Thursday 13 November 2008

OPEC Reference Basket of crudes

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss (Theodor Seuss Geisel (March 2, 1904 – September 24, 1991) was an American writer and cartoonist, better known by his pen name, Dr. Seuss. Geisel also worked as an illustrator for advertising campaigns, most notably for Flit and Standard Oil.)

Bar 2012 when I pass nearby, make a nose like an electric chair. Yesterday, I receive telephone call not only from BNB Recruitment Solution, Mr. Trevor of PCS Executive. But from English speaking world. I.e. Buchanan Clark + Wells. (How greedy bastards this lawyers are!) Poor secretary, she was calling only with provocative porpoise. Mean, if I confirm to her my address, she than tell me what it is about. Knowing fairly well that I am not using European Community ongoing piggy faces T Mobile. But here she come. First idea, which was truthful one, was that she is that Karen Matthews (that bitch who drugs her own daughter to receive security money). The one of the secretaries working for me at Partex CPS – have a very similar face to this one. Only colour of eyes are different. At 16:00 one boy from City Something Traders make me “cold” call. Telling, with timbre of voice from Aston Lloyd and Partners i.e. Nigel J. Green (I call them Royalties and Concessions) that he was wandering if I am interesting yet in investing MY MONEY in City… Mean, half hour after Portland 450 cement affair of Charles the II (you see yesterday TV?) in Moscow, “technology” of arrive to logical conclusion. However, more interesting thing was that Kirsan Ilumzhinov & Andrew Lancaster CO carry on trying to destroy me. Good God I make at correct moment – evasion manoeuvre. Attention to how  they make me an European ABBA. A little bit sad, the fact that EDF (Electricity du France) should to say a lot about. Together with Bico Holding.

1). В центре Москвы расстреляли бизнесмена. Замдиректора строительной фирмы изрешетили в спортивной BMW

13.11.2008 19:24:03 Сегодня вечером в самом центре Москвы неизвестные киллеры расстреляли 36-летнего заместителя генерального директора «Москомстроя» Алексея Соколова. Бизнесмен припарковал свой BMW возле дома № 4 по Покровскому бульвару около 17:35. Судя по всему именно в этот момент киллеры подбежали к шикарной спортивной иномарке. Раздались несколько выстрелов. Алексей упал, как подкошенный, а убийцы скрылись в считанные секунды. Как позже рассказали очевидцы, киллеры побежали в сторону Яузского бульвара. Сейчас на месте ЧП работает следственная группа. Оперативники опрашивают очевидцев, чтобы найти хоть какую-то зацепку, которая поможет поймать киллеров. Предположительно, преступник стрелял из пистолета Макарова. На месте найдены несколько гильз от патронов калибра 9 мм. Перед тем как сбежать киллеры сделали контрольный выстрел в голову.

2). Uzbekistan suspends Eurasec membership, Moscow unruffled

12/ 11/ 2008 12:49 MOSCOW, November 12 (RIA Novosti) - Uzbekistan has officially announced it is temporarily withdrawing from the Eurasian Economic Community (Eurasec), the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.

Eurasec, established in 2000, is an international economic organization comprising Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan. Three other former Soviet republics, Armenia, Moldova, and Ukraine have observer status.

"This is the sovereign right of any member state," the ministry said.

A Russian business daily said earlier on Wednesday that the reasons for the move were still unknown. However, the announcement came days after the EU lifted sanctions imposed on the republic in 2005, following the violent suppression of an uprising in the country that came to be known as the Andizhan massacre.

"Tashkent announced in mid-October that it was putting its membership on hold. They did not explain the reasons to us, but the Uzbek leadership has of late been often critical of Eurasec's performance, considering it an ineffective organization," Kommersant quoted an unidentified Russian Foreign Ministry official as saying.

He added that Uzbekistan was "extremely envious" of a customs union created by Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus within the Eurasec framework.

