Wednesday 12 November 2008


Care is necessary in dealings with agents, messengers, servants, inferiors, or those who transact business for others, such as solicitors, lawyers, and literary persons; caution is advisable with regard to letters, writing, signing papers, and in all correspondence or personal interviews. This influence of the Sun and Mercury is not wholly bad, but tends to prevent matters coming to fruition.

Tuesday, 11 November 2008


Have today at 11:45 meeting with PCS executive. I must call this a holy (went from word hole) meeting at 70 Conduit Street. For a long time I don’t see a consultancy in this high degree. During fifteen years they never give me such pleasure. At least give me assurance that I am moving in a right direction. Nothing fresh or what I don’t know before. But a subject (what you do to find the job), was putted in a very new perspective. Same details, such as writing letters, reshuffle  CV, “wheel of fortune”, handling search firms, job searching, interview techniques, presentation skills – all the alike to that what I am stubbornly carry on doing without success for a long time. However, have “new” tricks. Firstly, lot of dedication to the alumni network. This one, for all consequences only can mean “mother”. Secondly, is the excessive dedication to the “technology”. Between eventual bonanza which its can bring, they promise the creation of 6-page-website. Where we eventually can put a lot of information. Like a sequence of that -try to sell yourself. 

There could be involvement in important corporate business affairs, advanced scientific or technological activities, military affairs, and important matters dealing with life and death issues. Necessary for your personal growth and evolution. That which is no longer appropriate to your evolving personality is cast aside, making way for the new impulse of transformation to germinate. It is probable that you gain some psychic or occult power at this time but there is the danger that such power is used to manipulate, dictate terms or coerce others to your will. Guard against getting involved in any dubious or illegal activity.

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

10:41:25 Again they hit on my head. This time from distance, something like JFK operation. And always showing the tooth. Many times. In that period when I almost was falling a sleep. Was angry, jump out of bed, and drew exact triangle who are doing this to me. Was the level for which PCS Executive Company Plc are working. At the end, the face of Senior Consultant Trevor Edwards is the face very similar to the face of Prince Phillips, including the age. Only this structure can hit me in the head. Mean, obviously body guards of this rank can be such ruthless chimps. Who else can connect Nerpa of “medvedev”, British nuclear Submarine HMS Trafalgar of cocaine Andrew Lancaster and a USS nuclear sub Providence of bastardo e pirata Cavaco with a reason to don’t give me sleep hitting me each time harder and harder? To myself I am saying – don’t be such drastically, bombastically oriented. Know who you are, where you are, and capacities which you had. But voices don’t agree… They are telling me that in the way to the PCS you don’t pay enough attention to the black (?) girl with a face of Mike Jackson, and that you don’t see that he (mean she) was walking at the front of toy store right at the entrance to the 70 Conduit. In russian, chinese, japanese with incredible despair almost yelling. Well, only after I smack with a stick in the face of Willy and Harry (cocaine Royal family of Lancasters), for many years this method was used with my face, they fade away and I can resume my sleep. And sleep well, with a very hazy dream about FIAT cinquecento. Following coffee, went to “working links”. Thinking a lot about where I go to find £5 000 (i.e. clean 5 off-shores) for a new advance of ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg in unison with RD Congo shooting… Of course, after see the two lots of three Africans apiece “de bolina serrada” and a little bit further telephone call from BNB Recruiting Solutions – Head  Quarters for Trevor Edwards and CO, (The following shareholders are directors of the company and any other shareholder of 3% or more of any class of security (except treasury shares) Roderick MacLeod/Xanthus Limited, 28.47% shareholding; Round Enterprises, 27.47% shareholding; Julian Treger/Montelle Properties, 16.70% shareholding; Pascal Gueissaz, 7.34% shareholding; Simon Grinstead, 5.13% shareholding) – I say them NO. Essentially, because they are strong. Than, like my money. And last, during the conversation with Trevor, when he went to check my account, telling them code number, he pronounces my name like “Glock”… Well, all this like that three nuke subs – to much for me. Let’s see if I am clear to myself. On Monday, before signing I went drink coffee, where waiter was very talkative and made me price discount. We have that morning an “Italian bird”. At the evening, after meeting – we have a continuation of Ryanair opera. Only in this time seems that one team, of ukrainians, are with small detail – balaclava on theirs heads. (tem uma meia  na cabeça ). I.e. bird from Austrian Airlines. Can’t expect miracles if even Facebook has been infiltrated by scammers and other cyber criminals who use compromised accounts to con users out of cash. Although, I see more connection in this last Austrian bird, between ukranians, my name and RD Congo. Principal reason why the “mano Fernandes”(faces of outstanding debts from FIFA with me), firmly live me in peace, after fifteen years forcibly making me company during “my support” to the shadow economy speaking in English. Shortly – “os Diamantes de Angola” taking no risk with me. And with all District Line structure.   

