Monday, 30 November 2009

Come a cropper'

'Come a cropper' – mean, fall over or fail at some venture… And that all day the theme of “Forza” which dominate my life today – is nothing. Who want me to see only like a complete cropper (i.e. Almohads) had it. However, if we look for a practical view, and the realistic thinking today, shouldn’t be difficult not for me not for anyone else. Let’s begin with my brand new e-mail address. With the first messages received the day before of the Russia-France Ministerial Meeting. Its okay that all of them where negative. I am a cropper, - and they know it. Begin with tetrazzini and finishing with Kai. You see how the “Forza” theme is more closely connected to the Chelsea “developers” than to my persona and “his” 10 new nuclear facilities. Like we all see before, this Caribbean’s “Avenidas de Liberdade” give to the “yours” cropper one passerby previously amplified in the first pages of the “Sun” and the Financial Times asking me “what-you-do-to-find-the-job”. Maybe just to make me feel completely under no obligation whatsoever to rescue ‘someone’, or even to be helpful. Reading the “Kai and ga with monkey business”, we all arrive at the same conclusion. I cannot be sure that, even if I do act generously, with any ‘First page’ of any issue, - I will recive any appreciation.

I KNEW, HE CAN’T SCAPE THIS TIME. Prince Charles named in £81m Chelsea November 29, 2009. Barracks court battle. The Candy brothers, property developers for the super-rich, want to call the Prince of Wales as a witness in an £81m case in which they are suing the Qatari royal family over the collapse of their plans to build Britain’s most expensive residential block. Nick and Christian Candy claim it was Charles’s outburst against the venture to Qatar’s rulers that wrecked their scheme for London’s Chelsea Barracks. The prince criticized the £3 billion glass and steel multi-storey plan for the site designed by Lord Rogers and backed by the brothers. He proposed a classical alternative that mirrored the 17th-century Royal Hospital, designed by Sir Christopher Wren, across the street. High Court documents obtained.

In physics, the electron volt (symbol eV; also written electronvolt according to the NIST, IUPAC,[1] and BIPM[2]) is a unit of energy. By definition, it is equal to the amount of kinetic energy gained by a single unbound electron when it accelerates through an electrostatic potential difference of one volt. Thus it is 1 volt (1 joule divided by 1 coulomb) multiplied by theelectron charge, 1.60217653(14)×10−19 coulomb. One electron volt is equal to 1.60217653(14)×10−19 joules.[3] The electron volt is not an SI unit and its value must be obtained experimentally.[4] It is the most common unit of energy within physics, widely used in solid state, atomic, nuclear, andparticle physics. It is commonly used with SI prefixes milli, kilo, mega, giga, tera, or peta (meV, keV, MeV, GeV, TeV and PeV respectively). In chemistry, it is often useful to have the molar equivalent, that is the kinetic energy that would be gained by a mole of electrons passing through a potential difference of one volt. This is equal to 96.48538(2) kJ/mol. Atomic properties like the ionization energy are often quoted in electron volts.

SEGÚN UNA LISTA CONFIDENCIAL ELABORADA POR EL CONSEJO DE ESTABILIDAD FINANCIERA. Santander y BBVA, entre las treinta entidades financieras demasiado grandes para caer. Publicado el 30-11-2009 , por Expansió Los dos grandes bancos españoles, Santander y BBVA, se cuelan en una lista de bancos y aseguradoras que deben someterse a una supervisión más exigente debido a su "riesgo sistémico". Es decir, que su caída pondría en peligro la salud del sistema financiero global y que entran en la lista de entidades "too big to fail" (demasiado grandes para caer). JP Morgan, Citigroup y Credit Suisse son otras entidades de las 30 que los reguladores, auspiciados por el Consejo de Estabilidad Financiera del G20, han incluido en la lista. Este 'inventario', que hoy publica el diario británico 'Financial Times', incluye seis aseguradoras y veinticuatro bancos europeos, de EEUU y Japón. Los reguladores pedirán a estas entidades que preparen "testamentos", es decir, documentos que especifiquen cómo podrían liquidarse en caso de crisis. Y es que, uno de los principales objetivos de esta lista es impedir que en el futuro los llamados riesgos sistémicos contagien a otros países en una futura crisis como la que ahora se sufre. Las aseguradoras -se incluyen en la lista Axa, Aegon, Allianza, Aviva, Zurich y Swiss Re- se consideran importantes por diversos motivos: pueden como Aviva tener una fuerte división prestamista o un complejo negocio de ingeniería financiera como Swiss Re. La aseguradora estadounidense AIG, que se declaró en quiebra el año pasado, se reveló como un importante riesgo sistémico, entre otras cosas por su transformación desde una simple compañía de seguros en un complejo negocio de ingeniería financiera. Testamentos. Los 'testamentos' que los reguladores pretenden que realicen estas entidades dividen al mundo financiero. Los grupos más complejos argumentan que les sería casi imposible elaborar un documento de este tipo sin conocer la causa de la crisis. Según Paul Tucker, subgobernador del Banco de Inglaterra, que está al frente del grupo de trabajo del Consejo de Estabilidad Financiera dedicado a la gestión de las crisis transfronterizas, los bancos deberían preparar esos planes en un plazo de seis a nueve meses. Algunos reguladores nacionales, entre ellos el del Reino Unido, han llevado ya acabo pruebas piloto con esos testamentos, también conocidos como "planes de recuperación y resolución".

Conservative Lobo set to win Honduran vote: media. 30/11/2009 - 04:21. Conservative candidate Porfirio Lobo was set to win a controversial first presidential election in Honduras since a June 28 coup, according to first media estimates. The vote has driven a rift across the Americas, with the United States, the country's main trading and military partner, suggesting it would back the polls, along with Peru, Panama and Costa Rica, which mediated first crisis talks. But Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela and other elected leftist governments in the region have said they will not recognize the result, alarmed that it is allowing the coup to go unpunished in a region that has fought hard against military rule. Some 4.6 million Hondurans were eligible to vote in general elections. Deposed President Manuel Zelaya, who has been holed up in the Brazilian embassy since returning home in September, had urged Hondurans to boycott, hoping overwhelming abstention would discredit the election. Lobo, a National Party leader who lost to Zelaya in 2005, garnered more than 50 percent of the vote, according to various media estimates. His main rival, Elvin Santos from the Liberal Party, Zelaya's former vice president, was estimated to have around 34 percent. During his campaign, Santos suffered from splits in his party to which both Zelaya and de facto leader Roberto Micheletti, who took over after the military-backed coup, belong. Election officials and pro-Micheletti media dubbed the vote a "fiesta" and hailed calm voting across the Central American nation after polling closed. However, security forces in the northern city of San Pedro Sula fired tear gas and water cannon at hundreds of Zelaya supporters at a protest against the polls. Journalists and activists at the scene reported some arrests and injuries. Fears of violence set off by a string of small bomb attacks marked a subdued election campaign which took place during the crisis which polarized the impoverished nation. Some 30,000 soldiers and police were deployed to help with the polls. "The worst part of the crisis is being afraid to go out in the street," said 20-year-old finance student Fausto Gil, after voting at the capital's Olympic sports park. Rights groups complained of an environment of intimidation and fear leading up to the elections, and slammed a heavy-handed military crackdown on dissent, including several deaths and dozens of arrests after the coup. Scores of independent observers, including Cuban exiles and right-wing US groups, are monitoring the vote, after the United Nations and the Organization of American States (OAS) declined to assist. Honduras's worst crisis in decades revived deep left-right political disputes beyond its borders. Zelaya, a wealthy rancher, swung to the left and allied with regional leftist leader Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez after taking office. Chavez on Sunday denounced the vote as an "electoral farce." It was as yet unclear who would hand over power to the new president. The Congress is due to vote on Zelaya's brief reinstatement -- before his term runs out in January -- on Wednesday. The Honduran courts, Congress and business community backed the military ouster of Zelaya over his discussing changing the constitution.

