Thursday 20 August 2009

Receive very important call in this respect.

Clever people are not always kind. Kind people are not always wealthy people. Wealthy people are not always happy people. What's more important, to be clever, or to be wealthy, or to be happy or to be kind? I do not need to choose one out of four and abandon the other three. In an ideal world, all four adjectives would apply to every one of us. Still, though, if I don't put wealthy first, I’ll compromise the other states.

Receive very important call in this respect:

Arctic Sea: tripulação e alegados atacantes já estão em Moscovo.20.08.2009 - 09h11 AFP. Os membros da tripulação e os suspeitos de terem atacado o cargueiro Arctic Sea, cujo desaparecimento, durante quase 20 dias, suscitou uma mobilização internacional, aterraram hoje em Moscovo a bordo de aviões militares russos provenientes de Cabo Verde, indicou hoje a agência russa Interfax. Dois aviões, um com os 15 membros da tripulação e outro com os oito alegados piratas, aterraram hoje de manhã (hora local) ao aeroporto militar de Tchkalovski, nos arredores de Moscovo, precisou a Interfax. Os membros da tripulação e os piratas do Arctic Sea descolaram de Cabo Verde, para onde foram transferidos depois de o navio ter sido encontrado ao largo do arquipélago cabo-verdiano. Os "piratas" terão entrado no cargueiro no Mar Báltico, em águas suecas, no dia 24 de Julho, obrigando a tripulação a navegar em direcção à costa africana. Ficam por explicar o motivos dos atacantes.

National Joint Stock Company "Nadra Ukrayny" (NJSC "Nadra Ukrayny") was established in 2000 by Decree of the President of Ukraine № 802 from 14 June "On the measures directed at the rise of management effectiveness of enterprises in geological sphere" in order to improve minerals supply for country's needs, to reserve and increase geological enterprises' potential. So, according to the decision of Ukrainian government, the Company consolidated 13 geological and specialized enterprises under own aegis. JUSTICE Organizes Raid Attack On Nadra Ukrainy. 20/08/2009 13:44 (01:08 minutes ago). The FINANCIAL -- Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko said that the team of the leader of the Party of Regions at the Verkhovna Rada Viktor Yanukovych has organized a raid attack on the Nadra Ukrainy national joint-stock company, she said opening a special meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on August 20. The prime minister called this meeting extraordinary and aiming prevention from embezzlement of strategic oil deposits inUkraine . In particular, she said that on August 19, reinstated head of Nadra Ukrainy Eduard Stavytskyi together with seven guards burst into the building of the company and started to seek for stamps, while current head of the company Oleksandr Ponomarenko is on vacation. She said that Stavytskyi was appointed as the head of this company while Viktor Yanukovych was on the post of the Ukrainian prime minister. She said that new leadership of the company found out that Stavytskyi had helped to embezzle 19 licenses for large oil and gas deposits. The prime minister said that the seizure of the company was organized after the state had eventually managed to return most of these deposits via court proceedings. As Ukrainian News earlier reported, Stavytskyi occupied the post of the head of the company board during the period from January 31, 2007 through January 30, 2008. Nadra Ukrainy was created by a decree of then President Leonid Kuchma dated June 14, 2000. The national company was created to raise the efficiency of control over the geology and exploration sectors. The 100-percent stake in the company belongs to the state. The national company is run by the Environmental Protection Ministry and engaged in exploration of the mineral resources, implementation of investment projects the geological sector in Ukraine . The national company includes 14 geology-exploration and specialized enterprises.

Захватчики налево, заложники направо. Три самолета – один с 11 членами экипажа Arctic Sea, второй с теми, кто удерживал их, и третий со следователями – приземлились в подмосковном аэропорту Чкаловский Три Ил-76, на борту которых находились 11 из 15 членов экипажа сухогруза Arctic Sea, предполагаемые захватчики судна и следователи, в четверг утром приземлились в подмосковном военном аэропорту Чкаловский. Их встретили представители различных силовых структур. Расследование, которое началось еще на российском корабле «Ладный», который освободил россиян, продолжится в Москве. Но некоторые обстоятельства произошедшего уже известны. Три самолета военно-транспортной авиации Ил-76, на борту одного из которых находились 11 из 15 членов экипажа сухогруза Arctic Sea, второго – восемь злоумышленников,подозреваемых в захвате судна, и третьего – следователи, в четверг в 10.40, 11.00 и 11.50 сели в подмосковном военном аэропорту Чкаловский, сообщает «Интерфакс».

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