Friday 2 October 2009

You know the expression: “Happy like a clown”?

You know the expression: “Happy like a clown”? This was my general idea after hearing the Co asking me to be more social, more “dado” and to participate in whatever form with my writings in the USIran negotiations’. After yesterday sighting of the two teams from secret police speaking in Spanish, after the “all my tree” “without the reason” gathering at the “our” supermarket, (see the “No 10 maisonette”) with a mullah with the age of the minor, the same mullah who constantly are doping at my windows, and than like today, are offering to me his ear, I can answer to this indecent by the within financial reasons of this proposal – fi-i-ine. More yet if: “…Iran has agreed to significantly reduce its stocks of uranium is the most striking outcome of Thursday’s talks between Tehran and the world powers…” Mean, between the pirate Solana and his almohad brother. Although, politically (from the ‘poor like a church rat’ point of view) I suspect that this entire proposal arrive from my, old time friend. If true, the all this USIran negotiations is something natural, from nature and to the nature way. And if I am right in my guess from where these come from, I’ll just short my answer to this colossal and strategic proposal with one common point of view which we shared a many years ago. That long tong of Jack London, which ones said: “Nature did not care. To life she set one task, gave one law. To perpetuate was the task of life, its law was death.” (1876 – 1916). Now, if I believe in my plans, and if I’m ready to “rewrite” my own definitions of who I am and what I’m capable off, that I can start describing how the puppy from London Rathause (i.e. the vybliadok of Bragança, responsible by the Transport of London Metropolitan) for two days was trying to selling me the his, “reasonably priced” daughter. By the way, telling me that this is the British Petroleum’s pure bread. And that the her trunk had nothing but sparkles from Gujarat with the Jews “certificates” and visas. And that the Iranians “Magic lantern of Aladdin” – is just the english speaking world in what knows by the “what you do to find the job” as the working fun. That second act in a very knowing play called “David Kelly”, which I think that, can be attripulated too to the “my old time friend” ‘indecent proposal’. If you live in this planet with attention for last four decades, you can agree with term “indecent”. Because of financial side of the Royalties and Concessions universally applicable to the any nation of the…, and to the ongoing… from my pocket. Any one knows how I don’t like to write these words. But, my this morning behavior, and how I feel tired, confuse, and with seriously weak coordination of movements, all this help understood what I mean. Maybe the similarly feel the чмо Lavrov reading the pages of, the for all Kremlin похоронка. (see the text below). Which like all things of the nature, - don’t arrive along. They arrive together with a 9 000 people lay-out in the Rssneft. With the elimination by the GM of the Saturn brand. (Because of Penske Automotive Group pull out at last moment. In my opinion, it’s derivates from the Renault (France) and the Opel (Sberbank)’s fresh situation in the “new” Energy Policy front. And finally, the “in time and super-important” news arrived from Portugal. With names, dates and with further than goal purpose. Maybe it’s philosophical, but working up this avenues can at least calm others people proposals and curiosities.

