Monday 23 March 2009

Don't try to know what's think camel about his driver.

3/21/2009 10:55:25 AM. At City Library, yesterday one full of piercing almohad (Iberian race) appearance of early thirties man making lot of nose, call not only my but another people attention. Voices were unanimous that this is a friend. However, the friend from Strasburg and Brussels. Those friends which I call them ongoing piggy faces. He was proud to be in piercing and tattoo business apparently because this made him not a camel, but European, very citizen and in strong connection with some normal, classical cocaine banker-almohad from Porto. Whose idea of normality concerted in the pre-condition that if you don’t have a Lambreta (the scooter) - you can’t be normal in European Community. Like a camel without heart, like a City without sand, something likes this. Another interpretation for him and his behaviour is that piercing-piercing velocity-weapon-kill, and than like a Fauquier focus: mother, Patria and then Europe. And amazingly, before the huge cache with drugs was apprehended. Than to any one surprise I need to write that no one but swine and bastards Barroso and Solana louder declaring their cooperation in this way with Financial Service Authority (see my Blog), which not before of the FSA announcement, not during – but after this banker-almohad provocateur circus, media took knowledge. Him with four-class education and “carte blanche” from patricians who command 450 million consumers through Royal Federacion Espanola de Futbol – maybe right. How can I “ITER de nao e ter” contradict? Only because at me was throwing empty can of Red Bull at the “spy-Stazione” (spy-station) from Opel Safira, roughly at the same time when vertical connection of Europe start this operation. To think which infrastructure was involved to produce, transport and to catch – give correct difference between what I insist, what nation of the shit from camel turned around wants, and why I still be in this misery. Not the cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster? Do nothing and keep be embarrassing to this nation of greedy reptiles? Than why the girl the age type of Zara Phillips slip to my hands at the Royalties and Concession State agents? Or the very bon vivant couple from Zara Phillips race, in open Mazda, very inquiringly was starring at me front of Police Station? I dislike theirs stair at once. Was something grease and to much sticky to don’t remember them after ABBA of UK-Spain connection fall. Was something from that crowds who look at the Bonhomie (Red Bull racer) waiting for a moment when he make “not a sausage”... How can I be surprised, when passing through Brick Lane, VW Passat and sport bicycle have an accident? Just because we are nation of philosophy the “a Lambreta”? Keep reading until the half past two. Going to sleep, only once take a blow from “a long distance”. Than was a dream. I am offered brown clear colour of Rolls-Roys, with open top. Not a brand new, but seems it is mine. At the back sit three big boxes full of fruits. Very colourful like that stamp from Correios de Portugal, with Vendedora das Frutas, which that Quinn –frog like to call herself. Than was a heavy thump from falling body. Some, like that son of Barroso, “medvedev” from Partido Socialista, or Kruchkov, or Obama, or son of Blair who was tossed like potato of Bragança from Sheraton Towers window. The thing is, that the my car (brown clear colour of Rolls-Roys) are in the park of Sol Verde Hotel. That “casa de pass” which cocaine bastards, (and bankers from Porto particularly and Iberian, generally) and whom I call the bastards from Brussels and Strasburg like such much. Woke in good spirits. Morning coffee break was dedicated to the “next” man which should be putted out of circulation. Normal procedure of Barroso and Solana. They call this “Imperio de Mao”, some times “Quatro Raich”. Today was Putin. Which wasn’t of big resistance from my part. Knowing how he is in respect of many areas, how he like a white elephant “offered me” 5 clean off-shores. How he at the next day to be elected was “offering” me Citroen 5, how this half-dogs, half-pigs almost kill the pianist Kissine because of his resemblance to the “medvedev”, and how perfectly well connected cocaine of Royal Family of Lancasters, Partido Socialista, UK-Spain and Barroso with Zara Phillips. With unpredictable results (see the “mechanics” of Waterford Wedgwood acquisition) for “what you do to find the job”. Where it might seems that they (ongoing...) are completely obsessed with theirs work to using me only for kill and steal purpose. To with no goal molest my mind. Like that obvious truth of impossibility to go more further to the East than Kerzon Line which in best of possibilities pass between of Zara Phillips eyes. With that famous “train” of false commitments and tricky worries about some –body money, they try hard to earn a bit more yet to suit theirs unlimited greediness. Isn’t first