptional colour and clarity, and at 507.5 carats it is the nineteenth largest gem diamond ever discovered. The Cullinan Heritage was recovered in September 2009 from Petra’s Cullinan mine in South Africa which has produced the majority of the world’s most famous and important diamonds," Petra said in a statement. The proceeds from the sale will partly help funding the development of the underground operations at Cullinan and the expansion project at the Williamson mine, both of which are important steps in taking Petra’s annual production from the current one million carats to over three million carats by 2019, it said.

Friday 26 February 2010

“On the deserted beach, an old man listens to a sea shell”

“On the deserted beach, an old man listens to a sea shell” In days when the EU treats me well – I know something’s happen. It’s maybe outside, or maybe inside, important though, that the life keeps be, with all theirs “participation” – unaltered. Even if today I’m plague-ridden by the Almohads squo’s in every f*** corner. (During my smoking interval, the cat-in-the-Algerian-clothed, was walking around me in circles…). The ‘Working Links’ say that I can’t apply to the position for the Parliamentary ICT (Job reference: Totaljobs/ADV 342359T2(?), company – PICT) in Westminster, same is with the position of Market Coordinator in City London (Job reference: Total jobs/03058, Regan & Dean Recruitment) – because … A PRETO? Actually, she says that after fifteen years of unemployed, I should try some thing more down, more 11 – 12 K per year. (This positions where 20-30 K per year) Which in light of the nation of the shit from camel turned around is OBUSE of confidence, off course. Well than, seems that this is a excellent moment now to plan to do something different. Okay, let’s do this, should we? Do something to find inside of me the driving force, to don’t stop, to don’t sit back, and to be proactive in taking away my friends with me. Start to be focused in the “small” tasks between my hands right now. Start not with the cocaine…, english…, etc, its too much simple, and too obvious. The night dream however, before blow in my head, was about the sexual preferences of ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg. They design (and I insist, that this “design” was theirs), one almohad face sleeping in my bed, start looking to the upwards (mean, to the North) – and I again receive nock in my neck… At the “morning coffee”, all conversation was decurring in portuguese, who from the Baltic Countries (than reddish whore who wanted be the President of EU and who “catch” the Nanny & Lorenzo to her knees) was speaking with me about the Champalimaud (!?). Mum-m-m, let’s be honest, like my ‘friend’ says, who exactly from Cimpor (or maybe the Cecil or Lafarge SA, Heidelberg, FLSmidth, or Cemex) try to send me back in time with this chatter? And exactly into which time they try to return to? Because, my way is to forward, not to back. If not, how my promises will meet with these red dwarfs driving force? Just through the way of “On the deserted beach, an old man listens to a sea shell…”?

The attacker (If EU remember) had been seized by a "fit of madness.": Champalimaud expanded the cement business he took over from his uncle in 1946 and expanded it in Portugal to the point of a near monopoly. He also expanded his cement industry into Africa, to Angola and Mozambique. Married to the great-granddaughter in male line of German Franz Joseph Freiherr von Sommer and wife Klara Werlein von Ascheberg, who came toPortugal during the Liberal Wars. They had seven children together. Maria was an heir to the Grupo CUF, a company that was a conglomerate with interests in chemical, textiles, banking, insurances, shipbuildingand repairing, shipping and tobacco industries. They were divorced by 1957, after which he started competing with his ex-brother-in-law in the banking and insurance markets. His ex-wife married secondly in Lisbon, São Mamede, on March 29, 1980 Amaro de Azevedo Gomes. In the early 1960s, he bought the Banco Pinto & Sotto Mayor (BPSM) and the insurance companies Confiança, Mundial and Continental Resseguros. In 1969 he fled to Mexico to avoid an arrest warrant related to an inheritance case over shares of the Empresa de Cimentos de Leiria, his uncle's old company.

Ali Tounsi, Algeria Police Chief, Shot Dead. 02/25/10 01:54 PM ALGIERS, Algeria — The powerful chief of Algeria's national police, on the front line in the war against Islamist insurgents, was shot and killed by a colleague during a meeting Thursday at his headquarters, authorities said. Two others were injured in the attack on Ali Tounsi, including a security chief for the Algiers region.

Rwanda: Sarkozy Visit. Kigali — The admission by French President Nicolas Sarkozy that "serious errors of judgment" were made by his country in relation to the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, opens a new chapter in the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Sarkozy expresses support for Bongo on state visit to Gabon. By News Wires the 24/02/2010 - 18:24. French President Nicolas Sarkozy met with Ali Bongo Ondimba Wednesday in Gabon. Sarkozy expressed France's support for Bongo, whose election to the presidency was disputed six months ago. AFP – (Um Bongo, um Bongo, um Bongo – Rei da Selva…)

Thursday 25 February 2010

Golden parachute may not be as gilded as of the others in this service...

Golden parachute may not be as gilded as of the others in this service... Too obvious are certain tricks in the Cimpor epopee. The Brotherhood of City understand this. On the 20th, Lula make suspension through the Ministry of Justice the buying of the Cimpor actions. The BCP (10%), the CGD and the Camargo Correia don’t want to sell theirs shares, - and the CSN only had now the 8.5% (not the 33+1 %). Clear how the all business of the “COP15-save-the-delphines” ends. The business flexible as this one, the similar only to the Falklands-Malvinas stand. Where the question of “who’s the hunter, and who’s the hunted” - remains. It’s like the potential conflict where the Head of Trade Union shot dead the top manager of Gazprom (actually the ebalo of Gulbenkian), where the orca kill his keeper, where the churka kill his lover (what you expect, it’s the Landmark), where the Baku only with two blowed apartments fell nice, where below the scenes from $11 billion, the Chairman of the Association of the Russian bankers and the Vice – President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Enterpreneurs – just die, and finally, where I dream with Mel B only because the Elizabeth the II wants the “Board of Trustees” at 24.02.10… Where is simple to say that this business since the beginning was the double business. Okay, which isn’t? In this particular game, the outstanding debts of EU, (or should I again begin telling the names?), put the “Spanish speaking countries” in situation where the ships with names “B Atlantic” and the “Aqua” are accused of drug smuggling, and arrested in Venezuela. Exactly this philosophy from 33% which beat in my head and than “offer” me the dream with nigger’s pussy (i.e. the Elizabeth the II)’s Mel B. Well, the material results of my precarious situation. Which steal be challenged by the various lobbies which again only giving me donut. Or, as I say, the constant harassment through the beating, and than the only the “virtual” justification. The life where is wise for my health (which presently is really precarious), first to ask if anyone wants to hear my opinion, and only than do my reciting. Look for yourself how the jews and arabs make the “new” arrangements, and again control the “World’s” media. I, with Brotherhood of City ‘associate’ should see that those ‘nearby’ have heard it on this subject (of my “not paid yet” fees from EXPO98 Portland 450 cement) more times than they want to remember. Why, (in my personal opinion), I see myself (in dream), to be inside of children’s toilet, in the presence of huge bunch of journalists, pissing from very high point to the pissuars which have the form of the mouth of the EU’s Barroso. Here’s another thing, - its Co who’s doing me this. That I can’t think another if not of the Schlumberger/Smith International’s $11 billion. The “one-per-week” shuffle which always had that influence in a many sides of our lives. I recall the $41 billion of the TXO and Exxon/Mobil last August… That time I was almost killed in my dreams. Not casually the Western interpretation of “pissing out” – mean that I need to express my feelings more openly. To don’t hold back my emotions. Feel free to “let myself go”. Also, (I had a second, the parallel to the piss-off dream), was my bank account full of eights and zeros. (Eight stands for power of authority, success, karma, material gains, regeneration, and wealth. Zero is super-consciousness and warning you that you are going around in circles or that you have nothing). It’s wrong to say this, but I’m telling you, I know so much more than I’m revealing. It’s like drive the not hydraulically assisting car in slow motion. You need the big effort to steer the dam wheel. But, when the car is at speed, small touches make the difference…

The head of “Gazprom” trade union shot dead a top-manager at a hunting. The head of “Gazprom” trade union Vladimir Babkin shot dead the Deputy General Director of “Gazprom-Nadym” Konstantin Pavlov while hunting for wild boars on 19 February, informs the newspaper Permskiy Observer. Mr. Babkin and Mr. Pavlov were on a holiday not far from the town of Tschaykovskiy, Perm region, on a hunting farm owned by the Transgaz Director. Mr. Babkin mistakenly took Mr. Pavlov for a wild boar and shot him from a rifle. According to LifeNews.Ru, a 37 year –old man was hardly wounded in his stomach and soon died at a local hospital. Some sources report that all hunting licenses were in order. But there is also information about a shot moose dear. The hunting for whom is forbidden for this period of time. Mr. Babkin is reported to have shot not from his own rifle, what is forbidden by law as well.

