Thursday 26 November 2009

Available for immediate download.

Available for immediate download. Perderão o rejisto do casamento civil. Translation: They lost the Civil register of marriage. The essential point of this theme, was that dream was in english but the name of situation – in Portuguese. (Immediately put in my sight the period of glorious merges in City.) My long experience with governmental bureaus bureaucrats tell me that this is connected with theirs identity and with my ability to traverse “various” situations. In this case its indicate that they are trying to find themselves and get a sense of who they are. Alternatively, they may feel that opportunities are being close off to them...

Russian State Civil Nuclear Holding AtomEnergoProm Planned RUR195 Bil Sr Unsecured Bond (Series 1-10) Rated 'BBB-/ruAAA' Price $100.00 available for immediate download Abstract: MOSCOW (Standard&Poor's) Nov. 18, 2009--Standard&Poor's Ratings Services said today that it had assigned its 'BBB-' long-term senior unsecured debt rating and 'ruAAA' Russia national scale rating to a proposed senior unsecured bond to be issued by Russian state-owned civil nuclear assets holding company Atomic Energy Power Corporation (JSC) (AtomEnergoProm; BBB-/Stable/A-3; Russia national scale rating 'ruAAA') for up to Russian ruble (RUR) 195 billion (about $6,800 million). The issue will consist of 10 series: series 1-5 for RUR30 billion each; series 6-9 for RUR10 billion each; and series 10 for RUR5 billion. AtomEnergoProm is planning to place series 1-3 (for RUR90 billion in total) in November-December 2009, and the other series will be placed in 2010. Each Brief Excerpt: RESEARCH Ratings Definitions Russian State Civil Nuclear Holding AtomEnergoProm Planned RUR195 Bil Sr Unsecured Bond (Series 1-10) Rated '###-/ruAAA' Publication date: 18-Nov-2009 Primary Credit Analyst: Boris Kopeykin, Moscow Report Type: Ratings Action Ticker: 1026352Z@RU Issuer: tomic Energy Power Corporation (JSC) GICS: Electric Utilities (55101010) Sector: Global Issuers Region: Europe, Middle East, Africa

White House state dinner gate-crashed by reality TV wannabes. For sheer brazen chutzpah it will take some beating. When a stunning blonde dressed in a red and gold sari and accompanied by her tux-wearing husband arrived at the White House on Tuesday night, announcing that they were guests at the state dinner honouring the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, no questions were asked. A Marine announced their names and within minutes the pair were mingling with 300 other elite guests for cocktails in the East Room before heading for the dinner tent on the South Lawn. On the way they stopped on the red carpet for photographs, posing alongside — among others — Vice President Joe Biden, White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty. The only trouble with the glittering scenes was that the couple, Michaele and Tareq Salahi, had never been invited to the high-security dinner. The two polo-playing aspiring reality TV stars from Virginia were high-society gate crashers — and the first the White House security detail knew of their blunder in allowing them into Tuesday's event was when the couple posted photographs from the dinner on their Facebook page. "Honored to be at the White House for the state dinner in honor of India with President Obama and our First Lady!" one of them wrote on their joint Facebook page at 9.08pm. The first people to successfully gatecrash the White House have sparked an investigation by the Secret Service, which is re-examining its own security procedures after confirming that the Salahis had managed to slip into the event despite going through the same security screening as the genuine guests. The agency's Office of Professional Responsibility was reviewing what occurred, said Ed Donovan, a spokesman. An initial finding indicated that a checkpoint did not follow proper procedures to ensure that the two were on the guest list, Mr Donovan said. However, because they were screened for weapons, Mr Obama and other VIPs were never in any danger, he added. While their Facebook photographs indicate that they walked into the dinner tent, it is uncertain whether they stayed for the curried prawns and aragula. There was no security checkpoint when guests left the event. A woman describing herself as a publicist for the Salahis denied to the Washington Post that they were interlopers. In a statement Mahogany Jones said: "The Salahis were honoured to be a part of such a prestigious event ... They both had a wonderful time." The Salahis, who are well known in American polo-playing society, have recently turned their sights to reality TV. Ms Salahi is understood to be under consideration for one of the "Real Housewives" of Washington for the latest edition of the reality show that is a spinoff from the television series Desperate Housewives. On Tuesday night, they played the part of VIP guests so well that nobody saw through them; they even managed to be photographed with three unsuspecting Marines. Asked via Facebook how they happened to attend the dinner, Mr Salahi told The Washington Post: "India is the challenger in the America's Polo Cup World Championships June 11-12 2010, and they are very excited in this first ever cultural connection being hosted on the DC National Mall since Polo is one of the primary sports in India." When pressed about why they did not appear on the official list, he added, "it was last minute".