Коллайдер разогнался до открытия "частицы бога". 30 ноября 2009 г. 15:29. "Человечество никогда не достигало таких энергий, - прокомментировал заведующий лабораторией Института ядерных исследований РАН Юрий Куденко мировой рекорд энергии, установленный сегодня на Большом адроном коллайдере (ФОТО). - До сих пор самый большой результат достигался только на коллайдере "Тэватрон" Лаборатории имени Ферми в США, где американцы добились чуть меньше одного ТэВ". Физикам, работающим на Большом адроном коллайдере, удалось впервые разогнать пучки протонов до 1,18 тераэлектронвольт. Достижение таких величин - очень большой результат, отмечает профессор Куденко. Его значение в том, что чем выше энергия, тем больше шансов обнаружить одну из основных целей физиков - так называемый бозон Хиггса. Бозон Хиггса - пока теоретически вычисленная элементарная частица, которая, согласно так называемой "стандартной модели", отвечает во Вселенной за появление массы. Именно такое свойство этой "частицы бога" вызывает до сих пор страхи, что ее искусственное получение приведет к цепной реакции непроизвольного роста массы и превратит нашу планету в "черную дыру". Однако до сих пор бозон Хиггса так и не был обнаружен экспериментально, что подрывало стандартную модель физики элементарных частиц. Впрочем, энергии, которых добились американцы на "Тэватроне", не позволяют надеяться на обнаружение "частицы бога". Именно потому физики всего мира возлагают такие большие надежды на коллайдер, принадлежащий Европейской организации ядерных исследований (ЦЕРН). Почему так важно обнаружение бозона Хиггса? "Это частица, которой недостает для того, чтобы стандартная модель была полной, - поясняет Юрий Куденко. - Хотя справедливости ради надо отметить, что она уже неполна - после того как на днях были обнаружены первые мюонные нейтрино из нового нейтринного пучка - то есть было подтверждено, что три вида этих частиц переходят друг в друга. А это уже противоречит стандартной модели". Большой адронный коллайдер (БАК) - самый большой на данный момент ускоритель элементарных частиц. Он работает на принципе столкновения летящих в противоположные стороны частиц. Это дает больший эффект, нежели столкновение пучка частиц с неподвижной мишенью. Создание установки началось в конце 1990-х годов. В сентябре 2008 года коллайдер был торжественно запущен, но затемпотребовалось еще более года для его ремонта и доводки. Стоимость строительства составила более 6 миллиардов евро (10 миллиардов долларов США). Большую роль в создании Большого адронного коллайдера сыграли российские ученые, без которых, по авторитетному свидетельству создателя самого термина "адрон" академика РАН Льва Окуня, этот проект в нынешнем виде просто не мог быть реализован. Для того чтобы представить энергии, до которых разгоняются протонные пучки в коллайдере, ученые делают небольшое, но важное пояснение. Один электронвольт – это энергия, которая необходима для переноса электрона между точками с разницей потенциалов в один вольт. Это крайне малая величина. Например, энергия электрона в электронно-лучевой телевизионной трубке составляет порядка 20000 эВ. Для ядерной физики это базовая единица, потому что через нее, в частности, определяются и массы элементарных частиц. Тераэлектронвольт - это 10 в двенадцатой степени, то есть триллион электронвольт. То есть, в 50 миллионов раз больше, чем энергия пучка электронов, достигаемая в кинескопе телевизора. Выйти на новые рекордные энергии, при которых можно рассчитывать на появление бозона Хиггса, на БАКе планируется уже в первые месяцы 2010 года. И хотя энергии, которые есть в космосе (это порядка 10 в двадцать первой степени электронвольт), в земных условиях получить нереально, все же можно надеяться, что в самое ближайшее время физики смогут получить принципиально новые данные о строении материи, отмечает ИТАР-ТАСС.

Sunday, Nov. 29, 2009. Iran says UN criticism prompted new nuclear plans. TEHRAN, IranIran had no intention of building 10 new nuclear facilities until it was strongly rebuked by the U.N. nuclear watchdog over its nuclear activities, a top official said Monday. FILE - In this Nov. 23, 2009 file photo, Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gestures during a news conference at the Itamaraty palace in Brasilia. The Iranian government approved a plan Sunday, Nov. 29, 2009 to build 10 industrial scale uranium enrichment facilities, a dramatic expansion of the program in defiance of U.N. demands it halt enrichment. The decision was made during a Cabinet meeting headed by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Sunday evening, according to Iran's state news agency IRNA. View larger

Iranian lawmaker: Iran could leave nuclear treaty Vice President Ali Akbar Salehi told state radio that Iran needed to give a strong response to the International Atomic Energy Agency's resolution Friday demanding that Iran halt to construction of its newly revealed uranium enrichment facility and end all other enrichment activities. A Cabinet meeting headed by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday approved plans to build 10 industrial scale uranium enrichment facilities, a 10-fold expansion of the nuclear program that will likely significantly heighten tensions with the West. The U.S. and its allies fear the facilities give Iran the capability to produce weapons-grade nuclear material and have called for an immediate halt to Iran's enrichment of uranium. Iran has rejected such claims, saying its uranium enrichment facilities will only produce fuel for nuclear reactors to generate electricity. The Cabinet ordered the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran to begin building new facilities at five sites that have already been studied and propose five other locations for future construction within two months. The new sites are to be on the same scale of Iran's only other industrial enrichment plant currently in operation, near the town of Natanz in central Iran. "We had no intention of building many facilities like the Natanz site, but apparently the West doesn't want to understand Iran's peaceful message," Salehi said. Salehi, who is also the head of Iran's nuclear program, said the IAEA resolution backed by six world powers left no option for Iran but to give a firm response. "The action by 5+1 (U.S., Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany) at the IAEA prompted the (Iranian) government to approve a proposal to build 10 sites like that of Natanz," he said. Iran aims to generate 20,000 megawatts of electricity through nuclear power plants in the next 20 years. Iranian officials say the new enrichment facilities are needed to produce enough fuel for its future nuclear power plants. Ahmadinejad told the Cabinet that Iran will need to install 500,000 centrifuges at the planned facilities to produce between 250 to 300 tons of fuel annually. "We require multiple sites to produce nuclear fuel for us. We need at least ten new sites," Ahmadinejad said in comments broadcast on state TV Monday. The International Atomic Energy Agency said earlier this month that about 8,600 centrifuges had been set up in Natanz, but only about 4,000 were enriching uranium. The facility is designed to eventually house 54,000 centrifuges. But Iran's newly revealed enrichment site, which set off the latest cycle of concern and criticism over Tehran's nuclear intentions, is a small scale site near the holy city of Qom that will house 3,000 centrifuges. Associated Press writers George Jahn in Vienna and Matthew Lee in Washington contributed to this report.

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Kai and ga with monkey business.

Kai and ga with monkey business.

Fama: Catarina Furtado foi apoiar o pai. About “Nagasaki Port”: Do not take chances or risks just now--be satisfied with the ordinary and usual. So they say… Should agree? The last week networking permits me charting a good result in any way. Also, allow me to map out added dimension to my long-term aids.

Indian nuclear workers 'deliberately poisoned'. (AFP) – 5 hours ago. BANGALORE, India — Workers at a nuclear power plant in southern India were treated for poisoning after drinking water was deliberately spiked with radiation, senior government officials said Sunday. Routine tests showed 55 employees from the plant in Kaiga in the state of Karnataka had increased levels of the radioactive element tritium, which is used in nuclear reactors. B. Bhattacharjee, a member of the National Disaster Management Authority, said someone had inserted contaminated water into a water cooler, according to the Press Trust of India. The employees had not suffered any ill effects and had returned to work, plant officials told AFP. Atomic Energy Commission chairman Anil Kakodkar, speaking on the Headlines Today television network, blamed the sabotage on "an insider who has played mischief". Kakodkar said security was "fool-proof" and there was no chance of an outsider gaining access to the station. The Nuclear Power Corporation of India, which operates the country's civil nuclear facilities, said in a statement that preliminary enquiries revealed no radioactive leak or security breach. "It is possibly an act of mischief," the statement said. State ministers assured local residents that their health was not at risk. The Kaiga plant was shut down in October for annual maintenance and is due to reopen shortly.