Acquisition to Boost Sempra’s Mexico Operations. Posted date: 2/24/2010. SAN DIEGO BUSINESS JOURNAL. Sempra Pipelines and Storage, a unit of Sempra Energy, said Feb. 24 that it will acquire the Mexican pipeline and gas infrastructure assets of El Paso Corp. of Houston for $300 million. The assets include El Paso’s wholly owned natural gas pipeline and compression assets, and half of a joint venture ownership of two natural gas pipelines and a propane system that it has with Mexico’s state oil company, Pemex. The pipeline and natural gas assets being acquired are supported by customer contracts with an average duration of 13 years. The purchase is expected to be accretive to Sempra Energy’s earnings by 5 cents per share in 2010, and 10 cents per share in 2011, Sempra said. Besides the United States and Mexico, Sempra Pipelines manages natural gas and electricity distribution in Argentina, Chile and Peru. Shares of Sempra Energy were up 9 cents in midday Feb. 24 trading on the New York Stock Exchange to $48.35. Its 52-week range is $36.43 to $57.18.

Brazil, Mexico Ink $2.5B Pemex Deal. 02-24-2010. Brazilian petrochemicals company, Braskem, and Mexico’s Idesa have inked a $2.5 billion deal with Pemex, The Wall Street Journal reports.Braskem and Idesa will together invest in a Pemex project, which includes an ethane-supply contract. The companies won an auction in 2009 to supply 66,000 barrels a day of ethane for 20 years to Pemex at its Coatzacoalcos complex in Veracruz. The facility is due on stream in 2015. Braskem will supply 65% of the capital, while Idesa, 35%.

IEA Head Prioritizes Nabucco Over South Stream. Wednesday, February 24, 2010. The head of the International Energy Agency said Wednesday that the Western-backed Nabucco gas pipeline bypassing Russia will be more effective in boosting Europe's energy security than Russia's South Stream gas project, Russian news agency RIA Novosti news agency reports. Even though the Nabucco pipeline will be longer and requires larger investment than South Stream, it will be more effective in diversifying gas-supply routes inEurope , Nobuo Tanaka is quoted as saying.

Western Plains to buy Maidstone oil and gas rights. Calgary, Alberta CANADA, Feb 24, 2010 (Filing Services Canada via COMTEX). Western Plains Petroleum Ltd. ( TSX Venture), announces it has entered into an agreement to acquire 100% working interest in petroleum & natural gas rights located at in the W/2 of 25- 23-48 W3M located in the Maidstone area of western Saskatchewan from a private non-arm's length oil & gas company for a cash purchase price of $30,000. There is a history of heavy oil production from this block and the Company is negotiating with an operator in the area to acquire two shut-in wells also located on these properties. The proceeds for this acquisition will be provided from working capital. Closing of the acquisition is expected to occur this week, subject to normal industry conditions and the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. About Western Plains Petroleum Ltd. Western Plains is a Lloydminster, Alberta, based junior heavy oil producer with interests located in the Lloydminster area in both Saskatchewan and Alberta. The common shares of the Company trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol WPP. For more information, please contact: David Forrest. President and Chief Executive Officer, Telephone:(780) 205-4468. Western Plains Petroleum Ltd. Fax:(780) 808-8038.

Friday 19 February 2010

ESTJ of the CRFL.

At least in Working Links, by the evaluation they make to me, I pass to be “The Organizer” (ESTJ).Of whom the big six is: The Doer, Dependable, Confident, Outspoken (?), Clear, Practical. This is okay with me. Not that I’d been fascinated. At that particular day(period). – I evaluate myself like a “The Performer”. Which mean: Friendly, Active, Enjoy life, Team player, People friendly (?), and Generous. Well, maybe because I was talking too much. Having by audience this, so much younger people, was frenzy to doing “fixing”, manipulations, orienting, straightforwarding and “organizing”. Using this inutile time for my own objectives, for my “Projects” and for my eventual ‘bridges’, to more later remember where I put the supports, what did, or didn’t work and when, and why in the first place I want to do “this” and in which ‘crossing’. However, in order to achieve MY goals in the financial and “english speaking World” activities, that I’m are involved with now, - it’s a really effort to stay focused. (It’s everything: The Captain Blood from Maracaibo’s B Atlantic, the PSOE/PP of Aznar’s finger, the ‘revolution’ with help of Yoplait, the Echelon 1 ‘in Taxes’, the “somebody-eye-in-the-somebody butt” $ 7 billion of Alexander House project, etc.) List is very long. Start with my persistent dilemma of the Robinson Crusoe who spends 25 years in the desert isle in the only company of goats… From where of course, pop-ups the two legs of MY “Project”. (I.e. the Saud Bin Abdulaziz Bin Nasir Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and the Bandar Abdulah Abdulaziz Ibn Muhtar Abas Abduralha). These is exactly that times when become unnecessary to speculate, just need to read the “fruits” of my dedication. (Schlumberger on verge of Smith takeover)… Not sure if in this place to put “nation…” or the “CRFL” of To not situate the my Profile Type into the ENTJ. Which is “The Lieder”: Planner, Direct, Organizer, Assertive, Decisive, Take Charge. With all respect and consideration, The Basel II Interbank Agreement.

Schlumberger on verge of Smith takeover. Published: February 19 2010 09:51 | Last updated: February 19 2010 09:58. Schlumberger, the world’s largest oil services group, is close to an agreed takeover of the US company Smith International, in a deal that could be worth about $9bn. The acquisition would extend Schlumberger’s lead over its competitors in the international oil services business. Valued at $79bn, it is already more than twice the size of Halliburton of the US, its closest rival. The move, reported by the Wall Street Journal, comes as many in the industry see a coming upturn in the oil services business. Prices for services fell sharply in the global recession as companies cut spending, and Smith was hit hard: its net profits fell 81 per cent last year to $148m. But the recovery in the price of oil has raised expectations that activity is set to strengthen. Schlumberger’s shares have risen 72 per cent in the past 12 months. Andrew Gould, Schlumberger chief executive, said recently he believed the downward pressure on the price of oil services was over. Talks with oil production companies about price cuts “are behind us”, Mr Gould told the Bloomberg news agency, adding that if oil prices picked up further “certain shortages will appear quite quickly” in the industry. “There will be plenty of activity in most areas of oilfield services,” he said. “I think some will suffer from pricing longer than others. For example, there’s going to be plenty of seismic activity but plenty of new capacity, so pricing in marine seismic will remain quite weak.” Contracts signed by international oil companies to develop huge fields in Iraq are one factor behind the expected increase in demand for oil services this year. Smith, like Schlumberger, specialises in sub-surface operations for oil and gas exploration and production, providing products and services for drilling and completing wells. It is based in Houston but earns two-thirds of its revenues outside the US, employs 21,000 people and last year had revenues of $8.2bn. John Yearwood, who took over as chief executive at Smith at the start of 2009, worked for Schlumberger for 26 years. Schlumberger, which has headquarters in Paris and Houston and employs 77,000 people, refused to comment while Smith International could not immediately be reached for comment. Last year Schlumberger reported revenues down 16 per cent at $22.7bn, and net profit down 42 per cent at $3.13bn. There is a risk the proposed deal could fall foul of competition authorities, which have raised concerns about the relationship between Schlumberger and Smith. The two companies operate a drilling fluids joint venture, M-I, which when it was formed in 1999 led to them paying a fine of $14.6m to US antitrust authorities.

Thursday 18 February 2010


President 'seized in Niger coup' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2010
20:59 MECCA TIME, 17:59 GMT. The president of the West African nation of Niger has been taken hostage after armed soldiers stormed the presidential palace in the capital, Niamey, witnesses said. The attack on Thursday came after witnesses reported hearing machine gunfire near the palace where Mamadou Tandja, the country's president, was believed to be holding a meeting. A journalist in the capital, who asked to remain anonymous for safety reasons, said the president is currently being held by soldiers at a garrison in the city. "The rebels have taken the president to a certain place, pending he submits his resignation," he told Al Jazeera. "That's why the rebels have not announced yet on national television or radio the coup. They want the president to resign by himself from the position. "Armed soldiers are now controlling the presidential palace and they also took government ministers when they took the president." The AFP news agency earlier cited a French official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, as saying the violence was a "coup attempt" that security officials were trying to put down. "All I can say is that it would appear that Tandja is not in a good position," he said. Political turmoil. Political tensions have risen in Niger since Tandja dissolved the parliament last year and extended his own mandate following a referendum beyond a second term. In June, Tandja dissolved the constitutional court that had ruled against him and assumed the power to rule by decree, brushing aside international criticism of the move, saying he was answerable only to the people of Niger. The opposition disputed the August 4 referendum that allowed Tandja to stay in power until 2012, after he was supposed to step down in December following two five-year terms in a row. Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Niamey in November, calling for Tandja to resign. The opposition Coordination of Democratic Forces for the Republic (CFDR), which comprises political parties, human rights and labour organisations, had denounced the referendum as a "coup" and called for fresh elections to be organised. The opposition also boycotted October 20 legislative elections, after which the Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas) suspended Niger as a member and the European Union put a freeze on its development aid. Tandja has ruled the uranium-rich Saharan state since 1999. The country has gone through five constitutions and periods of military rule since it gained independence from France in 1960.

