The Chariot. Now I remember exactly what I was dreaming off this night. Not just with the punch on my teeth, - it’s simple, it’s like always, the “not-ready-yet-to-talking-with-me” are trying the European window through my mouth. But another, the South American dream. Where I’m in a very gorgeous valley village with enormous Ferris Wheel in my head. Good laugh! This medvedev rats keep looking for my Georgian Mexican saddle! (Bovespa/KOSPI). Problem is though, is that this kind of stuff only makes me feel with a deeper sense of responsibility. Me who will die to be my mum body-guard… (I’m jocking) Carry on that supreme meaning of medvedev’s rats the long decades by now, - “A мы тебя перепиздим!” Only through the extraordinary seriousness and “self-control” I may try to don’t be misleading with theirs “artificial” cosmic vacuum… Even if apparent delays or setbacks will arise. I’ll be keeping (like right now) awareness for details on what worries me. Off course is better not to hurry; however seems the good day to start negotiations (i.e. the today letter from NHS Dental Services. Fabrice Tourre), signing some documents or some definite/final decision. My horoscope for today are showing me The Chariot card. Calling my attention to beware of the snap judgments [sic]. Well, it’s true, more yet because we/I never had the all information. Is the great duty of any man to be discerning enough to separate the wheat from the chaff. In any aspects of his life.
Deepwater Horizon oil rig fire leaves 11 missing. Rig listing after explosion in Gulf of Mexico, but most workers escape unhurt. Workers are missing after an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, which operated in the Gulf of Mexico. Photograph: AP. Designed originally for R&B Falcon, she was completed in 2001 by Hyundai Heavy Industries in Ulsan, South Korea, after their merger with Transocean. She is the second of two in her class, although her sister ship, the Deepwater Nautilus is not dynamic positioned 8,000 feet (2,400 m), according to Transocean’s Web site. The rig is 396 feet (121 m) long and 256 feet (78 m) wide and according to Billy Nungesser, the president of Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, "is one of the largest, deep water, off-shore drilling rigs.” Since arriving in the Gulf of Mexico, Deepwater Horizon has been under contract to BP Exploration. Her work includes wells in theAtlantis and Thunder Horse fields, a 2006 discovery in the Kaskida field and the 2009 Tiber oilfield. Helicopters, ships and an aeroplane searched the waters off Louisiana's coast today for at least 11 workers missing after an explosion and fire that left an offshore drilling platform tilting in the Gulf of Mexico. Most of the 126 people on the rig, Deepwater Horizon, were believed to have escaped safely after the explosion last night, a coast guard officer, Mike O'Berry, said. The rig, about 52 miles south-east of Venice on Louisiana's tip, was still burning this morning. It was listing about 70 degrees and threatening to topple into the water. "It's burning pretty good and there's no estimate on when the fire will be put out," O'Berry said. Seven workers were reported critically injured and two taken to a trauma centre in Alabama, another coastguard officer, Sue Kerver said. O'Berry said many workers who escaped the rig were being brought to land on a workboat while the Gulf of Mexico was searched for signs of lifeboats. "We're hoping everyone's in a life raft," he said. Greg Panagos, a spokesman for the rig's owner, Transocean Ltd, said it was drilling but not in production. The rig was under contract to BP Plc, whose spokesman, Darren Beaubo, said all BP personnel were safe, though he did not know how many BP workers had been on the rig. Panagos said it was still too early to tell the cause. "Our focus right now is on taking care of the people." O'Berry said coastguard environmental teams were on standby to assess any environmental damage once the fire was out. The Deepwater Horizon rig, built in 2001, is 120 metres long and 78 metres wide. The site known as the Macondo prospect, is in 1,500 metres of water. The rig is designed to operate in water depths up to 2,500 metres and has a maximum drill depth of about 5.5 miles. It can accommodate a crew of up to 130.
Goldman's Legal Defense Amounts to `Buyer Beware'. Apr 21, 2010. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. has signaled it will fight a U.S. lawsuit over subprime mortgage instruments the same way Bank of America Corp.’s Merrill Lynch unit and UBS AG have challenged similar claims -- by invoking the concept of caveat emptor: Latin for buyer beware. The strategy may work. By insisting that purchasers of collateralized debt obligations knew what they were getting into, Goldman Sachs is following a well-traveled path. Both Merrill and UBS won dismissal of similar claims that they misrepresented the risks of such assets by saying the buyers were sophisticated enough to know better. The Securities and Exchange Commission accused Goldman Sachs of creating and selling the CDOs without disclosing that hedge fund Paulson & Co. helped pick the underlying securities and bet against the instrument. Goldman Sachs denied any wrongdoing, saying that it provided “extensive disclosure” to customers about the risks. Goldman Sachs, whose mantra is clients’ interests always come first, has said “these are sophisticated investors who knew what they were buying,” said David Irwin, a former federal prosecutor in private practice in Towson, Maryland. The bank is arguing that the average buyer of this product isn’t some “credit union that didn’t know what it was doing,” he said.
