Monday 10 August 2009


Aeromax. In my dream, I was visiting the Bairo de Cambodja in Lisbon. The sad suburbs, very poor, full of illegal houses, very much sneaks nest. Like the place where I live now. I am making study ‘on loko’ knowing that my Portland 459 Cement will be used here. Knowing how hopeful for this place the Expo98 can be. And whom do you think I find there? You don’t go to believe me. The junk cabritto from building since the 1901, the Principal UK’s dispatcher, the ‘aquele Carlson que ainda vive no telhado”, the official representant of “City Brotherhood’s class “A” drugs”. No necessary to speak about how many times tonight I receive hits in my head… Seems that writing the Inter apuesta make Three Majorcas viable… To don’t be long, I’ll just put which question the Elle make me today: “ You need to be more aware of others' feelings as well as your own. It's crucial to understand your own responses, motives, tipping points, etc., but is also necessary to understand how your decisions and actions affect others. Today makes it very clear that your words and deeds can sabotage another's happiness, health, career, and most importantly, his or her feelings toward you. You can choose to take steps to stop the bleeding, or continue to say or do things that bleed the life out of a relationship. It's entirely up to you. Unless you're a hermit living all alone, you need to be very mindful of how your decisions and behavior affect others. Are you repelling someone who you want or need in your life?

Leaders' Summit GUADALAJARA, Mexico — Administration official said was "cordial" — was a high-powered delegation, including U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Carlos Pascual, National Security Adviser Jim Jones, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, energy czar Carol Browner, Deputy Secretary of State James Stainberg and top economic adviser Larry Summers.

Hammond’s new crash. TOP Gear presenter Richard Hammond has been involved in a four-vehicle crash while driving his £110,000 supercar. The star (pictured), who cheated death in 2006 when he crashed a jet car at 288mph, escaped unhurt from his MorganAeromax after the accident at a roundabout. ‘Richard received no damage to his rear end but the front was in a pretty bad way,’ said a witness to the crash near Gloucester. ‘There was some good-humored banter exchanged by the drivers after they realized it was him.’ Замначальника департамента транспорта и связи Москвы погиб в ДТП на мотоцикле РИА «Новости» 12:23 10.08.2009. В департаменте транспорта Москвы подтвердили факт гибели заместителя начальника этого департамента Валентина Малюгина. Он погиб в воскресенье в ДТП на Ленинградском шоссе в Подмосковье, подтвердил сегодня также источник в правоохранительных органах области. Как сообщили в УГИБДД, ДТП произошло 9 августа в 15.10 мск на 74-м километре Ленинградского шоссе. «Погибший ехал на мотоцикле “Харлей Дэвидсон” в сторону Твери», — сказал представитель ГИБДД. «Неожиданно на проезжую часть выскочил автомобиль ВАЗ-21093, который не уступил дорогу мотоциклисту, следовавшему по главной дороге. От полученных ранений 51-летний мотоциклист скончался на месте», — отметил представитель ГИБДД. В настоящее время по факту ДТП проводится расследование.

Fraud spotlight on Hollywood August 9 2009 18:59. Hollywood studios and film producers are set to face increasing scrutiny from anti-fraud officials, as a result of a trial involving incidents in Bangkok that could have repercussions across the entertainment sector. The Green’s trial in Los Angeles, which is entering its second week, is the first FCPA case to involve the entertainment industry. The case suggests that Hollywood has joined the pharmaceuticals and energy industries as a target of anti-fraud enforcers at the US department of justice.

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