The cutting wounds in the neck and left leg…

The cutting wounds in the neck and left leg… Important to see all sides of the story. Than, from wide variety of assortments, carefully decide which lot take in and hold, and which is to “dar, vender e oferecer…”. With this “life” (lifestyle), - I’m eat too much. Also my stupid habit to hold too much time the somebody’s trouble, the unnecessary worries which are coming constantly from another’s, all this make me fat outside and miserable inside. Toxic blend… However, after the last ‘moments’, I see the second half of this month in a more positive way. Maybe it can be perfect for getting all the practical elements of my situation (for example, make love to Zara Phillips) run more smoothly. The yesterday, happenZ some wonder in respect of my financial considerations area. As well as in the domestic front (the Janice of “Hackney” Voluntary Action, the Robin’s Working Links, etc). Which with “Gods” help and the my persistence, maybe, put me in good stead in both quarters.

До июля 18.02.2010 года имущество компании находилось в федеральной собственности и компания подчинялась Управлению делами Президента Российской Федерации и Министерству транспорта РФ

COLOCA HOY OTROS 958 MILLONES A 30 AÑOS. España emite en sólo tres días deuda por 12.500 millones. Publicado el 18-02-2010. El tercer día consecutivo de emisión de deuda se saldó con la adjudicación de otros 958 millones de euros, dentro del rango esperado, al mayor de los plazos previstos por el Tesoro, 30 años. El interés ascendió al 4,81%, 82 puntos básicos por encima del bono alemán. La deuda española supera así una semana de reválida con la emisión de un total de 12.500 millones. Una de las semanas más frenéticas de los últimos tiempos para el Tesoro español ha concluido con un balance tranquilizador, al que también ha contribuido el contexto de mayor relajación que reflejan los mercados internacionales de deuda pública. La última de las reválidas era la emisión de la deuda a más largo plazo del Tesoro, 30 años, con un cupón del 4,2%. El objetivo era colocar un mínimo de 500 millones, y un máximo de 1.500. Las peticiones alcanzaron los 1.903 millones, y el importe adjudicado, finalmente, fue de 958 millones de euros. La demanda superó 1,99 veces la oferta. En la anterior subasta de estas obligaciones, el pasado mes de junio, la ratio de cobertura fue inferior, de 1,4. Entonces el interés aplicado se estableció en el 4,923%. En el día de hoy el precio se ha moderado al 4,811%. Este porcentaje, en todo caso, se sitúa 82 puntos básicos por encima del equivalente en la deuda alemana (3,99%). Los 958 millones adjudicados hoy a 30 años amplían el importe de deuda pública emitido sólo en los tres últimos días a 12.500 millones de euros. En la primera jornada el Tesoro colocó, mediante subasta, 6.578 millones en letras a 12 y 18 meses, y ayer sindicó 5.000 millones en bonos a 15 años. El resultado de esta oleada de emisiones contribuye a relajar las tensiones, y a rebajar los diferenciales de deuda y los seguros de impago. Nada más conocerse los datos del cierre de la subasta de hoy, el diferencial de rentabilidad del bono español a diez años frente al bund alemán se moderaba a 81 puntos básicos, desde los 83 contabilizados en la apertura de la bolsa española.

Mugabe threatens break with KP - Agence France Press (AFP) report. Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe on Wednesday threatened to defy the Kimberley Process to sell diamonds from a field where the global regulator accuses the military of forced labour and other abuses, AFP reported. The Kimberley Process (KP) has given Zimbabwe until June to rectify abuses of civilians by its army at the eastern Marange diamond fields, but Mugabe threatened to sell the diamonds without clearance from the watchdog, the report said. "We are trying to play it their own way, that is following the KP, but we can do it otherwise," Mugabe told reporters in Harare, it said. "We can sell our own diamonds elsewhere," he said. The Kimberley Process covers about 99.8% of the world's production of rough diamonds, with 49 members representing 75 countries working within the scheme. Major diamond bourses already refuse to sell diamonds from Marange, and an auction of 300,000 carats in Harare last month was cancelled at the last minute because the sale had not won Kimberley approval, said the report. Selling diamonds outside the scheme would essentially mean turning to the black market, it said. Mines minister Obert Mpofu says Zimbabwe has already met key Kimberley requirements by withdrawing the police and army from Marange. The government says two South African firms now run Marange. But the British-based watchdog Global Witness, which is a member of the Kimberley Process, said last month that the military still appears to controls large swaths of the diamond field. The eastern Marange diamond fields cover some 66,000 hectares (163,000 acres), but the gems were only discovered there in 2006, said the report. Global Witness had pushed for a ban on Zimbabwe's international sales over the abuses at Marange, after a Kimberley investigation documented "unacceptable and horrific violence against civilians by authorities," including forced labour, torture and beatings by soldiers against villagers. Instead, Zimbabwe was given until June to comply with Kimberley's regulations. The diamond field is also tied up in a separate legal battle in Harare between the government and the British firm African Consolidated Resources, which says it has the license to exploit the gems in Marange, the AFP report said. All foreign firms in Zimbabwe are under pressure after the government last week unveiled regulations that would require locals to take up 51% stakes in major businesses. The controversial law would affect key companies in banking and mining. Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, Mugabe's partner in a fragile unity government, has dismissed the regulations as void, saying they were improperly drafted, said the report. Mugabe defended the new rules, saying foreign firms would be "foolish" not to comply. "Forty nine percent (foreign shareholding), it's a hell lot of equity. It's only foolish ones who will say so, wise ones will take it up. It's foolish and selfish," Mugabe said. Mugabe's comments underscored tensions within the unity government, but he insisted that he and Tsvangirai were united on the need for western countries to lift sanctions on him and about 100 of his allies. "We are in agreement," Mugabe told reporters after a tourism conference in Harare. "We are all agreed that the sanctions must go." EU leaders on Tuesday cited a lack of progress in implementing Zimbabwe's power-sharing agreement, extending travel bans and asset freezes for another 12 months, according to AFP. Seperately, Zimbabwe's Mines Minister Obert Mpofu was quoted in the state-run Herald newspaper as saying the government had accepted Abbey Chikane, the head of the South African Diamond Board and director of the World Diamond Council as monitor for the Chiadzwa diamond fields.

Rough scarcity to hit Indian cutters. Business Standard. Still struggling to overcome last year’s poor sales following economic slowdown in August 2008, the Indian diamond processing industry is faced with another problem — shortage of rough stones by 25-30 %, Business Standard reported. Many jewellery makers were planning to showcase innovative designs and cuts, the two most important aspects on the basis of which products are priced, in one of the largest jewellery shows in Asia scheduled from March 5-9 in Hong Kong. But the shortage of rough has limited their scope, the report said. Sanjay Kothari, ex-chairman, Gems & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), said India imported 30% less rough in 2009, which continued in January 2010 as well. “But this is just the beginning of the year and global economies are recovering. Demand for diamond jewellery is likely to recover in the coming months,” he added. According to the report, the shortage of rough and their continued month-on-month rise in prices is causing concern among large diamond companies.

Qantas to cut more first-class cabins. February 18 2010 07:42. Qantas will axe more first-class cabins and reconfigure its aircraft fleet to meet the challenge of sharply reduced demand for premium seats, the Australian airline said as it reported a 72 per cent plunge in first half profits.

Qantas plane with gear problems lands safely. Updated 4 hours 45 minutes ago. A Qantas plane that was having troubling with its landing gear has touched down without incident after turning back to Sydney. Qantas flight 129 was carrying 197 passengers bound for Shanghai when the pilot realised the plane's landing gear would not retract into its underbelly. Qantas says the plane was turned around as a precaution, and it spent about an hour circling around Sydney airport dumping fuel before landing safely just before 3:00pm (AEDT). The airline says the plane did not have to make an emergency landing because the wheels were already locked into the touchdown position. Qantas says it has provided a replacement plane for the plane's passengers. Meanwhile, Qantas has indicated its fares will rise as the world economy recovers and demand for air travel picks up. The airline has posted a net profit after tax of $58 million for the first half of the financial year. That is 72 per cent lower than the same period a year earlier, but is an improvement on the previous half's loss. The airline's chief executive, Alan Joyce, has hinted the company's survival may depend on higher fares. "Most of the international industry is losing money, $US5.6 billion for the aviation industry after $US13 billion in losses last year," he said. "That's not sustainable on those average airfares, so we know they have to increase."

