Wednesday 1 April 2009

Lada of put in.

First, we, I with two brothers put my French cognac in zink drain. Than they resolve to make me “special offer”. Which consist in exchange of theirs two (brothers) in two strong crossbars. The type used in football. One is in Istanbul and another in Cairo. Tuesday, March 31, 2009. 09:54:47. I see before how they had some kind of difficulties with me. Level of policy makers and CV brokers, about whom I wrote thousands times before, who understood that without contact, one person can’t be important, can’t be “goal”. In my case, it’s like the Gulbenkian Map, they don’t stop wandering: who are you?, the north of Ditrich or south of sranaia churka Calouse? Because, what can I think extra if at the after that, half-sleeping, half-wake I got a very hot discussion which car is more suited for me: Land Rover of Zara Phillips or Porsche. What kind of schizophrenia is this? If all day long I don’t stop to note my falls turns, gests, slumps, like that android with cut-circuit, which deeply upset me? Knowing well that it is not more than “preparation” for Excel’s G20 Summit. Where the famous “Jump of Hare” – is vital. That compilation of “coincidences” which make burn the MAI in Moscow after that “medvedev” silly riding in strategic bomber Cy 34. Or that black in Red Coat at the morning asking me (actually the pure water provocation), to enter in the “1901 building” which make “Diamantes de Angola” theirs legendary play. Coincidently 22 people died in prequalification game for World Cup 2010 venue. In place to remember too, the that, from City Banks Lambreta at the local Police Station. How the falls move of CO makes “do this cricket” possible. It’s may be the first of April but I’m no fool, and quite aware of what’s going on. When O’Bama are in heavy fighting with GM and the rest of the World following in the same fairwater, I mean the huge subsidies to the troubled horizontals, the Putin do the same. Only with small difference: all day long saying me (what I do if my schizophrenia hear him?) that the “Fly of the Phoenix” i.e. burned Corpus no.2 of MAI is no more than scrap out of the one possibility for Russian economy to access to the Basel II Inter bankers Agreement. Why the such discrepancies in the position of Russia with IMF about state of theirs Economy. If “как мы аулом халат покупали”, (how we with all village where buying the car), mean at the day when he make visit to the AvtoVaz – all World Markets where down 3-5% and actions of proper AvtoVaz in the same day jump up to 26%. Than, he want me or any one who watch tele to be surprised with attempt to kill Yamadaev in Dubai. Your new acquired Lada live with what? With my silly writings, or from the OPEC basket? In truth, you, Policy Maker and CV brokers are scared that I will expose your shortcomings.

Пожар в МАИ: произошло частичное обрушение здания

Крупнейший с начала года пожар бушевал этой ночью на территории Московского авиационного института (МАИ), расположенного на севере города. По данным МЧС, площадь возгорания составила 4 тыс. квадратных метров. В здании произошло частичное обрушение конструкций, также сообщалось о нескольких взрывах.

Информация о пожаре по адресу: Волоколамское шоссе, д.4, к.2, поступила после полуночи. Как сообщил РБК руководитель пресс-службы столичного управления МЧС России Евгений Бобылев, возгорание произошло в одноэтажном здании. По некоторым данным, в нем хранились взрывчатые вещества.

Ivory Coast stadium stampede kills 22 Monday, March 30 07:33 am At least 22 people have been killed in a stampede at a stadium during a World Cup qualifier in Ivory Coast.

The crush occurred after a wall collapsed at the 45,000-capacity Houphouet-Boigny arena in the West African country's biggest city Abidjan. South Africa is spending several billion rand on building new venues and infrastructure for the World Cup which it is hosting in 2010.

Gunmen attack Pakistani police academy Monday, March 30 08:05 am

Interior ministry chief Rehman Malik said 52 police were wounded in the attack.

Богданов не поскупился 31.03.2009 Вчера «Сургутнефтегаз» сообщил, что выкупает 21,2% акций венгерской Magyar Olaj-es Gazipari Nyilvanosan Mukodo Reszvenytarsasag (MOL) у австрийской OMV Gr«Сургут» купит 21% акций MOL вдвое дороже их котировок

Сделка будет закрыта в ближайшие дни, разрешение европейских регуляторов не требуется, говорит представитель OMV.

Cумму сделки «Сургут» не раскрыл, зато OMV сообщила, что ей удалось договориться о «хорошей цене» в 1,4 млрд евро. Это соответствует оценке MOL в 8,5 млрд евро (19 212 форинтов за акцию), что вдвое выше стоимости акций MOL на закрытие торгов в пятницу (9940 форинтов за акцию). «Сургут» оценил MOL в $70 за баррель установленной мощности, отмечает аналитик ФБК «Открытие» Наталья Мильчакова. А вот недавняя покупка сербской NIS обошлась «Газпром нефти» только в $19 за баррель.

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