Friday 19 December 2008

Don’t judge the book by the colour. (For Oil ministers)

Don’t judge the book by the colour.

Friday, 19 December 2008. 08:22:40.How awfully poisonous was dream tonight! Several times this night, somebody hit on my head. Showing at close quarters faces. Shame, that all of them in theirs thirties, or late thirties. All of them whites. Don’t go explain which faces where exactly, but understandably, who read my blogs – can make a wide guess. Hitting like a pack of wolfs. Hitting with such a force, that took (выбили) tooth from my left side. Dream: I am walking in Portugal by the Linha de Cascais. Very boring activity, of long for decades now, nightmare. This time, with tea kettle the type of Ippolite Matveich, personage from “Twelve chairs”, had. The выблядки/vybliadki of Cocaine Royal Family of Lancasters, Willy “mai dela” and dirty  Harry, for many years now, resolve to make me swine’s help by convert me into the monk who do nothing if not sink niggers (a preto) into the vat full of shit. Close to the Carcavelos, where the International Gas Interconnection Study I and II lives, (i.e. where cocaine Brussels and Strasburg have outstanding debts with me), one toothless man, (because of kettle from the Salvation Army with this брат/brother who is from Cocaine Royal Family of Lancasters, and who actually have a debts with me because officially, through documents, and well understandably – by theirs documents, arranged a robbery of “my”, mean English Speaking World, money), very louder (i.e. a lá Barak Obama) shouting to the all street: “Man está a monte”… In this, like Cocaine Royal Family of Lancasters said, “You don’t speak English good enough”, although a terribly correct in r e a l – Interbank Basel II Agreement language. Feeling feed up with his (i.e. Cocaine Royal Family of Lancasters) attitude, go close to him looking for trouble, and ask him what he mean. He wasn’t sure about it. But begin without conviction telling me “story” about the Village of Clubs, the way he was speaking with me in Portuguese, this name sounds like a “Aldeia das Copas”, in Russian “Дубинная деревня”. In conformity with City language, all, actually very smart business, which in proper turn, mean the beginning of Grand Era for dismantling all that shit constructed by pirates and bastards, and now are called European Community. Same times they call this “Pancho dá vila”. To confirm these suppositions, better to register those three boys who were deadly hurt by a car accident at nearby village with same name, immediately after “ground breaking” BPI – Angola – Islington business. I may yet give a couple strokes about TV soap “King das Copas”, where the secret services of almohads, mean DESA, having exclusivity on film distribution, for the general public to see. For this proposal, a many years ago create an umbrella firm called Castelo Lopes. And, how policy maker and CV brokers from Brussels and Strasburg, in conformity with blows of the economic wind start to diminish their greed from “Indicador dos doze” to “Indicador das oito”, and by this track, in place to begin speak about “Indicador das Três”. Sad tigers or countries.  

DJ Stoxx Select Dividend

BPI entra do índice europeu das cotadas com dividendo mais rentável

O Banco BPI vai passar a integrar, a partir de 23 de Dezembro, os índices DJ Stoxx Select Dividend 30 e DJ Stoxx Global Select Dividend 100, integrando assim os índices que agrupam as acções europeias e mundiais que apresentam aos accionistas a remuneração mais rentável. O Banco BPI vai passar a integrar, a partir de 23 de Dezembro, os índices DJ Stoxx Select Dividend 30 e DJ Stoxx Global Select Dividend 100, integrando assim os índices que agrupam as acções europeias e mundiais que apresentam aos accionistas a remuneração mais rentável. Segundo anunciou ontem à noite a Stoxx, entidade que gere os índices com o mesmo nome, a entrada do BPI nestes dois índices surge na sequência da saída da Cattle’s, uma vez que esta empresa cancelou o pagamento de dividendos aos seus accionistas. Ainda não há qualquer confirmação relativamente ao dividendo que o BPI vai pagar aos seus accionistas em 2009. Mas, considerando as estimativas da Bloomberg, o banco poderá entregar 0,17 euros por acção, dividendo que colocará o BPI no topo do "ranking" das cotadas do PSI-20, em termos de rentabilidade do dividendo, com um "dividend yield" de 11,33%. Tendo em conta o último dividendo pago (18 cêntimos, ajustado ao aumento de capital), o BPI apresenta um “dividend yield” de 12%. A entrada nestes índices tenderá a ser positiva para as acções, dado que muitos investidores tem na sua estratégia de investimento a replicação dos índices. Na carteira do DJ Stoxx Select Dividend 30 não consta actualmente qualquer empresa portuguesa. Este índice contempla as empresas de 18 países europeus, sendo seleccionadas as companhias com o dividendo mais rentável. Ao integrar o DJ Stoxx Select Dividend 30, a empresa passa a integrar também o DJ Stoxx Global Select Dividend 100. Este índice agrupa 100 empresas mundiais (40 americanas, 30 europeias e 30 asiáticas) com o dividendo mais rentável.


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