Monday 31 August 2009

UN e parvo.

UN e parvo. A many years ago, Mike makes me a fat favor. At the entrance of my square he put one woman, a little afraid, telling me “I like four”. In that period of my life, I walk a really miserable. Now I am miserable, but with changed attitude in this respect. That time I was anger with me, with the Co, with suicidal perspective to think about the distance between me and decision makers. And how this distance was completely controlled by the Liberia University level of body-guards. And he, like the friendly people, does make me open my eyes, and showing that the most impossible situation has a “fire escape doors”. In which, with simple arithmetic’s every nut can be cracked. Remembering this lesson helps to clear up this, Co’s jock. Speaking about the two man from ‘Cери я’ received by the MNEshnikish of pan-european, ‘cosmic’ bunch of ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg, and actively thinking to put this in “good use”. I don’t know if it’s good to talk here about desperate situation of EU with енерго-носители, about the France logic growing hegemony in Mediterranean economic community, about the Germany with banana, plus “one more banana from Russia” taking in this way the engine from her. The visit of World’s limbs (i.e. Italy) to Gaddafi and big fuss here because of this. Persistence from f**** almohads (I.e. Spain, Portugal) to through my “what you do to find the job” – come to theirs, f**** almohads roots. Speak about it or not, facts talk for themselves. Important to underline here, the muon like a first stone in the Brussels and Strasburg “building”. Which show that elementar particle, in theirs case – the Bi lateral talks, conversations, chatters, natters, Bi lateral Agreements, the essential, the Basel II Interbank Agreement –lost meaning. To don’t say “in taters”. It’s like that shoemaker without shoes, como omelets sem ovos, like that ‘enemy combatant’ without limbs. Just the ongoing piggy faces without енерго-носителeй. Can be a real problem if not the universal philosophy of “заткни”, “plug-it”, “rolha ela”, etc. Well, the scenario of Ananda Balasana… Because the only this language is in use by this Barroso, Solana pirates with theirs body-guards Misters Abramovitch and Deripaska of terms, pre-conditions and level of knowledge. Which any one have the “imagination” enough to put in practical use. Who never se before the three-to-one sexual act? A PRETO. Come to mind the naïve (?) play of Total. When theirs RD make huge announcement tailored to my CV, i.e. my previous experience in oil, gas and petrochemicals “called” Reference 300. Was in internet, was in The Times and in The Economist. Shame is that I was too much stupid to “bite”. In any way, all this was a many years ago. Now, by the counsel of wise mans, I am much more changing man. More old, smugger, and much more unforgettable. People (I don’t talk about me. Because, with me is more simple: Or me or this f**** almohads race), go to remember for many centuries “A copo de aqua”, “A a minha despença” and “O meu coronel (Commander in Chief of UFOR with ebalo of almohads clown saving private Ryan’, etc.) And than holding his heart in his arms run to the Chile look for clean 5 off-shores in the beach “Do Rainha de Isabel”… Speaking in this way, like to emphasize the fact that the philosophy of the “bica” make almost impossible for them to use the ‘two limbs acquired in Cuba’ for any use in any of theirs Real Federación Española de Fútbol. Whatever is theirs Political Right connotation. I told you, it’s not just the outstanding financial debts with me; it is theirs phalanges “de nascence”. In natural way, want to speak a little bit more about the GermanyIsrael meeting. It is one thing to trust someone, another to place total, blind faith in this someone. Than, it is not a gesture of trust, it is, like the case of the Germany and Israel – an abdication of responsibilities. Good God that “жидівочка” was wearing the shadows. Explaining in this way that I can take some risks with my faith. As with all rest of the risks I ever take. Make it only a gamble that I know I can recover from in the unlikely event that it should fail. (I.e. Mai da todas as guerras). Whether it become problematic to connect, reconnect or disconnect the ‘Policy Making’ and ‘CV broking’ of these days. When the position of Europe, Asia, South Pacific and Africa, the Middle East and Estonia, all with tight supervision of “rusia petroleum” speaking in Georgian from America – only to offering me an Alghai (i.e. верблюжью колючку)… Even not the Sakura (i.e. Japanese kanji, cherry), but yes, the shahidku Valiu at the age of +/-5 years, running directly to my legs (and not the first time) with (wild guess) which finality. Mean, the book of “Russia and Police for dummies”… Or again, the clean 5 off-shores in Miller understanding. Well, dear “medvedevs” and “putins”, я же вам подал двух body-guards (i.e. Formosa and Ostende Max; schroder and barroso; Nikita and Nirint; козлы martynenko; rementchuk and zhuravlevitch; etc.) – now, collect the poles, set up the teams, fly with Rome’s Papa and радуйтесь пока я добрый… See for yourselves. meus caro senhores, you can have an entire armory at you disposal (even the Cuban missals), but if you don’t know how to employ the firepower, you’ll be like that “squirrel from Danzig Corridor” – and this won’t help you win your battle. On the other hand (it is now for me), if my aim is true and my target is carefully chosen, I can accomplish all I need to with a simple “shot”.

Putin’s plane hits airport pole. 29 Aug 2009 11:00 APA. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s plane hit a pole during the landing at the Lech Walensa airport in Gdansk, Poland. The left wing of the government’s plane was damaged, APA reports quoting Putin was not on board. The plane carried the officials, arriving in Poland for preparations of the Prime Minister’s official visit to this country, officers of the special services and drivers. It is not clear yet whether it was a mistake of pilots or dispatcher service. Putin will visit Poland on September 1 to attend the events on 70 years anniversary of the start of World War Two.

Tiffany quarterly profit falls less than expected. Tiffany & Co. profit fell less than analysts estimated in the three months ended July 31, helped by higher than expected sales and lower expenses, Bloomberg reported. Net income declined to $56.8 million from $80.8 million, the New York- based company said today in a statement. Revenue shrank 16% to $612.5 million in the three months ended July 31, beating the $600.7 million average of analysts’ estimates in aBloomberg survey. Tiffany raised its annual profit forecast, the report said. Sales at US stores open at least a year decreased 27% after declining 34% in the previous quarter. Jewellery sales have fallen as international tourism slowed, Wall Street cut jobs and home values declined. Selling, general and administrative costs fell 14%, after Tiffany reduced marketing spending and offered early retirement to employees, said the report. “There is no doubt this is an earnings beat and I think the primary factor is the cost reductions,” David Schick, an analyst with Stifel Nicolaus & Co. in Baltimore, said in a telephone interview with Bloomberg. “The company took a hard look at expenses and the business has stabilized to some extent sequentially.” “It appears to us that the tide may be slowly turning in our favor,” Mark Aaron, a company spokesman, said on a conference call with investors and analysts. Selling, general and administrative expenses fell to $247.9 million from $287.5 million. Robert Drbul, an analyst with Barclays Capital in New York, projected $254.6 million. Tiffany raised its annual profit forecast to as much as $1.75 a share from a previous maximum of $1.60, and projected sales would decline 10% versus 11% previously. Sixteen analysts estimated annual profit of $1.58 on average, the report said. Bloomberg.

