Monday 23 November 2009


‘5+1”. Start Monday by the travel of Almadinejad to Brazil is REALLY boring. It’s like to ask a big expert who wrote the “Goal – For Dummies” to write another book with set of instructions again. More interesting in my opinion, is that LHC has been restarted. And that ‘team work’ who made possible the disappearance of Kalmatovitch daughter (i.e. the Putin’s ‘nuclear expert’), or the biggest yet fraud scandal rippled through EU Football just because of the Barroso’s “a golo”. This is more interesting though, than the unemployed camel. Who had some ideas about the kind of work he could do and the quiet (i.e. American) confidence that attracts opportunities. How the UK say to me: Get the job! With small alteration of some times putting the nigger, or asian, or chinoca to ask me “What you do to find the job?” Ongoing… - nothing. Too much “Sixth” to any one take a notice. Even when you were talking about my new with Iran, only the “liand-lian’” make me telephone call to ask if I had recently been injured in (any) accident… Not the english speaking World, not the nation of the …, not the … Royal Family of Lancaster’s asking me. Was the “Land-line”… (I.e. the practical application of Royalties and Concessions). Wasn’t HM ship, wasn’t the “African Question”, even wasn’t “Sleeping with enemy”. Or the dining with enemy. I’m referring here to my McDonalds Sunday coffee break. I like that, completely dead place at the week-ends. Where the ebalo of Barroso spoil-me all this little pleasure. Well, ‘5+1’, for the sick of Monday FT100 jump, at least I can expect from him this “Roda de Fortuna”.

World powers to discuss Iran rejection of nuclear deal. Brussels, Nov 19 (DPA) Top diplomats from the so-called ‘5+1′ group of world powers were to meet in Brussels Friday to discuss how to respond to Iran’s refusal to reach a nuclear deal, diplomats said Thursday. Officials from the UN Security Council’s five permanent members – Britain, China, France, Russia and the US – plus Germany were to also hold talks with European Union (EU) foreign policy chief Javier Solana, EU spokeswoman Cristina Gallach told DPA. The meeting was to take place a day after Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad brushed off international warnings after rejecting a compromise deal on the country’s controversial nuclear programme. US President Barack Obama said earlier Thursday in Seoul that the US and its international allies would discuss ‘consequences’, most likely in the form of tougher sanctions against Iran, after the Islamic state has not yet accepted a deal negotiated by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IA)