I KNEW, HE CAN’T SCAPE THIS TIME. Prince Charles named in £81m Chelsea November 29, 2009. Barracks court battle. The Candy brothers, property developers for the super-rich, want to call the Prince of Wales as a witness in an £81m case in which they are suing the Qatari royal family over the collapse of their plans to build Britain’s most expensive residential block. Nick and Christian Candy claim it was Charles’s outburst against the venture to Qatar’s rulers that wrecked their scheme for London’s Chelsea Barracks. The prince criticized the £3 billion glass and steel multi-storey plan for the site designed by Lord Rogers and backed by the brothers. He proposed a classical alternative that mirrored the 17th-century Royal Hospital, designed by Sir Christopher Wren, across the street. High Court documents obtained by The Sunday Times show the brothers claims that the decision to withdraw their planning application was “the direct result of an intervention in the planning process by the Prince of Wales”. Legal experts say that if Charles is summoned it would be difficult for him to avoid attending court because the Candy’s would have the right to cross-examine him. The brothers’ lawyers will want to ask the prince what was said during an afternoon tea with the ruler of Qatar when he visited Britain to open a gas terminal in May. The prince’s architectural campaigns have previously dragged him into controversies, but the stakes have never been so high. In 1984 he called Rogers’s proposed extension to the National Gallery a “monstrous carbuncle”. He would be the first royal to appear as a witness in court since the future Edward VII gave evidence in a gambling case in 1890. In 2002 the Princess Royal, Charles’s sister, appeared in court to be fined £500 by magistrates after one of her dogs attacked two children. The Candys, through Christian Candy’s CPC Group, are seeking a declaration that Qatari Diar, the Gulf state’s property investment company, breached the Candys’ contract when it withdrew the scheme in June, a week before Westminster council was due to hear the application. The Candys had been given an initial payment of £38m as the planning consultants but were due to receive another £81m once the scheme, involving hundreds of high-price apartments, was built. The case turns on the prince’s alleged intervention. The CPC says that in March Charles wrote to Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr Al Thani, the prime minister of Qatar and chairman of Qatari Diar, urging him to reconsider his company’s plans for the site. A series of meetings followed between Qatari Diar and Clarence House staff, including Sir Michael Peat, the prince’s principal private secretary. When Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa, the Emir of Qatar and the prime minister’s cousin, visited the UK for the opening of the gas terminal at Milford Haven he had tea with Charles. The Candys hope to find out if the prince lobbied against the scheme. They will allege that following that exchange, Qatari Diar decided to withdraw its planning application for the 12.8-acre site. It dispensed with the services of the Candys and Rogers before launching a competition to design a new scheme. Giles Barrie, editor of Property Week magazine, said: “This claim is dynamite. Not only does it lift the lid on the politics of two royal families, but also for the first time a developer is claiming that the Prince of Wales has cost them cold hard cash.” Palace officials are likely to argue that the prince was only one voice against the Candys’ plans for Chelsea Barracks. Lord Stockton, grandson of Harold MacMillan, the former prime minister, was among hundreds of local residents who opposed the scheme. He said it was “an abomination” and an “insult to the memory of the young men who fought for their country”. He said that the social housing element was reminiscent of “the blocks of flats which surround every eastern European city”. A Clarence House spokesman said: “We are not commenting other than to say there were no contractual relationships between us and anyone else and therefore we are not party to any legal dispute.” CPC declined to comment. High living The Candy brothers’ plan for Chelsea Barracks was in the expensive tradition of another of their developments, One Hyde Park, which contains 86 apartments. The flats have bullet-proof windows, panic rooms and a health club. Penthouses go for £100m and one-bedroomed flats are priced at £20m. Kit Malthouse, London’s deputy mayor, has described it as “a rank alien weed on the very edge of precious Hyde Park”. Hugh Pearman, The Sunday Times’s architecture correspondent, said: “It has the same problem as their plan for Chelsea Barracks had. They had to pay so much for the land that they have had to pile up the accommodation.” Royal Mail, not the royal family, is raining on the Candys’ parade at Hyde Park. It insists the address is actually 100 Knightsbridge.

Sócrates diz que portugueses estão distraídos em termos de inovação e conhecimento. Hoje às 12:52. O primeiro-ministro entende que os portugueses andam distraídos nas questões que tocam a inovação e conhecimento. Numa alocução aos empresários ibero-americanos, José Sócrates frisou que Portugal é o primeiro país da UE em termos de Governo Electrónico. O primeiro-ministro lamentou que os portugueses andem tão distraídos com as questões ligadas à inovação e conhecimento, que vão marcar a XIX Cimeira Ibero-americana, que começa este domingo, com um acto inaugural nos Jardins da Torre de Belém. Ao explicar aos empresários dos países ibero-americanos a razão da escolha deste tema, José Sócrates elogiou as virtudes do Plano Tecnológico, lançado pelo seu Governo, e lembrou a excelente posição de Portugal a nível de Governo Electrónico na União Europeia. «Sabem qual é a posição de Portugal neste momento? É isso mesmo, somos o primeiro país dos 27, em toda a Europa em matéria de Governo Electrónico. Sei que muitos de vós podem ficar surpreendidos, porque não conheciam, esta posição de Portugal», adiantou. Sócrates recordou ainda que muitos portugueses desconheciam também esta posição, «porque há aquela grande especialidade de transformar as boas notícias em segredos bem guardados nas sociedades». No final do encontro, o presidente da Confederação Empresarial de Portugal defendeu que os portugueses devem trabalhar nos problemas reais do país e não andarem distraídos, agora que se começam a sentir os sinais da retoma. «Tudo o resto são divertimentos que andam por aí a acontecer que não queremos participar. Queremos acima de tudo dizer que nos temos de unir, que temos de trabalhar em conjunto, temos de criar uma grande situação para que o nosso país possa ganhar este desafio», explicou Rocha de Matos. Para Rocha de Matos, os portugueses, nomeadamente os políticos e não os empresários, «andam a discutir tudo menos o que interessa à sociedade portuguesa, que é o desenvolvimento, a criação de postos de trabalho».

Saturday, 28 November 2009

The 7 Tev.

The 7 Tev. In the middle of the night, wake up with big blows in my head. Beating starts when the some voices begin speak in another if not english language. Mean, the language of the shit from the camel turned around. Not the eventual other’s interested languages in what I think, how I live and who I am. Mean, who do it to me – is the boss, who is stronger, and who is greedier. Lately I noted that this happen every night, but, are nights where this turned into something like a “fancy”, because more late, time close to wake up, this (how can be other if we live in the Anglo-Saxon economic model World?) – design in my head wonderful pictures, scenarios where I am rich and Project Manager for conclusion of such complicated infrastructure like a “Nagasaki port”? What is it, if not only to proportionate the smooth ride for Prince Phillip and the old… from cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s to the Caribbean’s? And this is not only for them. The Simeira Ibero-Americana has a lot of “cocaine”, “Royal”, “Families”, and “Andrew Lancaster’s”. You will independently judge such bombastic declarations at the end of this text. For now though, I call your attention to the Euro-elections and the local брехaловкa, the “Evening Standard” showing the picture of reddish Eugene telling how he like her reddish mummy and the continuation of my “Project Manager’s salary” dream. (To dream that you are at a thrift shop, suggests that there are still things to be learned and gained from past experiences or what is seemingly worthless. The shop may also symbolize ideas or skills that you may have forgotten and can draw from in a current situation.) Where, I am in the luxury store in Lisbon. Well known, at the level of Harold’s store called “Loja das Meias”. But all store are full of Indus staff. At once, clearly visible the idea of the 8% signed by me during my work in Hortaflora S.A. (land of Lancaster’s), Techniman Portuguesa S.A., and the ConsulTerra Ltd... Exactly that period when the cocaine ex-President of Portuguese Republic the Jorge Sampaio, the his twin brother swine Kuchma, his twin brother Neves (The Serviços Secretos de Mozambique), his twin brother Prince Harry, his twin brother Princess Eugene, his twin brother Princess Beatrice, his twin brother Duchess Fergi, his twin brother Chubais, his twin brother – the World Bank’s Robert Zoellick, etc. during the Cement Portland 450 for “Nagasaki port infrastructure”. People, I’m just trying to expose the total domination in five Continents of one particular race. Also to erase from yours languages one particular word too. In other words, how the European Socialism’s dream with Indian face (the Asia socialism, the America socialism, the Australia/Africa socialism, the South America socialism) – take over. To ending this apparent non-cense, I’d like to put the three Pullmans “painted” in colours of this particular race with numbers 1;2 and 3, explaining by this means, who break down my CV, considering themselves superiors in “What-you-do-to-find-the-job”. You also agree that it will be okay if I put that photo (Miller/Barroso/and Prince Harry) like an explanation from where this race come from, and with whom instructions they carry on “working”. For instance, come to my mind the receipt for “The Easy Turkey Tetrazzini”… Without too much fuss and unnecessary discussion just indicate how they don’t like pay, essentially when is for my ‘serviços prestados’. In same time, well understanding the LHC and the master, i.e. Master of Science in Organic Basic Synthesis and Petrochemistry of the “Consultadoría Internacional falada em Português”. Well knowing how I intend to collide (since that I’m “A PRETO” with the functions of Eminencia Parda of the “dear” Europe) opposing particle beam of “protons” at an energy of 7 TeV per particle or lead nuclei at an energy of 574 TeV per nucleus… And how with this, the cocaine ex-President of Portuguese Republic now, – ‘parte carola de rir”… (See from my Diploma the practical application of how the Councilor Judge of Portugal Mr. Mario Mendes meet the President de Assembleia de Republica, the exactly that the Blair and Sampaio – Mr. Jaime Jose de Matos de Gama). Seems now, all happy, celebrating the new Government of EU. To make the company to what I try to tell you, I should insist that during this last minutes the internet connection went down. To be “playful” with such serious things, I can just say: Well, this time is not the mother. Force these people to read my open letter to the Nielle Kroes in respect of “GM’s energy policy”. Still, comeback to my internet connection at the middle of my wording going down… Calling to the BT services was good and bad idea simultaneously. Firstly, is because they resolve nothing. Secondly, is because they try to make some kind of racket with me. Trying to send me the payable and expensive service to see if they resolve this “internet connection” messing about with my computer/ settings… Writing in this way about internet, make me think that my thoughts are not as valuable any more as of anyone else. Just because someone with some silly type of authority has made it seems as no one is interested in what I have to say! How can it be true? In fact, nothing could be further from the truth! It’s clear for several years, that some mind games are going on, so should I keep myself out from the today’s discussions?! In fact, people want to hear from me much more than they want to hear from persons who are trying to intimidate me. I count, and I tell you this again.

