Friday 30 January 2009

Tally - Tally

30/01/09. 11:55:33. Reaction of rusia petroleum wasn’t big news. The exit of Erdogan from International Economic Forum means one more confirmation of cross road for Energy Policy of Europe, Gulbenkian Map, and what the fat cats want. Uncertainty, like the restoration of Kremlin. Where Turkish builders make nip n’ took of all Privatisation Programme for this half-pigs, half-dogs, half-goats. Reading theirs opinion about this Forum, just hear “Escalate” voices howling we are Germans, we are Germans, we are Germans. And that, we are Germans but to preserve our, below the BRIC position, (not for me – not for anyone) some times we can and like be Austrian. What’s bother really, is they position, not Indus’s, not of paki or Iraqis, not of blacks in respect of every night biting. Absolutely mother. (Muter-маму) It’s theirs overwhelming, constant presence. In City, in Ireland, in Wachovia and in Bolivia. Every second of my life – is theirs. And personally, they are that. Half of everything and all of nothing. Even Uzbek’s or has to have cleaned for 5 off-shores of нарыть побольше себе и своим детям. For example, putting today 30.01.2009 the picture of “put in”, exactly when Island vote for lesbian PM, significant. Those four billion dollars that Russian governors want to IMPREGNATE (lend) to the Iceland – mean just this. Supposing that this will escape from eyes of International Community. This is should be seeing together with a “Put inalternative to the troubled dollar. How they react to the blows in my head? Positioning at the West side of Cape de Roca, in rusia petroleum uniform and shooting at the “all dirty fucking arabs”. And than with “Escalade” voices, at the morning coffee briefing, telling me that this is that half thousands of T 72 tanks which where scrap together from Central and Eastern Europe (Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary and Ukraine) for the sick of the Comum Politica Energetica Europeia… And that you, mean Viktor Glugovsky (a humble Jaro ass-hole) must dedicate now to this task. Knowing perfectly well, that if even virtually, I accept this commission it will be the third time. No body secret that this “Geographical Area”, means Iraqi/Iran – where made from my CV. (i.e. Высосан с пальца) First, Kuwait liberation, second, this Iraqi War and now is the Iraqi Army…  The BBC reportage of Prince Andrew staying at this Forum, was that famous “USTAS TO ALEX” encrypted message. Before start the reportage, face of another cocaine bastard the Rei Bragança (Portuguese one) appeared at the half-term on the TV screen. Well, seems that this Policy maker and CV breakers opt by the position of Tally - Tally … (i.e. Nato supply group, or in American – Federal Supply Group). And you bastards – go drive BMW’s and cross my pat, like do the captain Data (face of new lieder of Tories) and than receiving huge “nobody see bonuses”…     

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