Sunday 25 January 2009

Moneymaking venture.

25/01/2009 12:35:49. Because it’s a finishing business, not the beginning of new one. The Industrialist who killed himself and his wife in Portugal. Is a pure product of ongoing piggy faces from Strasburg and Brussels, who like the pirates, between theirs cronies resolving the unresolved Grey Cotton Programme. Programme financed with “Fairy Land” children, and all of us. That signature between bastard Barroso, pederast Putin and regular “chinoca” one year later – give us this situation. Not the Social Party of Europe, with thief Sampaio and Solana – the bosses of “passa port” who don’t pay me for Expo, but the repeated shooting in Norway. And this is not the first time. That three palettes, which I showing you – just the glorifying of burning slowly Castel, which this almpohads carry on called the “future of our civilisation”.  The cardiac arrest of principal ass-hole of European Gas Interconnection Study I and II, the so called European Energy Policy, plus the rusia petroleum killing of Powers Smart System General Director – to secure his (“medvedev”) smooth passage to the Uzbekistan (any body knows that Russia don’t have the oil or gas, that who get it is the “chukchi”. Territory of Russia – don’t have nothing. Only big presence of half – pigs, half – dogs, and very really half – goats.) But he is new “medvedev”. And are in crazy need for money. This is the unique feasible reason to go to the Uzbekistan, sign a couple nothing to say contracts and take money for his pocket. Result? After almost one month of “Gas War” – let’s start everything a new. Nothing resolved, only the natural appearance of Pfizer with his acquisition of Wyeth ($60 billion) come like the logic conclusion of “Much Ado For Nothing”… Okay, you go arguing that “a preto”. So what, if the Nkunda actively “participate” and still participating every f**** morning in my flat with his soap opera.  Before hitting my head, was design in my head of two brothers at the precipice. Who is mad to don’t see the Interbank Basel II Agreement? Put in and “medvedev”? My mother and my father? All night was biting. With design and without. Just. Because I am stupid enough to be alone, to be without money, to be “better be alone than in bad company”. To be like a Volkswagen – artificial, ersatz sociopath? Who sleep and dream  with missiles, explosions and Nkunda faces. To at the morning, before wake up – have a dream-proposal that let’s live in this way: The huge a really big kitchen – for celebrations, for joy and festivities. And another small – for personal use. My first argument was, like in my previous experience? Where my small, individual kitchen make frontier with Iran? Answer was, it’s from “macaroni”. The terrible ass-holes the type of   “Erasmus military” (XXIV Cimeira Luso-Espanhola), who, and it’s obviously – start the disintegration. Don’t know, and don’t want speculate about what exactly. Maybe the NATO. Or, if I know them good, like I know, this junta (i.e. military rule, stratocracy) from murky patricians like this pirates Solana, Pinheiro, Sampaio, Barroso are in did doing some kind of “Euro force” purpose…  And how coincidently! The “future of our civilisation” from Fabeltjesland (Fairy Land, Terra das Fadas) – react. Seems, like I say at the beginning, it’s “post mortem” of Gas War Business. With a extensive biting this night, now is time to reflect about the information which I am giving, into the moneymaking venture.

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