Thursday 23 July 2009

Who is in the Jury?

Who is in the Jury? That trivial question when we know for sure to whom give our preferences. Begin with my “what-you-do-to-find-the-job” alarm-clock. The wake-up call today morning was with the ball from brit aches, throwing with huge force which hit my mouth. However reason will be, the idea to justify this was that the Putin and Medvedev, like the Becas and Lecas, the Abramovich and Prince Charles the II, et cetera, seems are very upsetting with the state of affairs. Not good for justice (Dias Loureiro), not for Northern Stream (cocaine bastards Barroso and his cronies), not for Doctor Kid, not for anyone. When I say years ago that if you, bastards from Brussels and Strasburg don’t pay me – dó cabo de voces. Referring to the macro-economic indicators generally, and knowing on my skin your dirty kitchen particularly. Don’t take me wrong. It’s STRICTLY BUSINESS. Like my schizophrenic request at arrival to put study Katarina in Paris and Miguel in Berlin. Which was received by the f**** prick Havel (i.e. nossos cridos Timorences) with enormous joy. Celebrating how this crazy bastard will help us to buy the new yachts, with the salary from EU, to open Switzerland accounts, to fuck good girls in Italy, to sniff Hungarian from Acapulco cocaine (i.e. Duarte Jesus from Portuguese MNE and the Katie Price), etc. For me, after thousandth example of the growth of BPI 912% in six months – only the Education, education and education – that fair share from Tony Blair. Who, we’ll see more lately, WANT salary of ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg to fuck my mind more for a couple decades. Further divide this together with his “Tony здравствуй”. And the patriots (that bunch of PSI’s tourists in Nasdaq), to the end of my days, will call me the Pinocchio stragado. I.e. broken toy, referring to the Careta Vila and Vila Yagoda of “expanção europeia”. I know you understood correctly the practical ways of Royalties and Concessions. When I was inhumanly hungry – this f**** pirates were working in 15% (i.e. Mexican saddle between Russian goats and Latin goal) from the pocket of “OUR Conoco-Philips, Lukoil Prejevalsky pony”. Insisting that important of the everything – is the clown. More yet if he is ‘at the gates’. I speak here about Blair family picture and the deep throat of “medvedev”. Where the City’s “blue-on-blue” variant – is the just a childish play. Because even they understood that the retracement from his, one more gap in Italy’s at G7 give urgent need to trim entire branch and blow out of the sky the Kotov’s Mi-8 – in one side, and try to be not to much Prusky in another. Well, maybe I try to confuse my self. But seeing yesterday the map of Northern Stream from recognizes one thing clearly. It’s business between two swine only. No more, no less. Not the Russian “window to the Europe”, ether not the Teutonic Order of Barroso color. It’s in best variant hush-hush between grand-grand-grand-grand dad at his mother. Well, normally I am a private person, but I might be in the mood to ham it up a little. This will be like I say before: “By free, daddy doesn’t sleep with mummy”. Which, we can confirm at the end of this note reading the compiled articles. Where my entire charade played with loved ones would be a great way to let me and they shine in the theatrical side of this lachrymal situation. To finish with, would like to say that most direct route out of a conundrum isn’t always the best one. Why I am bring into play this faces, names and synonyms. Anyone who says I’m taking the easiest way out – I only wish that they were in my shoes.

