Thursday 27 August 2009

€ per £ 1.13 0.43%.

€ per £ 1.13 0.43% Foto of medvedev and putin cows. Terrible night. The night of the blue eyes. The night of the yet Korean War. My night sleep, in which I’m in the waiting room were the blue eyes with long lashes framed like a picture and putted in the wall. (I.e. in the some kind of putin’s/medvedev’s embassy celebrating the ex-President of Portuguese Republic Sampaio cement). Apparently, pass all this years; I know the mechanics of the why this happen. Essentially is the money. When the talk is about the $42, $ 16,5 or $16 billion dollars – who first run to save the nation – is the ongoing piggy faces. But, this, the money and all (mean, hitting in my head, football disturbances, danger for Biko Holding and for the body-guards of barroso’s), should be seeing by the way to treat and deviate the “goal”. Start with the photo of the wife of medvedev and the danger which the article about Liskula Cohen made for Vardanian and Co. Or how these russian pigs say: She clothes at the Zaitchev, but where hell she take her dress away? Making the point that the russia – is she, and the enormous whore is she too. Than putting the open car in my dreams, inside my ex with putin, who have his Lenin’s bold head is pierced by the my, in sleep blows, hiding (because of shame?) his face from the half-pigs, half-dogs, half-goat seeing… Than is another thing. Why the Bruno, the EU-Germany-the De Beers pederast appeared again? Very simpatico, well humored all day long? Maybe because of blue eyes of the Holly German Cow? Or only because A PRETO? (The German-Jew meeting).I don’t know. But know for sure, that the dreams can be the most powerful motivations of all. More yet, if the my, yesterday politics (see the Aero Fret Business about coal, preto and barroso’s body-guards), are not unfortunately at the end. Tracing the thin line between “European Power Alert” and than to eat for comfort more than maybe good for me… However, its, if I sense that someone (for example the body-guards of Clinton’s) is hostile towards me, it is very hard not to feel hostile back. In same time and place, will be useful to say that at the present time and place, will be useful to say that keeping my reaction down, may well deflect a lot more of the trouble that can be coming on my way. Don’t forget the golden years of disintegration of USSR. When the rats from all continents (including the Las Americas) eat well – don’t allowing me this luxury. Even if this statement is the eventual point that worth be to considered today. The motto live and let live – is universal. Actually, the good motto for most of the time. Who don’t see what is work with my writings and what doesn’t? And start to realize that what works beautifully for us (i.e. “partners” and “workmates”), might not go so ‘swimmingly’ for others.

€ per £1.130.43%

Six-hour ordeal for passengers as Eurotunnel train breaks down. 27.08.09. More than 500 passengers were trapped in the Channel Tunnel for six hours when their Eurotunneltrain broke down. Holidaymakers endured temperatures of 30C after the power failed, shutting off the air conditioning and lights. The lavatories stopped working and bottled water ran out. Passengers said panic took hold after Eurotunnel failed to give any information about how they were going to get out. Some passed out and others had asthma attacks. They were finally rescued at 2.30am yesterday. Services in both directions were halted while a rescue train arrived to pull out the broken-down one. Eurostar services were also affected and around 3,000 people had journeys delayed. Arthur Davis, 69, from Chelmer Village near Chelmsford in Essex, was on the 7.50pm Calais to Folkstone service with his wife. He said: "It was a total and utter shambles. We had one announcement that there was a problem and nothing after that for the next six hours." Eurotunnel apologised and offered refunds.

Merkel diz que jantar pago a banqueiro foi assunto de Estado. 27/08/09 10:37. A chanceler alemã rejeitou as críticas por ter usado dinheiro dos contribuintes para oferecer um jantar ao CEO do maior banco do país, já que foi uma “oportunidade” para falar com altos empresários. Angela Merkel afirmou que o grande jantar efectuado em Abril de 2008 na chancelaria germânica com o CEO do Deutsche Bank, Joseph Ackermann, e mais 25 dos amigos, não se tratou de uma festa de aniversário, mas sim uma “oportunidade” de usar o 60º aniversário do banqueiro para efectuar “conversações” com figuras de proa da economia, cultura e educação do país. “Sou alguém que tenta juntar sempre grupos que normalmente não se reúnem”, disse Merkel em entrevista ao canal de televisão N24. A chanceler germânica, que enfrenta eleições legislativas em Setembro, tem estado a ser alvo de críticas por ter alegadamente usado o dinheiro dos contribuintes para dar uma grande festa de aniversário ao líder do maior banco do país. No início do mês, Ackermann disse em entrevista à televisão que o jantar foi um favor pessoal por parte de Merkel e que foi “uma tarde maravilhosa” para si e para os seus amigos.

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