Tuesday 17 November 2009

The picturesque Driel.

The picturesque Driel. Don’t know exactly, but today I’m with a little disposition to write. Maybe it’s just today. Writing normally highs my tonus, clarify my mind and structured my thoughts. But today I start to wandering if not too much I’m writing about some kind of constant victim? Who with aliens’ determination walk down to the absolute doom and gloom? And then again – no, I am not. For a considerable period of time I see (and feel, by the environment where I’m incarcerated) that it’s more my resolve, my sets of goals than the role of some kind of casualty, or dupe. Only because someone yet has a clear doubts about what I want from live and where I want to live it. I’m old enough to don’t remember that hotheaded thinking can lead to irrational acts. Like for example the yesterday text which was telling names and cases openly. I won’t be sorry, because in reality they don’t lead us to the irrationality. They lead us straight to the point. That common point for two sides of barricade. The killing of renamed russian journalist (who “flew away” from 15th floor), and the other the Governmental Information Agency Belga communicating one more time that the “…Fabiola passed away…” Hell, more a couple decades I should wait for my amnesty…! For now, I tell you what: “At least when it comes to the interpersonal relationships (i.e. between Sampaio’s passport and Queen Elizabeth the II. She who say that after five years in HM prison – I will be like the rest.), I often very carefully juggling a need to avoid confrontation, and she know it because frequently abuse. And I know that with her the business is as usual: It is kind of people who will promise the earth – and then deliver the dirt. Or rats.

I have to be in it to win it. Queen Fabiola accidentally declared dead again. November 11, 12:25 AM. For the second time in a year a Belgian newspaper has mistakenly declared Queen Fabiola dead. This time it was “De Morgan” which put out an announcement that read: “Sixteen years after the death of her husband King Baudouin, Her Majesty passed away at the age of 81. Her health has been frail in the last few years and the pneumonia she suffered from recently proved fatal”. While the Royal Palace moved quickly to deny the rumors, it does bring to light the ongoing concern about the Queen’s health. In October, the Palace announced that the Queen will not attend any events with the royal family in the near future. In the announcement it is explained that HM is recovering from pneumonia and is exhausted. They added that she moves and walks around but is very tired and needs much rest. The last event she was seen at was the annual Mass in honour of her late husband, King Boudouin. CCTV film showed the crooks, all masked and wearing black, smash through the front doors with poles and an angle grinder.

Boт тебе и Фуртату (Furtato) Известная российская журналистка упала с 14 этажа16 ноября 2009 года 21:50. В Калининграде погибла бывшая руководитель независимой телерадиокомпании "Каскад" Ольга Котовская. Как сообщает агентство «Интерфакс» со ссылкой на пресс-секретаря регионального Следственного управления СКП РФ Марианну Андрюшину, тело Котовской с признаками падения с высоты обнаружили на улице 9 апреля. По предварительной информации, погибшая упала с открытого лестничного пролета 14-этажного жилого дома, в котором она не проживала. По словам собеседника агентства, предсмертной записки женщина не оставила. По данному факту начата доследственная проверка. 10 ноября этого года арбитражный суд Калининградской области вынес постановление в пользу Ольги Котовской и Светланы Рябухи в инициированном ими судебном разбирательстве с ООО «НТРК «Каскад». Постановление признало недействительным решение общего собрания участников ООО «НТРК «Каскад» о внесении изменений в Устав «Каскада», которые были приняты 31 августа 2004 года. Котовская и Рябуха сказали, что на этом собрании они не присутствовали, а его протокол был сфальсифицирован. Телекомпания "Каскад" была создана в начале 1990-х годов, ее основатели считались известные калининградские журналисты Ольга Котовская и Игорь Ростов, ставшие впоследствии одними из главных соучредителей.

THREE British crooks were killed and two injured in a crash fleeing a robbery in Holland. The gang were escaping in a stolen car when it hit a barrier and somersaulted at 3.30am - littering the area with flurries of banknotes. Minutes earlier they had ruthlessly raided a convenience store in a Dutch village and targeted a cash machine. Sparks flew as they attacked the ATM with the grinder while one crook tried to spray-paint over a security camera. As they sliced the ATM open an anti-theft device coated them and their haul of euro notes in tell-tale permanent ink. The raiders fled just minutes before police arrived in tiny Driel, near the city of Arnhem. Cops hunting them found the car a mangled wreck on a tight bend close to a motorway. One man, a 25-year-old Londoner, died instantly in the crash last Saturday. The others were cut free and rushed to hospital. One aged 21 died the same day and one of 27 on Sunday. Both were from Liverpool. A fourth aged 25 was critically ill. The fifth, 28, was quizzed but refused to say anything - especially why the gang had chosen to target picturesque Driel.

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's gala dinner. At the end of the evening, they were each sent home with a tip of £53, a copy of the Koran and a booklet entitled "How to be a Muslim".The Libyan leader paid the women to attend the bizarre meeting on the fringes of a global food summit in Rome where he subjected them to a solemn discourse on the role of Muslim women. The models, who had been told they were attending a party, were recruited from an agency which hires out pretty young women to act as "hostesses" for conferences and conventions. An advertisement placed by the Hostessweb agency read: "Seeking attractive girls between 18 and 35 years old, at least 1.7 metres (5 foot, 7 inches) tall, well-dressed but not in miniskirts or low cut dresses." High heels and fur coats were allowed, but plunging necklines were out, the agency said. The women were taken by buses to the Libyan ambassador's residence in a plush residential corner of the Italian capital to await President Gaddafi, who arrived an hour late in a white stretch limousine. They were security scanned and shown into a reception room where they were left waiting for the arrival of the Colonel, who sat on a sofa flanked by interpreters and a pair of his "Amazonian" female body guards. Col Gaddafi then proceeded to preach the merits of Islam and encouraged them to convert. Some were offended by what they considered anti-Christian aspects of his lecture, including a claim that Christ was not crucified but that "someone who looked like him" was substituted and put to death in his place. "It was anything but the VIP party we were expecting, they didn't even give us a glass of water," one girl said. At the end of the evening, they were each sent home with a tip of £53, a copy of the Koran and a booklet entitled "How to be a Muslim". Col Gaddafi will invite another 200 young women to a similar encounter on Tuesday and a further 200 to a gathering on Wednesday said Libya's ambassador to Italy, Hafed Gaddur. The Libyan leader often makes odd demands on his trips abroad – most commonly to pitch his Bedouin tent in a park in whichever city he is visiting. He caused bemusement during a trip to Rome in June when he asked for, and was granted, a reception with 700 Italian women from the worlds of business, politics and the media.

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