Monday 17 August 2009

Beginning with

- Beginning with long talks around the Double Hull for any ship, unchained by the European Community a couple years ago. Almost all of the commissars (i.e. publicity seekers) took the opportunity to be in wide media light because of this immediately seeing by me and another sober people like the deviation of attention the how the EU structure is artificial and unnatural. Artificial, because of its people. And unnatural because a team. Aggregation of people by the (in this case) salaries. Color of the shirt – what is the matter. See the article at the end of text.

- How for my life City is important and the Kuwait wedding.

- How today morning is big pain in my leg and the connection of this with a NATO and theirs “a preto”. Mean, the Double Hull of long tongs commissars and the theirs way to gradually, slowly but surly resolving this issue. ‘Passing the buck‘ to the weaker ass-holes. Mean ringas of Saturnas from Litua. Preserving in this way shitty talk, theirs salaries and do nothing. Nevertheless, I am happy that at least 21 countries now are looking for me. Or at any rate, read my nonsense.

- My yesterday, like always, cheerful talk with “a preto” and the Rogosine’s s-mushki-na of Northern 1.5’s of Doha Round Artic Sea.

- The old book of Kataev ‘The two Kapitans’ (Putin/medvedev) and the Shushenskaia GES accident. How I can do that the two of them in the pub make me spark or trigger for my CV propose. Even today, they insist that the Miller is brother. Than, yesterday all day be rounded by the yours chinocas – make my day.

- How is connected my “sixteen years” and the ebalo of commissar Mendelson. Why he, savior of Airbus, gone to speak with European Community son – vybliadok of Gaddafi. Which exact connection between this commissar and the sranaia churka.

- Connection between sranaia churka provocation in the street and the sixteen dead of Antonio and his friends.

Football clubs losing battle with shirt sponsors August 14 2009 17:52. The battle to secure a renewed shirt sponsorship deal at Liverpool FC looks set to establish the latest benchmark in promotional revenues being fought over by the Premier League’s top teams. Carlsberg has so far declined to extend its £7.5m- a-year deal with Liverpool, which concludes at the end of this season. The Danish brewer has indicated that it remains in talks with Liverpool, although there is speculation that the Danes might walk. For several years leading clubs have held the upper hand in negotiating deals. But with the recession putting a brake on this once-buoyant market, the boot is now on the other foot as many deals are being struck on keener terms. The corporate failure of several sponsors has also helped deflate the market. Last season saw AIG, the bailed-out US insurer, abandon any extension of its shirt sponsorship of champions Manchester United. Meanwhile, West Ham was forced to patch over the logo of its sponsor XL when the travel company fell into administration last September. Failed mortgage lender Northern Rock limped on as sponsor of relegated Newcastle United, while West Bromwich Albion – also doomed to the drop – began the season without any deal at all. Sport+Markt, the sports consultancy, estimates that the value of shirt sponsorship deals in the Premier League fell from £69.2m during the 2007-08 season to £68.2m last season, after years of continuous growth. “It has become a bit more of a buyer’s market in the UK as we can see from the new deals that some teams have struck with online betting companies,” said Andreas Ullmann, head of market intelligence at Sport+Markt. 188BET, an Asia-focused online gambling company, underscored the extent to which the tide has turned when it pulled off a deal to sponsor both Bolton Wanderers and Wigan Athletic for the next two seasons. A year ago, both clubs could have expected deals in the region of £1m a year, according to sports industry experts. Instead, 188Bet is understood to be paying Bolton about £750,000 a year while Wigan is getting about £650,000 a year. Mr Ullmann is predicting the value of shirt deals to inch back up slightly to £70m this year, thanks to the emergence of new sponsors from the betting industry. “Without them many clubs would have serious problems,” he says. The global branding clout of the biggest clubs may protect them from the downturn, but Julie Clarke, head of sports and leisure at PwC, says smaller football clubs may struggle to maintain sponsorship deals at previous levels. “What we are seeing is a polarisation between the top-tier teams and the bottom tiers,” she says. Indeed some top-tier teams have managed not just to maintain but to increase the value of their shirt-sponsorship deals. Aon, which replaced AIG as sponsors of Manchester United, is believed to have struck a £25m-a-year deal. Phil Clement, chief marketing officer of Aon, declined to comment, but said the sponsorship would be worth “considerably more” than the £19m-a-year deal with AIG struck over four years ago. “In five years, the club has developed a huge fan base in Asia, which is attractive for a company like us that is looking for a global reach,” he says, adding opportunities to be associated with a team that has 330m fans worldwide does not come up often. Joel Seymour Hyde, of sports consultancy Octagon, says fragmentation of traditional media is making sports sponsorship a more attractive platform than conventional advertising. That view was echoed by Gyehyun Kwon, head of worldwide sports marketing at Samsung Electronics, which recently renewed its sponsorship of Chelsea for a reported £10m-a-year. “The [Chelsea] sponsorship is much more effective than any other traditional marketing tool,” he says. Fans’ loyalty and devotion to their teams attracts big corporations. But there are pitfalls, with the danger of a brand backlash from rival club supporters one area of potential concern. “In Scotland, Carling sponsors Rangers and Celtic precisely to avoid alienating fans of either side,” says Ms Clarke of PwC.

