Image: "On the surface of the moon, a lone golf ball" (Hospital Warden, humm ?) Where and when you see the Financial Markets pluming in the reactions to such geo-strategic like the non-proliferation Treaty reaction? And to the shooting in Bishkek? Nowhere. Even the Gabon had more impact in technical data than this. It’s for sure, to be pointless to saying that this was me or my writings. So? So nothing. Yes, we have now chart which is very similar to that from sauna small bucket full of water to do more of yet, all at the next day of this historical Summit. That’s it!? Nothing more!? Errr, well maybe I too much careful to grab a basket full of eggs and explain to you all MY Royalties & Concessions? To not delaying too much, like that mother hen, who’s doggedly waiting for miracles. Stop old whore, stop. All thieves the type of bastard of “a viajar…” - Manuel Joaquim Dias Loureiro, (the ongoing face which will be to “treat” the next Polish Elections, in the way like he wants it), - when it’s already pre-incubated (i.e. the EU Energy Policy), when it’s geared up to manifest, - of WHO’S karma is keep delaying? The Queen Elizabeth the II already went to my encounter, showing the very natural to her interest in my-50%-of-shart-Mister-Bicket bucket… How I know you! If I have been branded like a man to missing out the good opportunities, - I’ll be fell silent. But to see two minutes before this Queen of England, the Rosneft’s father-hen (i.e. Patrushev) clapping the wings around me, - without a doubt I see how the OTHERS are savoring, and keep brag about (i.e. blow my own horn) while I sit glumly in the far, cold and dark corner…
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