Gem's H1 profit down 31%. Gem Diamonds Ltd posted a 31% fall in first-half pretax profit on lower revenue, and said it still remained cautious on the US market, Reuters reported. However, the London-headquartered diamond producer said on Wednesday it saw a growth in demand for diamonds from China. "At the retail end of the chain, demand for diamond wedding jewellery remains strong in the Middle East, Asia and the United States," Chief Executive Clifford Elphick said in a statement. For the six months ended June 30, the company posted a pretax profit of $17.2 million, compared with a profit of $25.2 million last year, according to the report. Revenue fell 29% to $117.8 million. The group had gross cash of $120.5 million and no debt at end-June, it said. Shares of Gem Diamonds, whose assets are spread across nine countries, closed at 260 pence on Tuesday on the London Stock Exchange. Thomson Reuters. Оружие пустыни. Саудовская Аравия готовится подписать с Россией рекордные военные контракты Саудовская Аравия вскоре подпишет несколько контрактов на закупку российской боевой техники. Речь идет о вертолетах разных модификаций, танках Т-90С, БТР и зенитных ракетных систем. Общая сумма сделки составит 2 млрд долларов. До конца года Эр-Рияд приобретет вертолеты Ми-171, Ми-35 и танки Т-90С. Военный бюджет страны в следующем году увеличится до 44 млрд долларов. До последнего времени Саудовская Аравия закупала технику в западных странах. Саудовская Аравия готовится подписать разом несколько контрактов по покупке российского оружия на сумму до 2 млрд долларов. Об этом «Интерфаксу» сообщил источник в оборонно-промышленном комплексе. Отметим, что разговоры о заключении подобных контрактов ведутся последние два года, однако, если верить полученной информации, сделка теперь приобретает реальные очертания и стороны подпишут взаимовыгодные контракты. Саудовская Аравия собирается закупить до 150 вертолетов (30 Ми-35 и до 120 вертолетов Ми-17 различных модификаций), более 150 танков Т-90С, порядка 250 боевых машин пехоты БМП-3, несколько десятков зенитных ракетных систем и комплексов. «По ряду этих контрактов все технические и финансовые вопросы уже практически согласованы, по другим ведется работа», - утверждает источник, добавляя, что сначала будут подписаны контракты на поставку вертолетов и танков. По вертолетам Ми-171, Ми-35 и танкам Т-90С сделки могут быть заключены «уже в этом году». Источник рассказал еще о начале переговоров о возможной закупке Саудовской Аравией новейших зенитных ракетных систем С-400 «Триумф» и боевых вертолетов Ми-28. Но каковы перспективы этих контрактов, не уточняется. По словам источника, военные специалисты Саудовской Аравии внимательно изучали возможности российского оружия, прежде чем решили его приобрести. Группы экспертов несколько раз приезжали в Россию. Более того, «Рособоронэкспорт» провел испытания танка Т-90С в Саудовской Аравии, и машина очень хорошо зарекомендовала себя «при действиях в условиях пустыни». Не секрет, что активному развитию военно-технического сотрудничества России и Саудовской Аравии способствовало подписание в 2007 году межправительственного соглашения по ВТС. Это произошло при президенте Владимире Путине. До этого соглашения оружейный рынок Саудовской Аравии был практически закрыт для России. В октябре того 2007 года французские СМИ сообщали, что Эр-Рияд подписал соглашение на закупку более 150 российских вертолетов Ми-35 (по классификации НАТО - Hind) и Ми-17 (Hip) на сумму более 2 миллиардов долларов. На оружейном рынке Саудовской Аравии доминируют западноевропейские страны во главе с Соединенными Штатами. На их долю приходится до 55% всех поставок, а США – более 40%. Оборонный бюджет Саудовской Аравии составляет более 33 млрд долларов. Ожидается, что в 2010 году он увеличится до 44 млрд долларов. Американское агентство The Associated Press попыталось получить комментарии от «Рособоронэкспорта» по поводу последней информации о готовящихся сделках, но его представители были недоступны. Возможно, сделка по покупке российских вертолетов могла быть заключена намного раньше. Однако в середине лета сообщалось, что представители Саудовской Аравии долго изучают вопрос комплектации вертолетов современной авионикой компании «Транзас», которая предлагает интегрированный бортовой комплекс вертолета ИБКВ-17.

Record-breaking sheep sells for price of a small house. As the most expensive sheep in the world, there is one thing Deveronvale Perfection can be sure of – at £231,000, he will never be made into lamb chopsThe Texel shocked the agriculture world after selling for the astronomical sum at a livestock auction in Scotland. The sale broke the last UK record of around £134,000 for a Texel tup - or ram - in 2002 and even the world record for a sheep in Australia in the 1980s. But the lamb could make its new owner a good return, and go on to be worth millions after selling his progeny around the world. The sheep was sold by Graham Morrison for 220,000 guineas - or £231,000 - at the Scottish National Texel Sale at Lanark Market on Thursday. The February-born tup lamb, bred by embryo transfer, is the offspring of one of the breed’s leading tups, Kelso Oxygen, and a champion ewe, Knock Magnum. It was bought by breeder Jimmy Douglas of Cairness, Aberdeenshire who as not available for comment on Friday.

Belarusian jet crashes at Polish air show, 2 dead. 08/30/2009 11:16:20 AM MDT

WARSAW, Poland—A Belarusian fighter jet crashed Sunday during an air show in central Poland, killing both pilots on board the two-seater plane, officials said. The Su-27 jet went down while performing maneuvers at a festival in Radom, 65 miles (105 kilometers) south of Warsaw. Footage broadcast on state television in Poland showed the plane turning in the air, then dropping behind trees. A giant cloud of black smoke appeared on the horizon. The Su-27 was not near the tarmac or crowds attending the air show when it crashed. The two Belarusian pilots were killed, the air show's organizers said in a statement. A joint Polish-Belarusian panel of experts was investigating the cause. The Belarusian Defense Ministry said the crash was likely caused by birds becoming entangled in an engine. When the plane began to lose altitude during a stunt flight, the pilots "did not eject and steered the plane away from the town, avoiding graver consequences at the cost of their lives," ministry spokesman Vyacheslav Remenchuk said. He identified the pilots as Col. Alexander Morfitsky and Col. Alexander Zhuravlevich. He said Morfitsky was deputy commander of an air force unit in western Belarus, and Zhuravlevich was deputy commander of a fighter base. The jet was one of two Belarusian planes taking part in the show. The other aircraft was a transport plane.

Qatar Telecom interessada na participação da PT na Meditel. 31/08/09 09:04. A operadora árabe, que fornece serviços telefónicos do Norte de África até à Ásia, confirmou hoje o seu interesse em adquirir a participação que a operadora portuguesa detém na Meditel. “As intenções dos restantes accionistas da Meditel ainda não estão claras, e como tal, a Qtel vai continuar a monitorizar a situação até os factos se tornarem mais claros”, disse a Qatar Telecom em comunicado, citado pela Bloomberg. A Portugal Telecom tem actualmente em curso um processo destinado a vender a sua participação de 32% no capital da Medi Telecom [Meditel]. A operadora espanhola Telefónica já anunciou que estará disponível para vender a sua própria participação de 32% no capital da Meditel, caso a PT conseguisse encontrar comprador. Às 8h49, a PTsubia 0,39% para 7,22 euros.

Um sapato deixado em …Than to don’t forget the Barroso and camionists straik dedicated to HIM. More the gruesome handing of this mother-fucker and step daughter. Acidente em carrossel faz dois feridos graves. O acidente ocorreu numa feira perto da praia de Esmoriz, Aveiro, quando a cadeira de quatro lugares do carrossel se soltou, projectando os ocupantes - um homem e os três filhos menores. 9:38 Segunda-feira, 31 de Ago de 2009. As três crianças e o adulto que ficaram feridos num acidente com um carrossel em Esmoriz, ontem, seguiam na mesma cadeira que se desprendeu da estrutura e são pai e filhos, clarificou hoje o comandante dos bombeiros locais. O acidente, cujo alerta foi dado à meia-noite, ocorreu num recinto de uma feira perto da praia de Esmoriz, Aveiro, quando a cadeira de quatro lugares do carrossel se soltou, projectando para o chão dois dos seus ocupantes - um homem de 42 anos e um dos seus filhos, de 14 anos. Os dois apresentam ferimentos graves, incluindo fracturas múltiplas e hemorragias internas, tendo o adulto sido transportado para o Hospital São Sebastião, em Santa Maria da Feira, e o jovem para o Hospital de São João, no Porto, precisou o comandante dos Bombeiros Voluntários de Esmoriz, Jacinto Oliveira. Na cadeira seguiam ainda mais dois filhos menores do homem, de 9 e 12 anos, que sofreram ferimentos ligeiros e foram transportados para o Hospital de Santa Maria da Feira. O carrossel foi selado, estando a GNR a investigar as causas do acidente, adiantou o comandante Jacinto Oliveira. A feira decorre no âmbito das festividades em honra da Nossa Senhora da Boa Viagem e do Nosso Senhor dos Aflitos, que terminam terça-feira. Há três meses ocorreu um acidente idêntico com um carrossel no parque de diversões do Senhor do Matosinhos, causando ferimentos em oito pessoas.

