Saturday 14 November 2009

Image: "At a family picnic, a skunk hiding in the woods".

Image: "At a family picnic, a skunk hiding in the woods". Message: Avoid the trouble. Read once that Aeroflot plane struck and than writhed off during one week stay in Hanoi. The mouse was that responsible terrorist for this happen. But this is the Aeroflot and Vietnam. It’s nothing to do with me. If not that my PC’s mouse begins to fail. Become too clumsy. Well, I bought a new one. Which works worst that my old one. Until now is a fascinating story, isn’t? At the morning, I was drinking my coffee “with a Willy Lancaster”. Who was telling me how are strong my tree, how I’m strong and so on. Well, this Saturday morning is “normal” in a sense of the 24/7 pestering of my mind with someone from the same civilization which is called “what-you-do-to-find-the-job”. Giving me the reason to come back to the PC World and return this mouse together with BA-Iberia ‘futures’ – what I did. Knowing too, that the high technology sector now is in hot discussion by the Irish O’Bama with the chinocas. Maybe the one of several reasons that makes me fall into the capitalism-imperialistic consumption in first place, of acquiring the one more Logitech’s mouse. In same time, knowing that the Mourinho are supplicating to comeback to the UK, give to be certain that the Willy (who actually, is the boss of Vodahouse, i.e. the Football Association of the Soprano) and know me like a ‘abyss wallet’, to speak here and see if he can suck something. Also I am completely positive that his suck is directly connected with the “Thatcher has died” SMS. Which happen, like you know, before. Only in this case the politic say: “If that pussy not died – I’ll kill her myself”. directly linked with the Techworks message send to me and, which is more important though, the travel of Prince Charles the II with a camel to the Canada. Now, maybe its good place and time to write down “the ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg”? Well, not yet. But a good time to speak about the meaning of Royalties and Concessions. In other words, how is the environment, mean land are in constant “evolution” around me. For example, the quantity of times the multi-billion businesses was first described, than formed and ‘produced’ by me, and the quantity of times the reshuffle of greedy cocaine Royal Family of Lancasters were made in the King dom since the 1901? This is the BIG QUESTION. Than we can think about the family of sons/daughters, etc. Than we can think about family of lesbians, about the family of “some one” (catch my drift Willy?) fathers, about the family, or to don’t forget mentioned the “mai-preta-sopa” (that old nigger woman which always drunk) and which I find the other day nearby Buckingham Palace. She was, and wasn’t her double, in very expensive closes, full of gold stuff including (we english speaking world, have a tradition, you know), in her nose. Or immediately start to speak about EU’s antitrust watchdog? Watchdog in faces of two pederasts’ (one British and another German) who flew away and were now substituted by the face of put – in. Whom I see by the first time (bloody lousy spy) only after the two goalkeepers (one British and another German) deixarão de passer o frango” chamadao the Basel II Interbank Agreement. You see by yourself how the Kremlins body-guards are functioning. The core of theirs and of the Brotherhood of City weapon is “A PRETO”. Only for this reason, when I conclude some ‘trade’ or ‘commerce’ (essentially, the confidential ones) the paiols start to do MY Chinese garlands… And not because of mother. Zara, I see too how is the Land masculine. But yes, because of daughters of enormous swine Sampaio, Putin and cocaine Prince Andrew. The Reference 300, hum-m? Because of english law which clearly state “a убивай”. Don’t matter where, in the Ceченого street, or nem por isso. But which give us, the usurpators of Royalties and Concessions that EU’s “Indicator of Eight” (economical parameters). Which again is the CV-brokers’ and policy-makers base. To speak about them is not a smart thing to do. Okay, if I am, for example, right. In any way it’s almost like to spat on my well. However, the BA-Iberia (which you know I call almohads) lost their leg (i.e. Italy) again. Why is that Willy run to me this morning to suck something, well – anything. Because at the same time the Vitor Constancio “won” the huge (maybe) salary. My patrician and tutor who showing me the way through the darkness… Me, who become uncomfortable with situation because there is something wrong with it. Maybe in deed, is that practical application of Anglo-Saxon economical model? Or just that Co which need the escape valve because of my devolution of Logitech mouse.

Have a nice day.

В Заволжском районе Ульяновска сегодня ночью произошел пожар на складах боеприпасов Военно-морского флота. Пожар в помещениях ФГУП "31-й арсенал" (воинская часть №34236), расположенных на ул. Академика Павлова, начался около 16:00 по московскому времени. Загорелись два вагона пороха, а сразу после этого начали взрываться хранившиеся здесь артиллерийские снаряды.

José Mourinho: I want to come back to England and build something. • 'My football is English football,' says former Chelsea manager. • Portuguese wants a 'different perspective' from Italy

José Mourinho has admitted he wants to return to English football and "build something" at a Premier League club. "I want to build something," said the Portuguese, now at Internazionale in Italy. "I want to work with a different perspective.

"Если бы кошка не умерла, я бы сам ее убил" 'Thatcher's death' sparks diplomatic flurry. A text message saying "Thatcher has died" sent Canadian MPs into a diplomatic flurry over false fears that former British PM Margaret Thatcher was dead.Upon learning the "news" via mobile or Blackberry at a black tie dinner honoring Canadian military families Tuesday, some 2000 shocked Conservatives, said to revere the Iron Lady of British politics, and their advisors reportedly huddled to discuss a reaction. The Canadian prime minister's office phoned Buckingham Palace and 10 Downing Street to confirm if Margaret Thatcher had indeed passed away — baffling British officials, Canadian media report. It turned out the message was sent by Canadian Transport Minister John Baird from his home in Toronto to a person at the gala dinner and referred to his beloved 16-year-old gray tabby cat, named after the Iron Lady. The recipient then forwarded it to others, including Conservative Canadian PM Stephen Harper, who was in attendance. An aide was reportedly dispatched to begin preparing a media statement mourning the death of Mrs Thatcher, 84, before the misunderstanding was cleared up. Emails from Buckingham Palace and British PM Gordon Brown's office quickly denied the death of Mrs Thatcher. A spokesman for Harper's office was not immediately available for comment. Mrs Thatcher earned the nickname "Iron Lady" during her 11 years as Britain's PM from 1979 to 1990. Mrs Thatcher's rule was defined in part by her steely response to conflicts in Northern Ireland and the Falkland Islands, as well as her standoff with trade unions. She served as prime minister for the longest continuous period in UK history and resigned in the face of a Conservative party leadership challenge.

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