Cozy. I can from highest point in my wallet speculate about what can happen in twenty years time. I’ll be written here: “I will buy a new tooth brush”. Start speaking here about the building of the 12 nuclear stations in India and $20 billion of credit to Venezuela. And then, the Miller’s Eurasia “leg’ (i.e. Yamal) happens to be Irrevoigably broken… See, just because to know that you’re right isn’t the same as knowing that everyone else know you’re right. Sadly though, for some bizarre reason the later can sometimes be more important. Looking at wizard’s from City I see how some of them spend ages picking the perfect colour or ideal material. I, the poor “chap” grab whatever I had at hand (for example Ruthenium) and summon the magic of spontaneous serendipity… This eventually and virtually can produce with frequency of the day-yes-day-no involvement with particular person, organization, structure or another managerial arrangement. It is neither an accident, a mistake nor, even necessarily, it is a problem. Also, this wasn’t the doubt or the social mistrust. It was (my darling) the next year “Co’s” speaking Pascua… directly from Cap’n Blood to me, - the Mr Maracaibo. You see how’s simple and clear this complicated “social triangle attractions” for you. However, it is not at all for your hidden thoughts. What else I can say? At least the knowledge that I am right – is a comfort.
A U.S. Air Force officer has died after a tyre exploded inside her sports car. While she was on holiday in Scotland, police said. Captain Jenna Wilcox, 27, who had survived a roadside bomb attack on a recent tour in Afghanistan, was on a break with her husband when the freak accident happened last week. She was rushed to hospital but died last night. It is thought the couple had changed the wheel on their BMX Z3 after noticing a bulge in a tyre. They replaced it with the space saver tyre - designed to get them to a local garage - but could not fit the full size one in the boot because it was full of luggage. Capt Wilcox, of the 100th Civil Engineer Squadron based at RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk, sat with it on her lap inside the car. It is not known what caused it to explode.
Salário de Mexia é “chocante”. Económico. 03/04/10 10:30. Mira Amaral, antigo ministro de Cavaco e actual presidente do Banco BIC, considera que a remuneração do presidente da EDP é “economicamente chocante”.António Mexia vai receber 3,1 milhões de euros em 2009, valor que incluiu a remuneração fixa e os prémios do ano passado e os bónus plurianuais do triénio 2006-2008, período em que a administração da eléctrica cumpriu os objectivos defendidos. Para Mira Amaral, o valor é “economicamente chocante”. “Se ele recebesse isso em mercado aberto, a vender bens transaccionáveis, eu como não sou socialista digo que até pode receber 10 milhões porque contribuiu para criar riqueza no país, não tem problema nenhum”, disse o presidente do BIC na SIC Notícias, quinta-feira. “Agora um tipo dessa ou de outra empresa que vice à custa de bens não transaccionáveis no mercado doméstico português, aí digo que é economicamente chocante”, acrescentou. Mira Amaral, former Minister and current President Cavaco Bank BIC, considers that the remuneration of the Chairman of EDP is "economically shocking." António Mexia will receive 3.1 million euros in 2009, a figure that included the fixed salary and bonuses last year and bonuses of multiannual 2006-2008, during which the administration of electric fulfill the objectives pursued. For Mira Amaral , the value is "economically shocking." "If he got it in the open market, selling tradable goods, as I say I'm no socialist can receive up to 10 million because it contributed to creating wealth in the country, there is no problem," said the president of BIC in SIC News, Thursday Monday. "Now this one kind or another company vice at the expense of non-tradable goods in the domestic Portuguese, then say it is economically shocking," he added.
Bank documents back “business attack” on Bob Diamond. Barclays disputes £63m package as 'total fiction', but share deals support accusation. Barclays has tried to defuse an attack by Lord Mandelson on a £60m reward scheme for one of its most senior bankers, described by the business secretary as the "unacceptable face" of banking. Mandelson told the Times that Bob Diamond had taken £63m in salary, which could not be "justified", and that the 58-year-old American had made the money by "deal-making and shuffling paper around". Barclays retorted by insisting that the £63m used as the basis of the attack was "total fiction". But calculations, first carried out by the Guardian, do show that Diamond had a reward scheme of £60m. The paper reported last month that, like all executive pay schemes, Diamond has a basic salary, entitlement to a one-year bonus and then a complex series of arrangements designed to link his pay to performance, usually involving shares. Three- and five-year performance plans came to fruition in 2009, while he also received shares under three-year performance schemes that are just beginning and the ultimate value of which will not be known until 2012 and 2013. The annual report, which must show how much board directors receive in cash and shares, showed that Diamond's salary was £250,000 in 2009. He and his chief executive, John Varley, made clear that they were waiving any bonus that they would have been entitled to for 2009 in an attempt to defuse the row over bankers' pay. But the annual report also shows that Diamond took home another £27m after he sold specially created shares in the bank's asset management arm, Barclays Global Investors, to Blackrock last June. These were only available to certain employees of BGI through a reward scheme created for them to encourage them to expand the business. The report also showed that, under a new pay scheme based on the next three years' performance, he could be awarded a maximum of 5.5m shares, worth £18m if he meets all the targets set. A stock exchange announcement on the same day as the annual report showed the effect of previous performance-related deals when £8m in shares was released to him, though he sold half of them to pay his tax bill. Shares worth £7.6m were also paid out from a bonus dating back to 2005. The complexity of the pay deals means that the sums he took home in 2009 are in shares and cash and not based on one year's work, while the true value will not be known for three or four years as they depend on performance between now and then. The sale of BGI was a key moment for Barclays in 2009 as it bolstered its capital ratios and contributed £6.2bn of the £11.6bn of 2009 profits. The American also has British citizenship but is now based in New York, where the Barclays Capital investment banking operation with which he is most associated has expanded rapidly since Barclays took over the Wall Street operations of the collapsed Lehman Brothers. Mandelson's attack is something of a change of heart as 12 years ago he had been trying to reassure the City that Labour was "intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich as long as they paid their taxes".
The leader of the ultra-right movement beaten to death on a farm in South Africa
Lenta.Ru 2 hours ago. 4/4/2010 2:11:51 AM. The leader of the Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB) Terblansh Eugene (Eugene Terreblanche) was killed on his farm on the north-west of South Africa, reports on Sunday, Agence France-Presse . 69-year-old politician, at the end of the last century fought for the state for white, was found dead with multiple injuries. According to police, the workers who have not paid for their work, scored a sleeping Terblansha to death. Two suspects, 21-year-old man and a teenager 15 years, have been arrested, they are charged with murder. Activists of the Afrikaner Resistance Movement were opposed to the negotiations that preceded the end of apartheid and the establishment of democracy in South Africa. On the eve of the 1994 elections, they have organized several attacks. Sam Terblansh (name translated from French as "white land") was sentenced to five years in prison for assaulting a staff member filling and the attempted murder of a black security guard. In 2001 he was sent to prison, but released early in the 2004-m . Since then he has not been politically active.
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