Thursday 28 May 2009

TNK-BP: Bacalhão de Noruega.

5/28/2009 1:43:04 PM.Before starting anything else, go to put photo of Platini and Willy. The rich uncle and his @dvent. The “put in” with his son-in-law. Go to put TNK with his BP. Go to put General Motors with his Vauxhall. Because, if this begins to happen at the expense of my own sense of ease and wellbeing, I do wonder whether I are making too great sacrifice… When it’s clear that turn up the time to receive, rather than give. And this of course, involves money. Not only because I’ve been through so much stress and worry that this almost become a default reaction to ANYTHING that happens – I am suspicious. Thoughts like, if this doesn’t work? Or even worst, what if it does work exceedingly well for people that had cojones to jump on my boat? I go to put photos of VYBLIADKI of Vekselberg and Fridman, with British Petroleum inscription Maше рoв?” or yet “Mepтвые не потеют?” and then here make you 1 hectare or 200 nautical miles, just in case to don’t break your legs in did. Don’t forget who was choosing the your son Putin. And who will be choosing him again after Godunov’s teddy bear. For the reason that, although I have this (see the Inca Ca top A, and another’s Polyus post-stations) a very good possibility to rake in some serious money and SOCIAL not half-pigs, half-swine, half-dogs STATUS by use the advantage of my viktorg7 opportunity. However the time and money its takes. Listen russian speaking TNK-BP camel, if you don’t bet in Cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s family acres of “unknown quantity”, do like father of Abramovich do, - dip your toe into the water, and get your feet wet! In my scenario – You don’t got anywhere without me onboard. It’s all in MACD’s mixed signals, and with “rusia petroleum” – better know where we (the otmorozki of Vekselberga and Fridmana) stand, instead wasting my time with someone who’s not into me. But suck like rusia Zoloto do – NO BODY WANT.   

Bodegas Torres retira un vino blanco tras un sabotaje en Noruega. Bodegas Miguel Torres ha retirado del mercado, como medida de precaución, las botellas de vino blanco San Valentín de la añada 2005 después de un supuesto caso de envenenamiento de un hombre en Noruega, según informó hoy la compañía en un comunicado. La compañía se ha puesto a disposición de las autoridades sanitarias ante este caso de sabotaje, externo a Torres. La empresa indicó que se comercializaron 135 cajas en Noruega y 915 en España de este producto, que fue expedido entre los meses de agosto y diciembre de 2006. Durante los casi tres años transcurridos desde entonces, no se produjo ninguna reclamación al respecto.

Photo ”Put-in” Михаил Прохоров пообещал лично "набить морду" обидчикам сестры Российский бизнесмен, президент группы "ОНЭКСИМ" 27th-May-2009 07:05 pm Михаил Прохоровпообещал, "как любой нормальный мужик", разобраться с двумя джентльменами, которые оскорбили его сестру Ирину. Об этом говорится в блоге бизнесмена.

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