Mittal’s Credibility Tested in Bharti Bid for Zain Africa “If you’re caught between speed and perfection, always choose speed, and perfection will follow,” he told the U.S.- India Business Council, according to an interview published by the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business. “In business, you don’t have time.” (Bloomberg) -- For Sunil Mittal,Bharti Airtel Ltd.’s founder and chairman, there’s a lot riding on the planned $9 billion purchase of the African assets of Kuwait’s Zain, not least of which is his credibility. The 52-year-old self-made entrepreneur, who built his mobile-phone company from scratch into India’s largest wireless operator with a market value of $23 billion, has failed twice to take over South Africa’s MTN Group Ltd. Mittal is seeking assets in Africa as an increasingly crowded market at home brings him call rates of less than half a U.S. cent a minute. He can’t afford to fail a third time, investors said. “The credibility of Mittal will be at stake this time; your ability to close deals, your killer instinct,” said A. S. Thiyaga Rajan, senior managing director at Aquarius Investment Advisors Pte in Singapore, which manages $260 million in assets, including Bharti shares. “He wasn’t able to convince MTN that they would be better off by going to bed with them. If he doesn’t succeed now, then what next?” Completing the purchase would give Bharti 42 million customers across 15 African markets, creating the world’s ninth- largest mobile-phone operator.

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Inflation of 3.5%.

Inflation of 3.5%. Right now is about what someone owes me. When Solana last night was attacking me, how “we” expect I do react? With love, more pay to ongoing…, or donuts? When you dream that ‘Brotherhood of City’s’ European Indicator (which varies like the ‘someone’s’ period), arrive in two cars at my porch with eight or nine friends, who are calling me by name which normally used only in my closest circuit, - it’s a real time to draw some line under the past. Not that I feel embarrassed (not an one day!) of my past, but because it’s doesn’t matter any more. You, Lavrov and Trichet should understand “together with me”, that once something is over, it’s over. No one and I in the first place, want to fight the yesterday’s battles. Nevertheless, my sir, comeback to who’s owes me what. At 08:00 am Tue 16/2 ICE Brent Crude Oil Front Month IB.1:IEU Close price was 73.28. At the end of the day at 04:30 pm Tue 16/2 – 75.54… Today, carry on climbing (CL HO [10] at 14:15:00 – 77.25.) By this data, who is the right kind of trouble? Of who’s the mood is at full speed ahead? To watching my varices take the next step. Bullocks.

Saudi prince held over murder in five star London hotel room. A member of the Saudi Arabian royal family is being questioned over the suspected murder of a guest at a five-star London hotel. Published: 6:30AM GMT 17 Feb 2010. The Landmark Hotel in central London where a 32-year-old Saudi man was discovered dead in his room having suffered severe head injuries. A 32-year-old Saudi man was discovered dead in his room having suffered severe head injuries at the £520-a-night Landmark Hotel in Marylebone, central London. Police sources confirmed that a man in his 30s arrested over the death is a Saudi prince. It is understood that the two men, who have not been named, were associates and that the victim may worked for the prince or been a business contact. It is believed that the prince was not at the scene when he was arrested in Westminster five hours after staff at the hotel had discovered the dead body. The royal family, known as the House of Saud, has over 6,000 members, with the most power and influence being wielded by the 200 of them closest to King Abdullah. Wealthy Saudis often visit London and Prince al-Waleed bin Tahal, the nephew of King Abdullah, bought the Savoy Hotel five years ago for an estimated £250 million. The Saudi Embassy and representatives in the Middle Eastern country were unavailable to comment last night. Scotland Yard murder squad detectives were called in to the eight-storey Marylebone hotel, a favourite with celebrities, after the victim's body was found in a third-floor room shortly before 5pm on Monday. A Metropolitan Police spokesman said the man suffered head injuries. A post mortem was being carried out last night. The death is being treated as "suspicious" until a post mortem examination takes place. The hotel's general manager Francis Green said: "Unfortunately, the Landmark Hotel can confirm the death of a guest on Monday who was staying at the hotel. "Police were informed immediately and have launched an investigation surrounding this incident and we are co-operating fully with them and are therefore unable to comment further. "This is an isolated incident and our thoughts are with the relatives of the deceased." Rooms at the grade two listed Landmark hotel, built in 1899, cost from up to £520 a night and the largest suite is offered at £2,400-a-night. Its website says: “We invite you to experience our beautifully distinctive style and ambience combining classic British elegance and grandeur with deluxe facilities.” Recent guests include television presenter Myleene Klass. Liam Gallagher, the Oasis singer, held his wedding reception there after marrying Nicole Appleton. A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "Police were called to reports of the body of a man found in a third-floor room at a hotel in Marylebone Road, at 4.50pm on Monday. "Officers and paramedics from the London Ambulance Service attended the address and the man was pronounced dead at the scene. "The death is being treated as suspicious and is being investigated by officers from the Met Police's Homicide and Serious Crime Command. "Officers believe they know the identity of the deceased, who is from Saudi Arabia, but await formal identification before releasing his name. Inquiries to trace his next of kin are under way. "It is believed the victim had suffered head injuries and officers await the results of a post mortem examination, which is taking place on Tuesday. "At 9.07pm, a man in his thirties was arrested in Westminster in connection with the death and was taken to a central London police station where he remains in custody."

Dubai Hamas assassination: Dressed in tennis gear and carrying racquets and balls, the guests who wandered through the lobby of Dubai’s al-Bustan Rotana hotel on Jan 19 couldn’t have looked less threatening. Published: 8:30AM GMT 17 Feb 2010. But within hours they and nine accomplices had carried out the ruthlessly efficient assassination of the Hamas military Commander Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, who had just a few seconds’ warning of his fate as the killers overpowered him in his room.

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Cross-dressing twats.

Cross-dressing twats. Listen the russian goats talking about El Salvador, the Nicaragua and Honduras, with english speaking world not interfering, put me into investigation mode. From the yesterday was knowing that this is because the first time media openly was talking about. The military exercise in Las Americas. Being completely crass with MoD of nation of the shit from camel turned around, c… Royal Family of Lancaster’s and the english speaking World also altogether connected. To the dressed as guards robbers who made off the 4 million euros in Milan. However, the my intuition and logic really fires up when I read this morning that the daughters of the ukrainian Capital Bank were robbed in Saint-Denis… And I’m telling you this only because it’s very difficult for me for ten days now, to untangle a messy financial and business equation in the light of the barroso/schered’s European Energy Policy “train”. The one of results from “brilliant” presentation of the vice-president of the European Central Bank (the greek Lucas Papadernos). And now, the ‘expectedly’ not less “brilliant” performance of the Vitor Constancio. The notable “brilliant” of the European Socialists Party from my Portland 450 cement. The punctured second tire from the World Economic Cycle (is the ukrainians forever idea that they are the first wheel and the France – a second). The 4.5 million euros stolen today from ukraine make me feel inspired. Not because the robberies are my “Career aspirations”. But these thieves who through the ukrainian Biko Holding keep suck my blood. But because of the . Well, to clarify, perhaps I do have to start ‘this’ all over again. When the Damiolo Tailor (“Дa miolo”) gruesomely was killed and throwing to the Thames, - I knew fairly well that this was the “não è com o pá qual-quer” of the Co. It was that Co of ‘Brotherhood of City’, the Co of ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg, and of course, - Co of the diamond… So, when I see at the “IMPROVING INTERVIEW SKILLS” courses, the dead face of the Eduardo dos Santos ripple with health of the eighteen years old boy, only this time called Aey-from-Nigeria – I knew that I am coming to the bottom of whatever was bugging me out! Including the faces of euro-whites beating in my head, and than approximate closely to my eyes with the face of cocaine bastard Solana this night. From where come this sincere feel that I’m giving a lot more than receiving in my “job” identification. What else if not writing every day the nation…, cocaine…, english…, - can I do? Put from my pocket the “Diamantes de Angola” more higher? Whose big idea was this “rocket science” in first place? The my dear Crown? Man, just buy, - I make you discount…

Kiev mayor’s daughter robbed in Paris of 4.5 million euros in jewels. By FRANCE 24 (with wires) the 16/02/2010 - 08:03. The daughter of Kiev's mayor was alleged to have been robbed in Paris Monday of 4.5 million euros worth of jewels while she was being driven from the airport in a chauffeur-driven car. A mayoral spokeswoman has denied the robbery, however. A thief made off with a handbag stuffed with 4.5 million euros in jewels belonging to the daughter of the mayor of Kiev while she was on a visit to Paris on Monday, a judicial source said. Kristina Chernovetskaya, whose father Leonid Chernovetsky is a banker and mayor of the Ukrainian capital, was traveling from Paris airport in a chauffeur-driven car when a man approached the vehicle and grabbed the bag. The theft occurred around noon in Saint-Denis, a suburb north of Paris. Chernovetskaya told police that the bag contained rings, earrings and other jewels worth 4.5 million euros (six million dollars), the source added. Tchernovetski has suffered criticism in the past for mismanagement of government funds and is known for its extravagant spending and penchant for luxury goods.

