Thursday 2 July 2009

SVS Securities

You can think that I can handle a challenging situation of $15 billion ‘just like that’ – but I can’t. You expect me like that Orm from Long Ship book, immediately consent to the “reasonable request to take the eyes of christian chieftain”. Like this is some kind of the unearthly task. Well, but in another hand, my ulterior motives likely to get me out off-guard and live me exposed and vulnerable to the “someone’s” scheme. For instance, can’t sleep all might again. Because of blows in my head and uninterrupted leaking of my eyes. Essentially from my right one. Maybe to I don’t “kill” too much… In any way, whatever my honesty will be, the ruthlessness of “another’s” sarcasm – overwhelming. However, exposing yesterday myself a bit, open the window to the disposition where I can finger at the exact responsible bubbleheads. Also, step up from the position of savior and head rescuer. Permit me too don’t pay for others in Swedish crone. More yet when I should be treating my self-confidence. Treat my eyes. Expand my knowledge. And sleep well.

SVS Securities‏

From: Gabor Nagy (

Sent: 01 July 2009 18:04:27


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Thank you for your time today.

Kind Regards, Gabor Nagy ASI. Stockbroker SVS Securities Plc. 2 London Wall Buildings, London Wall, London. EC2M 5PP. DD: 020 7382 2869. Fax: 020 7638 5601. Email:

Website: Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority SVS Securities is a member of London Stock Exchange and PLUS Markets Corporate Advisor

1). Rio Sells 97% of London Stock in $15.2 Billion Sale (Update3) ‎1 hour ago‎ July 2 (Bloomberg) -- Rio Tinto Group, the world’s third- largest mining company, sold about 97 percent of the London listed shares on offer in a $15.2 billion sale to reduce debt. The company sold 508.6 million shares at the close of the offer at 11 a.m. London time yesterday, Rio said today in a statement to the Australian stock exchange. It will announce the results of the sale of Sydney-traded shares tomorrow, it said. Rio rejected a $19.5 billion investment proposal from its biggest shareholder Aluminum Corp. of China last month and instead opted for the share sale and an iron ore joint venture with BHP Billiton Ltd. Chinalco, as the state-owned company is known, confirmed that it took up its rights in the share sale.

“This was an economically rational decisi n as it prevented the dilution of our ownership in Rio,” Chinalco said in an e-mailed statement today. “Chinalco will, as the company’s current largest single shareholder, continue to monitor developments at Rio.” Rio gained 0.3 percent to A$51.75 at the 4:10 p.m. Sydney time close on the Australian stock exchange. Rio dropped 23 pence, or 1.1 percent, to 2,135 pence as of 8:01 a.m. in London trading. London-based Rio offered existing shareholders the right to buy 21 new shares for every 40 they hold at 1,400 pence for its London shares and A$28.29 for its Sydney shares.

Credit Suisse Group AG, JPMorgan Cazenove Ltd., Deutsche Bank AG, Morgan Stanley and Macquarie Capital Ltd. are the joint global managers of the rights offer. Credit Suisse and JPMorgan, as underwriters of the share sale, will seek buyers for the balance of London-listed Rio shares not bought by shareholders.

BHP abandoned a $66 billion all stock takeover offer for Rio in November citing Rio’shigh-level of debt and declining commodity markets. Rio incurred most of its debt by buying aluminum producer Alcan Inc. for $38.1 billion in 2007. To contact the reporter on this story: Rebecca Keenan in Melbourne at Last Updated: July 2, 2009 03:13 EDT

2). Chinalco buys $1.5bn Rio Tinto shares July 2 2009 03:11. China’s state-controlled Chinalco on Thursday confirmed it had taken up its full entitlement to Rio Tinto’s $15.2bn share issue to maintain its 9 per cent shareholding in the miner, despite the soured relationship between the two companies. A Chinalco spokesman called it an economically rational decision to prevent the dilution of its ownership in the Anglo-Australian miner. “Chinalco believes in the long-term prospects of the industry and will continue to explore opportunities to advance its strategic objectives. Chinalco will, as the company’s current largest single shareholder, continue to monitor developments at Rio,” he said. The Chinese group’s decision to maintain its stake in Rio — at a cost of around £880m ($1.5bn) — came one month after the miner rejected a $19.5bn investment package that would have seen the Chinese group’s stake rise to 19 per cent. Senior leaders in Beijing have seen the rejection as a blow to Chinese prestige and Xiong Weiping, Chinalco’s chairman, laid the blame squarely on Rio for the collapse of a deal originally agreed five months ago. Rio said it sold almost 97 per cent of the 524m new shares it offered in London overnight at £14 a share. Rio was also selling 150m new shares in Australia at A$28.29 per share but the company said it was unable to disclose the acceptance level in Sydney until July 3 because of Australia’s paper-based system. Following the rights issue, Chinalco controls around 9 per cent of the group through a 12 per cent stake in Rio Tinto plc, the UK-listed arm. It bought its initial stake for £60 a share in January 2008 and it does not own Rio’s Australian shares. Rio’s equity sale was launched to pay down some of its $38.7bn of debt, mostly incurred by its takeover of Canadian aluminium giant Alcan in 2007. Around $8.9bn is due by the end of this year, with a further $9.1bn due in 2010. Rio plans an iron ore joint venture with rival BHP Billiton, which has adjacent operations in Western Australia. This partnership is expected to yield $10bn in annual savings, although China has said it may use its antitrust laws to try to block the deal. Analysts say Rio is now in a state of transition and remains a takeover target. There has been speculation that BHP will eventually make a bid for the miner as well as for Woodside Petroleum, another Australian group.

