Wednesday 26 August 2009


When Co with responsible people the type of Prince Charles the II make me “cama”, arranging the temporary placement at the Ghana’s preto called Mr. More (море), I accept by several reasons. To start with, can say that “…taxa nos créditos à habitação em Portugal hit a new historical minimum today. The Euribor of six months was pluming today to 1,099%...” I recall too, how russia (you know how I call them), very excited, with brutish force, make everything to me for I ask him (i.e. Mr. More/море) for a car. Yesterday, they were ugly like this. Running around me to buy the best car in Ulan-Bator… Now is clear to see how the triangle of Miller (i.e. EU energy policy), with the two body-guards at each side (i.e. Evraz and Rusal) diluted for completely theirs, i.e. medvedev, putin, barroso’s geo-strategic tong. But God be with them. When my feeling intensify, like today (i.e. keep receive the hitting in my head), they bring, for Kennedy’s matter, a highly subjective plans to me. For example, the Kennedy news. Call the attention fact, which on yesterday BBC2 news was talking about gaps in the Wikipedia, which should be monitored more closely. Well, sometimes when I see the trouble coming my way, I don’t step aside; I square up to it. ‘Come on then,’ I say, ‘bring it on. Do your worst’. This kind of courage can turn out to be misplaced. When I think that I foresee a problem and leaping like monkey into a defensive position before actually been attacked. (I.e. hitting in my head). However it is, will be better if I take this (i.e. Wikipedia/Kennedy subject) into consideration. The same is with the Aviva rounded by the Evraz and Rusal… In any way it’s how I operate on a normal basis. Sharing the information and “asking” for suggestions. Way of enjoying to feel my way through a relationship.

Edward Kennedy loses cancer battle. Last Updated: Wednesday, 26 August 2009, 05:01 GMT Over the decades, he put his imprint on every major piece of social legislation to clear the Congress. A family statement said: "We've lost the irreplaceable centre of our family and joyous light in our lives, but the inspiration of his faith, optimism, and perseverance will live on in our hearts forever. We thank everyone who gave him care and support over this last year, and everyone who stood with him for so many years in his tireless march for progress toward justice, fairness and opportunity for all." Senator Kennedy lost two of his brothers - John and Robert - to assassins' bullets, and his own hopes of reaching the White House were damaged, perhaps doomed, in 1969 by the scandal that came to be known as Chappaquiddick, a car accident that left a young woman dead. Senator Kennedy - known to family, friends and foes simply as Ted - ended his quest for the presidency in 1980 with a stirring valedictory that echoed across the decades: "For all those whose cares have been our concern, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dream shall never die." The third-longest-serving senator in US history, he was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumour in May 2008 and underwent surgery and a gruelling regime of radiation and chemotherapy. His death comes just weeks after that of his sister Eunice Kennedy Shriver, who died on August 11.

Australia approves $42bn LNG project. August 26 2009 05:21. Gorgon, one of the world’s biggest liquefied natural gas developments, cleared a significant hurdle on Wednesday when Australia’s federal government granted environmental approval for the A$50bn (US$42bn) project. Canberra’s decision paves the way for Chevron, the US oil group that is 50-per cent owner and operator of Gorgon, to make its “final investment decision” to develop the project’s gas fields off the coast of Western Australia within months, the company said in a statement. Asian countries, led by China, have already set themselves up to be major customers of Gorgon LNG. PetroChina, China’s largest energy company, this month agreed to buy US$41bn worth of Gorgon LNG over 20 years from ExxonMobilwhich, together with Royal Dutch Shell, owns the rest of Gorgon. Shell signed a “sales and purchase” agreement with PetroChina for Gorgon LNG in 2007 while Chevron has agreements with three Japanese utilities. Gorgon is one of the most ambitious of about 10 LNG projects being developed in Australia. Peter Garrett, minister for the environment, said Gorgon had undergone a high level of scrutiny before it was deemed acceptable. He said the “key focus” had been whether Gorgon’s expansion could manage the potential impact on protected species such as the flatback turtle and terrestrial fauna. Canberra’s approval of Gorgon had been widely expected given the significant long-term benefits the project will provide to the Australian economy, including tens of billions of dollars in tax revenues and thousands of jobs. An oil spill off the Western Australian coast last Friday, however, has provided ammunition to environmentalists who believe LNG projects pose material risks to wildlife along Australia’s pristine coastline. Roy Krzywosinski, Chevron Australia’s managing director, said Gorgon had global significance with a resource base of more than 40,000bn cubic feet of gas and an estimated economic life of at least 40 years from the time of start-up. “[It] is Australia’s largest single resource project and is set to deliver significant economic benefits and create around 10,000 indirect and direct jobs during peak construction,” Mr Krzywosinski said. Chevron said the project had been deliberately sited to avoid areas of particular conservation significance. “The three-train Gorgon will have minimal additional environmental impact when compared to the already-approved two-train project,” Chevron said. An LNG train is a gas processing facility. Chevron plans to build three 5m tonne per annum LNG trains, one of the world’s largest carbon dioxide injection projects as well as a domestic gas plant. Australia’s Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) gave conditional approval for Gorgon’s expansion in May. The EPA said that Gorgon’s location on the Barrow Island nature reserve would need to deal sensitively with flatback turtle rookeries and it was also concerned about the impact of dredging and marine infrastructure on the coral habitat. The Western Australian government in 2007 overruled the EPA’s recommendation that “industry should not be located” on Barrow Island. Chevron is still negotiating a number of state and federal approvals, including production licences and development applications. These discussions are unlikely to disrupt Gorgon’s development plans.