Dozens die in Kuwait wedding fire. Forty-one women and children have died after a fire broke out in a tent at a wedding near Kuwait City. Guests were trampled in the stampede towards the only exit, as the tent was razed in just three minutes, a fire department chief told AP news agency. Six of the dead were children. Up to 60 women and children were also injured in the tragedy on Saturday evening in the al-Jahra area, west of the capital. The cause of the blaze is unknown. It is not clear if the bride escaped. Wedding celebrations in the conservative Gulf state are held separately for men and women. Children attend the women's party. “ It was a horrific scene with bodies and shoes stuck to the ground at the only exit ” Jassem al-Mansouri Fire chief Four teams of fire-fighters were dispatched to the scene, about 50km (30 miles) west of the capital, as well as a large number of ambulances. Officials said the authorities had had difficulty evacuating the injured because of the large numbers of anxious relatives at the scene. The country's ruler, Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmed al-Jaber al-Sabah, extended his condolences to the families of the victims. Fire department chief Brig Gen Jassem al-Mansouri told AP news agency the authorities would have to carry out DNA tests to identify the victims. "It was a horrific scene with bodies and many shoes stuck to the ground at the only exit. They must have trampled over one another," he said. Interior ministry spokesman Col Mohammed al-Saber confirmed to Reuters news agency that the tent, which could seat more than 200 people, had only one exit. Investigators are trying to establish what sparked the blaze, with faulty electrical wiring, or coals used for burning incense, among possible causes, according to reports.

Hигерийские боевики отпустили литовских моряков. Sunday, August 16, 2009 More articles in Аварийность и ЧП Пятеро литовских моряков, членов экипажа рефрижератора Saturnas, захваченных нигерийскими боевиками 4 августа, были освобождены в пятницу 14 августа, после переговоров. Подробности переговоров и освобождения не разглашаются, но моряки живы и здоровы, а это главное. Сообщение о нападении на судно и захвате моряков: 4 августа подвергся нападению непонятно кого рефрижератор Saturnas под литовским флагом, судно находилось вблизи берегов Нигерии. Бандиты или боевики поднялись на судно, взяли в заложники 5 из 14-ти членов экипажа и скрылись, ничего не украв. Кто такие и что за так сказать праздник на дворе, пока непонятно. Судя по повадкам и тому, что судно не грабили, это скорее боевики Движения за эмансипацию Нигер, они заявляют себя политическим движением и стараются придерживаться определенных правил, в частности не грабят суда, а берут заложников. Переговоры они ведут, также как правило, не с судовладельцем, до которого если он не нефтяной мэйджер, им вообще дела нет, а с правительством. Требуя от него чего-то сугубо своего нигерийского. Ну и еще одно «как правило» - в почти всех известных случаях такого рода заложники возвращаются живыми и невредимыми через несколько дней или недель. Рефрижератор Sautrnas – дедвейт 3930 тонн, постройки 1982 года, флаг Литва, оператор литовская Limarko Shipping Co. AB, весь экипаж – граждане Литвы.

При аварии на Саяно-Шушенской ГЭС погибли шесть человек РИА «Новости» 08:35 17.08.2009 Число погибших в результате сегодняшней аварии на Саяно-Шушенской ГЭС на реке Енисей возросло до шести человек, сообщил начальник пресс-службы Сибирского регионального центра МЧС РФ Дмитрий Кудрявцев. «При аварии на ГЭС, по последним данным, погибли шесть человек, восемь пострадали», — сказал источник. Однако эти данные не окончательные, подчеркнул он. После аварии ГЭС остановлена, сообщил представитель компании «Русгидро» Василий Зубакин. «В 8.15 [по местному времени, 4.15 мск] на втором гидроагрегате была авария — гидроагрегат разрушен, разрушена часть машинного зала, станция остановлена. Ведутся восстановительные работы, отсечено поступление воды в машинный зал», — сказал Зубакин. Авария произошла в ночь на понедельник на Саяно-Шушенской ГЭС в ходе ремонта гидроагрегата — в машинный зал поступила вода, сообщил официальный представитель. «Оперативные службы работают на месте происшествия. Угрозы прорыва плотины и разрушения нет», — сказал он. По данным сибирского регионального центра МЧС, в 4.42 мск произошло разрушение на третьем и четвертом водоводе на Саяно-Шушенской ГЭС, в результате разрушилась стена и было подтоплено машинное отделение. «В 5.15 мск разлом был заделан. Сведения о пострадавших уточняются», — сказал представитель региональной службы МЧС. Дефицит мощностей, образовавшийся из-за аварии, компенсировался за счет перераспределения энергопотоков из электросетей сибирского региона, сброс воды организовывался через Майнскую ГЭС. «Из-за аварии отключены Саянский и Хакасский алюминиевые заводы. Снижена нагрузка на КРАЗ (Красноярский алюминиевый завод), Новокузнецкий алюминиевый завод и Кемеровский завод ферросплавов», — уточнил источник. В МЧС подчеркнули, что из-за случившейся аварии население от электроснабжения не отключено, и подтопленных территорий, где проживают жители, нет. Саяно-Шушенская ГЭС — верхняя в каскаде енисейских гидроэлектростанций и одна из крупнейших в мире: установленная мощность — 6,4 миллиона кВт, среднегодовая выработка — 22,8 миллиарда кВт/час.

Mandelson met Gaddafi’s son From UK 11:33pm

54 minutes ago 19 Die in Suicide Bombing in Russia MOSCOW — At least 19 people were killed and dozens injured in a suicide truck bombing at a police headquarters in Russia’s tumultuous North Caucasus region on Monday morning, according to government officials, the latest episode in a spate of violence to hit the area in recent weeks. The blast hit the police headquarters in Nazran, the capital of Ingushetia, at around 9 a.m. local time as many police officials were arriving at work.

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