Cocaine Barroso – у нас традиция… Há portugueses envolvidos em fraude fiscal no Liechtenstein O ministro das Finanças confirmou que existem portugueses envolvidos na fraude fiscaldescoberta pelas autoridades alemãs no início de 2008, implicando centenas de pessoas e instituições no "off-shore" do Liechenstein. 9:16 Quinta-feira, 2 de Jul de 2009 O ministro das Finanças, Teixeira dos Santos, confirmou que existem portugueses envolvidos nas fraudes fiscais descobertas o ano passado pela Alemanha, recusando revelar mais informação por dever de segredo fiscal. "De acordo com a informação que pudemos obter há um envolvimento de portugueses", afirmou o ministro das Finanças, em declarações aos jornalistas no final do debate no plenário da Assembleia da República. Teixeira dos Santos recusou responder às perguntas sobre quantos portugueses estariam envolvidos e se são pessoas ou instituições, alegando o dever de segredo fiscal. O ministro adiantou que está a ser analisada a "gravidade das infracções" e se têm ou não natureza criminal. "Havendo infracções com certeza que haverá abertura dos processos que a lei exige", afirmou ainda Teixeira dos Santos. No debate, o deputado do PCP Honório Novo questionou o ministro sobre se Portugal já teria ou não informações por parte das autoridades alemãs, O deputado referia-se à mega fraude fiscal descoberta pelas autoridades alemãs no início de 2008, implicando centenas de pessoas e instituições no "off-shore" do Liechenstein. Em declarações à Agência Lusa, o deputado Honório Novo disse que "a administração fiscal alemã, por acordo entre os Estados-membros da União Europeia, automaticamente presta informação aos Estados membros", e que na sequência dessas informações, vários estados-membros já iniciaram processos de averiguações. No caso de Portugal, acrescentou, "importa agora saber quem são, se são empresas ou pessoas e sobretudo saber quando é que a administração fiscal alemã prestou esta informação à administração fiscal portuguesa", afirmou Honório Novo. O deputado frisou que já no início de Maio questionou o ministro Teixeira dos Santos sobre o caso e que, na altura, não obteve resposta. Один из двух скончавшихся офицеров ФСКН был зятем Коржакова — СМИ Старший лейтенант ФСКН Константин Хрусталев — один из двух офицеров службы, тела которых обнаружены в здании управления по Западному административному округу Москвы, являлся зятем Александра Коржакова — бывшего руководителя службы личной охраны первого президента России Бориса Ельцина. МОСКВА, 2 июл — РИА Новости. Старший лейтенант ФСКН Константин Хрусталев — один из двух офицеров службы, тела которых обнаружены в среду в здании управления по Западному административному округу Москвы, являлся зятем Александра Коржакова — бывшего руководителя службы личной охраны первого президента России Бориса Ельцина. Об этом сообщают в четверг газеты «Коммерсант» и «Московский Комсомолец». «Признаков насильственной смерти лейтенантов (Павла Мазанова и Константина Хрусталева) в ходе осмотра места происшествия обнаружено не было. Официально причина смерти пока не установлена. Известно лишь, что офицеры скончались практически одновременно около трех часов ночи. Неофициально же источники в правоохранительных органах вчера заявили, что господа Мазанов и Хрусталев погибли в помещении сауны службы и что они могли стать жертвами передозировки наркотиков», — пишет «Коммерсант». В свою очередь, «МК» со ссылкой на врачей «скорой помощи» и милиционеров отмечает, что погибшие, скорее всего, не были законченными наркоманами. «Версия, озвученная “не для печати” одним из милиционеров, такова — ходят слухи, что ребята решили попробовать, так сказать, в действии изъятый накануне у наркокурьера новый вид наркотика. Будто бы основанное на героине новое зелье известно под названием “китайский порошок”, или “черный дракон”. А все произошедшее в сауне наркоконтроля — лишь трагическая случайность», — отмечается в материале «МК». Между тем руководитель пресс-службы ФСКН Мария Луценко еще в день ЧП опровергла сообщения о гибели офицеров от передозировки наркотиков. «Никаких данных, подтверждающих передозировку, не было», — сказала Луценко, подтвердив, что двое сотрудников ФСКН действительно найдены мертвыми на территории отдела наркоконтроля. «Смерть наших сотрудников, вероятнее всего, наступила от пищевого отравления, которое они получили, перекусив где-то в городе», — цитирует «Коммерсант» слова руководителя пресс-службы ФСКН. Ссылаясь на рассказ сослуживцев Мазанова и Хрусталева, глава пресс-службы сказала, что лейтенантам стало плохо вечером накануне и что им вызывали скорую помощь. «Почему в таком случае офицеры не были госпитализированы, остается загадкой», — пишет издание. С версией о смерти от передозировки наркотиков не согласен Александр Коржаков. «Какая там может быть передозировка, если оба занимались спортом и готовились стать отцами?» — сказал он «Коммерсанту».

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