S&P flip-flop sows confusion in CMBS market July 23 2009 00:23. Confidence in the dysfunctional market for securities backed by commercial mortgages has been further dented after a rating flip-flop by Standard & Poor’s caused confusion. The rating agency, which recently changed its criteria for large numbers of bonds backed by loans for shopping malls, office towers and other commercial property, upgraded bonds to triple A just days after those same bonds had been sharply downgraded. The reversal on the rating of some commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) came late on Tuesday, the same day that the US administration proposed legislation that would force a raft of new disclosure rules and restrictions on agencies such as S&P, Moody’s Investors Service and Fitch. The decision not to downgrade some of the CMBS after all was made after S&P realised that bonds with a shorter lifespan were less risky than other bonds in similar structures with longer lifespans. Assessing risks of securities backed by loans stems largely from analysing which bonds get repaid first from interest payments and loan repayments. Alan Todd, head of CMBS research at JPMorgan, said the mistake appeared to be a basic misunderstanding of the way cash flows are distributed across a mortgage-backed security and it was an error that should not have been made. “Clearly, this did not help the credibility that S&P is trying to restore,” he said. S&P declined to elaborate beyond its published rating moves. The Federal Reserve is seeking to reignite the market for CMBS, in part by financing purchases of the securities, as long as they are rated triple A. S&P’s downgrades of hundreds of billions of dollars of securities has made fewer eligible for inclusion in this part of the Fed’s term asset-backed loan facility. Whether or not bonds are eligible for the Talf can greatly affect their value. “One of the main issues investors are concerned about and, in some cases, smarting from are unpredictable moves in credit ratings,” said Richard Parkus, head of CMBS research at Deutsche Bank. “The S&P moves add to that uncertainty, and this is not a good thing in terms of bringing investors back to this market.” ● Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway has cut its stake in Moody’s to 16.9 per cent from 20.4 per cent for $217.6m. Moody’s shares fell 6 per cent in after-hours trading on the news.

Noga не заплатит России Ведомости 19:29 22.07.2009. Noga и ее владелец Нессим Гаон уже более 10 лет добиваются от России возврата $110 млн долга, которые присуждены компании на основании решений Стокгольмского арбитража. Правда, все права на стокгольмские арбитражные решения, уступленные Noga кредиторам, в 2006 г. за $70 млн выкупил американский бизнесмен Александр Коган. О поражении России в суде сообщила во вторник швейцарская газета Le temps со ссылкой на коммюнике суда. В иске от правительства России о защите репутации шла речь о событиях января 2008 г. Тогда Noga через французских приставов удалось арестовать счета РИА «Новости», Роскосмосаи ЦБ во Франции, основанием стало решение Федерального трибунала Швейцарии (позже все аресты были успешно оспорены во французских судах). Ответчиком по иску были названы как Noga, так и приставы. Кроме требования выплатить 1 млн евро, Россия просила от компании опубликовать в трех печатных изданиях официальное признание незаконности ее действий. В этом суде дела рассматривают не профессиональные судьи, а специально отобранные бывшие юрисконсульты, предприниматели и инженеры, вышедшие на пенсию. Россия может оспорить их решение в апелляционном суде, где дела рассматривают уже профессиональные судьи, а затем и в кассационном. По словам советника парижского офиса Clifford Chance Питера Рошера, во Франции нет примеров подачи исков о защите деловой репутации от государства.

Photo do doctor. BPN Arlindo criou empresa com cinco mil euros e fez negócio de 40 milhões 22/07/09 00:05. Ministério Público investiga a venda da Investimentos e Participações do Estado em 2002. O ex-ministro da Saúde de Cavaco Silva, Arlindo de Carvalho, o seu sócio na empresa imobiliária Pousa Flores, José Neto, e o antigo administrador do grupo BPN, Coelho Marinho, são suspeitos de terem estado envolvidos em negócios que causaram prejuízos superiores a 40 milhões ao grupo Banco Português de Negócios (BPN). Em causa estão créditos alegadamente obtidos de forma irregular junto do BPN por aqueles empresários que terão causado um buraco financeiro. Grande parte dos financiamentos visaram negócios imobiliários. O Ministério Público quer saber também o destino de algum património da Iinvestimentos e Participações Empresariais, a ‘holding' pública dissolvida em 2002.

Justiça (act.): Arlindo de Carvalho proibido de falar com gestores do BPN 22/07/09 19:15. A única medida de coação imposta pelo Tribunal a Arlindo de Carvalho é a proibição de contacto com membros da antiga administração do BPN, liderada por Oliveira Costa. A informação foi revelada por João Nabais, advogado do ex-ministro da Saúde de Cavaco Silva, à saída do Tribunal Central de Instrução Criminal (TCIC). A medida terá pouco impacto na vida de Arlindo de Carvalho já que, segundo ele, não mantém contactos com gestores que faziam parte da administração do BPN na altura de Oliveira Costa. Questionado pelos jornalistas sobre se tem uma relação de amizade com Oliveira Costa, Arlindo de Carvalho foi peremptório: "Não de maneira nenhuma". Para além do antigo governante social-democrata, também José Neto, outro arguido no caso BPN, ficou sujeito à mesma medida de coação, adiantou João Nabais. Arlindo de Carvalho foi ouvido ontem na qualidade de arguido durante quase 7 horas no Tribunal.

