Saturday 29 August 2009

Qual penetracao agora vosses nao intendem?

Qual penetracao agora vosses nao intendem? E altura de comecar falar dos eleccoes na “cor Vassia”. Aruma-se desta forma, o novo membro do EU – Ukrania, constroisse-a a nova base de marinha Russa e preserva-se o amigaveis relacoes basiados no meu diploma (robado pelo governo Portugues), salva-se a chinoca Valia do Botin, preserva-se o Acordo interbancario do Baselha 2, e todo resto. Para ja nao falar do pirata Barroso cara do qual fica escondida pelo um almohad qual-quer. So de pensar como os Karzaistas vao passar ferias, nem quero pensar do meu passaport. Olhao para os half-dogs, half-pigs, half-goat MNE snikish que shegarao ao tao important conclusao: se apanhas na cabeca – significa que o teu irmao que bateu… E esta em?

Two Syrian detainees transferred to Portugal and released. Two Syrian nationals that were being held at the US detention centre in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, were transferred to Portugal by US authorities on Friday and were released, the Portuguese interior ministry said on its website. AFP - Two Syrian detainees held at the US-run Guantanamo Bay prison were transferred to Portugal on Friday by US authorities where they were freed to live in the community, officials said. The two detainees "arrived August 28 in Portugal... and they were released," the Portuguese interior ministry said in a statement on its website. They are "not subject to any charge, they are free people and are living in homes provided by state," officials said.

TONY BLAIR did a deal in the desert on the Lockerbie bomber in return for trade and oil agreements, the son of Libyan leader Colonel Moammar Gaddafi claimed yesterday.

The impact of this decision is too difficult to diminish. It’ll go far beyond from energy policy, the life of Visigoths or the EU oral sex. It can be translated like the two legs of Co goal, like the Double Hull rubbish, like the two heads, like the two tongs of every sucker from every Foreign Office of Uzbeks’ Northern Alliance. Like the more stupid possible way to find the reason to carry on “what you do to find the job”. Preserving the EADS, cosmic salaries of ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg – one leg, and the brewing the necessary prerequisites for “Mai da todas as Guerras” – another leg.

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