Negócio dos submarinos: Contrapartidas lesam Estado em 34 milhões. publicado a 2009-10-02 às 01:00. Um dos dois inquéritos dos submarinos, relativo ao processo das contrapartidas, acaba de ser encerrado. Dez arguidos foram acusados de falsificação de documentos e burla qualificada por lesarem o Estado em 33,9 milhões de euros. O despacho de acusação foi emitido anteontem e visa três alemães, do consórcio que vendeu dois submarinos a Portugal, por cerca de mil milhões de euros, e sete empresários portugueses do agrupamento de empresas ACECIA, que beneficiou do programa das contrapartidas do negócio dos navios, firmado pelo ex-ministro Paulo Portas, em 2004. Ao despacho de acusação, as procuradoras do Departamento Central de Investigação e Acção Penal (DCIAP) Auristela Gomes Pereira e Carla Dias acrescentaram uma acção cível, para castigar a "conduta ardilosa e dolosa dos arguidos", com o pagamento de uma indemnização de 33,9 milhões de euros ao Estado. As empresas do Germain Submarine Consortium (GSC) venceram o polémico concurso dos submarinos, com um programa de contrapartidas que se propunha a ajudar a indústria portuguesa a gerar negócios na ordem dos 1200 milhões de euros. O programa tem suscitado controvérsia, pois enquanto a Comissão de Contrapartidas defende que só foram cumpridos 25% das contrapartidas, o GSC fala em 63%. "Até à presente data", o DCIAP verificou que vários projectos da ACECIA, na área da indústria automóvel, que envolvia marcas como a Opel, a Seat e a Volkswagen, foram contabilizados como contrapartidas, no valor de 48 milhões de euros, sem terem merecido a intervenção da Man Ferrostaal (empresa do consórcio GSC responsável pelo programa). Ou seja: tratava-se de projectos que a ACECIA tinha em curso antes de ser aceite como beneficiária das contrapartidas, mas cujo valor foi subtraído às obrigações do consórcio alemão. Como diz o DCIAP, os arguidos alemães e portugueses "actuaram de forma concertada e em conjugação de esforços, com o firme propósito de obterem vantagens indevidas": os alemães diminuíram encargos e criaram a aparência de um desempenho "célere e eficaz" no competitivo mundo das contrapartidas; a ACECIA, por seu lado, recebeu dos alemães "compensações" no valor de 104 mil euros, embora ambicionassem encaixar 1,4 milhões. Para o DCIAP, a inclusão indevida dos projectos de 48 milhões no programa das contrapartidas causou ao Estado Português um prejuízo de 33,9 milhões, "decorrente da não realização de novos negócios implementados em resultado da actuação do adjudicatário [GSC] e da não verificação, na economia nacional, do impacto positivo desse novo negócio". Os portugueses acusados dos crimes referidos (a falsificação é punida com pena até três anos e a burla pode ir aos cinco) são José Ramalho, Filipe Moutinho, António Roquette, Rui Santos, Fernando Gonçalves, António Jacinto e José Medeiros, que integravam a ACECIA, através da Simoldes, Sunviauto e Ipetex, entre outras. Os alemães são o vice-presidente da Man Ferrostaal, Horst Weretecki, e dois colaboradores seus, Winfried Hotten e Antje Malinowski. A angariação dos beneficiários das contrapartidas foi uma responsabilidade atribuída, pelo GSC, à Escom UK, do Grupo Espírito Santo.

Xstrata gets Anglo offer deadline. Swiss-based miner Xstrata has been given just over three weeks to make a firm takeover for rival Anglo-American.The Takeover Panel has issued a "put up or shut up" order after an application from Anglo - which felt uncertainty over a possible bid was distracting. If Xstrata does not make an formal offer by 20 October it must walk away from any deal for at least six months. Xstrata approached Anglo in June with a merger-of-equals proposal when both companies were valued at about £20bn. Falling demand Xstrata had claimed a union "of equals" between "these two world-class companies" was "highly compelling". However, Anglo dismissed its rival's approach as "totally unacceptable" and "lacking strategic merit". Chairman of Anglo American, Sir John Parker, welcomed the Takeover panel's move. "We have reaffirmed our conclusion that Xstrata's proposal is not in the interests of our shareholders," he said, Mining firms have been hit by falling demand for metals amid the downturn. They have also had problems raising cash because of the credit crunch, which last year led Xstrata to abandon its £5bn bid for its rival Lonmin. Earlier this year, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton agreed a joint venture - a deal struck after Rio scrapped a planned tie-up with Chinalco, a state-controlled Chinese company.

