Friday 23 January 2009


Friday, 23 January 2009. 09:40:15. Three last notes were about money. Like the MNEshniki’s resolve situation. Before the “first speculator of used cars from Kremlin” was killed, they (Lavrov of “medvedev”) make sincere proposal to build monument dedicated to black girl. Global vision of “African Question” in particular, local, personal, individual, egoistical, and nonsense way. The way of, “if not for me – no for anybody”. But I don’t see in this way. Begin with talks of European expansion. Who with voices of Banesto, Santander, Renova, etc., in Ukrainian female voice stay present in my life, in the same time when the Indus from Canada calling me. Of course, with a regular, absolute nonsense, one more proposal. Than I go to sleep and catch triple blow. In my nose, (cocaine ….), in my tooth (cocaine…) and in my neck. Couple minutes later, a double blow. Now, in face and neck… At the morning, the same Ukrainians from Banesto, Santander and Renova, are telling me that this is “Toбі Azambuja”. Taking in consideration of crack in the military panel in Europe, which the Agreement between Portugal and Spain do – have repercussion worst than France initiative to create a new structure inside of EU configuration. That Mediterraneanfootball sub-division”. However, the blows come from Jew’s camel. They, arguing that the noises from the North side of my flat come because of “a preto”, which is true. But, the theirs living in this area, where I am for last fifteen years, directly connected with a one month war well fare away in “Holly Land”. Making to myself a simple question: How many jews I see here in fifteen years? They are like a Cocaine Royal Family of Lancasters, worst than “Flying Dutchman”, worst than Rothschild’s Diamonds Map, worst than “what you do to find the job?”, worst than nation of the shit from camel turned around, they simple amazingly do not exist! Than where is the problem? Who can make a triple hit on my head? And than hit a second time on my head to explain spy trade inside of the nation of the shit from camel turned around? With witnesses speaking Banesto, Santander, Renova in female Ukrainian?  “Toбі Azambuja” seems mean one certain thing: Big quantity, huge amount, “a lot” of dead bodies. The killing of General Director the russia’s PowersSmart Systems is the same like a writings in this article, FOR NO NONSENSE PEOPLE.

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