Milan bank robbers steal 4m euro. A pair of armed bank robbers dressed as guards made off with 4 million euro in cash from a bank in the heart of Italy's financial capital, police said. Officers in Milan said that the two robbers were dressed like guards making a regular collection. The cash was ready for transport when they arrived, and the pair wielded a gun to force staff into a bathroom before making off with the money, in both dollars and euros. The staff members were able to free themselves about 10 minutes after the robbery and summoned police. No one was injured and police are searching for the robbers.

Bruxelas aprova aquisição da Cimpor pela companhia siderúrgica brasileira. Ontem às 18:18A Comissão Europeia entende que este negócio não põe em causa as condições de concorrência no Espaço Económico Europeu. A Comissão Europeia autorizou, esta segunda-feira, a operação de aquisição da Cimpor pela brasileira Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN), considerando que esta não coloca em causa as condições de concorrência na Espaço Económico Europeu (EEE). «A Comissão Europeia concluiu que esta [operação] não era susceptível de entravar de modo significativo uma concorrência efectiva no EEE ou numa parte substancial do mesmo», informa o executivo comunitário, em comunicado. O exame da operação, efectuado por Bruxelas concluiu que, na Europa, «as partes não são a activas nos mesmos mercados». Por outro lado, «a CSN não produz nem vende aditivos para cimento na Europa», lê-se no documento. Dada a forte posição de mercado da Cimpor em Portugal, a Comissão examinou também se o facto de a nova entidade dispor de uma gama de produtos alargada em certos mercados lhe permitiria eliminar a concorrência em qualquer deles, «tendo concluído que a operação não teria efeitos deste tipo». A presença da CSN no mercado dos produtos siderúrgicos no EEE «é reduzida e o mercado conta com um número importante de fontes de abastecimento alternativas e concorrenciais», segundo o executivo comunitário. «De qualquer modo, as partes na operação não têm uma base de clientela comum significativa», conclui Bruxelas.

Monday 15 February 2010

Career aspirations.

I’ll start today with Prince William abusing behavior, than tell him my dream, than explain to myself the nation…, than tell you: “You remember?”, than put untouchables “colleagues” and “co-workers” out of my plant gate, than show them my “financial instruments”, than, to run away from english speaking world dishonesty, to at last proceed rest of my day with “comprehended” caution. Jumping without official invitation into my “Danzig Corridor”/(“Maputo Corridor”) put me in respect of this flock highly alerted. Also very much so “Clost”… At 8:30AM – I had confirmation of this his insolence. It’s unnecessary describe two hours only of sleep this night. Harassment was of a 100%. Constant beatings, electric shocks, hammering, sneak noise, etc. Than, during the last fifteen minutes of “sleep”, I see myself chasing around to disarm a bomb… Which, like the essence of the nation of the shit from camel turned around, was rolling away from me. (To dream that you are unable to disarm a bomb, suggests that your anger is out of control.)To whom I should attripulating this dream if not to UK and theirs MoD? To “A PRETO”? It’s quite clear the impossibility (in this way) of the ruling classes (i.e. cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s, see the yesterday’s Princess Eugene at FIVE) to contain the inner anger and/or pressures which are on the verge of exploding into the violence. Personally, - good for you. Or should I carry on a bit more and asking the fifteen years question: You remember the Tony Blair’s $400 000 Hong-Kong dollars of Paddington Train? Do you? Or should I just put the your “colleagues” and “co-workers”, the c… bastards and pirates schreder and barroso out of MY plant? Since THE WAY HOME FROM Job Centre, (which without “apparent” reason the all computers crash down), the MoD at the middle of the street (for now, at least they stop like always, stealing the milk), “jumping into the Mexican saddle” It’s that “normal” f**** nation way to “communicate” with me. It’s okay if you don’t understand completely my deeper than usual philosophical meanderings. Important though, is that they Maine Lieben Geschwader – not move away in a slightly different direction in my right which is usurped by the Royal Family of Lancaster’s in career aspirations. Any way it is just money. Judge by yourself, it will be difficult to stake a few fair claims on my own. And since the 05.05.1995 being solely associated by this nation…, cocaine family…, english speaking… one line of WORK or GROUP.

Mais de metade dos alemães defende expulsão da Grécia do euro. 15/02/10 11:00. Um inquérito elaborado pela "Bild am Sonntag" mostra que 53% dos alemães defende a saída da Grécia da zona euro. Segundo o mesmo estudo, 67% dos inquiridos mostrou-se contra o plano de ajuda da União Europeia para Atenas, que está hoje em discussão numa reunião com os ministros das Finanças da zona euro. Esta sondagem reforça as conclusões da consulta pública feita na semana passada pelo canal alemão N24, que revelou que apenas um em cada quatro cidadãos na Alemanha está a favor da ajuda à Grécia com dinheiro alemão. Nesse inquérito, 71% dos inquiridos declarou-se contra esta medida. A chanceler alemã Angela Merkel não encontra oposição ao seu plano para financiar o resgate da economia grega apenas por parte dos contribuintes, mas também por parte da sua própria equipa. Alguns dos altos cargos do seu partido (CDU) manifestaram, durante este fim-de-semana, a sua oposição às ajudas a Atenas, sustentando que a recuperação da economia alemã foi débil no último trimestre do ano passado. A União Europeia aprovou, na passada quinta-feira, uma declaração onde promete "adoptar uma acção determinada e coordenada, se necessário, para salvaguardar a estabilidade financeira da zona euro". O plano está hoje a ser ultimado pelos ministros das Finanças da zona euro, que temem o contágio dos problemas gregos para outros países da união monetária.

Antwerp research unit improves service. Antwerp-based research centre, WTOCD, has announced the launch of a new website, aimed at offering an improved service to the Belgian diamond trade. The move comes as Antwerp is seeking to maintain its position as a leading diamond centre with new centres emerging, such as Dubai and Botswana. Founded in 1977, the Scientific, Technical and Research Centre for Diamonds (WTOCD), seeks to find technical and innovative solutions that support the Antwerp diamond sector. The body is financed by Antwerp World Diamond Centre (AWDC) and through Belgian Government research grants. "Antwerp has for decades been the leading research centre in the world for diamond polishing and one of the leaders in detection research and technology," WTOCD's board member, and former chairman Stephane Fischler said. The improved interface should assist in strengthening linkages between WTOCD's research projects and innovation driven companies in the trade. WTOCD's projects include innovative colour grading technology, diamond measuring techniques, developing automated processed for diamond polishing, as well as cut design analysis.

Up to 20 killed in Belgium train crash. February 15 2010 10:05. A train crash outside Brussels has left up to 20 people dead, according to local media, and led to the immediate suspension of the London-Brussels Eurostar service. Two local passenger trains collided head-on outside Halle, a suburb of the Belgian capital, at about 8.30 this morning. A third train may have been involved. Local police have confirmed several critical injuries, but there has been no firm number of casualties. Passengers were still trapped in the train two hours after the crash, according to Belgian media. The cause of the crash is not known, but snowfall in recent days has disrupted transport links in and around Brussels. Speaking to the Flemish state broadcaster, the mayor of Halle said there could be up to 20 dead, echoing the interior ministry’s early estimates. Local transport links have all been suspended, as has the Eurostar train service between Brussels and London’s St Pancras International terminal. “Services in and out of Brussels are completely suspended until further notice,” Eurostar said in a statement. “It is possible that services remain suspended all day.” The Paris-London route is not affected. The high-speed Thalys service linking Paris and Brussels has also been suspended.

Sunday 14 February 2010

Meine lieben geschwader…

Meine lieben geschwader… since you still to like that russians “start” my day, and the BoE carry on doing me the “eternal love” of one more day from “what-you-do-to-find-the-job” film, - “we” need to ‘talk’. We, again, (past only the 9 hóras) ‘are in need’ publicly discuss the recent financial, political, social and “romantic” misunderstandings. Not because the Almohads EU insist on that. The “…O meu amor e padeiro…” – is just the normal voice of yours bitchness. If I don’t work, the only Miller’s Europe – who want the peace, love and understanding. However, with help of news, we come to that later. But, what about jealousy, vengeance and retribution? How about speak about “us” and connect the German’s PAC 750 XL with the German Bakery? It’s don’t give us the Colonel Silva’s the 4% (of my Portland 450 cement) lost cross? This “plane” personally, - I don’t buy it, but, “we” “invest” there… Without the anyone luring someone (see the picture) into the web of intrigue. (The Royalties & Concessions of Il 76 “works” in this way). Maybe only few, dewy-eyed idealists who ‘disconnect’ the “escaped” plane with Mushtarak. With $400 000 Hong Kong dollars/20 min. of Tony Blair in the middle. (See my Friday arithmetic’s). When it comes to MY finances, I’d like to be sure that my impatience doesn’t stop me to checking the facts thoroughly. And the facts are this: The pissed face from “Grupo Alfa” of the “dear” Europe – killed her brother before the “colleagues” and “co-workers”. Like the Garfield say: We are Bachelors baby… The reason why “we” don’t end always with a happy situation is because a part of “us” doesn’t want one.