4 relatives shot dead at Fla. Thanksgiving party. By TRAVIS REED, Associated Press WriterFri Nov 27, 5:58 pm ET. JUPITER, Fla. – A Florida man opened fire on his family after Thanksgiving dinner, killing his pregnant sister, 6-year-old cousin and two other relatives before speeding off and initiating a statewide manhunt, police said Friday. Police were still searching Friday evening for the suspect, Paul Michael Merhige, 35, of Miami. He also is accused of gunning down his pregnant sister's twin and his 79-year-old aunt. Jupiter Police Sgt. Scott Pascarella said there had been an "ongoing resentment" in the family, but did not elaborate. "What led to this incident, we're not quite sure," Pascarella said. "It did not appear there was any altercation prior to this shooting." Pascarella said Merhige left briefly before returning to the gathering with a handgun. Seventeen relatives had gathered in Jupiter, a small beach town about 90 miles north of Miami best known as a home to celebrities including Michael Jordan and Burt Reynolds. Police spokeswoman Sally Collins-Ortiz said the city had never experienced a slaying with so many victims. The department enlisted the U.S. Marshals in the search for Merhige, who police said had no known criminal past. He was believed to be driving a royal blue 2007 Toyota Camry with a rear spoiler and Florida license plate W42 7JT. Pascarella said police first received a 911 call from a neighbor, then another from someone inside the home. The residence, in a well-kept new subdivision with brick-paved driveways, is owned by local TV videojournalist Jim Sitton and his wife. On Friday it was surrounded by yellow crime scene tape and police crime unit vans. Sitton's daughter Makayla was the young victim. Police say she had gone to bed before the rampage. Sitton told local media that his daughter was supposed to perform Friday in a holiday production of "The Nutcracker." "God packed a lot of sweetness into that little body," Sitton said. "She's just our life. I don't know how we are ever going to recover." The other victims were Merhige's twin sisters, Carla Merhige and Lisa Knight, and an aunt, Raymonde Joseph. A fifth victim, Merhige's brother-in-law Patrick Knight, was in critical but stable condition at a local hospital. Another man, Clifford Gebara, 52, was grazed by a bullet but suffered no serious injury. More family members gathered late Friday morning near Miami, declining to talk with reporters. Neighbors in the Palm Beach County community were shocked as police processed the home. "Our kids walk the streets by themselves," said Nicole Kemp, 67, who did not know any of the victims. "I thought it was the safest place to live. I guess it doesn't matter, if there's a maniac here." Carla Merhige was a real estate agent in Miami, said a co-worker. "She was a wonderful agent," said Joanna Sherman, a manager at Coldwell Banker Residential real estate. "She was very active in the community and in charities. She was just a genuine, beautiful individual. She always had a smile for everybody."

Tiger Woods car accident ends bad week for golfer Tiger Woods car accident ends an unfortunate week for the star golfer. According to, Wood was in an accident in his 2009 Cadillac SUV, and in "serious" condition after being involved in a single car crash near his home in Florida early this morning. The crash occurred at 2:20 AM in Windermere. He was taken to Health Central Hospital with facial lacerations. Woods struck a fire hydrant and then a tree on a neighbor's property. The fire hydrant is reportedly less than 100 feet from his driveway. Police say alcohol was not a factor. There were no signs of alcohol on the scene. We're told the police have yet to speak to Tiger. The latest is that he's released from the hospital. Additionally, Woods was traveling at less than 33 MPH, according to the Telegraph UK. UPDATE: The AP reports that Tiger Woods wife Elin Nordegren used a golf club to smash the window of the car and help him out of it. It was a hard week for Tiger Woods, who last Saturday was inducted in the Stanford Sports Hall of Fame, then watched as his Stanford Cardinal lost to the Cal Golden Bears, 34 to 28 in "The Big Game." Then Woods was the focus of an Internet rumor of an affair by the words of one Rachel Uchitel, who the Hollywood Reporter says is basically full of it and has a habit of such claims. Then finally this accident. Let's hope it gets better for Tiger. Stay tuned. Read more:

See video: Acidente em Lisboa: colisão aparatosa envolveu viaturas do Ministério da Administração Interna. THIS HOW COCAINE PIRATE BARROSO CHOOSING THE GOOD SALARIES FOR THE FUTURE EXPANSION OF THE EU. FIRST CRASH, THEN ‘A PRETO’. I.E. PARTICIPATION OF ALMOHADS IN THE EUROPE. AFTER “DEAD” PROTECT THEIRS BELLIES… Juiz-conselheiro Mário Mendes operado à cara, prognóstico favorável Publicação: 27-11-2009 21:20 | Última actualização: 27-11-2009 23:57. O secretário-geral do Sistema de Segurança Interna e juiz-conselheiro Mário Mendes, que sofreu hoje um acidente de viação, está a ser alvo de uma intervenção cirúrgica à cara no Hospital de São José, em Lisboa, e o seu prognóstico é favorável.

Juiz conselheiro Mário Mendes escolhido para secretário-geral de Segurança Interna. 29.08.2008 - 11:51 Por Lusa. O juiz conselheiro Mário Mendes foi escolhido pelo primeiro-ministro, José Sócrates, para ocupar o novo cargo de secretário-geral do Sistema de Segurança Interna, anunciou hoje o gabinete do chefe do Governo. O convite a Mário Mendes, actualmente a exercer funções no Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, surgiu após proposta dos ministros da Administração Interna e da Justiça, Rui Pereira e Alberto Costa, respectivamente. O novo cargo foi criado no âmbito da Lei de Segurança Interna, hoje publicada em Diário da República. Em comunicado, o gabinete do primeiro-ministro salienta que Mário Mendes "possui um vasto currículo, tendo exercido as funções de director-geral da Polícia Judiciária, conselheiro técnico principal para a área da Justiça e Administração Interna junto da REPER, em Bruxelas, e director do Centro de Estudos Judiciários". Para que a escolha seja efectivada, o Conselho Superior da Magistratura terá de dar consentimento à comissão de serviço de Mário Mendes para exercer o cargo e, nos termos da nova Lei de Segurança Interna, haverá uma audição na Assembleia da República. No âmbito da Lei de Segurança Interna, o secretário-geral terá funções de coordenação das forças policiais e de segurança em situações como ataques a órgãos de soberania, hospitais, prisões e escolas, sistemas de abastecimento de água e electricidade, bem como estradas e transportes colectivos. Segundo a nova legislação, o secretário-geral de Segurança Interna funcionará na dependência directa do primeiro-ministro.