Russia submarine breaks off the Black Sea. A Russian submarine broke off a mission in the Black Sea on Saturday and headed back to base, apparently because of engine trouble, the state RIA-Novosti news agency reported. Sunday, 22 November 2009 13:31. The Alrosa, a diesel-electric submarine, was on a training exercise when the problem occurred, the agency quoted a source at the Russian Black Sea fleet as saying. Милиция подтвердила, что дочь совладельца группы Приват причастна к резонансному ДТП. ПриватБанк — крупнейший коммерческий банк Украины. Основан в 1992 году. Главный офис расположен в г.Днепропетровск, ул.Набережная Победы, 50. Включает банки: ПриватБанк, МоскомПриватБанк (Россия), ТаоПриватБанк (Грузия), AS PrivatBank (Латвия) и его филиал в Португалии, а также филиал ПриватБанка на Кипре. Банк предоставляет весь спектр банковских услуг для физических и юридических лиц. Действует на основании Лицензии НБУ №22 от 29.07.2009 г. Днепропетровская милиция впервые признала причастность к резонансному ДТП, которое произошло 11 октября на проспекте Гагарина, дочери одного из совладельцев Приватбанка Алексея Мартынова. О том, что за рулем джипа была именно она, сообщил главный милиционер области Анатолий Науменко. "Действительно, за рулем была Ксения Мартынова, ее машина сбила женщину, когда та переходила дорогу на мигающий желтый. Сейчас проверяются факты, думаю, дело дойдет до суда", - рассказал генерал-майор. При этом не сообщил, превысил ли внедорожник девушки скорость и могла ли она избежать трагедии. Напомним, жертвой ДТП стала 62-летняя сторож ДНУ Любовь Темная. Несмотря на то, что сразу после этой аварии муж погибшей Иван заявил, что имя виновницы известно всему городу, правоохранители отказались его обнародовать. Ксения после трагедии попала в больницу с нервным расстройством. Rodéo urbain à la route suisse: une course-poursuite à plusieurs millions. GENÈVE | Les témoignages sont formels: quatre bolides de luxe sont impliqués dans le rodéo urbain de jeudi. - L’un des véhicules a embouti par l’arrière une voiture de tourisme, faisant un blessé grave. THIERRY MERTENAT | 21.11.2009 | 00:00. La route suisse entre Bellevue et Versoix ressemblait hier au lever du jour à un circuit de voitures de course. Des traces de ripage au sol sur plus de 100mètres, des courbes noires qui se croisent jusque sur la piste cyclable, un mur au crépis explosé, plus loin une barrière de jardin entièrement détruite. Et ce premier témoignage de riverain, habitant à la hauteur du chemin de la Voile, disant avoir entendu jeudi soir, peu avant 23h30, comme un «bruit de bombe sous ses fenêtres». La bombe est une Lamborghini Murcielago blanche, conduite par un jeune Russe de 22ans. Elle vient d’emboutir par l’arrière une Golf qui roulait normalement en direction de Lausanne. Au volant, un ressortissant allemand de 70ans. Le choc est à la mesure de la différence de vitesse: la VW se retrouve projetée à plus de 50mètres. Les pompiers devront découper le toit pour extraire son occupant, grièvement blessé. L’auteur de l’embardée, sorti par la porte papillon de son bolide avant l’arrivée des secours, est également acheminé en ambulance à l’hôpital, précise la police genevoise dans son communiqué lapidaire. Moteurs hurlants. Et c’est tout? Non, les faits sont beaucoup plus graves. Trois témoignages concordants, recueillis hier par la Tribune de Genève, détaillent les circonstances de cet accident aux conséquences dramatiques. Ils ont tous vu la même chose: une course-poursuite à plusieurs millions, impliquant trois autres véhicules – une Bugatti Veyron, une Mercedes McLaren et une Porsche Cayenne. Ces quatre voitures sont vues aux abords de l’Hôtel de la Réserve roue dans la roue, traversant le centre de Bellevue à une vitesse inadaptée, puis se mettant en ordre de course à la sortie du rond-point. Quatre jeunes conducteurs parlant la même langue, déterminés à se disputer ce kilomètre lancé qui file tout droit jusqu’à Versoix. «Moteurs hurlants, je les ai vus se dépasser plusieurs fois, franchir la double ligne blanche, avant que l’un d’eux ne parte en tête-à-queue et n’emboutisse la Golf qui le précédait», explique notre témoin. La suite est encore plus accablante. Les trois voitures qui ont échappé à l’accident reviennent sur les lieux, ignorent la Golf qui s’est encastrée dans la barrière de la propriété et s’arrêtent à la hauteur de la Lamborghini qui fume de partout. Un ami à sauver. Il est déposé au bord de la route, sous les yeux d’un passant qui appelle le 117. Pour dire quoi? «Que les trois individus sont en train de prendre la fuite en direction de Genève. Je les ai vus partir, puis revenir une dernière fois, à toute vitesse, pris dans leur rodéo sans fin.» Ce rodéo à rallonge porte un nom sur les ondes des nombreuses patrouilles qui se déroutent sur les lieux: délit de fuite. Aggravé encore par la non-assistance à personne en danger. Des faits réellement accablants, que la police ne souhaitait pas confirmer hier. Ni d’ailleurs la présence le même jour d’une Bugatti et d’une Mercedes devant un palace du centre-ville. Notre témoin est formel: «Ce sont les mêmes véhicules, les modifications au niveau de la carrosserie sont identiques, les plaques correspondent au signalement que j’ai transmis par téléphone à la centrale de police, puis aux inspecteurs qui m’ont interrogé sur les lieux de l’accident.» Comment se fait-il alors que ces bolides hors catégorie n’aient pas été mis sous séquestre? Est-ce à dire que la fourrière n’accueille pas les voitures de luxe? Et que ces conducteurs d’un soir peuvent continuer à se déplacer librement dans une ville qui s’est promis de traquer les auteurs de courses-poursuites?