1). Avião da Ryanair aterra de emergência em Roma

2008-11-10 às 16:40 Um avião da Ryanair fez uma aterragem de emergência, esta manhã, no aeroporto Ciampino, em Roma, depois de alguns pássaros terem entrado nos reactores. A bordo seguiam 166 passageiros e seis membros da tripulação, cinco sofreram ferimentos ligeiros. O pedido de aterragem de emergência deveu-se a “múltiplos impactos de pássaros nos motores" do aparelho, um Boeing 737-700, proveniente de Frankfurt (Alemanha), segundo informou a companhia aérea irlandesa. Os bombeiros foram de imediato mobilizados e cobriram a pista com espuma anti-incêndio como medida de precaução. O porta-voz da Ryanair, Stephen McNamara, referiu que três passageiros e dois membros da tripulação foram levados ao hospital com ferimentos ligeiros, segundo a agência AP. “Aparentemente, o trem de aterragem esquerdo sofreu danos substanciais ao tocar em terra, o que atrasará durante várias horas a retirada do avião da pista de aterragem”, acrescenta a empresa no comunicado. O incidente, que ocorreu cerca das 08:00 (07 :00 em Lisboa), levou ao encerramento do aeroporto, tendo os voos com destino a Ciampino sido desviados para Roma-Fiumicino. No terminal acumulam-se passageiros e respectivas bagagens cujos voos foram afectados.

2). Самолет экстренно сел в Будапеште

11 ноября 2008, 19:15  Пассажирский самолет авиакомпании «Австрийские авиалинии» совершил вынужденную посадку в международном аэропорту Будапешта. Как сообщили в пресс-службе столичной воздушной гавани, посадка прошла благополучно. Пилот самолета CRJ-200, совершавшего рейс Донецк-Вена, заметил неисправность одного из двигателей, и было принято решение о вынужденной посадке в ближайшем аэропорту. На борту помимо 4 членов экипажа находились 23 пассажира. Во избежание возможных негативных последствий неисправный двигатель был заглушен и посадка совершалась на одном рабочем двигателе, сообщает ИТАР-ТАСС.

3). Tropas angolanas combatem ao lado do exército congolês 
terça-feira, 11 de Novembro de 2008 | 15:43
Os rebeldes da República Democrática do Congo (RDCongo), liderados pelo ex-general Laurent Nkunda, disseram hoje à Lusa que tropas angolanas, que envergam a farda do exército de Angola, combatem ao lado das forças regulares congolesas.

4). Tony Blair's bodyguard has caused panic at an Israeli airport by accidentally firing his handgun. The International Middle East peace envoy's guard mistakenly opened fire outside the terminal building at Ben-Gurion International Airport.

5). Head of Kalmyk Meets with Traffic Accident

12.11.2008 15:54 Head of Kalmyk Kirsan Ilumzhinov met with traffic accident in Moscow. He was taken to a hospital after the accident. Traffic accident takes place in intersection of Rublev and Podushkin highway. Officers of State Traffic Police blocked movement of cars to give opportunity to Ilumzhinov’s car to pass. “At this tame a girl drove by Ford Focus car along Podushkin highway. Refusing to obey to Traffic Police officers’ demands, she drove to crossroads and collided with Ilumzhinov’s Mercedes car,” РИА Новости reported.

6). Mi comi fruta...

Euribor a três meses volta a cair e fixa mínimo de 15 meses

A Euribor a três meses está já no valor mais baixo desde Agosto de 2007, antes de rebentar a actual crise financeira. A taxa interbancária sofreu a 24ª queda consecutiva, uma tendência seguida pelas Euribor das diferentes maturidades. A taxa a seis meses, a mais utilizada, aproxima-se já dos 4,3%. A Euribor a três meses está já no valor mais baixo desde Agosto de 2007, antes de rebentar a actual crise financeira. A taxa interbancária sofreu a 24ª queda consecutiva, uma tendência seguida pelas Euribor das diferentes maturidades. A taxa a seis meses, a mais utilizada, aproxima-se já dos 4,3%. Na sessão de hoje, a Euribor a três meses registou uma quebra de 5,7 pontos base, fixando-se nos 4,286%. Segundo a European Banking Federation, a taxa atingiu o valor mais baixo desde 2 de  Agosto do ano passado, regressando assim aos níveis de antes da crise financeira. A taxa a seis meses, a mais utilizada em Portugal como indexante nos contratos de crédito, essencialmente, à habitação, também voltou a ceder e está agora nos 4,345%. Já a Euribor a doze meses, a maturidade mais longa, recuou em 4,6 pontos base para 4,412%. Face aos recorde, atingidos no início de Outubro, as taxas interbancárias já perderam mais de 100 pontos base, sendo que nas últimas sessões a dimensão das quedas tem vindo a acentuar-se, com o mercado a antecipar novas reduções da taxa directora do Banco Central Europeu (BCE). No espaço de um mês, o BCE desceu os juros de 4,25% para 3,25%, e deverá voltar a baixar o preço do dinheiro. Os últimos cortes ainda não estão totalmente reflectidos nas Euribor, que continuam substancialmente acima da taxa directora, um sinal de que o mercado de crédito ainda não está a funcionar em pleno. No entanto, hoje houve um sinal positivo. Segundo o BCE, os depósitos dos bancos juntos da autoridade monetária caíram para o nível mais baixo do último mês, depois de vários recordes consecutivos. A quebra indicia que os bancos estão menos apreensivos quanto a emprestar dinheiro a outras instituições, um sinal de que os mercados de crédito estão regressar à normalidade. 24ª queda consecutiva...



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