Friday, 27 November 2009


Reading the “kitchen” of Emfesz, feel me emotionally challenged. Wasn’t strange at same time, to experiencing pressure from someone who wants to argue with me. He or they in best situation – know nothing. Look at the appetite of Firtsh and the Barroso. Look at the how really he/they want, or are interested in this and not in the “Simeira Ibero-Americana” (i.e. with this EU energy policy the Sarkosi are in Brazil). For me, it’s too much simple to be trapped in the discussion of to whom pretence the skin of one very healthy bear. For instance, today the prime materials source, - the Putin, annulated the rest of the taxes from (… you remember what I mean?) Miller, Chigirinsky, Alekperov, etc. Understandable that I won’t now to appear unstable or untrusting, but who remember the Uzbekistan’s gold bullion problem with UN in 1991 – knows that the possible default of Dubai is just one more “what-you-do-to-find-the-job”. Let’s CV brokers, just faced this ‘problem’ head on.

ШКУРА НЕУБИТОГО МЕДВЕДЯ. Man dies in shooting at Hungary's Pecs university. Thursday, 26 November 2009. A man died in a shooting inside a building of Pecs University in the south of Hungary on Thursday, spokesman for the university Zoltan Gyorffy told the press on Thursday. Police have arrested the attacker, a 23 year-old man, who entered the building of the university's biophysics research institute and opened fire with an as yet unspecified weapon. Earlier two people were reported to be in a critical condition, a third in a serious condition and a fourth was lightly hurt in the shooting. The shooting broke out in a class of Hungarian pharmaceuticals students. The students reported that they became aware of one of their classmate's unusual behaviour. The man who died in the shooting was one of the pharmaceuticals students. The injured include students and a cleaner, Gyorffy said. Ildiko Konrad, who works at the research institute, told MTI that she heard several shots. Later, a student emerged from the building, shouting that one of her fellow classmates was shooting inside the building. Police have sealed off the area. Classmates of the victim are in emotional shock and are comforting each other in front of the building, Gyorffy said. Education Minister Istvan Hiller is on his way to the scene of the shooting. PM expresses condolences Prime Minister Gordon Bajnai expressed his grievances over the death of a student in a campus shooting at Pecs university on Thursday morning. Bajnai said the government would give all possible support to the victim's family and the three other people seriously injured in the shooting. Bajnai said the assailant's motives were unknown, and no one could have been prepared for such an act, but all must be done to prevent such tragedies from happening in the future. Parties send condolences to victim's family The governing Socialist party's parliamentary group leader expressed condolences to the family of a student who was killed in a shooting inside a building of Pecs University in the south of Hungary on Thursday morning. Attila Mesterhazy said he was shocked to hear about the events and wished quick recovery to the three other wounded in the shooting. Main opposition Fidesz parliamentary leader Tibor Navracsics also sent his condolences to the family. Head of parliament's national security committee, Istvan Simicsko, of the opposition Christian Democrats said "brutal violence is spreading in the country, which must be stopped."

Successful tender on electricity supply. Budapest, 24 November 2009. The tender of 'Hungarian Energy Office’s electricity supply for 2010' was successful, thus the Hungarian Energy Office is expected to purchase electricity at a lower price with regard to 2010 as if it had remained in the framework of universal service. It has confirmed the expectation that even a public institute can achive such prices and terms of payment in the case of a trader that may encourage the institute to buy electricity from traders instead of universal service providers. Four traders made bids to the tender of the Office, the most favourable of whom was Budapesti Elektromos Művek Nyrt. as a trading licensee. The decision of users - including the Office – to buy energy from traders does not mean an ultimate and irreversible commitment. Both legislation and market allow and make it possible for users to switch supplier if market conditions change. On November 12, 2009 a discussion took place between the Economic Competition Office (ECO) and the Hungarian Energy Office (HEO) during which the parties agreed in the positive experiences gained from the exercise of the co-operation agreement concluded earlier between the two authorities. Dr Zoltan Matos, president of HEO and Zoltan Nagy, president of ECO signed the renewed agreement. ECO-MEH. The Hungarian Energy Office observes the operation of EMFESZ Első Magyar Földgáz és Energiakereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft., as natural gas trading licensee. Authorized by Article 127. s) of Act XL of 2008 on Natural Gas Supply, the Office will hold on-site supervisions at EMFESZ Kft. premises from November 12, 2009 onwards until further measures.

За что платила Emfesz. Еще за год до того, как Дмитрий Фирташ лишился газового трейдера Emfesz, одна из ее «дочек» начала перечислять деньги сейшельской Integrity. Она косвенно связана с нынешними владельцами Emfesz — бизнесменом Сергеем Прокопьевым и его партнерами Игорем и Олегом Путиными. За полтора года Integrity получила $31,5 млн и 3,3 млн евро. 26.11.2009, 224 (2494) До конца апреля газовый трейдер Emfesz оставался главным активом украинского партнера «Газпрома» Дмитрия Фирташа.«Газпром» через Rosukrenergo (RUE, 50% — у «Газпрома», 50% — у Фирташа и его партнера) много лет поставлял трейдеру газ с отсрочкой платежа до года. Сотни миллионов долларов Emfesz давала в кредит кипрской Mabofi, которая финансировала бизнес Фирташа и его компаньонов (Group DF). С начала этого года RUE исключили из схемы поставок газа, а 29 апреля гендиректор Emfesz Иштван Гоци продал трейдера за $1 швейцарской фирме Rosgas. Ее представляли бизнесмен Сергей Прокопьев и его партнеры Игорь и Олег Путины. На тот момент у Emfesz был долг перед RUE в $365 млн, а у Mabofi — перед Emfesz в $285 млн. В сентябре Прокопьев рассказывал «Ведомостям», что совершал сделку не для себя, а получил «указание сверху» и исполнял гражданский долг: нужно было сохранить для России венгерский рынок, а для «Газпрома» — деньги. Структуры Фирташа оспаривают продажу актива, но пока безуспешно. Но еще за год до продажи Emfesz Гоци начал перечислять деньги сейшельской фирме Integrity Investments, косвенно связанной с Прокопьевым и братьями Путиными (см. иллюстрацию). О перечислении денег «Ведомостям» стало известно из заявления Mabofi в Национальное бюро расследований Венгрии. Как говорится в заявлении (его копия есть у «Ведомостей»), с января 2008 г. Гоци «без ведома Mabofi» начал переводить деньги кипрской «дочке» Emfesz — Darisima Investments, а та, в свою очередь, с мая 2008 г. перечисляла эти средства Integrity. С 23 января 2008 г. по 19 октября 2009 г. Darisima Investments получила от Emfesz $43,1 млн и 8,2 млн евро «на увеличение уставного капитала», но потом большую часть этих денег — $31,5 млн и 3,3 млн евро — перевела Integrity, говорится в заявлении Mabofi. «Integrity получила свыше 20 млн евро еще до смены собственника газового трейдера». Представитель холдинга Фирташа Group DF подтвердил, что заявление подано в ноябре. Darisima перечисляла деньги на счета Integrity в Bank of Muscat International. Представитель банка Гордон Эндрейд не смог вчера это прокомментировать. «Бюро ведет процесс против Иштвана Гоци по подозрению в присвоении имущества, в интересах следствия мы не можем предоставить еще информацию», — заявил «Ведомостям» представитель Национального бюро расследований Венгрии. Возглавляет Darisima Holdings заместитель гендиректора Emfesz Тамаш Газда, который одновременно и руководитель Rosgas, отмечается в документе. Перевод денег каждый раз производился без согласия Mabofi, говорится в заявлении. Компания Фирташа не могла узнать о переводах и из годового отчета Emfesz за 2008 г., потому что он был подписан только в мае 2009 г. и одобрен уже новым владельцем — Rosgas. Гоци говорит, что не знает о заявлении Mabofi в бюро расследований. Перевод же денег в адрес Integrity он комментировать отказался, сославшись на «внутреннюю хозяйственную деятельность компании». Гоци утверждает, что и Фирташ, и Mabofi были в курсе всех коммерческих сделок Emfesz. «У него была вся информация о финансовой деятельности компании, — утверждает Гоци. — Просто Mabofi не хочет возвращать долг в $285 млн, вот и пытается сделать меня крайним». Ни Фирташ, ни Mabofi не знали о перечислении денег Integrity, возражает представитель Group DF. Представитель RUE отказался от комментариев.«Главное, чтобы Emfesz вернула RUE долг в $500 млн, а как это будет сделано, нас не интересует», — говорит источник, близкий к руководству RUE. Получить комментарии Прокопьева и Путиных не удалось.

