+ 45% JUMP. When I put the Board of Directors of the “system” which are enjoying to harass me, - was just trying to explain how this egomaniacs of “you don’t have nothing” work. In 24/7 plan, and to whom I call Seriojas. Those very smooth talkers who, never less, - keep arousing many of my suspicions. The козло-вонючие козлы who with endless cruelty using theirs principal asset – брата. Who, as a matter of fact, believe that the World around them always spin their way…, or the highway. Of course privately they for me represent the that unique solution, - to stir far away possible from them. The “sleeping” with ‘Ali на’ or not. Also the fun people (i.e. the козло-вонючие козлы from Board of Directors of the AFC system) seem and japes that where I’m getting into, are a just the buzz. Well, maybe they like when I piss in theirs mouths, whatever it will be, I with “you” keep yet to consider the overall impact of my “lifestyle” all over the situations. With the Corsican brothers’ Board of Directors or not.
The Bhopal disaster was an industrial catastrophe that took place at a pesticide plant owned and operated by Union Carbide (UCIL) in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. Around midnight on the intervening night of December 2–3, 1984, the plant released methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas and other toxins, resulting in the exposure of over 500,000 people. The government agencies estimate 15,000 deaths.
British Ambassador escapes with his life as suicide bomber blows himself up in Yemen. Published 20 mins ago by Mail Online UK. Last updated at 9:19 AM on 26th April 2010. The British Ambassador to Yemen escaped with his life today after a suicide bomber blew himself up near the convoy taking him to work. Tim Torlot was reported safe but one person, believed to be the bomber, was dead following the blast in the Yemeni capital, Sana'a, according to a reported security source. A Foreign Office spokesman was unable to currently confirm the report. He said: 'The Foreign Office is urgently looking into it.' The British embassy in Yemen has been closed this morning. No embassy staff are believed to have been injured in the blast. According to reports, the explosion was triggered as Mr Torlot made his way to work at the embassy in Sana'a. The Yemeni officials said the vehicle was passing through a poor neighborhood in the eastern part of San'a Monday when an explosion went off nearby. They said they believed the attacker was wearing an explosives belt and that he was killed in the explosion. Mr Torlot, 52, became UK Ambassador to Yemen in 2007. His previous postings include deputy head of mission at the British Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq. Mr Torlot's private life has been the subject of press coverage after he reportedly moved his pregnant mistress, U.S. journalist Jennifer Steil, into his official residence after his wife of 23 years returned home. The couple now have a baby daughter. He was reported to be 'unharmed', according to a security source. The Foreign Office website warns travellers that there is a 'high threat' of terrorism in Yemen. 'We believe that terrorists continue to plan attacks,' it said.
'Attacks could be indiscriminate, including against Western and British interests, such as residential compounds, military and oil facilities, and transport and aviation interests.' Yemen has been the focus of international concern about al Qaeda activity after the man suspected of attempting to blow up a U.S.-bound airliner on Christmas Day, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, was reported to have told FBI investigators that he was supplied with his bomb by al Qaeda members in Yemen. Nigerian-born Abdulmutallab's family have also suggested that he became radicalised during a visit to Yemen last year, where he was supposedly studying Arabic but is believed to have made contact with some of the estimated 300 al Qaeda militants based in the country. The British Embassy in Yemen closed for two days in January for security reasons, one of a number of Western embassies - including the U.S. and France - which shut their doors in the country amid concerns over a possible threat from al Qaeda militants. Yemen's government has recently vowed to work with the U.S. in taking on hundreds of al Qaeda fighters who have built up strongholds in the country's remote regions.
Risco de Portugal aumenta e está em máximos de 1997. 26/04/10 09:25. Os mercados dão novos sinais de nervosismo para com Atenas. O 'spread' da dívida portuguesa já ultrapassou os 200 pontos base. O preço dos ‘credit default swaps' (CDS) sobre obrigações helénicas a cinco anos é o que mais sobe em todo o mundo, aumentando em 26 pontos base para 625 pontos, segundo dados da Bloomberg. O agravamento do risco da dívida grega está a contagiar outros países da zona euro com debilidades orçamentais, tais como Portugal e Espanha. O preço dos CDS sobre títulos da dívida pública espanhola subia para 170 pontos base (mais 7 pontos), enquanto o mesmo indicador para as obrigações do Tesouro português avançava para 277 pontos base (mais dois pontos). O mesmo acontece na evolução do ‘spread', o prémio exigido pelos investidores para comprarem dívida grega e/ou portuguesa em vez das ‘bunds' alemãs, a referência no mercado europeu. O ‘spread' grego agravou-se hoje para 584 pontos face aos 559 verificados sexta-feira. Para o caso português, o prémio situa-se agora em 202 pontos contra os 190 observados na última sessão. Segundo dados da Bloomberg, trata-se do valor mais elevado desde pelo menos 1997, altura em que ainda se usada o escudo.
Chloride shares surge on Emerson bid. April 26 2010 09:23. Shares in Chloride surged more than 40 per cent on Monday after US group Emerson Electric returned with a bid for its UK rival, pitching its 270p all-cash indicative offer at the same price as its failed bid two years ago. Emerson made its approach to Norman Broadhurst, chairman of Chloride, on Friday and values the equity of the maker of uninterruptible power systems at £723m. Emerson went public after saying Chloride did not respond before an imposed Sunday deadline. Shares in Chloride rose 43 per cent to 299p at the open as investors bet on the possibility of a higher bid emerging. Chloride Group PLC (Chloride) is engaged in supply of power solutions, including the manufacture and sale of power supply systems and power conditioners, and after-sale technical support. The Company’s market sectors include service (34%), energy, and oil and gas (16%), information technology services (5%), manufacturing (9%), telecoms (7%), financial services (8%), retail (5%), government (4%), transport (3%), healthcare (3%) and other (6%). The Company's subsidiaries include AST Services Electronique SARL, CHLD Singapore Pte Limited, Chloride Electronics Limited and Chloride Masterguard Power Systems Limited. On October 10, 2008 the Company acquired Power & Electronic Services Limited. On December 17, 2008 the Company acquired Protech Technical Services. On January 6, 2009 the Company acquired Siemens UK UPS Systems business. In December 2009, the Company acquired Automatismes Energie Electroniques Systemes SAS.
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