Hollywood movie in Lisbon skies. Há 9 horas 12-February-2010. A ex-military hijacked the aircraft, after pretending to be a photographer shooting parachute jumps from inside the airplane. The aircraft took off from LPEV (Évora) to LPCS (Tires) with 2 parachuters, and right after, the hijacker diverted the aircraft using a pistol. When the aircraft was landing at Tires, the pilot managed to take the weapon from the terrorist, but he went for the controls and tried to crash the airplane. The parachuters jumped at very low altitude and the aircraft landed with the engine shut down, with a strugle between the pilot and the hijacker, skidded into a ditch breaking the left wing and left again to the grass breaking the landing gear. The pilot jumped from the aircraft as soon as it hit the ground and the hijacker committed suicide (you can see him underneath the left wing). It also seems that the hijacker's car exploded in Évora.

Nine die in India’s first big attack since Mumbai. Published: February 13 2010 18:42
In India’s first terrorist attack since terrorists besieged Mumbai in 2008, a bomb on Saturday evening ripped through a restaurant in Pune, near India’s financial capital, killing nine people and wounding 33 others. GK Pillai, a senior home ministry official, said that only one foreigner could be among the dead in the blast, which rocked the German Bakery, a cafe popular with tourists staying at the nearby Osho ashram, one of India’s most famous communes, which hosts followers of the teachings of the late Osho Rajneesh, a spiritual guru. “It [the bomb] was under one of the tables ... We transferred lots of people to the ambulances ... there is no German bakery any more,” one foreigner, short of breath and resting against a wall, told local CNN-IBN television.

Alleged killer professor had killed before. Published: Feb. 13, 2010 at 7:51 PM. HUNTSVILLE, Ala., Feb. 13 (UPI) -- The biology professor at the University of Alabama Huntsville charged with killing three colleagues shot her brother dead in 1986, police said Saturday.

Il-76 pilots released. February 12. Kazakhstan Today - The members of the crew of Il-76 have been released in Thailand.

Operation Moshtarak. NEDERLAND WERELDOMROEP. Military officials say thousands of Nato-led troops in Afghanistan have launched the biggest offensive since the overthrow of the Taliban in 2001. The operation, in the Marjah area, involves American, British and Afghan forces, agency reports. Afghan officials say five militants have been killed. Nato says Marjah is home to the biggest community under insurgent control in southern Afghanistan.

Saturday 13 February 2010


XL PAC. Naturally, this time the “my Portland 450 cement” is in expected phase. Mister X sold to Mister Z. Mister K bought from Mister P quantity of Y. The Mister L with Mister J, if Mister F agree, will be at situation Z, etc. In same time the euro fell against the dollar amid concern (The COP15 in theirs concerns to fight and save the dolphins) an EU plan to assist Greece – fall short of helping the nation tackle its fiscal deficit. While the German muter (see photo) railed euro-lieders to help Greece, her political allies in Berlin threatened to prevent her from offering financial aid…(It’s good for the RAF see the article about the Yeoman from Tires). Without further research and analyze, can say that right people, in right places, with right attitude still listening me. Feels great to see how grand theirs ideas are. However, when it comes to finances, not they but I who shouldn’t be extremely impassion? To 24/7 checking the facts that show us how are they, and not me, - who’re wide of mark. “With the broken leg, arm, or neck”. When I are looking to invest in a bright idea, they look for some one in some sort of way, who will be in disposition to invest more time on them, (since they consider themselves or the gigantic ‘kinda’ “Six” or the half-century old image. And never prepared to put someone in. (The Status Quo – example). The personally, this night for me was of three hits. Than, I saw a coming at me the black girl. I wrote before, if I am dreaming with a nigger, - it’s mean the jealousies of friend (Andy Clown on FIVE), or fear and my uncertainty regarding a suffocating relationship. So? Here we come again with a trimaran of Anglican Princess? I wrote about this Ferry once. Without, like the Europe like to call the my writings obscenities’ (and than dedicating to think about themselves only in “double hull” category) to read about the Colonel Silva’s 4%, - first wanted personally telling the Rainha Bragança: Por favor, por favor, por favor… Off course, if this is the ‘case’ I must worry about. (I know her “diploma”…)What I get out of “it” is the Royalties & Concessions, which is in your case, as a rule, is multiplied by ten.

Coronel Luís Silva vende posição na Cimpor aos brasileiros da Votorantim. Maria Teixeira Alves. 13/02/10 00:05. A Votorantim, parceira da Caixa, comprou mais 4% da cimenteira. A Cinveste, holding do Coronel Luís Silva, chegou ontem a acordo com a Votorantim para vender os seus 4,1% na Cimpor. Com esta aquisição, a aliada da Caixa Geral de Depósitos eleva para 31,2% a participação na Cimpor. O Diário Económico sabe que o acordo de venda foi assinado antes de a CSN surpreender o mercado com a revisão das condições da OPA. A CSN elevou o preço da oferta para 6,18 euros e baixou a cláusula mínima de sucesso da OPA para um terço (33,34%) mais uma acção. A Votorantim começou por comprar os 17,5% da Lafarge, através de um acordo de troca de activos envolvendo fábricas de cimento no Brasil que interessavam aos franceses. A Votorantim também admitiu pagar à Lafarge o remanescente em dinheiro se a OPA da CSN saísse a um preço superior ao valor inerente à troca de activos. Ora segundo as contas dos analistas a OPA subiu para um preço semelhante ao do valor a que a Votorantim pagou (em fábricas) à Lafarge. Terá também sido esse o preço pago pela posição da Cinveste, mas não foi possível apurar o valor da transacção, uma vez que não foi ainda comunicada ao mercado.

Blow in crankcase of the ferry Spirit of British Columbia. Friday, February 12, 2010 More articles in Аварийность и ЧП. На пароме ро-ро Spirit of British Columbia, Ванкувер, 9 февраля произошел взрыв в машинном отделении, что-то с блоком цилиндров (crankcase). Взрыв причинил серьезные повреждения, паром только что вышел после ремонта и модернизации из завода Dea Dock, и видимо, снова туда вернется. Духу Британской Колумбии вообще крупно не везет, за время своей не такой уж долгой жизни, 17 лет, он уже 4 раза попадал в аварии, и все они были связаны с механическими поломками, один раз даже самопроизвольно отдался якорь. Последняя авария произошла 27 октября прошлого года. Паром Spirit of British Columbia – валовая 18747 брт, постройки 1993, флаг Канада, оператор British Columbia Ferry Services Inc. Hundreds stranded after B.C. ferry drops anchor. Last Updated: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 | 1:10 PM PT. A BC Ferries vessel carrying hundreds of passengers to Vancouver made an unexpected stop Tuesday when its anchor suddenly dropped into the water just after the vessel passed through the narrow channel of Active Pass. Passenger Brenda McCorquodale told CBC News the Spirit of British Columbia left Swartz Bay north of Victoria at 7 a.m. PT and had just passed through Active Pass when it came to a halt just before 8 a.m. "The boat started shuddering and immediately did a very large doughnut," McCorquodale. said. "After about 10 minutes, the captain came on and then told us that the anchor had spontaneously dropped from the boat." The vessel then spent nearly an hour at anchor in the rough seas while the crew dealt with the situation before continuing on toward the Tsawwassen ferry terminal south of Vancouver shortly before 10 a.m.

Three killed in US university shooting. 13/02 09:11 CET. Três pessoas morreram e várias ficaram feridas num tiroteio na Universidade do Alabama, em Huntsville, nos Estados Unidos. O alegado autor dos disparos é uma mulher, parte do corpo docente da faculdade, a quem terá sido negado um contrato permanente na instituição. Segundo uma estação de televisão local, a professora encontra-se sob custódia policial. O tiroteio ocorreu durante uma reunião do departamento de biologia. As vítimas são funcionários da universidade. Decan professor Гопи Подила, professor of Biology Мария Рэ гланд, professor Джонсон. "This town is unaccustomed to shootings and multiple deaths," he said. A woman opened fire in a biology department meeting at the University of Alabama's Huntsville campus yesterday, killing three people and injuring three others, two of them critically, officials said. The woman was caught outside the Shelby Centre, a science building, , according to university spokesman Ray Garner. He said he could not identify her or the victims. Local media reported she was a member of the department. No students were involved, Garner said. All three of those killed and two of the injured were teachers in the department. The third injured person was a non-teaching member of staff. Huntsville Hospital spokesman Burr Ingram said two of the injured were in a critical condition and the third was in a stable condition. Second-year student Erin Johnson told The Huntsville Times a biology department meeting was under way when she heard screams coming from the room. University police secured the building and students were evacuated. The Huntsville campus has about 7,500 students in northern Alabama, not far from the Tennessee state line. The city is home to Nasa's Marshall Space Flight Centre. The university posted a message on its website yesterday afternoon telling students the campus was closed on Friday night and all students were encouraged to go home. Counsellors were available to speak to students. Garner said at a news conference that the shooting was not unlike one the area experienced a week ago, when a 14-year-old student was killed in a middle school hallway, allegedly by a fellow student. "This town is unaccustomed to shootings and multiple deaths," he said.

