Wednesday 18 March 2009

Ship of who-you-know knows.

17/03/2009 16:22:44. Because the day drowsing, sleep so-so at night. Where I was dreaming with lot of dead bodies in some Yugoslavian’s Partido Socialista shallow row (See article). Waking up, recognize that was something serious connected with me (I.e. Antonio) and Cleopatra (I.e. Elizabeth the II) happen. Of course later, reading about the “BA clost” bouncing heavily in Canada, put her in my Blog. Knowing from yesterday yet, that my computer catch the “flue”, obviously, because of the madrasta Elizabeth the II read my varices, come to PS World, pay 50 quits and now get almost the two weeks of St. Patrick holidays. Was okay, if not the son of Charles the II, in 600cc bike, wasn’t waiting for me at the exit of store. Son of a bitch, which father was damaging me at the Salvation Army with a sum of $75 million US dollars. People say “After big storm goes bonanza”. Where after G20 meeting I find at the exit of my hole the Viktor Vekselberg (That Russian tycoon from Westminster Abbey) in Rio Tinto (I.e. English speaking World) – China (I.e. Andrew Lancaster from PCS Executive) variant. In very insecurely, let’s say, in Irish manor, crossing my pat. I was on the bicycle carrying clumsy and heavy bag with my PC column inside. He was alone, with “his” (Westminster Abbey 17% of IVA’s nation). Lately, at the Lloyd’s Building, that which have the ship bell, I find the very tall Putin through his body language passing to me (that, from many years experience) pile of documents. After yesterday rally, seems, the two or three pallets with money. Seems crazy huh? Maybe. If not the telephone call later today. From Property Development Agency, the “friendly”, short handed lady was asking me again and again; if I don’t want invest in Cyprus. The long nonsense talks, although very friendly. But again, she was very pigheaded to know what exactly I am doing right now. What exactly is my business? For three or four times she come back to this question, in between of which, “affably” calling me “a spy”, trying to sharkening the answer from me. Another side of the “interrogation” was, from where exactly I’m come from. I wanted to say directly. Something like: “I come from mummy and daddy”. But speak something like that: You say that what counts is not what you know but whom you know. That’s only partial true. Much depends on what who-you-know knows. Much too, is influenced by what who-you-know think what you know. (I.e. Anta-ne-narevu…) And, of course, by who who-you-know, knows that I know. And, of course, if who-you-know, knows you-know-who, then Anta-ne-narevu… Look, all I’m trying to say is this. Ongoing… (You know to whom I call this) try the present situation get unnecessary complicated. And not least because it is begin given far too much through. Do like myself. Worry less, and relax more. The world is full of people, like the $75 millions debt to me from Salvation Army, who think they know all the answers. Few and far between are the folks (nation of the…, and English speaking world) who think they know all questions. But then, as the old song goes, there are in did more questions than answers. You’ve get a questions now. And you’ve answers too. What is worst, you got this per week, plus who wants to offer you advice by free. No matter how emphatically these solution are suggested, you keep feel that none of them are entirely thrust worthy. Than try like me, (for last fifty years); one step at a time. One day at the time. One, (Nation of the shit from camel turned around), dream at a time. We all want to feel we are playing a part in some great grand plan. We all want to know that we are making the right move, for the right reason, at the right moment. When, though, we stop to weigh up every factor in our situation, we become confused. There are too many maybes to contemplate. So, don’t waste precious time wrestling with a question about WHAT I CAN DO tomorrow. That’s can’t be answered till tomorrow comes. Just enjoy today my life in full. Where each moment comes, proves more rewarding than you expected.
Czechs delay action on missile treaties Reuters The Czech government said Tuesday that it was temporarily pulling back treaties on the installation of a U.S. missile defense radar system because of a threat by the opposition to vote them down in Parliament.
Medvedev announces plan to rearm Russia By CLIFFORD J. LEVY President Dmitri A. Medvedev said Tuesday that Russia would begin a "large-scale rearming" in 2011 in response to what he described as threats to the country's security.
Espanha: Mais de 70 camiões portugueses com madeira retidos na fronteira para controlo da doença do pinheiro. Fuentes de Oñoro, Espanha, 17 Mar (Lusa) - Um total de 72 camiões procedentes de Portugal e carregados com madeira foram momentaneamente retidos pelas autoridades espanholas, desde o início do ano, na fronteira entre Portugal e Espanha, para controlo da doença do pinheiro. Lusa ontem às 23:25. Fuentes de Oñoro, Espanha, 17 Mar (Lusa) - Um total de 72 camiões procedentes de Portugal e carregados com madeira foram momentaneamente retidos pelas autoridades espanholas, desde o início do ano, na fronteira entre Portugal e Espanha, para controlo da doença do pinheiro. Os dados foram revelados hoje pela Junta de Castela e Leão que impôs o controlo fronteiriço e que explicou ter analisado, desde o início do ano, quase 200 camiões. Segundo o governo desta região espanhola, numa das mostras analisadas, foi confirmada a doença. O camião em questão dirigia-se, segundo as autoridades, para a Bélgica, desconhecendo-se no entanto a sua origem em Portugal. Inspecções encontraram uma outra amostra com problemas numa fábrica de paletes em Sancti-Spiritus, localidade próximo da fronteira entre Vilar Formoso e Fuentes de Oñoro, que utilizava madeira importada de Portugal. Mais de 12 inspectores apoiados por agentes ambientais e vários agentes da Guarda Civil estão envolvidos nas operações de inspecção que se prolongarão por tempo indefinido.

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