Lac Da Nau probe delivers the goods Monday, 23 November, 2009, 10:24 GMT | last updated: Monday, 23 November, 2009, 10:25 GMT. By Upstream staff . French giant Total and its partners in Block 15-1/05, in Vietnam's offshore play, have hit oil with the first well drilled on the Lac Da Nau prospect. Total said the 15-01/05 LDN-1X well was drilled in a water depth of 45 metres and produced 4200 barrels per day of 44 API oil during tests carried out in the basement. The discovery well lies about 110 kilometres to the east of Vung Tau, about 65 kilometres off the coast, and was drilled in a water depth of 45 metres. The block is operated by PetroVietnam subsidiary Phu Quy Petroleum which has a 40% stake. The other partners on Block 15-1/05 are Total (35%) and SK Energy (25%). PARIS (Dow Jones)--French oil major Total SA (TOT) Monday said its subsidiary Total E&P Vietnam and its partners on Block 15-1/05 have discovered oil in the Lac Da Nau prospect, located in the southern part of the block off the coast of Vietnam. MAIN FACTS: - 15-01/05 LDN-1X exploration well is the first well drilled and the first discovery made on Block 15-01/05. - It is located approximately 110 kilometers to the East of Vung Tau, about 65 kilometers off the coast, and was drilled in a water depth of 45 meters. - The well produced 4,200 barrels per day of 44 API oil during tests performed in the basement. - Phu Quy Petroleum Operating Exploration and Production Company Limited, a subsidiary of Petrovietnam Exploration and Production Corporation, is the Operator of Block 15-1/05 with a 40% stake. - The other partners on Block 15-1/05 are Total E&P Vietnam with 35% and SK Energy (096770.SE) with 25%.

Moves to mine gem potential. November 20 2009 19:33. Investors wanting exposure to gold or other precious metals have an array of options, whether it is buying the physical items or purchasing mining stocks, commodity indices or exchange-traded funds. With diamonds the opportunities have been far more limited. But that may be changing. De Beers and others in the diamond industry are exploring how to create a viable market for diamond investment. Aside from the age-old practice of buying jewellery and putting it on a finger or in a vault, diamond-investing opportunities have been limited to diamond mining stocks. But even then, the top two producers, De Beers and Alrosa, are unlisted. The diamond market’s lack of price transparency and liquidity – the two are linked – has held back development of diamond funds. Diamond trading occurs between dealers, not on an open market. There are thousands of varieties of diamonds, creating thousands of pricing structures and defying hopes for a benchmark diamond price. But the industry has noted rising investor interest in alternative asset classes. And it is starting to push for price transparency. On November 17 the World Federation of Diamond Bourses endorsed a “suggested retail price” (SRP) list for different categories of polished diamonds. The SRP will be carried out by Idex, a market data company. Idex and Rapaport, its larger rival, already provide real-time diamond prices for diamond dealers. The SRP initiative suggests the basic infrastructure for a diamond investment market is being developed, says Saul Singer, a former head of research at Rapaport, the industry information platform. He is now a principal at Fusion Alternatives, a start-up company devising ways for the investment market to grow beyond niche purchases of gemstones. “For this to work it has to come from within the industry,” he says, “The involvement of the leading players would be vital.” De Beers, the world’s biggest diamond miner and marketer, says after “several approaches” it has been discussing informally how it might help the development of a niche investment market. The company has been trying to find new sources of revenue since the rough diamond market collapsed around November 2008, sending its profits plunging. “We are not opposed to the idea of diamond investing in principle,” says Stephen Lussier, head of corporate affairs at De Beers. “But our view on the concept is that it is more like art investing and less like commodity investing,” he adds. The market would have to be niche because of the difficulty in standardising the product as well as the small size of the diamond market relative to gold or platinum. He says there is the risk of investment demand distorting jewellery prices, as has happened with gold. Mr Singer of Fusion Alternatives estimates that diamond investment could be worth $500m-$750m, in a polished diamond market that is worth about $20bn a year. That does not include the potential for derivative contracts. It is simply the value that could be achieved if investors were able to access diamond assets as they do gold ETFs. “How would it work?” is the central question for proponents of diamond investing. Several industry veterans are sceptical about the chances of establishing a market, given repeated attempts since the 1970s. They all foundered on pricing. “Diamonds are terrifically difficult to value or to audit the value,” says Ian Henderson, a resources fund manager at JPMorgan in London. “The only time the value is certain is when it crystallises in a sale”. If standard and trusted price references came into being, as the World Federation of Diamond Bourses is attempting, what types of stones would trade? Industry experts say investment would be limited to certain varieties of polished diamonds above a certain weight, such as one carat or above. Transparently priced varieties would be packaged into a standard “diamond basket”. “What you would need is an electronic trading platform backed by many more diamonds than are available today [for trading]”, says Mr Kilalea. An open trading platform would depend on the cooperation of polished diamond dealers, who would need be incentivised to divert some stock to funds. De Beers says it could facilitate this through its relationships with its “sightholders,” or the buyers of De Beers’ rough diamonds who are collectively a powerful force in the industry’s distribution channels. “We have had some approaches and we have outlined the sorts of things we can do using our expertise. When you have people asking us, ‘How can I put together $100m worth of diamonds [for investment], that is where we can offer help: through our existing client network,” says Mr Lussier. Such statements suggest change may be in the offing.. “It’s only recently that De Beers would come close to even hinting that diamonds are a commodity,” says one industry investor. It may be because the company and its suppliers are emerging from a traumatic year that has exposed the limitations of the traditional revenue models. “It’s up to the industry, more than ever, to create alternative sales channels and push them through the pipeline,” Mr Singer says. “The pricing systems are already there for diamond investment, especially if you compare it to other niche asset classes like wine or stamps or uranium.” For now, the question is why a commodity universally recognised as holding long-term value does not even have the public trading infrastructure of the wine market?