Possible reaction between Ukraine and Russia after Radom. 'Kerzon Line':Colligion of Roterdam. Today's SotD post regards a special occasion near the Port of Rotterdam. Last night the vessels MSC Nikita (IMO: 7820942, Port of Registry: Panama), bound for Antwerp and Nirint Pride (IMO: 9214575, Port of Registry: Douglas, Isle of Man) collided into each other at the intersection point of the shipping lane outward from Rotterdam and the shipping lane for southbound traffic, also called the 'roundabout'. The MSC Nikita suffered heavy damage near the engine room where a large breach in the hull was found. On the Nirint Pride a fire broke out. After extinquishing the fire, the Nirint Pride was able to return to the port of Rotterdam on her own power where she is currently located at Moerdijk. On crew member of the Nirint Pride had to be taken to a hospital with breathing problems. On board the MSC Nikita were no casualties. All crewmembers have been evacuated from the ship and she has been towed to a safe area where the vessel will not cause problems for vessel traffic. At the collision three containers were lost in sea.

Saturday 29 August 2009

Qual penetracao agora vosses nao intendem?

Qual penetracao agora vosses nao intendem? E altura de comecar falar dos eleccoes na “cor Vassia”. Aruma-se desta forma, o novo membro do EU – Ukrania, constroisse-a a nova base de marinha Russa e preserva-se o amigaveis relacoes basiados no meu diploma (robado pelo governo Portugues), salva-se a chinoca Valia do Botin, preserva-se o Acordo interbancario do Baselha 2, e todo resto. Para ja nao falar do pirata Barroso cara do qual fica escondida pelo um almohad qual-quer. So de pensar como os Karzaistas vao passar ferias, nem quero pensar do meu passaport. Olhao para os half-dogs, half-pigs, half-goat MNE snikish que shegarao ao tao important conclusao: se apanhas na cabeca – significa que o teu irmao que bateu… E esta em?

Two Syrian detainees transferred to Portugal and released. Two Syrian nationals that were being held at the US detention centre in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, were transferred to Portugal by US authorities on Friday and were released, the Portuguese interior ministry said on its website. AFP - Two Syrian detainees held at the US-run Guantanamo Bay prison were transferred to Portugal on Friday by US authorities where they were freed to live in the community, officials said. The two detainees "arrived August 28 in Portugal... and they were released," the Portuguese interior ministry said in a statement on its website. They are "not subject to any charge, they are free people and are living in homes provided by state," officials said.

TONY BLAIR did a deal in the desert on the Lockerbie bomber in return for trade and oil agreements, the son of Libyan leader Colonel Moammar Gaddafi claimed yesterday.

The impact of this decision is too difficult to diminish. It’ll go far beyond from energy policy, the life of Visigoths or the EU oral sex. It can be translated like the two legs of Co goal, like the Double Hull rubbish, like the two heads, like the two tongs of every sucker from every Foreign Office of Uzbeks’ Northern Alliance. Like the more stupid possible way to find the reason to carry on “what you do to find the job”. Preserving the EADS, cosmic salaries of ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg – one leg, and the brewing the necessary prerequisites for “Mai da todas as Guerras” – another leg.

Friday 28 August 2009

Ananda Balasana...

Ananda Balasana...Was thinking all morning how little money of my ideas, notes and “instructions” get in. The generally good disposition, after the putting thoughts in writing does help. Even if the two ladies from Germany and Israel doing the exactly what I was wishing for, the money is low or not exist at all. The Co in theirs turn, was a little bit bully about proposed images for my last “€ per £ 1.13 0.43%” note. But the environment (i.e. the street) was close enough in theirs FOLLOW-UP of my ratio. The гоп-стоп of “my car” with four “followers” inside, proved the kind of solidity of MY regular contact of some, very impressive shared interests. Saying this, immediately want to remember that UK Parliament not only very carefully was studying my CV, but also exploring now to the last point, the my previous experience and expertise. For theirs, – private accounts and wishes. Exploiting me in this way, to the last dollar. Just to recalling what the “Co” was saying in respect of the BBC programme called ‘The Frankincense Trail’ – give me the crips… It’s really like that say: “Outside of Vatican, a cluster of joyful nuns”, (see the article about “my petrodollars” and the ČZ story). Remmebering too how the “Boзвращение Жида” i.e. “Come back to Jiddah”, a very serious Project made by me inside of “Techniman Portuguesa, S.A.”, and the “ConsulTerra” Ltd. which was connected with an International Consulting of THE CONTAINER CRISIS. See the article. In another words, to translate this (apparent) nonsense, I can say for Bletchley Park the next: “A man always has two reasons for what he does – a good one and the real one”. Like the continuation, it is the same with the German Axel Springer AG’s offering of Auschwitz blue prints to the Israel (how wonderful is my scenario!). However, (for me and my money) it can be doing a triangle. The first side, I’m writing this because are in mood to get things done. Another side is telling me ‘don’t try to swipe out existing opposition’ (i.e. continuous heavy hitting in my head when I sleep), without careful consideration. And in the third place, the tenser I become – the less things will to work out. Sounds a little bit like that very boring paragraph in the thousands of Application Forms filled by me. That section which is called “Why you think you would be great for the company?” Well, in any way, since the two of us (i.e. “partners” or “workmates”) are kind of bound ‘at the hip’ in the blending businesses and/or personal interests – it’s expectable that they are likely to spark the disagreements or power play from time to time. However, if it is the money, good always to bear in mind, it’s not how much someone has in the bank that counts (i.e. the Eurofighter Oda), but how much kindness you have to share.(For this reason nation of the shit from camel turned around, read third article, read my lips and keep be with me always a lá Manifesto from the “Sold me anything” Party). I KNOW VERY WELL FROM WHERE COMES THE IDEA OF AXEL SPRINGER AG’s BLUE PRINTS FOR THE EDITORA NOTíCIAS…

Suicide bomber lightly injures Saudi prince. Militant attacks assistant interior minister at Ramadan gathering. 11:41 p.m. ET Aug. 27, 2009. RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - A suicide bomber lightly wounded a senior prince largely credited for Saudi Arabia's anti-terrorism campaign when he blew himself up just before going into a gathering of well-wishers for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, the state news agency said Friday. It was the first known assassination attempt against a member of the royal family since Saudi Arabia began its crackdown on al-Qaida affiliated militants eight years ago following the Sept. 11 terror attacks in the United States. The militant who attacked the assistant interior minister, Prince Muhammad bin Nayef, late Thursday at the Ramadan gathering in Jiddah had previously expressed his intention to give himself up to the official, the Saudi Press Agency quoted the royal court as saying.