Tires: "piloto" forçado morre com tiro na cabeça. Uma aeronave caiu hoje no aeródromo de Tires. O acidente terá sido provocado por um dostripulantes, que assumiu os comandos após o piloto e dois outros passageiros terem saltado da pára-quedas. O "piloto" forçado apresentava um tiro na cabeça e acabou por morrer. 17:27 Sexta-feira, 12 de Fev de 2010. Uma aeronave caiu esta tarde dentro do Aeródromo de Tires, na sequência de uma aproximação desgovernada à pista. A bordo, estava apenas uma das quatro pessoas que vinham no aparelho, depois do piloto e dois outros passageiros terem saltado de pára-quedas antes do acidente, um dos quais quando a aeronave já estava junto ao solo. Quando a equipa médica chegou ao local, encontrou o "piloto" forçado em paragem cardio-respiratória. A vítima acabou por falecer no local. O corpo foi encontrado junto à asa esquerda do aparelho e as autoridades tentam apurar se se tratou de suicídio ou de homicídio por parte de um dos restantes passageiros. Todos estrangeiros. O trio que saltou do aparelho não sofreu ferimentos e já foi localizado pelas autoridades. Ao Expresso, o Gabinete de Prevenção e Investigação de Acidentes com Aeronaves adiantou que o aparelho tem matrícula alemã e que uma equipa com dois investigadores já se encontra no local do acidente. O avião despenhado era um PAC 750 XL de origem australiana e matrícula alemã. O PAC 750 XL é uma aeronave concebida e fabricada em Hamilton, Nova Zelândia, pela companhia Pacific Aerospace Limited. O seu primeiro voo data de 2001 e é predominantemente utilizada para a prática do para-quedismo. Primeira aterragem em Tires.

Military University of St. Petersburg , Russia burned auditory: Военно-строительный университет Петербурга. Пожар произошел в Военно-строительном университете Петербурга. 13 февраля 2010, 10::26. Пожарным удалось справиться с огнем, который вспыхнул в здании Военно-строительном университете Петербурга, сообщил сотрудник регионального МЧС. «Около 7.30 поступило сообщение о пожаре в здании университета в центре города на Захарьевской улице», - рассказал представитель управления. По его словам, на локализацию пожара, который тушили по повышенному номеру сложности, спасателям потребовалось чуть более получаса. Пострадавших в результате пожара нет, огонь уничтожил одну аудиторию, площадь которой - около 30 квадратных метров, передает РИА «Новости».

Friday 12 February 2010

The 7% of € 3.3 + € 4.5 billion.

The 7% of € 3.3 + € 4.5 billion. This time the dream was by the English direction in Portuguese. Seems that I’m in the Latin, the 19th century edifice. My past life once run in one of them, since are lot of them in Paris, Madrid or Lisbon. (Maybe it’s connected with the “a preto” of CIC or Desa… who cares?) I’m returning from business trip to my family. With Willy Lancaster carrying my (yellow, British made trunk).The apartment is with very high ceilings. Which is normal for this type of building. But than, all dream changes into black-n’-white film nuar. (To see a ceiling in your dream, represents a mental or spiritual perspective. It may also symbolize the limit you have set for yourself.) Like always, this dream was after beating in my head. This time the Co put several scenes from various films in rapid successions just before my head switch off to sleep. At last scene, the woman from “Carry on screaming” (i.e. mummy of McQueen) was hit by someone into head – and in parallel I’m receiving the blow… It’s not “casually” my “friends” that for two nights the Co are without the ongoing… faces to kill me… Neither are strange for Co – run to the movies. Is theirs, the huge bastards know-how. But actually, the all other people use this too. Not there, however, lie the swindle. The swindle lie in the fact that the Russia (like is always during “my rule”) – lost the North. Personally and impartionally this goes from one describing theirs word: “A PRETO”. Professionally though, - is this goats outstanding debts to me. To this important point I come more lately. It is the “sranaia churka” Mordashov who is by the Kremlin’s pederasts pass to be a Viktor Antonovitch Glugopvsky. Not contrary, and not the my emotional soul, but the brain is more powerful today to call this shots before someone else tries to. But, let’s to condense some business this. First you have been accessing the World Market behavior during this (the € 3.3 billion) arrangement. Than “try to remember” the recent gaff of the Deripaska, GM and the Germany’s € 4.5 billion euros. Now, judge by yourself, reading the old news (which are connected with the Royalties & Concessions credit crunch), of how Spyker bought the GM’s Saab. If telling to them “I’m not interested”, think than why MY legs are in terrible pain, just because the “somebody” run a risk to break his/hers legs. I am here clarifying to “somebody” that I cannot like to be pushed or coerced into anything I don’t want to. Now, after this reading of how the Cimpor are loosing one “spy in translation” (You look at my photos) we become more clarified in the this $3.3 billion venture. Isn’t we?

G.M. Enters Agreement to Sell Saab to Spyker. Published: January 26, 2010. Saab, the Swedish automaker that seemed destined for the junkyard a month ago after its owner, General Motors, said it could not find a buyer, won a new lease on life Tuesday when G.M. agreed to sell Saab to a tiny Dutch maker of high-end sports cars. The buyer, Spyker Cars, will pay G.M. $74 million in cash and $326 million in preferred shares from the new Saab-Spyker entity. The deal is set to close by mid-February. It was a surprising twist for Saab employees, politicians in Sweden, and devoted customers around the world. “Saab is not a brand that should die,” said Skip Mastroianni, sales manager at Mitchell Saab near Hartford. “We have thousands of brand-loyal customers and they’re going to still have a home.” G.M. began shutting Saab’s production line and other operations in Trollhattan, Sweden, this month.

Cimpor perde 7% em três sessões com sucesso da OPA da CSN cada vez mais improvável. As acções da Cimpor estão a desvalorizar há três sessões consecutivas, com as notícias que dão conta da entrada da Camargo no capital da cimenteira portuguesa, a diminuírem a probabilidade de que a OPA da CSN seja bem sucedida. Os analistas consideram a notícia "neutral a negativa" As acções da Cimpor estão a desvalorizar há três sessões consecutivas, com as notícias que dão conta da entrada da Camargo no capital da cimenteira portuguesa, a diminuírem a probabilidade de que a OPA da CSN seja bem sucedida. Os analistas consideram a notícia "neutral a negativa". A Cimpor deprecia 1,07% para 5,44 euros, a prolongar dois dias de perdas consecutivos e acumula uma descida de 7%, relativamente ao preço a que encerrou na terça-feira. Depois de ter comprado mais de 22% do capital da cimenteira portuguesa e de ter garantido a compra de mais 3% do seu capital, foi ontem anunciado que a Camargo adquiriu 6,42% da Bipadosa na Cimpor, ao preço de 6,5 euros por acção, o mesmo do negócio com a Teixeira Duarte. A compra da posição da Teixeira Duarte na cimenteira portuguesa pela Camargo, foi a que mais enfraqueceu as perspectivas de realização do negócio com a CSN. Nessa sessão (quarta-feira), as acções desceram mais de 5% e a negociarem abaixo do preço oferecido na OPA (5,75 euros), pela primeira vez desde o seu lançamento. O desempenho da Cimpor nas últimas sessões reflecte o facto de que mais de 50% da cimenteira portuguesa já se encontra sob o controlo de accionistas que se opõem à OPA da CSN, fazendo-se parecer um cenário cada vez mais improvável. A Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD), que detém 9,6%, anunciou após a apresentação da oferta da CSN que iria opôr-se à oferta para defender a Cimpor na sua qualidade de centro de decisão nacional. Já a Camargo Corrêa (com 28,67% e opção de compra sobre outros 3%) e a Votorantim (com 17,3%), concorrem com a CSN no Brasil e não têm interesse em que esta reforce a sua presença no seu mercado doméstico, através da Cimpor. BPI diz que compra da posição da Bipadosa é “neutral a negativa” – (Ate parace que o Triche TAMBEM…) Os analistas do BPI atribuem um impacto “neutral a negativo” à notícia, uma vez que nas condições actuais a OPA da CSN está “condenada ao fracasso”. A Camargo, a Votorantim e a CGD, controlam 55,5% do capital da Cimpor ou 58,5%, se a Camargo exercer a opção de compra. Assim é impossível à CSN ver satisfeita a sua exigência de controlar a maioria do capital (50% mais uma acção) para realizar a OPA, a menos que esta baixe o nível mínimo de aceitação, ou seja, deixe de exigir o controlo sobre a maioria do capital da Cimpor.

