Image: "Sherlock Holmes finding a smoking gun".
Risk Portuguese debt is already at levels above the euro. Markets under pressure.: 23/04/10 00:05. Portugal is still in the euro, but the debt does not. The Greek contagion increased the financing costs to 1997 levels. Portugal is in the spotlight of the markets. The Government and tries to prove that "Portugal is not Greece, but investors returned yesterday to paste the two countries and national funding costs hit the highest since 1997. The bomb came yesterday from Eurostat, which fixed the 2009 budget deficit estimated by Athens. The Greek deficit is ultimately 13.6% of GDP, almost one point above the 12.7% accepted by the Government of Papandreou. The markets' response was immediate and did not focus on debt of Greece. The 'yield' of Portuguese debt soared to 4.854% and the "spread" in the face of Germany - the premium investors demand to buy Portuguese debt instead of German - rose to 179 basis points, the highest since 1997, before the creation euro zone.
Ifo: Stimmung in Chefetagen hellt sich im April kräftig auf. Reuters Deutschland - Vor 27 Minuten.
Car bomb blast outside police station on Irish border. Police face rise in threat of activity by dissident republicans. A car bomb exploded last night at about 2325 BST. outside a police station in a Northern Ireland village close to the border with the Irish Republic. The explosion in Newtownhamilton in South Armagh came half an hour before midnight and damaged the building and nearby houses.
Failed job hunt ends in overdose at 21. Steve Bird. A young woman who had left school with ten GCSEs and three A levels apparently killed herself because she felt “humiliated” when she could not get a job. Vicky Harrison, 21, spent two years looking for work but with no success. The day after receiving yet another letter saying that she had failed in her application and interview for a job, this time at a nursery, she took an overdose of pills, her family said. She left a note to them which read: “I don’t want to be me any more. Please don’t be sad. It is not your fault. I want everybody in my life to be happy.” The case comes the day after unemployment rose to a 16-year high of 2.5 million.
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