ШКУРА НЕУБИТОГО МЕДВЕДЯ Пока Фирташ безуспешно пытается вернуть себе Emfesz, ее клиентов (а это пятая часть газового рынка Венгрии) уже начали делить. МVM (венгерское госпредприятие по энергоснабжению) может заняться торговлей газом на том сегменте венгерского рынка, который сейчас покрывается Emfesz, заявил в понедельник в венгерском парламенте министр транспорта, связи и энергетики Петер Хониг. Представитель министерства уточнил, что конкретных переговоров МVM с Emfesz пока не вела. Но компания уже попросила предоставить ей права на торговлю газом.

DBGÁZ Debreceni Gázszolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság

ISD DUNAFERR Dunai Vasmű Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság

TIGÁZ Tiszántúli Gázszolgáltató Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság

PANRUSGÁZ Gázkereskedelmi Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság

ELMIB Első Magyar Infrastruktúra Befektetési Rt.

EMFESZ Elsõ Magyar Földgáz- és Energiakereskedõ és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság

Energy Capital Energiakereskedõ Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság

BC Energiakereskedõ Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság

CENTREX Hungária Energetikai és Gázipari Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság

Égáz-Dégáz Gázszolgáltató Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság (Égáz-Dégáz Zrt.)

E.ON Földgáz Trade Földgázkereskedő Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság

Global NRG Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság

ELECTRABEL Magyarország Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság

Shell Hungary Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság

MOL Energiakereskedő Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság

EconGas Hungária Földgázkereskedelmi Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság

MOL Magyar Olaj- és Gázipari Nyilvánosan Működő Részvénytársaság

E.ON Energiaszolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (E.ON Energiaszolgáltató Kft.)

UKRENERGY TRADE Energiakereskedő Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság

Csepeli Erõmű Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (Csepeli Erőmű Kft.)

JAS Budapest Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság (JAS Budapest Zrt.)

OTP Kereskedőház Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság

HUNGARO ENERGY Földgáz és Energiakereskedelmi Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (HUNGARO ENERGY Kft.)

Fővárosi Gázművek Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság (FÕGÁZ ZRt.)

E-OS Energiakereskedő Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság (E-OS Zrt.)

EMoGÁ Észak-Magyarországi Gáz Kereskedelmi Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (EMoGÁ Kft.)

ISD POWER Energiatermelő és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (ISD POWER Kft.)

ENLOGS South East Első Magyar Földgáz- és Energiakereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság

Thursday, 26 November 2009

To wast my time.

It’s just a waste of my talent. When I was younger I’d like pick up the hitchhikers. It’s the same with this entire delegation. They like that hitchhikers, just stand by the side of the road and stick out a thumb. For example; the ITAR-TASS put in theirs news that the Russia are thinking to sign (situ) “…Memorandum of cooperation, which will most likely concern the implementation of the South Stream project…” (?!). Well, I see now how we are all a bit wary of one another. Make up your mind! Decide what you really want, the South or Northern Stream, hell, if you can’t decide by yourself – take a bus! Still, though, it remain me possible to envisage, in theory at least, (see the sranaia churka in the ‘Land of clean 5 off-shores’) a journey where one moment you are ‘walking’ and the next, you are ‘travelling’ in style at no cost. (I’d say, at no cost at all…) Also, personally, I see as the old problem had been returned, so, be prepared to don’t enjoy too much my ‘lift’.

Sarkozy, Putin hold telephone talk over bilateral ties. 26.11.2009, 03.01 PARIS, Nov. 26 (Xinhua) -- French President Nicolas Sarkozy and visiting Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin held a telephone conversation over bilateral ties on Thursday night. Putin arrived in Paris on Thursday for the 14th session of France-Russia intergovernment seminar, but Sarkozy flew to South America on visit to Brazil and Trinidad and Tobago on the same day. During their telephone conversation, the two leaders have talked about the importance of this high-level meeting, the perspective and development of bilateral cooperations and other important international issues, especial Iran nuclear issue, Elysee Palace said in a statement. They mentioned the 2010 France-Russia Cross Year and regarded it a new impulse for mutual ties, the statement said. In 2010, France and Russia will simultaneously celebrate economic and cultural ties through a series of activities. Following diner with his French counterpart Francois Fillon on the night, Putin with his Russian delegation will hold talks with French ministers and business representatives at Rambouillet chateau outside Paris on Friday. French Foreign Ministry said a few contracts would be signed between the two delegations, concerning cooperation on energy projects, space science and migrations of professional. Prime Minister Putin will also meet the captains of the Russian and French business. They include Viktor Vekselberg, the owner of the Renova Company, Vladimir Dmitriyev, the head of the Foreign Economic Bank (VEB), Alexei Miller, the head of the board of directors of the Russian gas company Gazprom, Sergei Chemezov, the head of the Rosstechnologiya Company, Yevgeny Dod, the new chairman of the board of RusHydro, and Vladimir Yevtushenkov, the head of the board of directors of the AFK Sistema company. About 25 various agreements are expected to be signed during Putin’s visit. French Renault and Russian Avtovaz will sign a memorandum of intentions on the main conditions of restructuring the Russian car maker. Gazprom and l’Electricite de France will sign a memorandum of cooperation, which will most likely concern the implementation of the South Stream project. The Inter RAO Company will also sign a cooperation agreement with L’electricite de France and a memorandum of mutual understanding and exchange of information between the Federal Service for Financial Markets and the French Agency for Financial Markets will be signed. Vladimir Putin will be accompanied by Vice-Premiers Igor Sechin and Alexander Zhukov, Minister of Economic Development Elvira Nabiullina, the Head of the Russian Transport Ministry Igor Levitin, Culture Minister Alexander Avdeyev, the Head of the Ministry of Education and Science Andrei Fursenko and the Minister of Communications Igor Shchegolev. Russia has about 470 enterprises with the French capital while investments are rather diversified in various branches of industry. The French oil group Total participates in the development of the Kharyaginskoye oil deposit and the Schtokman gas condensate field; Renault has a share in the capital of Avtovaz, Pigeout Citroen is building a car assembly plant in the Kaluga region. The joint Russian-French venture Alstom-Atomenergomash produces low-speed turbines for nuclear power stations.

Зампроректора РУДН обстреляли из "Мерседеса". 26 ноября, 17:20 | Артем БАЛОБАН. В столице, на пересечении Ленинского проспекта и ул. Островитянова, неизвестные на "Мерседесе" обстреляли универсал "Форд", в котором в этот момент находилась зампроректора по связям с общественностью РУДН Елена Мартыненко, никто не пострадал. В настоящее время на месте происшествия работают сотрудники милиции. Они устанавливают вид оружия, из которого велась стрельба, и обстоятельства случившегося. Напомним, накануне, в среду, на западе Москвы был убит глава крупной промышленной компании Алексей Евстюхов. Его расстреляли из пистолета на территории гаражного кооператива, расположенного на Осенней улице. Три пули попали 49-летнему бизнесмену в голову, одна в туловище. Сотрудники милиции, прибывшие на место ЧП, разминулись с подозреваемыми в убийстве "буквально на пару минут". Подозреваемые в убийстве Евстюхова попали в объективы камер, установленных в помещении подземной парковки. По словам следователей, которые сейчас изучают пленки с видеоматериалом, на записи отчетливо видны лица предполагаемых преступников. Постоянный адрес статьи:

Гендиректор Ассоциации охранных предприятий ограблен в Москве. 26 ноября 2009 г.09:34. Генеральный директор Ассоциации охранных предприятий подвергся бандитскому нападению в Москве. На улице в центре столицы к 61-летнему директору подбежали трое неизвестных. Они избили его и отняли портфель, в котором находилось 350 тысяч рублей. Нападение произошло около 13 часов в среду на Садово-Черногрязской улице около дома №11/2. Но буквально спустя два часа после преступления сотрудникиправоохранительных органов задержали на Бауманской улице 39-летнего неработающего уроженца Грузии, который подозревается в совершении данного преступления. В настоящее время розыск продолжается розыск ещё двух участников преступления. "Интерфакс" сообщает, что по факту нападения возбуждено уголовное дело по второй части статьи 161 УК РФ (грабеж).