Swiss businessmen not returned from Libya. An aircraft sent by the Swiss government to Libya to pick up two Swiss businessmen held in the country for more than a year has returned empty to Switzerland, the government said Friday.The Swiss Air Force Falcon had arrived Wednesday in the Libyan capital Tripoli after the Libyan government was quoted by the official news agency Jana as saying the businessmen would be allowed to leave. But the Swiss government said early Friday that the plane "has returned to Switzerland from Tripoli tonight. The two Swiss businessmen are still in Tripoli." The statement went on: "Preparations for their return to Switzerland are continuing." Tripoli last week promised to allow the two businessmen to leave the country after Swiss President Hans-Rudolf Merz apologised to the Libyan people for the arrest of one of Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi's sons, in a bid to end a year-long standoff. Swiss authorities said Wednesday that the two men, one of whom worked for Swedish-Swiss engineering giant ABB and the other a small construction firm, had received exit visas but were still waiting for Libyan officials to finalise administrative procedures. Kadhafi's son Hannibal and his wife were arrested in a luxury Geneva hotel in July 2008 after two of their servants, a Moroccan and a Tunisian, alleged they had been mistreated. The Kadhafi couple was freed on bail after two days in custody, while the complaint against them was later dropped after a lawyer said the servants had received compensation. But the incident sparked outrage from the Kadhafi family. It led to a freeze on Swiss business, the withdrawal of Libyan assets from Swiss banks and disruption to oil deliveries. In addition, the two Swiss businessmen were prevented from leaving the North African country. Merz's apology sparked a political storm in Switzerland, with Justice Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf saying that "legally one can't apologise in this case," while the daily Le Temps called it a "humiliation." The Swiss president has said there was "no other choice" and assumed responsibility for the "consequences" of his deal. "Today I have fulfilled my mission and achieved my goals of wiping the slate clean of last year's incident and opening the Libyan market" to Swiss firms once again, Merz said last week. "It is a satisfying outcome for me." Tripoli promised to allow the two businessmen to leave the country after Merz apologised, and media and politicians criticised the president for returning without them. He was given only a verbal pledge that they would be allowed out by September 1. That date is the 40th anniversary of Kadhafi's arrival in power and will be marked by lavish ceremonies, as well as by an amnesty for petty criminals.

Bookberry (Букбери) is a chain of bookstores based in Moscow, Russia, and with stores in that city and in Yekaterinburg. The chain was launched by private investors in 2003, with 36% of its shares owned by Alexander Mamut (also a shareholder in Ingosstrah, and Corbina Telecom, a Golden Telecomsubsidiary); a further percentage split equally between Roman Lola, Dmitry Kushaev and Maxim Scherbakov, and the rest by Waterstone’s founder, Tim Waterstone. In February 2008, a company controlled by Oleg Deripaska, Rainko, bought a controlling stake, buying out Lola, Kushaev and Scherbakov entirely. By late 2008, the chain comprised 13 stores (up from 10 in late 2005), located in large shopping malls and on a number of major streets. The CEO departed in January 2009, and by March 2009, five stores were closed, including the last-opened, on Tverskaya Street.

Прощай, «Букбери» Подконтрольная Олегу Дерипаске книготорговая сеть «Букбери», вошедшая по итогам 2008 г. в десятку крупнейших розничных продавцов книг, в этом году прекратит существовать. 28.08.2009. В московском арбитражном суде 26 августа был зарегистрирован иск о банкротстве компании «Букбери трейд».

Thursday 27 August 2009

€ per £ 1.13 0.43%.

€ per £ 1.13 0.43% Foto of medvedev and putin cows. Terrible night. The night of the blue eyes. The night of the yet Korean War. My night sleep, in which I’m in the waiting room were the blue eyes with long lashes framed like a picture and putted in the wall. (I.e. in the some kind of putin’s/medvedev’s embassy celebrating the ex-President of Portuguese Republic Sampaio cement). Apparently, pass all this years; I know the mechanics of the why this happen. Essentially is the money. When the talk is about the $42, $ 16,5 or $16 billion dollars – who first run to save the nation – is the ongoing piggy faces. But, this, the money and all (mean, hitting in my head, football disturbances, danger for Biko Holding and for the body-guards of barroso’s), should be seeing by the way to treat and deviate the “goal”. Start with the photo of the wife of medvedev and the danger which the article about Liskula Cohen made for Vardanian and Co. Or how these russian pigs say: She clothes at the Zaitchev, but where hell she take her dress away? Making the point that the russia – is she, and the enormous whore is she too. Than putting the open car in my dreams, inside my ex with putin, who have his Lenin’s bold head is pierced by the my, in sleep blows, hiding (because of shame?) his face from the half-pigs, half-dogs, half-goat seeing… Than is another thing. Why the Bruno, the EU-Germany-the De Beers pederast appeared again? Very simpatico, well humored all day long? Maybe because of blue eyes of the Holly German Cow? Or only because A PRETO? (The German-Jew meeting).I don’t know. But know for sure, that the dreams can be the most powerful motivations of all. More yet, if the my, yesterday politics (see the Aero Fret Business about coal, preto and barroso’s body-guards), are not unfortunately at the end. Tracing the thin line between “European Power Alert” and than to eat for comfort more than maybe good for me… However, its, if I sense that someone (for example the body-guards of Clinton’s) is hostile towards me, it is very hard not to feel hostile back. In same time and place, will be useful to say that at the present time and place, will be useful to say that keeping my reaction down, may well deflect a lot more of the trouble that can be coming on my way. Don’t forget the golden years of disintegration of USSR. When the rats from all continents (including the Las Americas) eat well – don’t allowing me this luxury. Even if this statement is the eventual point that worth be to considered today. The motto live and let live – is universal. Actually, the good motto for most of the time. Who don’t see what is work with my writings and what doesn’t? And start to realize that what works beautifully for us (i.e. “partners” and “workmates”), might not go so ‘swimmingly’ for others.

€ per £1.130.43%

Six-hour ordeal for passengers as Eurotunnel train breaks down. 27.08.09. More than 500 passengers were trapped in the Channel Tunnel for six hours when their Eurotunneltrain broke down. Holidaymakers endured temperatures of 30C after the power failed, shutting off the air conditioning and lights. The lavatories stopped working and bottled water ran out. Passengers said panic took hold after Eurotunnel failed to give any information about how they were going to get out. Some passed out and others had asthma attacks. They were finally rescued at 2.30am yesterday. Services in both directions were halted while a rescue train arrived to pull out the broken-down one. Eurostar services were also affected and around 3,000 people had journeys delayed. Arthur Davis, 69, from Chelmer Village near Chelmsford in Essex, was on the 7.50pm Calais to Folkstone service with his wife. He said: "It was a total and utter shambles. We had one announcement that there was a problem and nothing after that for the next six hours." Eurotunnel apologised and offered refunds.

Merkel diz que jantar pago a banqueiro foi assunto de Estado. 27/08/09 10:37. A chanceler alemã rejeitou as críticas por ter usado dinheiro dos contribuintes para oferecer um jantar ao CEO do maior banco do país, já que foi uma “oportunidade” para falar com altos empresários. Angela Merkel afirmou que o grande jantar efectuado em Abril de 2008 na chancelaria germânica com o CEO do Deutsche Bank, Joseph Ackermann, e mais 25 dos amigos, não se tratou de uma festa de aniversário, mas sim uma “oportunidade” de usar o 60º aniversário do banqueiro para efectuar “conversações” com figuras de proa da economia, cultura e educação do país. “Sou alguém que tenta juntar sempre grupos que normalmente não se reúnem”, disse Merkel em entrevista ao canal de televisão N24. A chanceler germânica, que enfrenta eleições legislativas em Setembro, tem estado a ser alvo de críticas por ter alegadamente usado o dinheiro dos contribuintes para dar uma grande festa de aniversário ao líder do maior banco do país. No início do mês, Ackermann disse em entrevista à televisão que o jantar foi um favor pessoal por parte de Merkel e que foi “uma tarde maravilhosa” para si e para os seus amigos.

Wednesday 26 August 2009

Aero Fret Business.

Aero Fret Business. I see how the rest of the week can be unrealistic and impracticable. Maybe because of “partners” and “workmates” who feel influenced by the too much complex businesses. My instincts however, are indicating, sort of speak, a “new” search and “career openings”… But, comeback to the Aero Fret Business. I see this Makeevka like the putin amd medvedev travel to the Yakutian/Mongolian energy providers. The Subject to scrutiny together with EU/Biko Holding prices. Also, the notable grow in China demand for coal.