Geneva auctions raise $95 mn. Christie’s International and Sotheby’s sold a combined $95 million in Geneva auctions of watches, gems and wine this week as the rich seek rare objects to hedge against inflation, Bloomberg reported. Christie’s on Wednesday raised 32.3 million Swiss francs ($32 million) in a jewellery auction, beating its high estimate, Francois Curiel, head of the auctioneer’s jewellery unit said in a phone interview with Bloomberg. Christie’s also beat the high estimates for its watch and wine auctions, while Sotheby’s met estimates for its sales of gems and timepieces, the report said. “There is all this cash available in the world for the moment in search of a home, and the home is rare, precious objects,” Curiel said. “There is this talk that there should be inflation someday because governments have printed so much money.” The auction houses set world records for green diamonds, intense blue diamonds and so-called “chameleon” diamonds this week in Switzerland, said the report. Johann Rupert, the South African billionaire who controls luxury brands including Cartier and Van Cleef & Arpels, said last week that hyperinflation concern may lead to people running into jewellery stores. Last year, about 39% of the lots in Sotheby’s Geneva November gem auction went unsold, including the top three pieces, while Christie’s failed to sell about half, the report said. Prices of VS2 G diamonds, a commonly traded gem, have gained 9.6% for one-carat stones in the past year, erasing part of a 16% slump in the previous period, according to Antwerp-based Aleks Paul, a Russian gem dealer at Essex Global Trading in New York, spent 13 million francs in yesterday’s Christie’s auction, hauling off a 62-carat flawless pear-shaped diamond and two other pieces of diamond jewellery. That’s more than a third of the total sale, the report said. Concern about hyperinflation is “absolutely” one reason demand for gems is strong, Paul said in an interview. He told Bloomberghis clients are based in Russia, China and the Middle East. Paul was the underbidder in a battle last year for a diamond once owned by Spanish King Philip IV whose 16.4 million pound ($27 million) price tag set a record for any jewel sold in auction. A European dealer paid $987,000 for a “chameleon” diamond pendant necklace, the record price paid for such a diamond, which turns red in artificial light and is green in natural light, Christie’s said. Low returns on savings, worries about banks’ solidity and currency fluctuations are also boosting demand for precious objects, Curiel said. Jewellery is “an international currency: you don’t have to take a position in dollars, pounds or euros when you hold diamonds,” he said. Bloomberg.

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