I WANT INSIST WITH THIS THEME. THE IMPLICATIONS TONIGHT TURN UP TO BE FROM THIS KIND OF LEVEL (PEOPLE) Barroso promete resistir las presiones en torno al nombramiento de comisarios. Publicado el 25-11-2009 , José Manuel Barroso, el presidente de la Comisión Europea, prometió el jueves resistir las presiones de los estados miembros que codician los cargos más importantes en sus deliberaciones finales sobre la composición de la próxima Comisión. Los tres últimos estados miembros –Dinamarca, Holanda y Malta– presentaron a sus candidatos el martes, lo que despejó el camino para que Barroso asigne las 25 carteras todavía pendientes después del nombramiento de la británica Lady Ashton como Alta Representante. Según fuentes familiarizadas con la situación, se espera que Barroso anuncie la composición de la nueva Comisión a principios de la próxima semana, tras regresar de una cumbre entre la UE y China, aunque la noticia podría adelantarse. La lucha por los principales cargos ha intensificado la competencia entre los estados miembros y ha provocado que aumenten las acusaciones de acuerdos secretos, en especial por las codiciadas carteras económicas. La Comisión tiene que someterse al estudio del Parlamento europeo, algo que no se espera hasta enero. El martes, Barroso dijo a los miembros del Parlamento: “Seamos sinceros: Todos nos vemos sometidos a presiones y solicitudes. Pero al final, la decisión última sobre la composición de la Comisión será mía”. Entretanto, Holanda colocó una de las últimas piezas al anunciar la designación de Neelie Kroes, la respetada comisaria de la Competencia, para otra legislatura pese a que su partido está en la oposición. Anoche, corrían rumores en Holanda de que Kroes podría asumir la cartera de “Economía Digital”, que cubre las telecomunicaciones, la informática y, posiblemente, los derechos de autor. “Recibirá una cartera importante para el futuro de Europa. Estará vinculada al comercio en Internet, la digitalización, la banda ancha, los teléfonos móviles –todas las cuestiones relativas a la realidad tecnológica–. Está muy motivada. Es una cartera orientada al futuro”, explicó Jan Peter Balkenende, el primer ministro holandés, al canal de televisión nacional NOS. Es probable que el nombramiento se considere un revés para Balkenende, al que se descartó la semana pasada para la presidencia europea y que deseaba nombrar un comisario de su propio partido conservador. El respaldo a Kroes, miembro de la oposición liberal, se había basado en el supuesto generalizado de que atraería una cartera importante, como Comercio. Sin embargo, los medios de comunicación holandeses especulaban anoche con que Kroes podría ser nombrada vicepresidenta de la Comisión. Kroes declaró que estaba “muy contenta” con la elección. Entretanto, Dinamarca designó a Connie Hedegaard, la ministra de Clima y Energía, como su próxima comisaria. Se considera que Hedegaard es la mejor posicionada para convertirse en la primera comisaria de Cambio Climático. Barroso sugirió la creación de la cartera a principios de este año, aunque su papel formal aún no está claro. El presidente de la Comisión indicó que el nuevo comisario se haría cargo de la política sobre cambio climático de la UE –a escala tanto interna como externa– y trasladaría las preocupaciones relativas al clima a otras carteras, como Comercio e Industria.

I see clearly which class and who (I.e. Da tu Unsay?). Philippines massacre suspect turns himself in. By South East Asia correspondent 11/26/2009 9:23:00 AM. Posted 47 minutes ago. Updated 43 minutes ago. The main suspect in this week's mass murders in the southern Philippines is in custody after turning himself into authorities today. Politician Andal Amputuan is accused of leading Monday's politically motivated massacre which led to the deaths of 57 people. Andal Amputuan is the mayor of the town of Datu Unsay in the province of Maguindanao. After surrendering this morning, he told officials that he was not responsible for Monday's attack. But witnesses say he was leading the ambush by armed men who shot and mutilated women and journalists. Those killed were linked to Esmael Mangadadatu, who had despatched the group to lodge election documents to challenge Amputuan's run for governor of the province. President Gloria Arroyo has led prayers in a day of national mourning and has promised justice. But her close links to the Amputuan family have undermined her tough stance. The military has taken control of parts of the province as it tries to track down members of the Amputuan private militia.

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