Horrifying moment a man jumped into a bear's enclosure. Last updated at 2:26 PM on 25th November 2009. These dramatic pictures show the moment a mentally-disabled man climbed a fence into a bear enclosure before being attacked. The 25-year-old was badly injured, but survived and his life is now out of danger. Shocked onlookers watched the horrific events unfold at a zoo in Bern, Switzerland on Saturday. The four-year-old bear called Finn aggressively attacked the man, using brutal force to bite his torso and shaking his bloody body around as he mauled him. The violence lasted seven long minutes until police finally shot the bear to scare him off. The park’s director Bernd Schildger said tranquilizer darts would not have been much use as they would have needed a few minutes to take affect. “This is a tragic day for the wounded man, the bear and the employees of the park,” said Schildger. It was confirmed that the man climbed onto the wall himself at around 4pm, but it is still unknown whether he then fell or jumped into the bear’s enclosure. Park visitors first tried to distract the bear by throwing objects at him. Schildger explained that it probably only upset the bear even more, as he was simply trying to defend his territory. Police and zoo officials say there has been an outpouring of public sympathy - for the bear. Bouquets of flowers and pots of honey have been placed outside his enclosure.

В Белгородской области пограничники застрелили нарушителя границы. 26.11.2009, Белгород 17:20:02 На территории Шебекинского района Белгородской области пограничный наряд в ночь с 25 на 26 ноября обнаружил автомобиль УАЗ-2121 с украинскими номерами, который двигался на территорию Харьковской области. Как сообщили в пресс-службе Пограничного управления по Белгородской и Воронежской областям, нарушитель не подчинился требованиям пограничников об остановке и, "создавая опасность для жизни и здоровья составу наряда", попытался скрыться. Пограничный наряд, в соответствии с законом о государственной границе, применил оружие. Транспортное средство задержали в пяти метрах от линии государственной границы. В ходе досмотра автомобиля установлено, что водитель, предположительно гражданин Украины, скончался от полученного огнестрельного ранения. В салоне автомобиля и в прицепе обнаружен груз - техническое оборудование. Позже сотрудники Пограничного управления установили, что транспортное средство принадлежит гражданину Украины, жителю г.Волчанск Харьковской области. Оперативно-следственная группа осматривает место происшествия и устанавливает личность погибшего.

Russian State Civil Nuclear Holding AtomEnergoProm Planned RUR195 Bil Sr Unsecured Bond (Series 1-10) Rated 'BBB-/ruAAA' Price $100.00 available for immediate download Abstract: MOSCOW (Standard&Poor's) Nov. 18, 2009--Standard&Poor's Ratings Services said today that it had assigned its 'BBB-' long-term senior unsecured debt rating and 'ruAAA' Russia national scale rating to a proposed senior unsecured bond to be issued by Russian state-owned civil nuclear assets holding company Atomic Energy Power Corporation (JSC) (AtomEnergoProm; BBB-/Stable/A-3; Russia national scale rating 'ruAAA') for up to Russian ruble (RUR) 195 billion (about $6,800 million). The issue will consist of 10 series: series 1-5 for RUR30 billion each; series 6-9 for RUR10 billion each; and series 10 for RUR5 billion. AtomEnergoProm is planning to place series 1-3 (for RUR90 billion in total) in November-December 2009, and the other series will be placed in 2010. Each Brief Excerpt: RESEARCH Ratings Definitions Russian State Civil Nuclear Holding AtomEnergoProm Planned RUR195 Bil Sr Unsecured Bond (Series 1-10) Rated '###-/ruAAA' Publication date: 18-Nov-2009 Primary Credit Analyst: Boris Kopeykin, Moscow Report Type: Ratings Action Ticker: 1026352Z@RU Issuer: tomic Energy Power Corporation (JSC) GICS: Electric Utilities (55101010) Sector: Global Issuers Region: Europe, Middle East, Africa

Налетчики шли на инкассаторов с топорами. 26 ноября 2009 г. 17:23 В Самаре совершено вооруженное нападение на инкассаторов. Похищено 17 миллионов рублей. Один из охранников ранен. В городе введен план "Перехват". Милиция ищет налетчиков, которые скрылись с места преступления на белой "Шевроле-Ниве". Выстрелы во дворе на улице Революционной раздались в половине десятого утра. В это время дома только пенсионеры. Перестрелок раньше им слышать не доводилось. "Я лежала дома, смотрела телевизор. И тут вдруг что-то затрещало. Я подумала: банки с огурцами, что ли, лопнули? А вообще, на выстрелы похоже - как их по телевизору показывают", - рассказывает Евдокия Талкерова, жительница дома 133 по ул. Революционной. Это на самом деле были выстрелы. Стреляли по инкассаторской машине, которая остановилась у отделения Сбербанка. Бандитам удалось захватить пять мешков с деньгами. В них находились 3 000 долларов США, 5 000 евро, но в основном - российские рубли. Общая сумма похищенного оценивается в 16,5 миллиона рублей. Судя по тому, что злоумышленникам удалось довести свой план до конца, преступление было тщательно продумано. "Оружие, которым пользовались злоумышленники, пока не установлено. Но известно, что оно было ранее похищено ими", - отмечает Елена Шкаева, старший помощник руководителя cледственного управления Следственного комитета при генпрокуратуре РФ по Самарской области. Скорее всего, в угоне числится и машина "Жигули" 9-й модели, на которой бандиты подъехали к Сбербанку. Она вскоре была найдена в нескольких кварталах отсюда. Перед тем, как пересесть в другой автомобиль, этот злоумышленники подожгли. Следственный комитет возбудил уголовное дело сразу по трем статьям. Отделение Сбербанка, которое подверглось нападению, сегодня клиентов не обслуживало. Здесь работали сразу несколько следственных бригад. На месте нападения следователи нашли несколько гильз и два топора. Если с гильзами все понятно, то как использовались топоры - пока загадка. Один из инкассаторов получил множественные огнестрельные ранения в области головы, шеи и грудной клетки. Уже через час после нападения он был прооперирован в городской больнице имени Пирогова. "Его состояние соответствует степени тяжести полученных им ранений. Угроза жизни пока не миновала", - сообщил Владислав Романов, начальник департамента здравоохранения администрации г. Самары. Ограбленное отделение обслуживает собственное управление инкассации Поволжского банка Сбербанка России. Происшедшее здесь никак не комментируют, ссылаясь на запрет, поступивший из головного офиса Сбербанка России. Сразу после нападения в городе был введен план "Перехват", но задержать преступников по горячим следам пока не удалось.

After receive more detail from FranceRussia negotiations put in blog. Describing the two axes from AtomEnergoProm and exposing in this way his and theirs sranaia churka’s“oath” called the Basel II Interbank Agreement. And in which language the Kremlin body-guards start to speak about a Mistral.

Available for immediate download.

Available for immediate download. Perderão o rejisto do casamento civil. Translation: They lost the Civil register of marriage. The essential point of this theme, was that dream was in english but the name of situation – in Portuguese. (Immediately put in my sight the period of glorious merges in City.) My long experience with governmental bureaus bureaucrats tell me that this is connected with theirs identity and with my ability to traverse “various” situations. In this case its indicate that they are trying to find themselves and get a sense of who they are. Alternatively, they may feel that opportunities are being close off to them...