Aviação: Embraer lança 'primeira pedra' da fábrica em Évora. 10:48 Quarta-feira, 22 de Jul de 2009 A cerimónia de lançamento da 'primeira pedra' da fábrica que o construtor brasileiro de aviões Embraer vai construir em Évora, vai ser realizada no domingo, dia 26, às 11h30.O presidente director da Embraer, Frederico Fleury Curado e o presidente da Câmara Municipal de Évora, José Ernesto Oliveira, vão ser os anfitriões da cerimónia de lançamento da 'primeira pedra' do Centro de Excelência para Materiais Compósitos da empresa brasileira em Portugal. Trata-se de uma das duas unidades industriais para a fabricação de componentes que a Embraer prometeu implantar em Évora, um investimento inicial de 148 milhões de euros, que poderá ser alargado a uma terceira unidade, dado que a empresa brasileira já reservou terreno junto do espaço que será ocupado pelas primeiras fábricas no futuro parque aeronáutico da cidade, situado junto ao aeródromo. Em Évora, a Embraer vai fabricar asas e caudas para as seus aviões de médio porte 170, 190 e jactos executivos Legacy. Os módulos construídos em Évora serão, depois, transportados em navios para o Brasil, onde é feita a montagem final destes aviões. As duas unidades da Embraer deverão criar 578 postos de trabalho directos, total que poderá elevar-se até um máximo de 3500, considerando os indirectos e os que se prevêem para a terceira fábrica. As instalações terão capacidade para produzir componentes a uma cadência de 13 a 14 aviões por mês. O investimento contempla, igualmente, a ligação a universidades portuguesas para a concepção, engenharia e desenvolvimento de aeronaves. O primeiro passo para as negociações entre o Governo Português e a Embraer foi dado, em Agosto de 2006, quando José Sócrates visitou a sede da empresa brasileira, em São José dos Campos. Na época, o primeiro-ministro regressou de mãos vazias, mas seguir-se-iam meses de negociação em torno do reforço dos investimentos dos brasileiros na OGMA (Indústria Aeronáutica de Portugal), da qual controlam 65% do capital, em associação com a EADS/Airbus.

2). António Guterres-Mariana Guterres, filha do ex-primeiro-ministro, estuda Medicina na Universidade Carolina de Praga. Cada faculdade tem exames internos. Na maior, o aluno tem de tirar pelo menos 190 pontos num total de 270.

1). Jorge Sampaio-André e Vera, filhos de Jorge Sampaio: um mestrado em Economia e uma pós-graduação em Direito e Imigração, ambos na Católica. Os mestrados em Direito têm uma taxa de empregabilidade de 85%, segundo a universidade. Os filhos do nosso ex-presidente Jorge Sampaio concluíram licenciaturas na Independente e Lusíada com médias de 10 e o menino conseguiu um cargo de consultor na PT quando à menina, passou a professora assistente.

3). Rui Vilar-Cristina Vilar, filha do presidente do conselho de administração da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Rui Vilar, frequenta Gestão no ISCTE. Em 2008, todas as 180 vagas do curso foram preenchidas.

4). Santos Ferreira-Os filhos de Santos Ferreira, líder do Millennium bcp, estudaram Economia e Direito na Universidade Católica. Na Faculdade de Direito da Católica, o aluno não paga propinas, no 1º ano, se a média de entrada for 17,5.

'Go back to your disease-ridden country!' What the French said to British schoolchildren with swine flu Last updated at 10:22 AM on 23rd July 2009. British schoolchildren with swine flu were treated like 'dangerous criminals' before being kicked out of France. The 14-year-olds and their teachers were forced to wear surgical masks and shoes while being treated by medics in anti-contamination suits. They were sworn at by local people and told to 'go home to your disease-ridden country'. 'We were treated appallingly,' said a member of the party from Lea Manor High School, in Luton. 'It was as if we were dangerous criminals. The French wanted us back across the Channel as quickly as possible. It was horrendous.' Read more:

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