time I’m in difficulty to content choosing of the words. But to at least impress “no-body-full” bosses and ongoing... VIP’s I’ll try to be honest. Brussels and Strasburg aren’t use to like my directness and thoroughness. They think: “Listen me –Europe is dead”. My writing is like the “- Don’t try do this at home” of Jews Warners Brothers. They prefer all manner of mendacity. This let’s set a positive tone, put they intrigued, eccentric, outrageous, leaders of our Planet, engines (the Mercedes seventeen cylinders) of homosapience progress where you don’t have Lambreta – you not EU. See the face of black (a preto) Solana with his brother Barroso in White Chapel Road on Sunday and then a “big news” of 13TH days old, of the how Charles the II from BBC 1 report, dance with eco-warming Zara’s in Brazil. In parallel, in “twightlight zone”, what you want?, “…Tony and Doreen Lofthouse, who made millions from the throat lozenges Fishermen's Friend, were confronted by burglars at their home near Blackpool, Lancashire, on Friday night…” If following theirs (ongoing…) instructions and orders I am not more that that goat at the from of “theirs” Lambreta. Why than to don’t try to do some scientific, almost anecdotic experiment. Attaching sensors to theirs heads (that, for fifteen years electrical shocks which I was receiving every night, last night was openly brits, mean nation of the shit from camel turned around), and asking them to wear a virtual reality gaming helmet. In which is writing in big red letters “Partido Socialista”. Than, by monitoring the output from sensors, we will see exactly, which of several possible environments this bastards are “in”. Where the exactly lie hope for us. Mean, be us quiet long enough and eventually they come up with a magic machine (Lambreta) that lets others, mean us, know what exactly they are thinking without having (for example like Darling) having to say a word.
Want put two facts clear. First, is who is the sponsor of FCP, and second is eco-shouting, eco-warming from cocaine Royal Family of Lancasters. In first, when I see the three fucking british goats putting in rucksack borders of many centuries ago printed sheets (printers of years 80TH where using) at the place of “mom” I know how this is MY HARD-EARNED MONEY which are AGAIN putted by this nation on the another faux ponzi scheme. In second, there's a good reason why many people don't even try to make their dreams come true. Dreams for an others are comforting. Charles the II can escape into them at the end of a long hard day or even, if that day is too long and too hard, during it! Dreams never let COCAINE Royal Family of Lancasters down. They like for “Rings of the Saturn” instruction. Bring my dream into this harsh realm and they, i.e. ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg, cocaine Royal Family of Lancasters may end up in tatters. I can write the script for this stressed poppy make a little rumba, and than paint their backdrops in light blue, how my Giro indicate. However, the reality, though, is a far less pliable place. Bringing my dream into this, you’ll see how simple to handed some Porto bankers with his Lambreta and Magdaleta.
Avião militar atinge prédios em Quito; ao menos 7 morrem
QUITO (Reuters) - Um pequeno avião militar equatoriano chocou-se na quinta-feira contra dois edifícios em meio à neblina da capital Quito, deixando ao menos sete pessoas mortas, disseram autoridades. O ministro da Defesa, Javier Ponce, disse que três militares e dois civis a bordo do bimotor Beechcraft 200 morreram na queda e que outras duas pessoas morreram em terra.
Funcionários de serviços de emergência no local disseram que o avião atingiu dois prédios de um bairro nobre da região norte da cidade, antes de cair em um jardim. "Senti uma explosão quando abri a porta da frente, então escutei um barulho muito alto antes de sairmos correndo", disse Elena Morocho, empregada de uma casa que fica perto do local do acidente. Os bombeiros disseram que as partes do avião se dispersaram pelos apartamentos e que houve uma explosão seguida de incêndio nos pisos superiores dos edifícios afetados. O avião caiu perto de um hotel e da casa da embaixadora dos Estados Unidos no país. Uma porta-voz da embaixada norte-americana disse que a diplomata não se feriu. A neblina frequentemente causa dificuldades para a aviação em Quito. Nas últimas duas décadas vários aviões caíram no bairro de Gonzalez Suarez, região montanhosa que fica no caminho de aviões que pousam na capital equatoriana. As autoridades encontraram a caixa preta da aeronave e formaram uma comissão para investigar o acidente.
Eight people have been injured in a shooting at a French nursery school.

No children were hurt in the incident outside the nursery school in Lyon. Police said a man began firing an air gun at mothers picking up their children from Harmony nursery school in Lyon. It is understood there are no serious injuries.

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