Russian State Civil Nuclear Holding AtomEnergoProm Planned RUR195 Bil Sr Unsecured Bond (Series 1-10) Rated 'BBB-/ruAAA' Price $100.00 available for immediate download Abstract: MOSCOW (Standard&Poor's) Nov. 18, 2009--Standard&Poor's Ratings Services said today that it had assigned its 'BBB-' long-term senior unsecured debt rating and 'ruAAA' Russia national scale rating to a proposed senior unsecured bond to be issued by Russian state-owned civil nuclear assets holding company Atomic Energy Power Corporation (JSC) (AtomEnergoProm; BBB-/Stable/A-3; Russia national scale rating 'ruAAA') for up to Russian ruble (RUR) 195 billion (about $6,800 million). The issue will consist of 10 series: series 1-5 for RUR30 billion each; series 6-9 for RUR10 billion each; and series 10 for RUR5 billion. AtomEnergoProm is planning to place series 1-3 (for RUR90 billion in total) in November-December 2009, and the other series will be placed in 2010. Each Brief Excerpt: RESEARCH Ratings Definitions Russian State Civil Nuclear Holding AtomEnergoProm Planned RUR195 Bil Sr Unsecured Bond (Series 1-10) Rated '###-/ruAAA' Publication date: 18-Nov-2009 Primary Credit Analyst: Boris Kopeykin, Moscow Report Type: Ratings Action Ticker: 1026352Z@RU Issuer: tomic Energy Power Corporation (JSC) GICS: Electric Utilities (55101010) Sector: Global Issuers Region: Europe, Middle East, Africa

White House state dinner gate-crashed by reality TV wannabes. For sheer brazen chutzpah it will take some beating. When a stunning blonde dressed in a red and gold sari and accompanied by her tux-wearing husband arrived at the White House on Tuesday night, announcing that they were guests at the state dinner honouring the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, no questions were asked. A Marine announced their names and within minutes the pair were mingling with 300 other elite guests for cocktails in the East Room before heading for the dinner tent on the South Lawn. On the way they stopped on the red carpet for photographs, posing alongside — among others — Vice President Joe Biden, White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty. The only trouble with the glittering scenes was that the couple, Michaele and Tareq Salahi, had never been invited to the high-security dinner. The two polo-playing aspiring reality TV stars from Virginia were high-society gate crashers — and the first the White House security detail knew of their blunder in allowing them into Tuesday's event was when the couple posted photographs from the dinner on their Facebook page. "Honored to be at the White House for the state dinner in honor of India with President Obama and our First Lady!" one of them wrote on their joint Facebook page at 9.08pm. The first people to successfully gatecrash the White House have sparked an investigation by the Secret Service, which is re-examining its own security procedures after confirming that the Salahis had managed to slip into the event despite going through the same security screening as the genuine guests. The agency's Office of Professional Responsibility was reviewing what occurred, said Ed Donovan, a spokesman. An initial finding indicated that a checkpoint did not follow proper procedures to ensure that the two were on the guest list, Mr Donovan said. However, because they were screened for weapons, Mr Obama and other VIPs were never in any danger, he added. While their Facebook photographs indicate that they walked into the dinner tent, it is uncertain whether they stayed for the curried prawns and aragula. There was no security checkpoint when guests left the event. A woman describing herself as a publicist for the Salahis denied to the Washington Post that they were interlopers. In a statement Mahogany Jones said: "The Salahis were honoured to be a part of such a prestigious event ... They both had a wonderful time." The Salahis, who are well known in American polo-playing society, have recently turned their sights to reality TV. Ms Salahi is understood to be under consideration for one of the "Real Housewives" of Washington for the latest edition of the reality show that is a spinoff from the television series Desperate Housewives. On Tuesday night, they played the part of VIP guests so well that nobody saw through them; they even managed to be photographed with three unsuspecting Marines. Asked via Facebook how they happened to attend the dinner, Mr Salahi told The Washington Post: "India is the challenger in the America's Polo Cup World Championships June 11-12 2010, and they are very excited in this first ever cultural connection being hosted on the DC National Mall since Polo is one of the primary sports in India." When pressed about why they did not appear on the official list, he added, "it was last minute".

I WANT INSIST WITH THIS THEME. THE IMPLICATIONS TONIGHT TURN UP TO BE FROM THIS KIND OF LEVEL (PEOPLE) Barroso promete resistir las presiones en torno al nombramiento de comisarios. Publicado el 25-11-2009 , José Manuel Barroso, el presidente de la Comisión Europea, prometió el jueves resistir las presiones de los estados miembros que codician los cargos más importantes en sus deliberaciones finales sobre la composición de la próxima Comisión. Los tres últimos estados miembros –Dinamarca, Holanda y Malta– presentaron a sus candidatos el martes, lo que despejó el camino para que Barroso asigne las 25 carteras todavía pendientes después del nombramiento de la británica Lady Ashton como Alta Representante. Según fuentes familiarizadas con la situación, se espera que Barroso anuncie la composición de la nueva Comisión a principios de la próxima semana, tras regresar de una cumbre entre la UE y China, aunque la noticia podría adelantarse. La lucha por los principales cargos ha intensificado la competencia entre los estados miembros y ha provocado que aumenten las acusaciones de acuerdos secretos, en especial por las codiciadas carteras económicas. La Comisión tiene que someterse al estudio del Parlamento europeo, algo que no se espera hasta enero. El martes, Barroso dijo a los miembros del Parlamento: “Seamos sinceros: Todos nos vemos sometidos a presiones y solicitudes. Pero al final, la decisión última sobre la composición de la Comisión será mía”. Entretanto, Holanda colocó una de las últimas piezas al anunciar la designación de Neelie Kroes, la respetada comisaria de la Competencia, para otra legislatura pese a que su partido está en la oposición. Anoche, corrían rumores en Holanda de que Kroes podría asumir la cartera de “Economía Digital”, que cubre las telecomunicaciones, la informática y, posiblemente, los derechos de autor. “Recibirá una cartera importante para el futuro de Europa. Estará vinculada al comercio en Internet, la digitalización, la banda ancha, los teléfonos móviles –todas las cuestiones relativas a la realidad tecnológica–. Está muy motivada. Es una cartera orientada al futuro”, explicó Jan Peter Balkenende, el primer ministro holandés, al canal de televisión nacional NOS. Es probable que el nombramiento se considere un revés para Balkenende, al que se descartó la semana pasada para la presidencia europea y que deseaba nombrar un comisario de su propio partido conservador. El respaldo a Kroes, miembro de la oposición liberal, se había basado en el supuesto generalizado de que atraería una cartera importante, como Comercio. Sin embargo, los medios de comunicación holandeses especulaban anoche con que Kroes podría ser nombrada vicepresidenta de la Comisión. Kroes declaró que estaba “muy contenta” con la elección. Entretanto, Dinamarca designó a Connie Hedegaard, la ministra de Clima y Energía, como su próxima comisaria. Se considera que Hedegaard es la mejor posicionada para convertirse en la primera comisaria de Cambio Climático. Barroso sugirió la creación de la cartera a principios de este año, aunque su papel formal aún no está claro. El presidente de la Comisión indicó que el nuevo comisario se haría cargo de la política sobre cambio climático de la UE –a escala tanto interna como externa– y trasladaría las preocupaciones relativas al clima a otras carteras, como Comercio e Industria.

I see clearly which class and who (I.e. Da tu Unsay?). Philippines massacre suspect turns himself in. By South East Asia correspondent 11/26/2009 9:23:00 AM. Posted 47 minutes ago. Updated 43 minutes ago. The main suspect in this week's mass murders in the southern Philippines is in custody after turning himself into authorities today. Politician Andal Amputuan is accused of leading Monday's politically motivated massacre which led to the deaths of 57 people. Andal Amputuan is the mayor of the town of Datu Unsay in the province of Maguindanao. After surrendering this morning, he told officials that he was not responsible for Monday's attack. But witnesses say he was leading the ambush by armed men who shot and mutilated women and journalists. Those killed were linked to Esmael Mangadadatu, who had despatched the group to lodge election documents to challenge Amputuan's run for governor of the province. President Gloria Arroyo has led prayers in a day of national mourning and has promised justice. But her close links to the Amputuan family have undermined her tough stance. The military has taken control of parts of the province as it tries to track down members of the Amputuan private militia.