Thursday 2 April 2009

Turf War.

4/2/2009 4:26:52 PM Turf war: (Turf war is a term that describes a common problem in larger bureaucracies when two divisions fight for access to resources or capital. They can break out due to improper management further up the bureaucratic hierarchy.) Passion runs a little hotter than usual in this month – but not enough to turn me into an April Fool, nevertheless pretty close. Although I do almost anything to impress, outdo or outlast (scholastically, athletically or otherwise) anyone dense enough (i.e. powerful enough) to compete with you. My craving to succeed, to exceed everyone's expectations and essentially knock the living hell out of others is substantial. Ironically, the more I have on the line right now, the harder I should try. I see you Co. Today’s cut in interest rate of European Bank – only tell me how you going to cut my claws. My sensibilities get me close as much as necessary to an overzealous boss or government official (i.e.G20). But, with 85 pence in my pansies, which give me that position of influence with which only staying completely objective I can carry on with burdensome decision making. Not just because of my yesterday shouting, when I was completely upset during the all evening. Except, that someone’s (Kazmunai’s Tony Blair, or Selo mexicano of Schreder, etc.) glum face and distress manner seems to be theirs manipulative way of gaining attention. If they can’t get people (blatant City SS) to go along with them by being persuasive, they go to play the martyrs… To they don’t get away with such tactics, let’s offer the sympathy they’re looking for through words but not through actions. Dream: one “mano” go close to me, take my mobile and programmed in a such way that I can without paying use my telephone and surfing the web… Why I refuse to allow anyone to use emotional blackmail to get their way. In my previous article “Fly of the Phoenix” I forget to write down one, seems now important piece of my dream. Where, I see in all my instrument panel lot of lights like a Christmas tree flushing. Characteristically, very louder song bip, bip, bip, bip, bip, bip… and I all sweating, woke up.

Avião da TAP já deixou Luanda Angola Press - 3 horas atrás. Luanda - O voo 77252, da Transportadora Aérea Portuguesa (TAP), que esta manhã aterrou de emergênciano aeroporto internacional "4 de Fevereiro, ...

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