Tuesday 4 August 2009

“Nordern” plane.

Yesterday I design one dog. For instance to see why that the dogs in Europe doesn’t bark? Also to pass the word to the determined “people-who-know-people-who-know-people”. To they handed them like in good old times. Name for each of this dog’s legs is: Schroeder, Medvedev, Putin and Barroso. Concretely mean my call of attention to the Wadan Yards Group AS of Wismar, Vörnemunde and Ocean sour situation. Who was “celebrating” anniversary of Solidarnost’. Read my note called today – Government says that the credit for banks is an obligation, and the banks position in respect of “bloody вкладчики” is this privilege to give the people loan. (I still receiving texts in my cellular regularly). To note, how I was very carefully observing the “Co” reaction in my respect since the “Spin-Charge Separation” until this morning. And see how multinational audience (I speak at least three languages) react. And distinguish clearly who first bail-put from Wismar, Vörnemunde and Ocean subject – was nation of the shit from camel turned around, cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s, and English speaking World. Ponto final – paragrafo. None of such things like the “Long ship”, the “mother”, or even the “Lada”. Just like the Pilatus – wash theirs hands… Well, this “my partnership” issues rise in my soul enormous concerns. It’s too much obvious matter, give me that very old doubt regarding UK’s commitment, loyalty and future intentions. How it’s sounds? You like it? Because it’s not the thunder in clear skies, it’s absolutely normal when one nigger attack my door. Yesterday night, at 23:30, openly was assaulted by the junky nigger. Immediately I should say that I don’t pay any consideration. For taxi station in Bethnal Green, for cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s – it’s brother. It’s all like the Jack Nicholson’s character in the same name film say: “As good as it gets”… The same was with me. This, NATO, SEATO, gato, mato, pato and the others many my “domestic responsibilities” must be cleared up BEFORE I make ANY promises to the nation… (you know the rest). Now is clearer why you bail-out? Not because of Aston Lloyd. The Aston Lloyd – is the cocaine Prince Andrew Lancaster visiting his brother who lives in Baku (i.e. Aliev and ‘coincidences’ at that period). Asking for money to married his cows. And this is the maximum what shiny eye of OLP’s Tony Blair see at the next day of who and how protect my NIGGER together with his brother Isaltino Morais who after been condemned because of his economical crimes to seven years prison sentence – go to make him like a principal candidate of Partido Socialista da Europa for 31st October Elections?! But any way; question the why the “light touch” in my PC mouse make the three people being smashed in Oeiras area (nearby the HQ of NATO) after just reading the Morais sentence? And the one more dirty shooting in the cinetheater complex in the US mall at the same time? The Blowing mind the similarities in architecture of the Oeiras Shopping Center and this mall. (You see my Portland 450 four legs too?) If wasn’t the jump in SUGAR prices showing in BBC – I’ll be thinking that four dogs with Andrew are implicating with me. Now, with theirs “What you wanted, but don’t got it, what I get – but don’t give you” racist issue. The people from Cambridge and Birmingham Universities may say that this is the result of a volcano that has suddenly erupted. I tell you: wrong! Just something mine, private, personal and from MY POCKET – has been to boil over. (i.e. US nordern plane). Look, you, ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg see by yourselves (Botin’s $ 3 billion, Ulrich’s 912% per six months, etc.) that I have been patiently putting up with the nation of the shit from camel turned around, cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s, and English speaking World be trouble if I let rip? With the Schroeder, Medvedev, Prince Andrew, Putin and Sampaio I am not worry. With the Botin’s three billion and with Ulrich 912 % in six months – I don’t know. But I tell you: I DON’T CARE.

1). Охранники Япончика отказываются давать показания. 04 августа 2009г . Следственная бригада, занятая делом о покушении в Москве на криминального авторитета Вячеслава Иванькова, более известного как Япончик, заявляет, что трое его охранников отказались давать показания. Охранники Япончика заявили, что не знают о каких-либо угрозах в его адрес, а в момент покушения "ничего не видели", пишет сегодня "Российская газета". О том, зачем В.Иваньков приехал в ресторан "Тайский слон", они тоже говорить отказываются. "На изъятых видеозаписях с камер, установленных на здании ресторана, в момент покушения видно, что охранники не смогли полностью прикрыть своего подопечного,что и позволило киллеру попасть в цель", - заявил источник в правоохранительных органах. "Судя по всему, стрелял все-таки профессионал. Опытные снайперы иногда используют метод "сопровождения цели": ведут ствол за движением жертвы. Япончик в момент выстрела нагнулся, киллер автоматически повел винтовку за его головой и попал в живот", - также добавил источник. Напомним, что покушение на криминального авторитета было совершено 28 июля 2009г. около восьми часов вечера возле ресторана "Тайский слон" на Хорошевском шоссе, где В.Иваньков бывал довольно регулярно. По мнению оперативников, преступление было тщательно спланировано: киллер заранее занял скрытую огневую позицию в кузове грузовой "Газели" на противоположной от ресторана стороне шоссе. Когда В.Иваньков вышел из "Тайского слона", убийца один раз выстрелил в него из снайперской винтовки Драгунова (СВД) - пуля прошила насквозь. В данный момент криминальный авторитет находится в больнице после операции, его жизни ничто не угрожает.