3). EU unveils energy plan to reduce dependence on Russia

Europe today stepped up its attempts to reduce its exposure to potential Russian blackmail over energy supplies, unveiling an ambitious strategy aimed at weakening Russian giant Gazprom's domination of Europe's gas imports. On the eve of a Russia-EU summit tomorrow in France, the energy package released by the European commission highlighted Europe's dependence on Russian exports and sought to devise strategies to wean Europe off the addiction. Of six energy projects pinpointed for future development, commission officials said the two "absolute priorities" were to connect the three post-Soviet Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to European power grids and to forge ahead with the so-called "southern gas corridor" which is supposed to transport gas from the Caspian basin to Europe while, for political reasons, bypassing the world's two biggest gas producers, Russia and Iran. Both projects are aimed at loosening Russia's grip. By next year Brussels also aims to have set up a consortium of European companies to buy gas from the Caspian basin, supposed to be shipped to Europe in a new pipeline from Azerbaijan via Turkey and the Balkans to Austria from 2013. Gazprom currently controls all the pipelines sending gas to Europe from the east.

4). Essa Notícia que foi actualizada às 17h e 45 – grandissima “Юстас-Алексу” novidade para mim.   Militares da GNR e equipas de inactivação de explosivos da Guarda estiveram esta tarde de quarta-feira a inspeccionar o Tribunal de Sintra, na sequência de chamada anónima que alertava para uma bomba, confirmou ao IOLPortugalDiário o porta-voz da Guarda, Tenente-Coronel Costa Lima. A ameaça foi feita ao princípio da tarde, cerca das 14 horas, e a GNR ordenou de imediato a evacuação das instalações e montou um cordão de segurança. Os trabalhos de revista e busca nas instalações do tribunal decorreram durante mais de três horas e «não foi encontrado nenhum engenho explosivo», esclareceu a mesma fonte. Os funcionários do tribunal e outras pessoas que estavam no interior do edifício foram encaminhados para a estação da Portela, Linha de Sintra, que fica perto do tribunal.

5). Irish govt angry at Czech president EU comments

Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:07pm GMT DUBLIN (Reuters) - The Irish government on Wednesday denounced as "misguided, misinformed and insulting" comments by Czech President Vaclav Klaus in which he spoke out against the European Union's reform treaty. Klaus, a strong euro-sceptic, spoke against the Lisbon treaty at meeting on Tuesday organised by the Libertas group, a leading member of the winning "No" side in Ireland's June referendum on the treaty. "One could have no objection to President Klaus having private engagements during his visit," European Affairs Minister Dick Roche said in a statement. "However, his public comments on an issue of ongoing domestic political debate are unusual to put it mildly during a State visit," Roche said. Klaus' comparison of Libertas with dissidents in Czechoslovakia before the end of communism was "misguided, misinformed and insulting," Roche said. Klaus, speaking on Wednesday during a trip to the south of Ireland, denied his comments had been inappropriate.

"I didn't visit someone who is against the state. I visited someone who is just opposing the government," Klaus said. BT announces plan to cut 10,000 jobs

Thu, Nov 13, 2008 The British economy suffered another blow today when telecoms giant BT announced it was cutting 10,000 jobs, mainly among agency workers and sub-contractors. Union leaders expressed shock at the scale of the cutback and warned they would resist any moves to make compulsory redundancies. 

6). Цена барреля нефти ОПЕК упала ниже $50

09:19 РИА «Новости» МОСКВА, 13 ноя — РИА Новости. Цена нефтяной корзины ОПЕК (OPEC Reference Basket of crudes) накануне упала ниже 50 долларов за баррель, говорится в сообщении организации.

В марте 2008 года корзина была расширена до 13 сортов нефти за счет Эквадора. Таким образом, в настоящее время цена корзины ОПЕК определяется как средний арифметический показатель физических цен следующих сортов нефти, добываемой странами картеля: Saharan Blend (Алжир), Girassol (Ангола), Oriente (Эквадор), Minas (Индонезия), Iran Heavy (Иран), Basra Light (Ирак), Kuwait Export (Кувейт), Es Sider (Ливия), Bonny Light (Нигерия), Qatar Marine (Катар), Arab Light (Саудовская Аравия), Murban (ОАЭ) и BCF 17 (Венесуэла).

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