Love for $ 40 billion. For the first two years of work for the highest public office, Dmitry Medvedev went on a visit to Ukraine. The last time the Russian president (at that time Vladimir Putin) was visiting the neighbors as much in 2005. The visit was historic - the Ukrainians still managed to achieve solid discounts on gas. Small change was the extension of the Black Sea Fleet on Ukrainian territory. According to unofficial information, Yanukovych in such a hurry to Medvedev, that even got into an accident. Or rather, one of the cars rushing his high-speed motorcade (ironically ? - the ambulance) was faced with a car. As a result, the driver, reportedly died on the spot. But then the local Interior Ministry refuted the information that the ambulance was traveling in a motorcade of the president. In any case, flight was delayed Yanukovich. Ambulance to escort Yanukovych killed taxi driver (video & continuation of “tcalami”). www.gazeta.lviv.ua. On Wednesday morning was something that should be expected, given the culture of mobility motorcade of President Yanukovych. Car ambulance that went to support Yanukovych convoy, collided with a taxi driver who was killed by the accident. The accident occurred at the Kharkov area. Cortege moved at high speed on Prospect preferred to Boryspil, where Yanukovych had to fly to Kharkov to meet with Russian President Medvedev. "Emergency", which was in convoy, has seen a taxi car VAZ 2110, which went to the range of the Kharkiv highway. Scheme of the accident. Google Graphics. The blow was of such force that ambulance twenty meters "protyahnula" on the asphalt taxi. Arrived at the scene Ministry team, which freed by special means in the back seat passenger, whose legs were locked. Naytsynichnishe began then. Authorities lips Ministry spokesman said that the ambulance is not associated with Yanukovych. "The car that got in an accident, not related to the presidential motorcade," - said the Head of Police Dmitry Andreev. - "The law clearly defined vehicle motorcade that is the person protected. Motorcade Machines persons protected in accidents do not fall." "Ukrainian Pravda counted at least seven proof that representative government is lying. First. The video clearly shows that the accident remained in place Milicejskaja Toyota CIDA "in support of Yanukovych. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZlSnNyhU7o&feature=player_embedded
Second. In place of accident remained a visiting head of Yanukovych. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZlSnNyhU7o&feature=player_embedded
The photo in the center - the employee of the State Guard, the head of a visiting President Yanukovych
Third. In place of accident remained armed anti-terrorist unit officer SBU Alpha, who accompanied Yanukovich. The photo on the left - anti-terrorist center employee Alfa SBU, which is in support of Yanukovich. The photo on the left - anti-terrorist center employee Alfa SBU, which is in support of Yanukovich. Fourth. No ambulance, which got into accidents, AA 0549 AA, GA is listed in the database for the State Hospital Administration. As you know, government affairs - a body of presidential administration, competence is also included and special medical facilities serving the first of the state.
Number instantly publishes its affiliation with the Presidential Administration. Fifth. This is the "emergency" was photographed "Ukrainian Truth" as part of convoy Yanukovych few weeks ago, when he traveled with Kruglouniversitetskaya street in Kiev. Tuple opens Toyota CIDA. Such an accident remained in place. Tuple Yanukovych in all its beauty. "Emergency" goes to the tuples. The same "fast-killer"
External siren signals identical. Sixth. Ensure that the ambulance is part of the convoy Yanukovych can see it on video, shot last month. "Express" convoy with Yanukovych. Stop-frame video for March 2010. Seventh. Even if you follow the logic of the police that the ambulance came in to the convoy, the emergence of such machines at once by Yanukovych blocked on all sides Avenue Preferred simply impossible. This "fast" - no upiznavalnyh character logo without first aid, on all sides obvishana flashing beacons and sirens. Behavior of power in this situation not only absurd, but foul against its own citizens.
... Last year in accidents hit motorcade of then Prime Minister Tymoshenko. Fortunately, while all remaining live and Party of Regions stated that it intends to control the process of establishing guilt.
"Investigations into the accident involving motorcade of Prime Minister should take place in public. Attempts to cover investigation nonclassified unacceptable" - pathos if affirmed Regions Mykola jig.
Today, events are repeated with the mirror up. Responsibility for the death lies with the authorities. Obviously, this tragic event happened, if acted the Constitution that all citizens of Ukraine are equal in their rights, and state leaders are not satisfied on the roads.
Pigs Fly to 14-Year High as Meat Demand Rises. Apr 21, 2010. Hog futures surged to the highest price since 1996 as a rally in wholesale pork signaled improved demand for U.S. meat. Cattle also rose. Wholesale pork has climbed 20 percent to the highest level since August 2008, U.S. Department of Agriculture data show. Demand is increasing as warmer weather in the U.S. encourages consumers to grill outside. Supplies of hogs available to slaughterhouses has tightened after two years of losses forced farmers to slash breeding herds to the smallest size ever. Pork’s gains are “primarily a function of demand,” said Doug Harper, a Richard A. Brock & Associates analyst in Milwaukee. If consumers hold true to seasonal increases in meat purchasing, prices “have further to go,” Harper said. Hog futures for June settlement rose 1.725 cents, or 2 percent, to 87.225 cents a pound at 11:26 a.m. on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the highest price for a most-active contract since May 1996. Wholesale pork reached 87.04 cents a pound yesterday and has risen every day this month, USDA data show. “To be this high in April, we’re really in uncharted territory,” Harper said. Before today, futures gained 30 percent this year on increased demand as the economy improves and because of smaller U.S. pork supplies. Meatpackers processed 32.3 million hogs this year through April 17, or 4.5 percent fewer than the same time last year.
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