Monday 8 December 2008

Charles the II with his Abramovitch

08/12/2008 14:55:02 Immediate reaction of Russian half-pigs, half-dogs, half-goats body guards to the “A la Zimbabwe”. During my after lunch drowsing, they like always put in my head several disconnected “dreams”. Kaleidoscope of scenes and designed situations. Now, they put me in the bus, or taxi (I explain you later why is the taxi) at the right side behind the driver. The driver turn his head and I see face of Portuguese President Cavaco mix with “medvedev” or Obama. Straight away are BLOW in my head. Мгмновенная реакция русских полу-свиней, полу-собак, полу-козлов телохранителей. Во время после-обедeнoго дрёма они любят подставлять кучу несвязанных снов. Калейдоскоп сцен и нарисованных ситуаций. Сейчас они посадили меня в автобус или такси. Я объяcню по позже почему такси) с правой стороны с сзади водителя. Водитель поворачивает голову и я вижу лицо Португальского Президента Каваку смесь “медведев” и Обама. В тот-же момент я получаю сильный УДАР в голову.

Taxi – because a “traição do Fernandinho”. 1). Many taxis was killed, essentially in Porto because of Socialist Party of EU. 2). Because at the spy station of where I live, I find two “Fernandinhos” which is odd to much to protect ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg. 3). Because was super naiobka from my tree to Charles the II with his Abramovitch to think and prey about it. 4). Like always “a preto”. Mean racist issue of proper niggers the type of Obama and sranyh churok who don’t stop singing here. 5). Just outstanding debts of fucking Jew who don’t pay me yet and delegate this to the Warner Brothers/Tom Cruse to treat this at once.

This is roughly expected by me the payment from cocaine Royal Family of Lancasters condensed in mentioned names and concrete cases.


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