Eight dead in Ukraine mine accident. Mon, 24 Aug 2009 05:38:42 GMT. Kiev - Eight Ukrainian coal miners died and five were injured in an underground accident, the Interfax news agency reported Monday. Mine officials in Makeevka city of the eastern Donetsk province reported the suspected underground explosion early Saturday evening. The five injured miners were expected to recover, and were receiving treatment in hospitals. All victims had suffered burn injuries, Channel 5 television reported. A total 141 men were known to have been in a gallery about 110 metres below ground when a probable methane gas detonation took place shortly before 6 pm, according to news reports. Recovery work was in progress but official reaction was slowed because of a national holiday on Monday, Ukrainian Independence Day.

European Power Alert The independent real-time information service for the European electricity and natural gas industry. European Power Alert, a real-time screen service, brings you news of up-to-the-minute industry developments, price discovery, market commentary, plus vital cross-fuel comparisons and weather. It also delivers quotes from exchanges including the ICE, Nord Pool, EEX and APX, giving you the ultimate information resource for electricity and gas traders in Europe, including price history. Driven by the Platts team of reporters, our coverage is more comprehensive, our assessments are more broadly sourced and our news delivered more quickly than any other energy intelligence service. Platts rolling news and price reporting service delivers the crucial facts and figures as they break. Platts European Power Alert covers: live news and market coverage. electricity and gas price assessments. nuclear output/outages and reservoir levels; comprehensive weather forecasts and actual data; foreign exchange prices; historical data; Benchmarking power prices in Europe. Platts assessment methodology provides independent and trusted prices for trading. These include: Platts spot / forward electricity assessments on the UK, French, German, Belgian, Dutch, Czech and Spanish markets; Platts natural gas assessments: NBP, Zeebrugge, TTF, PEG, EGT, PSV; Platts PEP and CONTI indexes; Daily exchange summaries from Europe's exchanges, including ICE, Nord Pool, EEX and APX; Cross-market comparisons with fuel oil, gasoil, natural gas and coal plus Platts spark spreads; Platts coal assessments, including Europe ARA CIF; Flexible Display and Delivery Options: Platts has developed partnerships with leading software and network providers to provide tailor-made solutions for integrating Platts real-time intelligence with your company's information systems.

Seven die in Congo Republic air crash: government. Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:13am EDT. BRAZZAVILLE (Reuters) - Five Russian crew members and two Congolese passengers died Wednesday when an Antonov 12 cargo plane crashed near the capital Brazzaville, Congo Republic's ministry of transport said. The plane had taken off from Pointe Noire, the country's economic capital, at 0500 GMT and crashed an hour later about 20 km (12.5 miles) south of its destination, Brazzaville, Transport Minister Emile Ouosso told journalists Wednesday. "We have been to the site and we found that the 5 Russian crew members died, as well as two Congolese who were not on the manifest," Ouosso said. The minister could not give any further details on the reason for the crash but investigators had been sent to the scene. Officials were also trying to confirm if there were any other passengers onboard. Many in Central Africa rely on Antonov aircraft to travel around the region due to the lack of roads but crashes are frequent due aging planes and the lack of maintenance. In 2007, Congo's government banned passengers from traveling on Antonovs but the Antonov 12 cargo aircraft are still allowed to ferry goods the 500 km between Brazzaville and Pointe Noire.


When Co with responsible people the type of Prince Charles the II make me “cama”, arranging the temporary placement at the Ghana’s preto called Mr. More (море), I accept by several reasons. To start with, can say that “…taxa nos créditos à habitação em Portugal hit a new historical minimum today. The Euribor of six months was pluming today to 1,099%...” I recall too, how russia (you know how I call them), very excited, with brutish force, make everything to me for I ask him (i.e. Mr. More/море) for a car. Yesterday, they were ugly like this. Running around me to buy the best car in Ulan-Bator… Now is clear to see how the triangle of Miller (i.e. EU energy policy), with the two body-guards at each side (i.e. Evraz and Rusal) diluted for completely theirs, i.e. medvedev, putin, barroso’s geo-strategic tong. But God be with them. When my feeling intensify, like today (i.e. keep receive the hitting in my head), they bring, for Kennedy’s matter, a highly subjective plans to me. For example, the Kennedy news. Call the attention fact, which on yesterday BBC2 news was talking about gaps in the Wikipedia, which should be monitored more closely. Well, sometimes when I see the trouble coming my way, I don’t step aside; I square up to it. ‘Come on then,’ I say, ‘bring it on. Do your worst’. This kind of courage can turn out to be misplaced. When I think that I foresee a problem and leaping like monkey into a defensive position before actually been attacked. (I.e. hitting in my head). However it is, will be better if I take this (i.e. Wikipedia/Kennedy subject) into consideration. The same is with the Aviva rounded by the Evraz and Rusal… In any way it’s how I operate on a normal basis. Sharing the information and “asking” for suggestions. Way of enjoying to feel my way through a relationship.

Edward Kennedy loses cancer battle. Last Updated: Wednesday, 26 August 2009, 05:01 GMT Over the decades, he put his imprint on every major piece of social legislation to clear the Congress. A family statement said: "We've lost the irreplaceable centre of our family and joyous light in our lives, but the inspiration of his faith, optimism, and perseverance will live on in our hearts forever. We thank everyone who gave him care and support over this last year, and everyone who stood with him for so many years in his tireless march for progress toward justice, fairness and opportunity for all." Senator Kennedy lost two of his brothers - John and Robert - to assassins' bullets, and his own hopes of reaching the White House were damaged, perhaps doomed, in 1969 by the scandal that came to be known as Chappaquiddick, a car accident that left a young woman dead. Senator Kennedy - known to family, friends and foes simply as Ted - ended his quest for the presidency in 1980 with a stirring valedictory that echoed across the decades: "For all those whose cares have been our concern, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dream shall never die." The third-longest-serving senator in US history, he was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumour in May 2008 and underwent surgery and a gruelling regime of radiation and chemotherapy. His death comes just weeks after that of his sister Eunice Kennedy Shriver, who died on August 11.

Australia approves $42bn LNG project. August 26 2009 05:21. Gorgon, one of the world’s biggest liquefied natural gas developments, cleared a significant hurdle on Wednesday when Australia’s federal government granted environmental approval for the A$50bn (US$42bn) project. Canberra’s decision paves the way for Chevron, the US oil group that is 50-per cent owner and operator of Gorgon, to make its “final investment decision” to develop the project’s gas fields off the coast of Western Australia within months, the company said in a statement. Asian countries, led by China, have already set themselves up to be major customers of Gorgon LNG. PetroChina, China’s largest energy company, this month agreed to buy US$41bn worth of Gorgon LNG over 20 years from ExxonMobilwhich, together with Royal Dutch Shell, owns the rest of Gorgon. Shell signed a “sales and purchase” agreement with PetroChina for Gorgon LNG in 2007 while Chevron has agreements with three Japanese utilities. Gorgon is one of the most ambitious of about 10 LNG projects being developed in Australia. Peter Garrett, minister for the environment, said Gorgon had undergone a high level of scrutiny before it was deemed acceptable. He said the “key focus” had been whether Gorgon’s expansion could manage the potential impact on protected species such as the flatback turtle and terrestrial fauna. Canberra’s approval of Gorgon had been widely expected given the significant long-term benefits the project will provide to the Australian economy, including tens of billions of dollars in tax revenues and thousands of jobs. An oil spill off the Western Australian coast last Friday, however, has provided ammunition to environmentalists who believe LNG projects pose material risks to wildlife along Australia’s pristine coastline. Roy Krzywosinski, Chevron Australia’s managing director, said Gorgon had global significance with a resource base of more than 40,000bn cubic feet of gas and an estimated economic life of at least 40 years from the time of start-up. “[It] is Australia’s largest single resource project and is set to deliver significant economic benefits and create around 10,000 indirect and direct jobs during peak construction,” Mr Krzywosinski said. Chevron said the project had been deliberately sited to avoid areas of particular conservation significance. “The three-train Gorgon will have minimal additional environmental impact when compared to the already-approved two-train project,” Chevron said. An LNG train is a gas processing facility. Chevron plans to build three 5m tonne per annum LNG trains, one of the world’s largest carbon dioxide injection projects as well as a domestic gas plant. Australia’s Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) gave conditional approval for Gorgon’s expansion in May. The EPA said that Gorgon’s location on the Barrow Island nature reserve would need to deal sensitively with flatback turtle rookeries and it was also concerned about the impact of dredging and marine infrastructure on the coral habitat. The Western Australian government in 2007 overruled the EPA’s recommendation that “industry should not be located” on Barrow Island. Chevron is still negotiating a number of state and federal approvals, including production licences and development applications. These discussions are unlikely to disrupt Gorgon’s development plans.

