Monday 13 July 2009

Mystify and mislead.

Mystify and mislead. 7/13/2009 9:58:10 AM. This weekend was terrible. Was terrifying to think what’s happen if I close my eyes. Any tentative to do this – series of hard blows in my head. Without any justifications. Not from my thoughts, not from “proposed pictures” or faces. Apparently comes from no one. I just sit still, try to tune into inner myself and calmly access my subconscious. Begin think about how hard I work. How is more must to be done. How, no matter what I wish for, no matter what is casting my vote – the government always gets in. How this is annoying, and how it’s just the way it is. No matter if I relaxed and philosophical, or ardently want something to happen. Or to stop happening. Or to change. Or not to change. The bottom line is, how to become ‘problem free’. Where naturally pop-up the question why the Solana don’t make hara-kiri to him self? Blowing in Durango and use this like the “hare jump” for EULEX, actually a big money “arrangement”. You see, the idea to vaccinate all UK (i.e. swine flu) comes not only from disease itself, but from my writings too. The Brussels and Strasburg speak a lot when film ‘Vatel’ come to screens. Actually the proper film, for me personally is about the food. Maybe a little about Fishing Quota of Durango Bank (of course you go to arguing that this bank do not exist), and I go to answer you that these Solana “pescadores” let me dying from starvation when a ‘normal eurocrate’ can be doing 20 – 30 million US dollars per year in some kind of Reconstruction of Balkans Programme. When I can start with the blaming of everything and everyone. Start speak about how s**** ex-Portuguese President Sampaio eat and don’t give me eat from EXPO 98. But won’t. In place I’ll try to mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible. To doing something for ANDREW PUTIN. Go to kill two birds with one stone. And these birds are: English speaking World. And nation of the shit from camel turned around. Wrong if somebody thinks that I am dictator, nag, or critic on crack. What is the crucial thing in communications? Is no matter how astute my opinions may be, it’s important that consumers want or don’t want to participate. Shame if even if I doing a favor, showing them the way, the truth, and the light – but they’re carry on not having it. One thing – is be right, completely another – is to be taken to the heart. I can be right from here to eternity, but if no one is listening or interested, I must wait longer than Nostradamus to the accolades what I deserve.

Tonight dream was that I am nearby Nelson column taking picture of my dad. He is very well humored and we enjoying a lot… Maybe Trevor Edwards from BNB Recruitment Solutions Plc Company are ready to die?

Yesterday, during my cycling I find the two twin sisters, very similar to the face of the EU’s Socialist Party candidate to the last elections (something Ali) at the Learn Direct. More later face of Jessica Fletcher (in Karachi variant of course) was persistent to make eye contact with me. Before Sunday, the Michail Prochorov “run” to meet me with some urgent issue. I was and still be sure that the subject was O’Bama visit to the Ghana. With the biting in my head want ask him just this: Where you where in 1982? (Year of my first contacts with the kitchen of World Gold Council).

1). В западноукраинском городе более 20 человек отравились пирожными

УНИАН | 13:06:42. В инфекционное отделение центральной райбольницы закарпатского г. Мукачево с признаками острой кишечной инфекции госпитализированы 22 человека, в числе которых шестеро детей. Установлено, что все они употребляли пирожные "Банановый холм", изготовленные в кондитерском цехе на ул. Недецеи, 39, и реализованные в трех местных кафе. В очаге заболевания специалистами районной СЭС проводится комплекс санитарно-противоэпидемических мероприятий. Ситуация находится под контролем Главного облуправления МЧС.

2). М.Прохоров вновь выступил за слияние "Русала" и "Норильского никеля" 13.07.2009 Президент группы "Онэксим" Михаил Прохоров и один из основных акционеров ОК "Русал" вновь выступил за слияние "Русала" и "Норильского никеля". "Это единственный способ конкурировать с гигантами сектора, такими как BHP Billiton или Rio Tinto", - сказал М.Прохоров немецкой прессе, передает Reuters. По словам М.Прохорова, долг "Русала" перед ВЭБом в размере 4,5 млрд долл. можно было бы трансформировать в долю акций объединенной группы. "При такой комбинации каждый из крупных акционеров будет владеть максимум 15-20% акций", - сказал российский миллиардер. Если акционеры потенциального металлургического гиганта смогут избрать независимый менеджмент, "это будет совершенно новая стратегия для российской промышленности", отметил М.Прохоров. На недавнем Петербургском экономическом форуме глава "Онэксима" высказал мнение, что объединение "Русала" и "Норникеля" "неизбежно". "Мировая тенденция говорит о том, что нужно укрупняться. "Норильский никель" и "Русал" в мировой табели о рангах перестают быть большими. Слияние для повышения конкурентной способности неизбежно", - сказал тогда М.Прохоров. Ранее один из основных владельцев "Норникеля" Владимир Потанин заявлял, что диалог акционеров ГМК "Норильский никель" может привести к объединению компании с ОК "Русал" и ХК "Металлоинвест". Материал предоставлен агентством "РосБизнесКонсалтинг"

3). Swiss tax rules lure McDonald’s from UK July 12 2009 23:05. McDonald’s is to leave London for Geneva, joining the growing ranks of US companies moving their European headquarters to take advantage of preferential intellectual property tax laws. The fast-food group, which will open its head office in the Swiss city in the autumn, said the move had been almost a year in the planning. The Swiss tax regime, particularly for intellectual property, has become increasingly attractive for foreign companies, particularly the regional European headquarters of US multinationals. Kraft, Procter & Gamble, Google, Electronic Arts and Yahoo have switched from the UK to Switzerland in recent years, while Informa, the UK publisher, is changing its tax domicile to the country. McDonald’s said its decision was not prompted by changes in the UK taxation of foreign profits from intellectual property rights made by Alastair Darling, the finance minister, this year. However, the company said the move “enables us to conduct the strategic management of key international intellectual property rights, including the licensing of those rights to our franchisees in Europe, from Switzerland”. McDonald’s has spread much of its operations around six or seven cities in Europe, but its headquarters has long been in London, where it opened its first outlet in 1974. The growing success of Switzerland, Luxembourg and Ireland at attracting multinationals is causing disquiet in European centres such as London, although the Swiss lifestyle and efficient transport have also been cited as contributing factors behind corporate decisions. Under the UK tax rules that came into force at the start of the month, McDonald’s would be paying tax on foreign profits relating to intellectual property twice over. The group, which said its UK business would remain unaffected, also said it expected its overall British annual tax rate to remain unchanged at about 30 per cent. Several senior members of McDonald’s Europe’s management team will relocate to Geneva, including including Denis Hennequin, president of McDonald’s operations in Europe. The issue of companies moving their main centre of operations outside the UK has dogged the UK Treasury. Mr Darling last year bowing to pressure and scrapped reforms to the taxation of foreign profits that threatened to provoke an exodus of companies from the UK. Since the start of 2008, WPP, Shire, Regus, Henderson, Charter, Beazley, Brit Insurance and UBM have all announced that they are moving their tax base out of the UK.

4). Deadly blast in Pakistani village BBC News - ‎1 hour ago‎ At least nine people have been killed and more than 50 injured after a blast hit a Pakistani village in the southern Punjab province.

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