АВТОРЫ ПИСЬМА: «Неутомимая, но очень утомительная» С. Беломестных, Senior Scientist, Dept. of Physics, Cornell Univ., USA, А. Беляев, Univ. Lecturer, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Univ. of Southampton, UK, П. Берлов, Reader in Applied Mathematics, Dept. of Mathematics and Grantham Climate Inst., Imperial College, London, UK, А. Бучель, Associate Professor, Perimeter Inst. for Theoretical Physics, Ontario, Canada, А. Вайнштейн, Gloria Becker Lubkin Chair in Theoretical Physics, Univ. of Minnesota, USA; Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics, 1999; Pomeranchuk Prize, 2005, А. Волович, Assistant Professor, Brown Univ., USA, И. Гапоненко, Senior Specialist, SLAC National Lab., Stanford, USA, В. Данилов, Senior Scientist, Oak Ridge National Lab., USA, Р. Демина, Professor, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Univ. of Rochester, USA, В. Дудников, Senior Scientist, Muons, Inc.; Batavia IL, USA, И. Ефимов, The Lucy and Stanley Lopata Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Washington Univ., Saint Louis, USA; Fellow of AHA, К. Зарембо, Directeur de Recherche CNRS, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France, В. Казаков, Professor, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris and Univ. Paris-6, France, Humboldt Prize (2007), Servant Prize of French Academy (2007), Ю. Коломенский, Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA, Fellow of APS (2006), А. Корытов, Professor, Univ. of Florida, USA, Л. Кофман, Associate Director, Canadian Inst. for Theoretical Astrophysics, Univ. of Toronto, Canada, Ю. Кубышин, Profesor agregado, Univ. Politécnica de Cataluña, Barcelona, España, С. Кузенко, Professor, School of Physics, Univ. of Western Australia, Australia, В. Лебедев, Assistant Division Head, Fermilab, USA, М. Лютиков, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, Purdue Univ., USA, М. Медведев, Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Univ. of Kansas, USA, В. Муханов, Professor, Head Of the Astroparticle division, LMU, München, Germany, Oskar Klein Medal (2006), Tomalla Prize (2009), С. Нагайцев, Senior Scientist, Associate Division Head, Fermilab, USA; Fellow of APS (2006), С. Назаренко, Professor of Mathematics, Univ. of Warwick, UK, А. Номероцкий, Univ. Lecturer, Dept. of Physics, Oxford Univ., UK, А. Петров, Professor, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Wayne State Univ., USA, В. Рычков, Professor, Univ. Paris-6, France, А. Сафонов, Assistant Professor of Physics, Texas A&M Univ., USA, US Department of Energy Outstanding Junior Investigator (2007), С. Селецкий, Associate Physicist, Brookhaven National Lab., USA, А. Серый, Senior Scientist, FACET Project Head, SLAC National Lab., Stanford, USA, Fellow of APS (2008), С. Солодухин, Professor, Univ. de Tours, Tours, France, Н. Соляк, Senior Scientist, Dept. Head, Fermilab, USA, А. Старинец, Univ. Lecturer, Dept. of Physics, Oxford Univ., UK, М. Стефанов, Professor, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Illinois, Chicago, USA, В. Фогель, Senior Scientist, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, Г. Фурсин, Chargé de recherche, Inst. National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, France, Д. Харзеев, Head, Nuclear Theory Group, Brookhaven National Lab., USA, А. Цейтлин, professor of theoretical physics, Imperial College London, UK; Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award (2001), Д. Цыбышев, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook Univ., USA, В. Чухломин, Department Chair, Marketing and Organizational Behavior, State Univ. of New York, Saratoga Springs, USA, Е. Шабалина, Senior Scientist, II. Physikalisches Institut, Univ. Gottingen, Germany, В. Шильцев, Director of Accelerator Physics Center, Fermilab, USA, А. Щекочихин, Univ. Lecturer, Dept. of Physics, Oxford Univ., UK, В. Яковлев, Senior Scientist, Head of Research Group, Fermilab, USA, В. Ярба, Senior Scientist, Associate Division Head, Fermilab, USA, Fellow of APS.

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