2). Isaltino Morais condenado a sete anos de prisão. 04/08/09 00:11 Apesar de ter sido ontem condenado a sete anos de prisão pela prática de crimes económicos, Isaltino Morais garante que vai a votos nas eleições autárquicas de 11 de Outubro. Isaltino Morais foi ontem condenado a sete anos de prisão pela prática de alguns dos mais graves crimes económicos previstos na lei: corrupção passiva para acto ilícito, abuso de poder, fraude fiscal e branqueamento de capitais. A juntar à sentença, o presidente da Câmara de Oeiras foi ainda condenado à perda de mandato e ao pagamento de uma indemnização à administração fiscal.

3). Terror as turbulence hurts 26 on Rio-Houston plane. Aug 3, 5:49 pm ET. MIAMI – Some passengers were snoozing while others snacked when the first turbulence rattled Continental Flight 128 over the Atlantic. AT LEAST 26 people were hurt – including several with serious head injuries – when a passenger jet dived ‘like a roller coaster’ after hitting extreme turbulence yesterday. The Continental Airlines Boeing 767 from Rio de Janeiro to Houston, Texas, was flying 11,000m (36,000ft) over the Atlantic when it plummeted during ten seconds of terror. ‘Some people who weren’t wearing seatbelts were literally thrown through the air like rag dolls,’ said one of the 168 passengers. The pilot made an emergency landing at Miami. British couple seriously injured in Tobago machete attack Peter and Miriam Greene, a British couple from Berkshire, have been seriously injured in a machete attack at their home in Tobago. Published: 8:35AM BST 04 Aug 2009. Mr Greene, 65, has been placed in a medically-induced coma because of the severity of his head injuries while local reports indicate that his wife, 59, had part of her jaw cut off. The pair, originally from Reading in Berkshire, were attacked at their holiday home in the town of Bacelot on the Caribbean island's south coast on Saturday.

4). Acidente com autocarro português faz um morto e dois feridos graves. Desconhece-se a identidade da mulher que faleceu, mas sabe-se que os dois feridos graves, que não correm risco de vida, são de nacionalidade portuguesa. O acidente com um autocarro que transportava 48 portugueses ocorreu na região de Landes, em França. Isaltino diz-se inocente Depois de ter conhecido a condenação a sete anos de prisão e à perda de mandato, o presidente da Câmara Municipal de Oeiras reclama a sua inocência e garante que vai recandidatar-se. Saiba tudo sobre o processo judicial de Isaltino Morais Numa conferência de imprensa, esta noite, em Linda-a-Velha, Isaltino Morais explicou a razão pela qual interpôs um recurso à sua condenação no Tribunal de Sintra a sete anos de prisão e à perda acessória de mandato, por fraude fiscal, abuso de poder e corrupção passiva para acto ilícito e branqueamento de capitais. O autarca garante que "não é por considerar excessiva a pena", mas porque considera que o processo demonstra a sua inocência, pelo que "desafio-os a todos a ler o processo e o acórdão. Verão que digo a verdade". Isaltino Morais disse que a pena a que foi condenado foi decidida em função de "juízos valorativos". E acrescentou: "quero reiterar a minha inocência e a minha firme recusa em ser usado como bode expiatório da classe política". Isaltino Morais afirmou ainda que é candidato à Câmara Municipal de Oeiras pois "à política o que é política e à justiça o que é da justiça". O autarca foi esta tarde declarado culpado de quatro dos sete crimes que inicialmente estava acusado, num cúmulo jurídico de sete anos, tendo o tribunal determinado uma indemnização de 463 mil euros ao fisco.

5). Экономисты в убытке. В Москве из Института экономики РАН похищено 1,2 млн рублей Как стало известно в среду, накануне в Москве был ограблен Институт экономики РАН. Неизвестный проник в здание на Нахимовском проспекте и, подобрав ключи к замку кассовой комнаты, похитил 1 млн 200 тыс. рублей. Преступнику удалось скрыться. В Москве из Института экономики Российской академии наук похитили более 1 млн рублей, сообщает «Интерфакс» со ссылкой на источник в правоохранительных органах. По его словам, 3 августа в 13.26 в милицию обратилась заместитель главного бухгалтера Института экономики РАН. Она сообщила, что в период с 12.20 до 13.00 3 августа неизвестный проник в здание института, дом № 32 по Нахимовскому проспекту, и, подобрав ключи к замку кассовой комнаты, похитил 1 млн 200 тыс. рублей. Грабителю удалось скрыться. Ведутся его поиски. В Институте экономики РАН газете ВЗГЛЯД факт ограбления подтвердили, однако раскрыть подробности отказались, уточнив лишь, что инцидент произошел в то время, когда главный бухгалтер была в отпуске.

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