Justiça britânica analisa recurso de extradição de Vale e Azevedo. O Tribunal Superior de Justiça de Londres analisa hoje o recurso do pedido de extradição deJoão Vale e Azevedo, antigo presidente do Benfica, após quatro adiamentos.O recurso do ex-presidente do Benfica João Vale e Azevedo contra o pedido de extradição feito pelas autoridades portuguesas vai ser analisado hoje no Tribunal Superior de Justiça de Londres High Court, que deverá tomar uma decisão após quatro adiamentos. A audiência segue-se a um adiamento inesperado a 05 de novembro do ano passado para que o ex-presidente do Benfica nomeasse um defensor jurídico. A falta de datas disponíveis no tribunal levou entretanto a um intervalo de três meses até à marcação de nova audiência para apreciação do recurso. Na sessão anterior, a 30 de julho, Vale e Azevedo representou-se a si mesmo, alegando a necessidade de poupar dinheiro. Extradição para cumprir sentença de 7 anos e meio em Portugal. O ex-advogado português é objeto de um pedido de extradição para cumprir uma sentença de sete anos e seis meses de prisão pelos crimes de falsificação e burla qualificada no "caso Dantas da Cunha". Um mandado de detenção europeu foi emitido a 11 de junho de 2008, ao qual o juiz Nicholas Evans deu provimento a 27 de novembro do ano passado no Tribunal de Magistrados de Westminster. Todavia, os advogados de Vale e Azevedo apresentaram um recurso junto do Tribunal Superior de Justiça britânico uma semana depois, a 03 de dezembro. A análise do recurso esteve marcada para 13 de maio de 2009, mas foi sucessivamente adiada para 24 de junho, 30 de julho e 05 de novembro. Vale e Azevedo permanece no Reino Unido sob termo de identidade e residência, tem o passaporte retido está impedido de viajar para o estrangeiro.

Italy's Fiat, Russia's Sollers set up $3.3 billion venture. MOSCOW — Italy’s Fiat SpA and Russian automobile conmpany Sollers announced a euro2.4 billion ($3.3 billion)joint venture on Thursday to produce up to 500,000 vehicles per year in Russia in a bid to become the country’s second-largest car maker. The plant — located in the Tatarstan region 1,000 kilometers (600 miles) east of Moscow — will assemble the Linea, a car developed for emerging countries, and will develop and produce new models from Fiat’s alliance with Chrysler. An existing plant will be expanded with new production facilities and a technology park for producing components. Fiat chief executive Sergio Marchionne and Sollersdirector general Vadim Shvetsov signed the deal to set up the joint venture in Naberezhnye Chelny, with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin overseeing the ceremony, a statement said. The plant will be capable of producing up to 500,000 passenger cars and SUVs annually by 2016, with at least 10 percent of production intended for export, the statement said. The joint venture counts on support from the Russian government in getting long-term loans at a favorable subsidized interest rate for the entire amount of the investment, according to the statement. Putin pledged to consider allocating euro2.1 billion in loans, saying that the state is willing to help the new venture as long as it produces at least 50 percent of the components locally as promised, Russian news agencies reported. The project is another step in Fiat’s strategy to create a global automaker integrating Fiat and Chryslertechnlogy with partners around the world. Fiat and Sollers have been partners since 2005. Sollers first imported and distributed Fiat cars in Russia, then started to assemble several models. Marchionne described today’s agreement as a “turning point for our presence on the Russian market.” Russia was on track to become Europe’s largest car market in 2008 before the global economic downturn hit the country, freezing credit markets and destroying thousands of jobs. Car sales in Russia are now back to 2005 levels. Analysts largely expect sales to remain flat in 2010 or improve slightly. In a bid to spur sales, the Russian government is starting a highly anticipated scrappage scheme in March — similar to the cash-for-clunkers programs that boosted sales across Europe and the United States in 2009. VTB Capital said in a research note that Sollers will benefit from cooperation with Fiat and be in position to take advantage of the future recovery of the Russian car market. The investment bank noted that Sollers’ current net debt of $750 million would have made it hard for the company to attract new borrowing on its own. The Naberezhnye Chelny project will draw expertise from other Russian regions, Putin said, including Togliatti, home to the struggling auto maker AvtoVAZ, Russia’s largest, which has recently seen massive lay-offs and numerous state bailouts. AvtoVAZ recently announced plans for a new platform in partnership with Renault.

Thursday 11 February 2010

With these guys…

With these guys…I really must to watch carefully for my household fund, and other money obligations. Run through the ‘numbers’ one more time… Everything, the AXA PPP Healthcare Certificate of Membership, Protection Plan payments, look if the APR is too high, etc. For now, it’s unlikely that I am with ‘Royalties & Concessions’ miss a trick.

Former managing director of the Botswana mining giant Debswana Louis Nchindo was found dead in a bush near Kasane town in the northern part of the country on Wednesday night, Business Report reported, citing Independent Foreign Service (IFS). Mmegi Online also reported Nchindo was dead and that his body had been found. According to the report on South Africa's Business Report, his family reported him missing on Tuesday after he left home in Botswana's capital Gaborone last Thursday heading for Kasane in a Toyota double cab. The police confirmed that he was missing but his vehicle was found locked in a bush in the area before his body was found, the report said. The report said Nchindo's death came at a time when he was facing over 30 criminal charges for fraud, theft and corruption. He recently revealed how the De Beers company has funded the Botswana Democratic Party and its leadership since the 1980s, it said. He was a friend of former President Festus Mogae until they fell out when the charges were laid against Nchindo just a few months before Mogae stepped down, said the report.

Miners push for record iron ore price. February 11 2010 20:33. Global mining companies are pushing steelmakers to accept a record price for iron ore for the 2010-11 annual contracts, risking a repetition of last year’s stand-off with China. The move comes as miners Vale of Brazil and Anglo-Australian Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton start their so-called “benchmark” annual talks with steel companies in Japan, led by Nippon Steel. The talks with Chinese mills, led by Baosteel, have yet to start. If the miners get their way, prices could be settled at, or even above, $90 a tonne – the record level at which the 2008-09 annual contracts were settled – sharply higher than the $60 agreed for 2009-10.

Bill Clinton, former US President, has emergency heart operation. ‎21 minutes ago‎. “Today President Bill Clinton was admitted to the Columbia Campus of New York Presbyterian Hospital after feeling discomfort in his chest,” Douglas Band, a spokesman for Mr Clinton, said in a statement.

Cada europeo tendrá que aportar 100 euros para el rescate de Grecia. Publicado el 12-02-10. Hablar es fácil, pero por ahora no hay ningún rescate. Es la crítica que lanzan los expertos ante la inconcreción de los planes de ayuda a Grecia. Ya no sólo porque los mercados necesitan una respuesta convincente a los problemas de la economía helena.

‘Shotgun Greek Wedding’: Feb. 11 German and French banks’ “enormous” exposure to Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain explains why Europe’s biggest economies are moving to rescue their southern neighbors, Societe General SA said today in a report titled “Shotgun Greek Wedding.” The CHART OF THE DAY shows how much money German, French, Swiss and U.K. banks have at stake in the so-called PIGS countries. Banks in Germany and France alone have a combined exposure of $119 billion to Greece and $909 billion to the four countries, according to data from the Bank for International Settlements. Overall, European banks have $253 billion in Greece and $2.1 trillion in the so-called PIGS. “The exposure is enormous,” said Klaus Baader, co-chief European economist at Societe Generale in London. “The crisis in Greece isn’t Greece’s problem alone but a concrete problem for Europe’s whole banking sector. That explains the interest of finance ministers in stabilizing the situation.” Leaders from the 16-nation euro area said today they have agreed to act if necessary to help Greece reduce its budget deficit and safeguard financial stability in the region. Debt- stricken Greece is struggling to convince investors it is able to reduce its deficit from 12.7 percent of gross domestic product, sparking turmoil on financial markets. Spain, Portugal and Ireland, also suffering from gaping deficits after the worst recession since World War II, have been sucked into the swirl of widening bond spreads and soaring credit default swaps. The premium investors demand to hold 10- year bonds of the so-called PIGS countries instead of benchmark German bunds, and the cost of insuring against default, have surged this year. “The countries’ situations put the finances of fiscally stronger countries in jeopardy,” Baader said. “That’s one reason why the tone changed.”

Camargo compra posição da Bipadosa e garante 32 por cento da Cimpor. Pú - ‎Há 1 hora‎. A Camargo Corrêa acaba de chegar a acordo com a Bipadosa, siderúrgica espanhola, para comprar 6,9 por cento da Cimpor, ao preço de 6,5 euros por acção, apurou o PÚBLICO junto de fonte ligada ao negócio. O negócio surge um dia depois do grupo brasileiro ter anunciado que adquiriu à Teixeira Duarte (TD) 22,17 por cento da Cimpor, garantindo a opção de compra de mais três por cento do capital através de acções detidas por empresas ligadas à família Teixeira Duarte. Globalmente o grupo brasileiro ficará (quando adquirir os três por cento) com mais de 32 por cento da Cimpor, aproximando-se do limite obrigatório (33 por cento) para o lançamento de uma Oferta Pública de Aquisição (OPA). Uma operação que não pretende concretizar.