Hassan Nemazee Arrested on Fraud Charge; New York Donors Stunned. By JASON HOROWITZ The New York donor community has been dealt its second shock of the year. Hassan Nemazee, a former finance chair for the presidential campaigns of John Kerry and Hillary Clinton and a finance chair for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, was charged by the U.S. Attorney’s office in New York with attempting to defraud Citigroup out of $74 million. He now faces up to 30 years in prison, according to Reuters. He was arrested at Newark Liberty International Airport this morning on the way to Rome, where he has a home and, according to several sources, was angling for a posting as the United States ambassador. Nemazee, who is 59, nearly became the U.S. ambassador to Argentina under Bill Clinton, for whom he also bundled, but did not make it through the vetting process. The arrest comes several months after Steven Rattner, a friend of Nemazee and also a major bundler to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, became the target of scrutiny when his name surfaced in relation to an apparent kickback scheme involving access to New York’s pension fund. But while the Rattner business caused a stir among other top-tier donors—Rattner was not charged with any crime--Nemazee’s arrest is a seismic event. “I just don’t know what to say--I find it almost incomprehensible,” said Alan Patricof, a finance co-chair on the Clinton 2008 campaign and a friend of Nemazee. “I don’t know what’s happening in this world.” Patricof said that Nemazee was a major force in Democratic politics, and had been in their home in Rome. He said he admired Nemazee as a person, a Democrat and a fund-raiser. “He was one of those guys who delivered,” Patricof said. “He was always very refined and polite. I feel terrible” Another influential New York fund-raiser said, “Everyone is like ‘Oh my god, oh my god.’” The arrest was announced by Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York. Bharara recently left his job as senior legal aide to Chuck Schumer, who was close to Nemazee and was a recipient of his donations. Nemazee is also a major contributor to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, and her supporters have cited him as the most influential bundler in her corner in her attempts to freeze out competition in a Democratic primary. Prosecutors allege that Nemazee, the chairman and chief executive of Nemazee Capital, used fraudulent and forged documents suggesting he had hundreds of millions of dollars in capital to obtain up to $74 million in loans from Citigroup’s banking unit. Nemazee did not return calls made to his cell phone or office. According to Reuters, Nemazee’s attorney is Marc Mukasey, the son of Michael Mukasey and a partner at the firm Bracewell and Giuliani. He leads the white collar crime division there.

Инспектора ДПС сбила машина управления делами президента. Ontem à tarde desconhecia-se ainda a data de repatriamento dos corpos de Pedro Tavares (Sever do Vouga, 34 anos), Ricardo Alves (Aveiro, 30 anos), Luís Miguel Lopes (Oliveira do Hospital, 32 anos) e Martinho de Almeida (Castro de Aire, 45 anos)26 августа 2009г. Накануне в Москве на Кутузовском проспекте автоинспектора ДПС сбила машина управления делами президента, сообщил РБК источник в правоохранительных органах. Милиционер стоял на разделительной полосе Кутузовского проспекта и регулировал движение около гостиницы "Украина", когда его сбила машина с проблесковым маячком. Благодаря тому, что рядом с местом происшествия проезжала карета скорой помощи, сотрудник ДПС был доставлен в больницу в самые короткие сроки. По имеющимся данным, медики констатировали у автоинспектора закрытую черепно-мозговую травму. Сейчас он находится в состоянии комы в Институте Склифосовского.

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