Hassan Nemazee Arrested on Fraud Charge; New York Donors Stunned. By JASON HOROWITZ The New York donor community has been dealt its second shock of the year. Hassan Nemazee, a former finance chair for the presidential campaigns of John Kerry and Hillary Clinton and a finance chair for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, was charged by the U.S. Attorney’s office in New York with attempting to defraud Citigroup out of $74 million. He now faces up to 30 years in prison, according to Reuters. He was arrested at Newark Liberty International Airport this morning on the way to Rome, where he has a home and, according to several sources, was angling for a posting as the United States ambassador. Nemazee, who is 59, nearly became the U.S. ambassador to Argentina under Bill Clinton, for whom he also bundled, but did not make it through the vetting process. The arrest comes several months after Steven Rattner, a friend of Nemazee and also a major bundler to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, became the target of scrutiny when his name surfaced in relation to an apparent kickback scheme involving access to New York’s pension fund. But while the Rattner business caused a stir among other top-tier donors—Rattner was not charged with any crime--Nemazee’s arrest is a seismic event. “I just don’t know what to say--I find it almost incomprehensible,” said Alan Patricof, a finance co-chair on the Clinton 2008 campaign and a friend of Nemazee. “I don’t know what’s happening in this world.” Patricof said that Nemazee was a major force in Democratic politics, and had been in their home in Rome. He said he admired Nemazee as a person, a Democrat and a fund-raiser. “He was one of those guys who delivered,” Patricof said. “He was always very refined and polite. I feel terrible” Another influential New York fund-raiser said, “Everyone is like ‘Oh my god, oh my god.’” The arrest was announced by Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York. Bharara recently left his job as senior legal aide to Chuck Schumer, who was close to Nemazee and was a recipient of his donations. Nemazee is also a major contributor to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, and her supporters have cited him as the most influential bundler in her corner in her attempts to freeze out competition in a Democratic primary. Prosecutors allege that Nemazee, the chairman and chief executive of Nemazee Capital, used fraudulent and forged documents suggesting he had hundreds of millions of dollars in capital to obtain up to $74 million in loans from Citigroup’s banking unit. Nemazee did not return calls made to his cell phone or office. According to Reuters, Nemazee’s attorney is Marc Mukasey, the son of Michael Mukasey and a partner at the firm Bracewell and Giuliani. He leads the white collar crime division there.

Инспектора ДПС сбила машина управления делами президента. Ontem à tarde desconhecia-se ainda a data de repatriamento dos corpos de Pedro Tavares (Sever do Vouga, 34 anos), Ricardo Alves (Aveiro, 30 anos), Luís Miguel Lopes (Oliveira do Hospital, 32 anos) e Martinho de Almeida (Castro de Aire, 45 anos)26 августа 2009г. Накануне в Москве на Кутузовском проспекте автоинспектора ДПС сбила машина управления делами президента, сообщил РБК источник в правоохранительных органах. Милиционер стоял на разделительной полосе Кутузовского проспекта и регулировал движение около гостиницы "Украина", когда его сбила машина с проблесковым маячком. Благодаря тому, что рядом с местом происшествия проезжала карета скорой помощи, сотрудник ДПС был доставлен в больницу в самые короткие сроки. По имеющимся данным, медики констатировали у автоинспектора закрытую черепно-мозговую травму. Сейчас он находится в состоянии комы в Институте Склифосовского.

Tuesday 25 August 2009


I come back to receive blows in my head. Again the goat hit and than take my sleep away. For three times. The face of who is doing this – is of Serioja. Who like the boss, hit in my head, than calmly, with cigar in his mouth walk through me from North to South direction. Even don’t make the effort to hind the reason to do this. (i.e. Andrew Lancaster in Baku and medvedev in Mongolia). By the way, explaining that not the treason of Serioja, when he desert during the Angola War, but the fact that he is white and you are not, and that he is now the body-guard of some Patria/oath/face of cocaine pirate Barroso, who is no more in my eyes than fascist with the ticks of Doctor Savimbi and pure bread of almohad race. It’s went from my yesterday agree. Okay, let’s turn this bastard (barroso) around! – the half-pigs, half-dogs, half-goats Russians run to hit in my head and take away my sleep. This is what I call dead end street, cul-de-sac for me. Where is not the true the saying that ‘when one door closes, another one opens’. Sometimes, if you close one door, the resulting draught of air, causes another previously open door, to close too. In another words, the ongoing piggy faces make solid proposal: Cup-de-Etat for Barroso, and in same instance go to kill any one who dare to do this. What is obviously is Co about. Where is the my wrings – just the my funeral. Practically, it seems that all doors is being closed on me. Well, this one had an obvious side. But suppose that another side is the opposite. If in a way to achieve some progress in my life, instead of speaking about closed doors for me (i.e. lancaster, barroso, turkmen ship or ukrainian coal, etc.) – open them all. Stop to bitching myself and move on again. Looking for the Markets behavior, my clue is that the tone of yesterday “The scenario from Emmanuelle” was no more than embarrassing “key”, assisted by me in my student years. Made with a bottle of Coca-Cola and with different color markers. To don’t fall on details, let’s just say that Neil Asher, one simpatico Australian ( – “catch my cliff”. To comeback speaking about open and closed doors, can only say this: A friends and enemies. Inside of any phantasmagoric project. I’ll take this like the “MY JOB”, with all charges and responsibilities and see what he accolades. If it succeed – okay. If it doesn’t, I need to adjust my plans, techniques and alliances. Going into a slump over imaginary slight, however painful they will be, (huge blows to feel blood in my mouth) – you just one day, maybe, “hunt me down”. Personally, not help from you to make me see real side of things muted. In yours Nothing-for nothing game – you’ll get no for answer. P.S. Neil, thank you for Rebecca Hunbury…

PARIS Publié par 24 heures ( | Le président de Coca-Cola Entreprise France, Jean-Pierre Bagard, est décédé lundi matin à Aix-en-Provence (Bouches-du-Rhône), a annoncé l'entreprise dans un communiqué, en précisant qu'il avait "décidé de mettre fin à ses jours". AFP | 24.08.2009 | 19:51. Né le 26 juin 1959, Jean-Pierre Bagard avait fait toute sa carrière chez Coca-Cola où il était entré comme stagiaire à la sortie de son école de commerce, ICN Business School à Nancy. Il avait pris la tête de Coca-Cola France en 2007. "Jean-Pierre Bagard a décidé de mettre fin à ses jours", précise le communiqué. Il était marié et père de deux garçons.

Los precios industriales sufren su mayor caída de la historia. Publicado el 25-08-2009 , por Expansió El índice de precios industriales en España sigue sin dar señales de recuperación. En julio bajó otro 0,2%, y en tasa interanual la caída alcanzó el 6,7%, la mayor en una serie histórica del INE que se remonta al año 1976. Los efectos de la crisis continúan haciéndose palpables en la economía española, y en particular, en la industria. En línea con el descenso en la actividad, los datos del INE correspondientes al pasado mes de julio reflejan una nueva bajada, del 0,2%, en los precios industriales.En tasa interanual esta caída se amplía hasta el 6,7%, lo que representa la mayor de las bajadas registradas en una serie histórica que comenzó en enero del año 1976. Una vez más los descensos más acusados se producen en el sector energético. Justo un año después de los máximos históricos del petróleo, los precios industriales en la industria energética sufren una bajada del 1% respecto a junio, y del 16% en tasa interanual. En los últimos 12 meses, y de acuerdo con las cifras del INE, el resto de sectores más afectados por este recorte en los precios son la industria manufacturera (-8,8%) y la de bienes intermedios (-7,8%). Por el contrario, los sectores más 'inflacionistas' son los de suministro de agua (+5,6% también en tasa ineranual), y los de producción y distribución de energía (+4,8%).

Arctic Sea transportava armas de contrabando, avança imprensa russa. Hoje às 09:21. O cargueiro Arctic Sea, com 15 tripulantes russos a bordo, desaparecido durante mais de duas semanas na rota entre a Europa e a África, transportava armas de contrabando, escreve esta terça-feira o diário Moskovski Komsomolets, citanto fontes confidenciais. Segundo o jornal, o proprietário e o destinatário da carga continuam a ser desconhecidos. Quanto aos alegados piratas que sequestraram o Arctic Sea no Mar Báltico, poderiam ter sido contratados por um país da União Europeia, talvez para depois chantagear a Rússia ou simplesmente com fins lucrativos. O Moskovski Komsomolets considera que o mais provável é que os próprios piratas não estivessem ao corrente do plano, apenas sabendo ser necessário tomar a embarcação e levá-la para um lugar determinado. A operação de resgaste, segundo o diário, foi realizada por 40 homens da Direcção Geral de Inteligência (GRU) do Estado Maior das Forças Armadas da Rússia, não tendo os alegados piratas oferecido resistência. Familiares dos habitantes da Estónia alegadamente envolvidos no desvio do cargueiro afirmam que eles foram trabalhar para Espanha e tornaram-se alvo de «jogos políticos». Segundo os advogados de defesa dos alegados piratas, nenhum deles reconheceu estar envolvido no desvio do navio. Os parentes dos quatro tripulantes que ainda se encontram no cargueiro, que, segundo as autoridades russas, está a ser rebocado para o porto de Novorrossisk, no Mar Negro, queixam-se de não terem podido falar com eles. Quanto aos 11 tripulantes que regressaram a Moscovo, continua-se a desconhecer o seu paradeiro.

Monday 24 August 2009

The scenario from Emmanuelle.

The scenario from Emmanuelle. All the charm in the world won’t win over a landlord, class mate or the boss. Even if the England win the Ashes. They keep think that if I don’t shagging the local girl (i.e. Northern Ireland) – I can’t be normal and carry on be fake. At least this was strong opinion of my GP Dr. Struebind. Who is the good professionally man and who treat me well. During my today visit, he begin ask me about the intimae side of my life. To say the true, I was for a couple of years expecting this line of questions. Because at the end I was concise, right to the point in my answers. However, after exiting, was for couple minutes a little bit perplexing. Thinking about conversation, how it will be if I assume the greater share for the sick of domestic (i.e. EU) harmony. Because living alone, and in the virtual/ effective prison the only thing I can do it is like the ongoing… are doing. Right by the scenario of Emmanuelle, when in the scene of hiring some sailor (i.e. Arctic Sea) to help me ‘clean out’ this issue at once and forever. Seems that people enjoy to put added expense to strain me up, thinking that this will be better than being surrounded by the approximated huge chaos. In place to say that the 16.5 billion bond buyback arranged by the Santander (i.e. Emilio Botin the Chairman of the Board) seeing here in consonance with the absorbtion of Union Fenosa by the Gas Natural. By the numbers, today is good day to crack some hard shells and let “someone” (i.e. Botin’s Gas Natural, Mendelson of Lockerby, etc.) know about them, and help them see that I intend to get “thing done” even if it means to going over theirs shiny little heads. The article from Der Spiegel about Shipping Industry wasn’t just article about the nation… and English speaking world, or economic situation of something vital for this matter. Was article about why exist the need to seize the power from Double Hull Barroso and taking command of a situation that I am not especially sure of?

Santander unveils €16.5bn bond buyback. August 24 2009 13:51. Santander, Spain’s largest bank, has launched a programme to buy back up to €16.5bn ($23.6bn) of securitised bonds in its latest move to capitalise on depressed debt prices. The bank said in a regulatory filing on Monday that the offer covered 27 different issues of mainly mortgage-backed bonds. It said the move was aimed at “improving its capital structure and strengthening the balance sheet of Grupo Santander”. It comes six weeks after the bank announced plans to swap a nominal €9.1bn worth of debt from 30 separate securities for two new issues. Discounts on par values this time range between 4.5 and 39 per cent, meaning the bank will eventually book extraordinary profits. However, all the bonds are at present trading at deeper discounts to their respective offer prices, making the deal attractive to many investors. Keefe, Bruyette and Woods of London said it saw “limited impact from this deal for Santander”. However, it added that it showed “more confidence in terms of capital and funding and demonstrates proactive management of the balance sheet”. Santander said it would pay bondholders out of “ordinary disposal liquidity”.They will have until September 7 to take up the offer, although the bank said it reserved the right to alter the terms and conditions.

Gas Natural empezará en el mes de octubre a absorber los clientes de Unión Fenosa Publicado el 24-08-2009 , por .Patiño de Madrid. Los clientes de Unión Fenosa que durante estos días están recibiendo sus facturas mensuales se encontrarán con una hoja adicional, escrita por las dos caras, con una prolija información explicándoles que la eléctrica (que muchos conocen desde hace décadas), desaparecerá. Dentro de unas semanas, será otra empresa, Gas Natural (a la que muchos no conocen nada más que de oídas) la que se encargue de todo, viene a decir la carta. Teniendo en cuenta que también se advierte que esto no supondrá ningún cambio en el servicio (y por lo tanto en los precios), muchos usuarios tirarán a la basura esa carta sin llegar a leerla del todo y sin ser conscientes de lo que supone realmente en términos empresariales y comerciales. La misiva es la plasmación de cómo Gas Natural, que en los últimos meses ha llevado a cabo la adquisición de Fenosa, ha apretado al máximo el acelerador para ahora integrar la compañía en todos sus aspectos (gestión, contabilidad y también clientes). Financiera y legalmente la fusión todavía no está rematada (se prevé que se complete a lo largo del mes de septiembre). Pero comercialmente, Gas Natural se dispone a empezar a absorber a los clientes de Fenosa desde el mismísimo día 1 de octubre. Adiós a Metra: Fenosa, que cuenta con 3,6 millones de clientes en España, explica en la carta que la sociedad “Unión Fenosa Metra [que da el servicio de último recurso, es decir, a los precios fijados por el BOE] dejará de ser suministrador en fecha 1 de octubre de 2009”. A partir de ese momento, se transfiere la cartera de clientes a la sociedad “Gas Natural Servicio Último Recurso (SUR)”, quien será el suministrador. Gestión de facturas: Desde ese día, “la empresa de último recurso será la responsable del envío de facturas, y de gestionar los cobros por el suministro de electricidad”. Fenosa recuerda al cliente que Gas Natural SUR tiene su sede en Barcelona y que “los cambios de suministrador mencionados en ningún caso tienen coste adicional para usted, ni modifican las condiciones de calidad de las que ha disfrutado hasta ahora”. Tras la integración de la operativa comercial de Gas Natural y Fenosa (mucho más acelerada de lo que podría pensarse en un primer momento), queda por vislumbrar la integración de marcas. En Gas Natural señalan que el hecho de que se haya enviado la carta explicando que en octubre la sociedad realmente encargada de dar el servicio ya no sea una que se llama Fenosa, sino otra que se llama Gas Natural S.U.R. no significa necesariamente que la marca Fenosa desaparezca. Esto aún no se ha decidido, añaden. En cualquier caso, todo apunta a que, tras un periodo de cohabitación de ambas marcas, se iniciará una transición hacia la marca única, en la que progresivamente vaya prevaleciendo la de Gas Natural. Cohabitación: En paralelo al cambio societario que supone que Gas Natural SUR asuma las funciones de Unión Fenosa Metra puede venir la transición de marcas, en la que previsiblemente prevalecerá Gas Natural, tras un tiempo de cohabitación.

Irlanda do Norte: Quatro portugueses mortos em acidente de viação. Um acidente com um camião provocou ontem a morte a quatro homens portugueses na Irlanda do Norte. 10:55 Segunda-feira, 24 de Ago de 2009. Quatro homens portugeses morreram ontem na Irlanda do Norte quando o carro em que seguiam colidiu com um camião em County Down, disse à agência Lusa fonte do Governo português."As autoridades irlandesas confirmaram-nos que quatro portugueses morreram e um está em estado de coma", disse à agência Lusa fonte do Gabinete do Secretário de Estado das Comunidades sem avançar mais pormenores. A morte dos portugueses é hoje de manhã notícia em vários órgãos de comunicação social ingleses e da Irlanda do Norte. Contactada pela agência Lusa, fonte do gabinete de imprensa do Serviço de Polícia da Irlanda do Norte disse à Lusa que o acidente aconteceu por volta das 17:00 de domingo em Tandragee Road, em Newry. O condutor do camião escapou ileso do acidente. A polícia, que abriu um inquérito ao acidente, está à procura de outras testemunhas da colisão. No acidente quatro homens perderam a vida e um quinto homem ficou ferido, encontrando-se hospitalizado no Royal Victoria Hospital, em Belfast. De acordo com a BBC, os cinco homens estariam na Irlanda do Norte de férias e teriam alugado um carro para visitar familiares.

Unmasked blogger Rosemary Port to sue Google for $15m. August 24, 2009. Google is to be sued for $15 million (£9 million) by an anonymous blogger who was unmasked by the internet search company. Rosemary Port said that Google had failed to protect her right to privacy when the company obeyed a court order to reveal her name after she used her blog to accuse a former Vogue model of being a "psychotic, lying, whoring ... skank".

Утонувшего корейца вытащили из Невы. 24.08.2009 18:22. Из Невы выловили утонувшего туриста из Кореи. Как сообщает АЖУР, тело несколько минут назад достали из Невы — его отнесло практически на середину реки. Напомним, днем в чрезвычайные службы города от пассажиров одного из речных трамвайчиков поступила информация о том, что с набережной Невы в районе крейсера «Авроры» в Неву упали трое мужчин. По предварительной информации, это граждане Кореи, молодые люди примерно 17-ти лет. По предварительным данным, делегация из Кореи спустилась на пристань, чтобы осмотреть «Аврору». Один, судя по всему, оступился и упал в воду. Соотечественники стали ему помогать и тоже не удержались на берегу. Прибывшие на место сотрудники МЧС извлекли из воды двоих, бросившихся на помощь.

Sunday 23 August 2009

Fun with Dick and Jane

Fun with Dick and Jane People who work in City, and whom I call “Brotherhood of City” are different. For example, exist engineers, cleaners, kings, compositors, etc. and that people with huge accet of cinism who proudly call themselves speculators. At times they very pompous of this. Personally, I was blaming them in the past a lot. For many reasons. Such as carrier, personal life, my wrong nose, etc. All politics like the Barroso do the same. “Fighting” with theirs noisiness, theirs amazing force to deviate and draw my attention away with apparent irrelevant factors from the issues ought to be higher priority, only to do me sick and old, at my eyes – was my “Mein Kampf”.(I remember gallons of ink expended in the containers subject). In this way insisting that objectives may be important for me more than theirs real value. If true, recognizing that the not a real objects (i.e. my Jet, my shoes, etc.) make this boogers with arms and legs, that have followed me around (i.e. hitting in my head) – mysteriously and suddenly disappear. Together with Evraz и Русал, Blue Danube, Pancho da cello, and me with my cheap Cesil.

Bulgarian Danube Ship Saves German Tourists from Burning Vessel. Society | August 22, 2009, Saturday. A German cruise ship caught fire in the Danube near Serbia's Novi Sad. Photo by The sailors from the Bulgarian ship "Nayden Kirov" have saved over tourists from burning German vessel. This was announced by Bulgarian River Shipping Jsc on Saturday. The accident happened around midnight on Friday after a German river cruise ship caught fire in the Serbian part of the Danube near the city of Novi Sad where it was anchored. The Bulgarian ship brought the over 150 passengers to the shore where they were helped by ambulances, and then took part in the extinguishing of the fire which lasted until dawn on Saturday. Because of the inconvenient spot where the German vessel had been anchored, the Serbian fire-fighters had to use the Bulgarian ship as a platform from which to put out the fire.

Soprano in £100k cello fall. An opera singer fell off stage into the orchestra, damaging a cello worth more than £100,000. Puerto Rican soprano Ana Maria Martinez, who was performing in the opera Rusalka at the Glyndebourne Festival in East Sussex, got her foot caught in some scenery and fell back into the pit. Grammy award-winning Ms Martinez was taken to hospital for a check-up, but is not thought to be badly hurt. An understudy filled in for the rest of the performance. Audience member Adam Drew said: "It was right at the end of Act One after Rusalka kisses the prince. He says to her, 'Please don't leave me' and she fell off the stage. We thought it was part of the show." The cello is now being repaired.

Centrica in final battle for Venture Production. August 23, 2009 Centrica’s five-month pursuit of Venture Production reaches make-or-break point this week with the Aberdeen oil and gas company making a last-ditch effort to block the £1.3 billion bid. The European Commission said on Friday that it would not object to a takeover, clearing the way for Centrica, owner of British Gas, to buy shares. It snapped up another 1.7% of Venture immediately, taking its direct holding to nearly 32%, and has received pledges to sell from investors holding 10% of the group. Market sources say Centrica will tomorrow try to buy the remaining 8% needed to secure control. Mike Wagstaff, chief executive of Venture and a fierce opponent of the 845p-a-share offer, has one last card to play. He is expected to send “withdrawal notices” next week to the 10% of investors who have agreed to tender their shares but have not yet sold. Under the takeover code, investors have up to 21 days after the first closing date of an offer to renege on a pledge to sell. That deadline is September 3. The offer period expires on September 14. Centrica’s bid is conditional on it obtaining simple majority control — 50% plus one share. Wagstaff has to convince investors that the 845p offer is too low. Since Centrica first bought shares in the company in March, Venture’s peer group has risen 20% while its own share price has been flat, partly because of the uncertainty over the bid. The oil price has risen two thirds to $73.89 a barrel over the same period.

Football star and mother stabbed. Last Updated: Saturday, 22 August 2009, 22:06 GMT. West Ham United footballer Calum Davenport and his mother have been stabbed in an attack at their home. The 26-year-old defender is undergoing surgery on both legs after being set upon at his family home in Bedford. Police have launched an investigation and his injuries have been described by doctors as "serious". A spokeswoman for Bedfordshire Police said: "Police were called to Springfield Avenue in Kempston at 5am after a report of a person being stabbed. "A 26-year-old man was taken to hospital for treatment for serious injury which is not thought to be life-threatening at this time. A 19-year-old man was arrested shortly after the incident in connection with the assault." West Ham released a statement on the stabbing which read: "West Ham United can confirm that Calum Davenport was being treated in hospital on Saturday afternoon after an incident late on Friday night. "The 26-year-old defender and his mum both suffered stab wounds at home in Bedford. His mum is recovering while Calum underwent surgery this morning and his injuries were described as serious by doctors. The club's medical team are in contact with hospital staff. "The thoughts of everyone at West Ham are with Calum and his family and, due to the ongoing police investigation, no further information will be released at this time." The 26-year-old is a former England Under-21 international, who cost the Hammers £3million when he joined them from Tottenham during the summer of 2007. Bedford-born Davenport spent a spell on loan at Premier League rivals Sunderland last season and has also been loaned out to Watford. The centre-back started his career at Coventry and has also played on loan at Southampton and Norwich.